Chapter 60

The bald head's attack was sudden and fast, but this speed was nothing to Cen Xueluo.Amid Cheng Fei and the others' screams, Cen Xueluo turned sideways slightly, stretched out her white and slender hand, and was about to stab the bald head, but the bald head's forward momentum suddenly stopped, and he spit out blood and flew out backwards .

Cheng Fei and the others watched in admiration, what is a master?Look at people!I couldn't see the shot at all, and the bald head was directly KO'd.

Several people were looking at Cen Xueluo's gourd baby mask with admiration, but they heard Cen Xueluo turn around and shout, "Who?"

This sound made everyone present nervous, and Mo Yifan turned around abruptly, and subconsciously took a step sideways to stand beside Cen Xueluo.

The two figures flew over quickly without even touching the ground, and Kevin came before he could reach him: "Luoluo, are you alright?"

Seeing Kevin and Baiyu coming, Cen Xueluo's eyes softened a little, showing a hint of warmth: "You're here."

Kevin's heart was about to jump out just now. He saw a big man waving a dagger and rushing towards Cen Xueluo's figure from a distance. Without thinking about it, he picked up a stone the size of an egg with his toes, and then slammed Kicked the stone as a hidden weapon and shot it out.

Using lightness kung fu to the extreme, he flew to the front, saw that Cen Xueluo was safe and sound, Kevin heaved a sigh of relief, just about to step over, but suddenly found Mo Yifan's hostile gaze, he couldn't help but be taken aback: "Who are these? "

"Mo Yifan, that's Cheng Fei from the Black Tiger Gang, I don't know the others." Cen Xueluo gave a brief introduction, and then his eyes fell on the bald man lying on the ground not far away, vomiting blood and panting.

There was a lot of dust on the bald head, the dagger fell to the side, and he was holding his chest and gasping for breath. Blood flowed from his mouth from time to time, but his eyes were still hysterical and crazy.

Seeing the miserable state of the bald head, Cheng Fei couldn't help but sighed and shook his head slightly.People are doing it, and the sky is watching. If you do too much unrighteousness, you will die yourself.

Bai Qiang's complexion was a bit strange, he stared at the bald head for a while, bit his lip, and finally lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

With a mask on, Cen Xueluo couldn't see his expression, but his eyes lingered on the bald head for a long time.

Kevin saw Cen Xueluo staring at the bald head, with a trace of embarrassment on his handsome face: "I was too anxious just now, so I acted a little hard."

Cen Xueluo shook his head slightly, his eyes rolled, and his voice was light and light: "He deserved what he deserved. Did you bring the people outside?"

"Hmm. There should not be many arrested." Kevin nodded, "Let's go out and talk about it."

Several people walked out back and forth, and the bald head lying on the ground was also supported by Cheng Fei's people. As for the dagger that killed Brother Jun, Bai Li put it away, saying that it was to be used as a witness.

When they came out, the most eye-catching thing was the cartoon mask on Cen Xueluo's face, which looked extraordinarily weird in this serious atmosphere.But when everyone saw Kevin and Baichen beside them, they wisely didn't ask any more questions.

Several people from Cheng Fei were escorted away and sent to the police station to make confessions, but they just got together to fight, and the crime was not serious, but the seriously injured bald head must not escape death.Even if the court doesn't judge, the Public Security Bureau doesn't care, and the bald head will be killed by Brother Jun's younger brother for revenge.

Cen Xueluo watched as hundreds of members of the Black Tiger Gang were arrested one after another, their heads drooping like defeated roosters, and Brother Jun's body was carried into a police car and roared away.Brother Jun is also considered to be the leader of the mafia in M ​​city. He has dominated the situation for so many years, but he didn't want to just die in the hands of the bald head.When a person lives with one breath and dies, ashes return to ashes, ashes return to ashes, and there is nothing left in the end.

Mo Yifan followed closely behind Cen Xueluo, his face turned blue, until Kevin and Baili went to explain to the leading officer, he asked in a shy voice, "Your friends are all so strong. ?”

"Huh?" Cen Xueluo turned her head in surprise, "Not really. But he is much stronger than before." Just by looking at the stone on the bald head, one can see Kevin's strength.The accuracy was impeccable, and even the strength was astonishing. Others didn't notice, but Cen Xueluo clearly saw that the stone shattered into powder after hitting the bald head, which showed its deep internal strength.

Li's voice suddenly came out: "I hate that kid's breath."

"Huh? Who?" Cen Xueluo didn't understand who Li was talking about for a moment.

"The one just now, the one who used the stone as a football." Li recently yelled like a child as his speech and thinking became more and more childish.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help laughing: "You mean Kevin? Why?"

The purple mist where Li was located twitched a few times, seemed quite distressed, and finally calmed down, hesitantly said: "I don't know, I just feel very annoying. It's strange, why? I can't remember."

"Are you senile dementia?" Cen Xueluo didn't take Li's words to heart. From her point of view, same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts, probably because Li thinks Kevin is young and handsome, and he has achieved success in cultivation, so he is a bit repulsive. .

Strangely, after hearing what Cen Xueluo said, Li did not refute, but jumped violently, and then the purple mist kept rolling, floating back and forth in the space.

After dealing with the other side, watching the military vehicles drive away, Kevin walked back with Bai Zhi, and led Cen Xueluo and Mo Yifan to a modified jeep.

He opened the car door for Cen Xueluo in a gentlemanly manner, and then Kevin sat in the driver's seat, started the car and asked, "Where are you going, I'll take you off."

Kevin seemed to be asking Cen Xueluo and Mo Yifan for their opinions, but his eyes were staring at Mo Yifan through the rearview mirror.

"Just let me go in the urban area." Mo Yifan sullenly said, his tone was very flat, but his attitude was not so friendly.

"I'll get out of the car with you." At this time there was no outsider, Cen Xueluo had already taken off his mask, revealing a fair and glamorous face, his clear eyes met Kevin's puzzled look in the rearview mirror, and explained softly, "I There are still some things to discuss with Mo Yifan, go back later."

Kevin didn't ask much, and nodded in response: "Well, I'll wait for you."

The familiarity and intimacy in Cen Xueluo's and Kevin's words made Mo Yifan very uncomfortable. He turned his head to look out the window with a stern face, without saying a word.

Finding a remote intersection and getting off the car, watching Kevin drive away with Bai Li, Cen Xueluo turned around and asked Mo Yifan: "Yiping's revenge has been avenged, can you tell me what you plan to do in the future?"

Mo Yifan twitched the corners of his lips, squinted at the ground, and showed a wry smile: "What plans can I have? Let's eat and die! I don't have a powerful father, and I don't have any skills..."

"Bastard!" Cen Xueluo suddenly interrupted with hatred, staring at Mo Yifan with a frosty face, "I told you to live a good life before, but you said you wanted to avenge Yiping! Now that Yiping's revenge has been avenged, tell me I'm just waiting to die?"

Mo Yifan didn't know what was wrong with him, he just felt very uncomfortable, so he said what he said just now on impulse.At this time, Cen Xueluo's questioning made him a little embarrassed, and he retorted with a flushed face: "It's because of Yiping's revenge, so now I can live as I want. You are not me, why do you care about me?" !"

Legend has it that when two people quarreled, the most hurtful words were: "Who are you to me? It's none of your business!" "I have nothing to do with you!" "What right do you have to control me!" and so on.Although the speaker was impulsive and angry, the listener felt heartbroken.

Of course, to Cen Xueluo, it was not enough to break her heart, but her pair of clear eyes were full of disappointment. Her faint willow eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her tone was very flat, without any emotion: "Well. It's true that I'm meddling in my own business."

Then, Cen Xueluo took a deep look at Mo Yifan, and finally advised: "Even with Kevin's help in Brother Jun's matter, there may still be some fish that slip through the net. If you continue to plan to stay in M ​​City, you must be careful. "

After saying this, Cen Xueluo's eyes returned to calm, and he turned and left without any hesitation.

"I..." The words of explanation got stuck in Mo Yifan's mouth. He raised his head and looked at Cen Xueluo's leaving figure. It waved in the air.She obviously didn't mean it that way, Cen Xueluo helped her so much, but she must be very angry when she said that.But, is it true that she no longer cares about me?Mo Yifan couldn't help raising his head to look at the back figure that disappeared at the corner of the street, feeling an unspeakable loss in his heart.

Back to the courtyard prepared by Major Xiao, as soon as he entered the door, he saw the figure of his mother poking out of Xiaoxiao's room, and saw himself greeted with a face full of surprise: "Luoluo——"

"Mom!" Seeing her mother's kind face, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but yelled and ran over, like a bird returning home, she threw herself into her arms.Cen Xueluo hugged her mother tightly, eager to absorb the warmth, buried her face deeply on her mother's shoulder, and refused to lift it for a long time.Too many things happened today, and I have been holding back, and seeing my mother at this time, all the grievances and worries were vented in my mother's arms.

Hao Yuemei already knew something about her daughter from Major Xiao and Kevin. Although she was extremely surprised, her heart was full of pride.At this time, seeing Cen Xueluo's delicate posture like a little girl, she couldn't help lovingly stroking the hair on the back of Cen Xueluo's head and said with a smile: "Look at you, how old are you and you still act like a baby with your mother."

As soon as her mother said it, Cen Xueluo rubbed her face on her mother's shoulder, raised her head and was waiting for a few words, when she suddenly saw Kevin, Bai Li, Major Xiao and several officers standing in the yard, even the usual serious Major Xiao was also looking at himself with a smile on his face at this time.Cen Xueluo's snow-white face couldn't help turning red, hugging her mother's arm, and embarrassedly greeted everyone.

Seeing that the seemingly powerful people present were so polite to her daughter, Hao Yuemei was overjoyed, took Cen Xueluo's hand and said, "Luoluo, mom doesn't even know you have such a great ability. Woolen cloth!"

Fearing that her mother had missed something, Cen Xueluo hurriedly said: "Mom, I'm capable, I'll definitely explain it to you later. Just save me some face."

Cen Xueluo always had a cold face on weekdays, but now seeing her coquettish manner when talking to her mother, Kevin couldn't help but feel a little strange, his star-like eyes kept staring closely at the intimate mother and daughter.Noticing Kevin's gaze, Cen Xueluo suddenly remembered something, and nodded gratefully at Kevin: "Kevin, thank you for protecting my mother's safety."

Kevin scratched his head a little awkwardly, but now he is more genuine than usual gentle and polite: "Where, I just picked up my aunt, Major Xiao has been with your mother all the time."

Major Xiao waved his hand: "Where is it? You saved my son's life, and I still owe you a big favor. Now it's not safe outside, so you and your mother can live in this yard. Speaking of which, it's also It's not my yard, it's Park Min Hyuk's grandfather, he is also the owner of this place."

Only then did Cen Xueluo know the origin of this courtyard, and took a deep look at Kevin, no wonder he was able to mobilize the army, so it turned out to be so powerful.

Hao Yuemei had been quietly listening to their conversation. In front of these powerful people, she was still a little nervous, so she could only firmly hold Cen Xueluo's hand, trying not to lose face and lose face for her daughter.

Everyone politely said a few words, it was getting late, Kevin thoughtfully arranged Hao Yuemei to the room next to Cen Xueluo.The room has already been furnished, with pale pink curtains hanging, and it is cleaned and tidy. Although the decoration is simple, it looks very comfortable.

Hao Yuemei made the bed, and Cen Xueluo just sat on the chair and poured a cup of hot tea when she saw her mother sitting on the bed, waiting for her to confess.

After hiding it for so long, it's time to reveal something and let my mother know.Cen Xueluo made a prayer pose, and asked her mother devoutly, "Mom, you will be lenient when you confess, right?"

Hao Yuemei snorted through her nose and waved her hands: "Don't do this. Tell me! How many things are you hiding from your mother? Although your mother has no skills, she will stand by your side no matter what. What else do you have with your mother?" Can't say it!"

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but secretly gave a wry smile, it was really hard to say.Do you want to tell your mother yourself, Mom, I actually came back from time travel, our family was supposed to be ruined, and I drank poison and killed myself from the people before I was thirty?
Seeing that Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and remained silent, Hao Yuemei couldn't help but sighed, with a look of worry on her brows: "I heard from that Major Xiao, did you get involved in some underworld fight today? Isn't it dangerous? You kid , no matter how capable you are, you are still a girl even if you can heal diseases. Swords and guns have no eyes, if you are hurt, what will mother do!"

As she spoke, Hao Yuemei's eyes filled with tears.

Seeing her mother like this, Cen Xueluo's heart ached so much, she leaned over and held her mother's hand and said softly, "Mom, I can protect myself. Really, I have kung fu."

Seeing her mother's worried and sad face, Cen Xueluo took out the "Medical Classic" from the space in a snap: "Mom, look, I got a baby by accident. The cultivation methods mentioned above are all true. Yes. In this world, there really is such magical kung fu as in the movie.”

After all, Hao Yuemei demonstrated her embroidery needle skills in front of her mother. Hao Yuemei stopped crying and opened her eyes wide in shock: "Oh my god, am I dreaming? Luoluo you..."

When Cen Xueluo was trying to explain to his mother the origin and strength of his legendary ability, Li's voice suddenly rang out. This was the first time Cen Xueluo heard Li being so serious and serious, and there seemed to be something in that seriousness. With a hint of panic: "Luo, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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