Chapter 5
When I most want to say something, it is often the time when I am the most silent.And who would understand that young man's thoughts?
Lin Yichong didn't know why he walked up to Cen Xueluo like a demon. Facing Cen Xueluo's question, a blush appeared on his dark face, he scratched his head in a panic, and stammered: " I, I'm here..."

Seeing Cen Xueluo raise his eyebrows, Lin Yichong blurted out a ridiculous excuse in a hurry: "Can't I come here to relax?"

Cen Xueluo didn't bother to expose Lin Yichong's lame excuse. The reason why he appeared here had nothing to do with him. Cen Xueluo shrugged, bowed his head and slowly put the letter paper back into the beautiful envelope carefully.

Seeing that Cen Xueluo clearly did not believe her, Lin Yi became impatient, grabbed the letter from her hand, and said loudly, "What's wrong? You are allowed to come, but you are not allowed to come?"

Hearing Lin Yichong's words, Cen Xueluo couldn't help laughing, she pursed her lips and quietly looked at Lin Yichong who was a head taller than her, and said flatly, "Come whenever you like, return the letter to me."

Lin Yichong held up the letter in his hand, and said in a rough voice: "If you don't return it, first tell me why you don't give me face in public." He finally remembered why he chased me out.

Before Cen Xueluo could answer, he saw a black figure rushing towards him, stretching out his hand to snatch the letter from Lin Yichong's hand and shouting, "Return the letter to me."

Lin Yichong raised his arm subconsciously, and with a "stab", the beautiful letter from the United States was split in two under the astonished gazes of the three.

Lin Yichong and Nie Yunfeng, who rushed to snatch it, were dumbfounded with half the letter alone.

A flash of anger flashed in Cen Xueluo's eyes, he looked at the two of them expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Can you return it to me now?"

Two boys who were a head taller than Cen Xueluo foolishly handed the incomplete letter to Cen Xueluo, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

Seeing that Cen Xueluo was about to leave, Nie Yunfeng hurriedly shouted: "Luoluo, I..."

Cen Xueluo stood still and turned around to stare at Nie Yunfeng. This boy who had once fascinated him had a handsome face flushed red. He wanted to explain but couldn't say anything.When the self in the previous life saw Wen Yuanyuan walking in front of him holding Nie Yunfeng's arm, he wanted to hear an explanation from him, but he didn't.Now, I don't even have the mood to listen to his explanation.

Cen Xueluo looked at Nie Yunfeng for three seconds, then turned and left without saying a word.

The slender shadow was stretched very long by the setting sun, and the slight evening wind blew up the hem of the school uniform skirt, causing ripples.

The two boys stood dumbfounded for a while looking at Cen Xueluo's back, and suddenly Lin Yichong greeted Nie Yunfeng with a punch: "Bastard, who asked you to snatch it?"

Not to be outdone, Nie Yunfeng fought back: "Why did you snatch her letter?"

"If you don't grab it, how will it break?"

"Then why don't you pay it back?"


When school was over, Lin Yichong and Nie Yunfeng still hadn't returned to the classroom, Wen Yuanyuan and a few close classmates hurried out to look for it, but Cen Xueluo slowly packed his schoolbag, while Xi Lei was carrying his schoolbag on his back and doing nothing. Walking past Cen Xueluo, he said, "A beauty is a disaster."

With a calm expression, Cen Xueluo continued to pack her things, then left with her schoolbag on her back.

At home, when the mother who was cooking saw Cen Xueluo came back, she quickly smiled, but her red and swollen eyes betrayed her powerless concealment.

Cen Xueluo put down her schoolbag, and obediently helped her mother pick and wash vegetables. Seeing her daughter being so thoughtful and caring, Hao Yuemei's heart warmed up, and the worry in her eyes faded a lot.

Regarding the fact that her father, Cen Ming, was away from home, Cen Xueluo did not say anything to comfort her mother. She believed that her mother had always been a housewife at home, and her dependence on her father had been deeply rooted. She had to fundamentally change her mother's life circle and outlook on life. Let mother get real happiness.

After dinner, returning to her room, Cen Xueluo took out scotch tape, carefully pasted Kevin's letter, spread out the slightly yellowed letter paper, took a half-worn pen, and seriously began to reply to the letter.

The night was getting darker, but the evening wind blowing from the window did not have a trace of coolness. It filled the room with a bit of hot air. Just as Cen Xueluo put down his pen and stretched, he heard his mother Hao Yuemei knock on the door and said worriedly : "Luoluo, go to bed early, don't study too late."

"Okay, sleep right away." Cen Xueluo replied briskly, with a smile on the corner of her lips.The parents of other people's families are all eager for their children to study hard and be greedy for dark nights. Only my mother always loves and pampers me so much, so does the self in the previous life have the capital to degenerate unscrupulously?Mom, I won't let you down again.

After washing, he turned off the light and lay down on the bed. Cen Xueluo didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply opened the purple space and continued to study the "Medical Classics". She has been doing the exercises the next day, and feels that she has a lot of energy.

Flipping through the various herbs in the book, Cen Xueluo couldn't help feeling itchy. She really wanted to prepare a few doses of the medicines in the book right away, but because she didn't have any ingredients, what should I do?
Medicinal materials, medicinal materials... Where can I find medicinal materials?Go to a Chinese medicine store to buy?No, the conditions at home are too difficult, how can I have so much spare money for myself to squander.Or go to the mountains to pick?Now that the mountains in the suburbs are almost being built into resorts, even if there are medicinal materials, they will be trampled to pieces by tourists, right?How to do it?

Just as Cen Xueluo was thinking hard, an impatient voice suddenly sounded in her mind: "Troublesome woman, don't smudge. I have some herbs in my space, come in and get them yourself."

Cen Xueluo's eyes lit up, and she really wanted to run in immediately to see what herbs were in the space. Although she had the authority to open the space, she read the "Medical Classics" very restrainedly every time, and she didn't care about other things. did not move.Hearing that the owner of the space allowed him to enter the space and use the medicinal herbs in the space, Cen Xueluo was overjoyed and thanked repeatedly: "Thank you so much, uh... what's your name?"

Speaking of this mysterious master of the space, let herself be reborn. Although she didn't have the desire to survive at the time, she really had a chance to reshuffle the cards and start over. She found that she still had a lot of expectations and fantasies in her heart, but until now she She didn't even know that the person who helped her... or if it was someone, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but carefully asked him what to call him.

The mysterious owner of the space was silent for a long, long time, so long that Cen Xueluo thought that the other party was not going to talk to her anymore. She was just about to give up waiting and look for herbs when a deep voice came into her mind: "I... .”

(End of this chapter)

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