Chapter 61

Listening to Li's tone, Cen Xueluo also knew the seriousness of the situation, and quickly explained some things to Hao Yuemei, and then left with the excuse of going to dispense medicine.

After returning to the house, checking the latch and closing the curtains, Cen Xueluo directly entered the space without even making the bed.

Different from the activeness in the past, Li neither read nor practiced, but quietly floated in the air without moving.

"Li, what's the matter?" Although Cen Xueluo became more and more indifferent to Li and didn't start to respect Li, but after all, Li gave her a chance to live again. grateful.

Ziwu slowly floated in front of Cen Xueluo, and then fell down, as if a person was slowly sitting on the ground.

"Luo, have I changed a lot recently?" Li Youyou asked, with a vague and unreal feeling in his tone.

Cen Xueluo nodded without hesitation: "Indeed. It feels...a lot more real." To say it was childish was a bit too much, so Cen Xueluo softened it up a bit.

"Hehe." Li Xiao was a little sad, Ziwu shrank a bit, her volume became much smaller, and she curled up on the ground, "Luo, I forgot a lot of things. Since I came here, my memory has been degrading rapidly, I don't know After a while, will my memory be blank like a baby."

"What?" Cen Xueluo was really surprised this time, she looked at Li who was curled up on the ground in disbelief, and asked in surprise, "How could this happen?"

"I also realized that something was wrong. I felt that my head was very empty, so I kept absorbing and asked you to find me a book and find a way to fill in the blank space. But...Luo is actually more than just memory, no matter how I Cultivation, my cultivation is regressing." Li said a fact lightly, with a sad and solemn voice, "I am afraid that one day I will forget who I am, where I came from, and what I want to do. So, I want to tell you some of my remaining memories today. If one day I really forget everything, please... at least tell me my name."

"Li..." Cen Xueluo called softly, suddenly realizing that all comforting words were so pale and powerless at this moment.She felt very uneasy. These days, she got used to Li's help, got used to seeing Zi Wu happily flying around as soon as she entered the space, and got used to bickering with Li while concocting medicine in the dead of night.Traveling back together, Li is the only person in this world who knows her details. If Li loses his memory, what should he do?
As if feeling Cen Xueluo's discomfort, Li chuckled, "Don't be infected by me, I won't become an idiot so soon. I will tell you everything I know as soon as possible."

After a pause, Ziwu moved slightly and stretched out. With a tone of reminiscence, Li began to narrate: "After I entered the Tribulation Transcendence Period, I got a treasure, which is the artifact that travels through time and space. But this also brought me trouble. I remember that the person who chased and killed me to seize the treasure was a demon cultivator, with a bloody aura all over his body, but I can't remember the name of this person anyway..."

"I heard that he wanted to snatch this artifact and go back to the past to revive the woman he loves the most in his heart. But I wanted to use this artifact to go back and snatch the Transcending Tribulation Pill, so naturally I refused to give it up. I thought that with my own cultivation Because even if I was defeated, at least it was more than enough to escape. Who knew that the news of my acquisition of the divine weapon was leaked, and a large number of people chased and killed me. My two enemies first severely injured me. I had no choice but to activate the artifact."

Cen Xueluo listened quietly, feeling a little sad in her heart, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to comfort Li.But Li's form is a cloud of purple mist, it is impossible to hold his hand comfortingly like a normal person.Cen Xueluo's hand froze in the air, and just about to take it back, the purple mist spread over, and then Cen Xueluo clearly felt a small hand in his own.

"Li?" Cen Xueluo looked at the fat and white hand in her hand in surprise, and called out softly.Cen Xueluo always thought that Li's form was that cloud of purple mist, never thought that he could really hold Li's hand.

"Luo, maybe my memory and cultivation will degenerate to the end, and even my Nascent Soul will disappear." Li's voice had gradually faded, but the words he said made Cen Xueluo feel even more uncomfortable, "If that day comes, you don't have to. Help me get my body back, but I selfishly hope that you can still remember that I once existed in this world and this space, and my name is Mingli."

Following Li's voice, the purple mist rolled up again, spreading out like smoke, revealing the figure wrapped in the middle of the purple mist.

A figure of less than half a meter stood in the center of the purple mist, wearing a small Taoist robe, as cute and gratifying as a Q-version comic.

Cen Xueluo looked deeply at Li, from his slender eyebrows, black eyes to tightly pursed thin lips, although it was a miniature version of Li, one could still tell from his handsome and clear facial features how he was back then. His graceful demeanor and outstanding appearance.

"You must persevere. I will work hard to help you get back your body." Cen Xueluo felt as if her heart was immersed in the cold sea water, and she wanted to cry sourly.

Li pursed his thin lips and smiled slightly, with a look of sadness in his brows that looked down on the vicissitudes of the world, and waved his hand: "Don't force it. Everything in the world has its definite number. I used a god-defying artifact, and I deserve it." This retribution. However, if one day you really meet that demon who cultivates the way of magic, you must run away far away. It is more important to live without anything!"

Cen Xueluo looked at Li's indifferent and free-spirited look, her eyes couldn't help getting a little moist, she bit her lip and lowered her eyes: "Li, can you tell me how much time is left? Give me a time limit, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, We all have to work hard!"

Li's dark and bright eyes stared at Cen Xueluo closely, and a strange look flashed in his big eyes, then he blinked, turned around, shoulders trembling slightly: "Don't force it."

Li's eyes were big and beautiful, and when he looked at others with wide open eyes, it seemed to be glistening with water. Seeing Li's appearance, Cen Xueluo felt even more uncomfortable, and anxiously took a step forward and asked: "No! It's not impossible. Right? Tell me! How long!"

"I made a preliminary calculation, and there are probably... 300 years!" Li's voice paused when he reached the second half of the sentence, and the speed of his speech suddenly accelerated, and Yuan Ying quickly fled away from Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo was taken aback for a moment, then realized and shouted, "Damn! 300 years! That's enough for me to live for several lifetimes!"

"300 years in the cultivation world is just a flick of a finger. If you can reach the Nascent Soul stage in 300 years, then you are considered a genius!" Li's voice floated from a distance, "But seeing that you have such a low EQ I feel extremely relieved that people will shed tears for me. My vision is really good!"

"Your EQ is low!" Cen Xueluo fought back bitterly.In her previous life, she had always belonged to the kind of person with high IQ but low EQ. She did not expect to be ridiculed by Li after living two lives.

Li smiled and floated in the distance with his hands behind his back, and he didn't talk back.

Cen Xueluo thought for a while and asked, "How long did it take you to reach the Nascent Soul Stage?"

"About 500 years."

Although the conversation with Li ended up as a joke, Cen Xueluo knew that Li must be in a bad situation, otherwise he couldn't be in such a hurry to have a showdown with him.As for the subsequent change in mood, it was only because he didn't want to put too much pressure on himself.

That night, Cen Xueluo's mood was ups and downs. She was not in the mood to refine medicine, so she sat in the space where she left and worked hard to practice.At the same time, in another room, Baiqin and Kevin sat facing each other with serious expressions.

Bai Zhi's charming face was tightly set, and Tao Hua's eyes showed no hint of laughter: "Kevin, tell me the truth, what is your origin?"

"We've known each other for so many years, don't you know my background?" Kevin frowned slightly, looking at Baichen suspiciously.

Baiqian couldn't help but took out a roll of toilet paper from his arms, opened the toilet paper, pointed to the thing wrapped in toilet paper and asked, "What about this? How do you explain it?"

There is no rare treasure wrapped in the toilet paper, on the contrary, it is just a pile of unremarkable scraps.But Kevin knew that this pile of debris was the rock he kicked out.

Baiqin's index finger pointed at the pile of dust, and his excited voice trembled slightly: "You kicked the stone, right? The stone actually shattered into powder! And it shattered after hitting that bald lunatic. Don't you I thought I didn’t see it! This kind of cultivation is already at the ninth level, right? How much strength do you hide? Are you really practicing the Qi family’s skills?”

Baiqin spit out a series of questions, his eyes fixed on Kevin's face: "I made it clear today, but didn't report it, because I hope you will be honest with me. What are you trying to do by hiding your strength?"

Kevin stared at the pile of scraps for a while, his eyes became distant, and he sighed and asked, "Would you believe me if I said that I just want to protect the person I want to protect?"

"Based on the power of your grandfather's family, who else needs you to hide your strength to protect it?" Bai Zhi sneered, making it clear that she didn't believe Kevin's explanation, "The higher-ups sent people to investigate the matter of the poisonous family, but you weren't there in the first place, right? If you insist on applying, don’t tell me what experience it is for, what exactly do you want to do?”

Kevin raised his eyebrows, looked at Bai Zhi's eyes with his narrow and long eyes, and his voice softened: "Of course I came here to investigate the poisonous door. The four of us are asked to make a name for ourselves abroad, do you remember? "

Kevin's eyes seemed to be shining with some kind of strange brilliance, which made Baiqian's eyes a little confused. Baiqian looked at Kevin's magical pupils and lowered his voice: "I remember. But aren't you Korean? Why did you let you join ?”

"Chinese blood flows in my body." Kevin's voice was very soft, as if he was coaxing a baby who was about to fall asleep, "You have to believe in the organization's arrangements, we are a team, we have to trust each other. Forget what happened today It's okay, everything is normal, you are tired, it's time to sleep."

Baiqin stood up staggeringly, like a puppet, with a confused and tired face, went to the bed and lay down, and soon closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Kevin looked at the white quinoa sleeping on the bed, the fantastic color in his eyes disappeared, he gently pulled the thin quilt on the white quinoa, and then walked out the door.

The bright full moon in the night sky shed soft moonlight. In the hazy night, Kevin smiled at the soldiers on guard and walked slowly back to his room.

 If you have to go home on February 2st, it is estimated that you will be able to go online on February 1rd.The chapters have been published on a regular basis in the past few days, please don't go wrong!In advance, I wish those who want to go home during the Chinese New Year to buy tickets smoothly and have a smooth journey! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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