The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 6 The Desolation of Heart

Chapter 6 The Desolation of Heart
Everyone has a sadness that they want to hide but try to hide.

From... Cen Xueluo let out a low cry in her heart. For some reason, although it was just a single word, she felt full of vicissitudes and desolation for no reason.

"Li?" After a while of silence, Cen Xueluo called out silently.


"Have you recuperated?"


"Then why did you wake up?"

"It's not because of you, a troublesome woman!"

Li's voice was a little annoyed, but Cen Xueluo didn't feel a trace of fear. She felt that this mysterious owner of the space was really a cold-faced and kind-hearted guy. herbs.

Seemingly aware of Cen Xueluo's thoughts, Li became even more annoyed, and said "I'm going to rest, don't bother me!" and then fell silent.

Cen Xueluo knew that a person as capable as Li must have hidden pains that he didn't want to mention, so he didn't ask any more. It's just that this conversation made Cen Xueluo less afraid of Li, and he could be like a friend. to chat with.

friend?Cen Xueluo shook her head, laughed at her whimsy, and then opened up the space to find the medicinal herb Li had mentioned.

The purple space was very large, and it seemed to be filled with purple mist, but there was one place that seemed to have been cleared out on purpose, the mist was thin and glowing, so Cen Xueluo easily found where the herbs were.

Wow... this... is this called a little herb?Cen Xueluo stared dumbfoundedly at the pile of dried medicinal herbs and the endless medicinal fields beside him, his eyes rolled dully, and then he discovered that there were still very simple pharmaceutical equipment such as medicine stoves and danding tripods, Cen Xueluo immediately Get excited, can't wait to identify which herbs are there, and prepare to make medicine.

Cyperus...Psyllium...Scrophulariae...Gentian...Wow!Dragon grass?Ganoderma lucidum?These... aren't these legendary things?Didn't expect it to exist!Cen Xueluo's watery eyes were shining brightly, wishing to pull out all the medicinal herbs at once and try them out. Clenching her fists tightly and trying to restrain herself for a long time, Cen Xueluo carefully took out a few ordinary medicines. She just saw a It was a very common prescription for stopping bleeding and removing blood stasis, but the medicinal materials used were somewhat different from what she remembered, so she decided to start with the most common experiment.

Locking the door, entering the interior of the purple space, and lighting the fire, Cen Xueluo carefully looked around for fear of causing pollution. It would be bad if the space was smoky. Fortunately, the purple mist permeating the space It seems that there is an automatic purification function, and all the smoke is sucked away without a trace.

Staring at the medicine stove without blinking, he put the weighed herbs in one by one, and beads of sweat appeared on the tip of Cen Xueluo's nose because of nervousness.The biggest difference between ancient books and modern medicine is that most of the preparations in ancient books are pills, but in modern times she is good at making medicines.Although the effect of the medicine is better than that of the pill, it is not easy to store and carry.At present, Cen Xueluo is not very sure about refining pills, so the prescription she specially selected is medicine making.

With clear and penetrating eyes, he stared at the liquid with changing colors and bubbling, and carefully controlled the fire and added firewood. The snow-white skin on Cen Xueluo's face had already been rubbed black and white, and he was in a state of embarrassment, but at this moment, she I have long since neglected so much, my heart is beating like a drum, and I am afraid that something will go wrong.

After an unknown amount of time, the liquid medicine gradually changed from light brown to rich and uniform dark brown, and Cen Xueluo's eyes lit up, it was done!Carefully took the porcelain bottle in the space and filled the potion, full of joy, as if I had found a treasure.

While she was getting excited, she suddenly heard a knock on the door, and then her mother Hao Yuemei's voice sounded: "Luoluo, get up."

Cen Xueluo was startled, was it already morning?Unexpectedly, she didn't feel sleepy at all, after tidying up, Cen Xueluo hurried out of the space, and said in response, "Get up."

When she went out to wash, Hao Yuemei was stunned when she saw Cen Xueluo's face: "Why is your face so dirty?"

Cen Xueluo was embarrassed: "I, I accidentally fell off the bed while sleeping."

After breakfast, the sky was still a bit dark, Cen Xueluo walked to school with her schoolbag on her back and lamented that the life of a student is always going to bed later than a dog and waking up earlier than a chicken.

It normally takes Cen Xueluo four or ten minutes to walk from home to school every day, but if she takes a small path, it takes two to ten minutes. However, the path is relatively remote and has to pass through a wasteland, so although she knew the nature of this path in her previous life It exists, but rarely leaves.For some reason, after reliving, she became much more courageous, so she took this path every day to save time.

The breeze in the early morning of May brought the softness of spring and the warmth of summer, and it blew on Cen Xueluo's delicate cheeks, making Cen Xueluo squint her eyes comfortably, immersed in the excitement of successfully making the potion last night, and couldn't extricate herself from it , but suddenly heard a sound of fighting coming from the front.

Hiding vigilantly behind the tree, Cen Xueluo poked out half of his head to look intently, but saw a group of people chasing a boy on the wasteland not far from him in front of him. The boy ran towards Cen Xueluo while dodging. , when Cen Xueluo was about four meters away from the tree where Cen Xueluo was hiding, he was suddenly dragged to the ground by the people behind, and then a group of people swarmed up, punching and kicking the boy lying on the ground, the boy just covered his head with his hands Head, bowed body dodge left and right.

Cen Xueluo's eyes widened in horror, watching a boy with a beard pick up a brick and smash it hard at the boy on the ground. In an instant, blood flowed down the forehead of the boy who fell on the ground.

The group of people who were chasing and beating them were only sixteen or seventeen years old, and they were a little confused when they saw the bleeding. One of them shouted: "Old Hei, are you playing too hard?"

The boy with a beard on his lips who was called Old Hei spat fiercely, and said with a ferocious expression: "If you don't teach him a lesson, he won't have a long memory."

"Okay, okay, don't kill people."

"Be careful when you go out, kid! Old Hei, let's go."

"Mo Yifan, remember, stay away from Qin Yao in the future!" Lao Hei raised his foot and kicked the boy on the ground, warning.

"Let's go, let's go. Don't go any more and be late."

The group of people greeted and left in a hurry. No one found Cen Xueluo hiding behind the tree.

Mo Yifan?do not know.Cen Xueluo looked at the big boy lying motionless on the ground, took a light step, and was about to leave quietly, but he didn't expect that the moment she moved, the boy turned his head and opened his eyes to look over. , but a pair of eyes are sharp and scary.

Cen Xueluo was startled, and simply walked out from behind the tree, and said calmly, "I'm just passing by."

(End of this chapter)

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