Chapter 63 Off Track
Park Min Woo!It can't be Kevin's brother, can it?Cen Xueluo looked back in amazement, and sure enough, he saw a handsome young man standing up with a grin.

Although Park Min Woo and Park Min Hyuk are twins, it is still easy to tell them apart, because they are only similar in appearance, and with completely different temperaments, it is impossible to think that they are twins. Kevin gave people the feeling that it was as deep as the sea, with many uncertain and changeable factors. Sometimes it shone like the sun, and sometimes it felt dangerous like a silent volcano. Cen Xueluo was still unable to see through it.On the other hand, Park Min Woo is the complete opposite. He is clear and clean, and all his moods and thoughts are shown on his face. Most importantly, his eyes still have the innocent color of a baby.This was Park Minyu's first impression of Cen Xueluo.

But no, very wrong!How did Park Min Woo appear in the high school attached to M University?Cen Xueluo lowered her head, her face was like water, but her heart was filled with turbulent waves.So far, except for the fact that his mother survived, Lin Yichong was admitted to high school, and the summer camp trip led to an early meeting with Kevin, the rest are generally not very different from the previous life, but now, Park Minyu appeared, and he was the same as himself. Ben, what does that mean?It shows that the butterfly effect has already started, and the life in this life is gradually deviating from the track of the previous life and developing in a completely different direction.Not only my own, but also many irrelevant people are changing.And this kind of change is incalculable and unpredictable. What the future will look like is once again an unknown.

After introducing himself in the class, the class teacher chose Nie Yunfeng as the class monitor, Wen Yuanyuan as the party secretary, and Ouyang Jingyi as the art committee member.Listening to the teacher in charge arranging the candidates for class cadres, Cen Xueluo had been thinking about her own affairs silently with an attitude of staying out of the matter, but suddenly heard the teacher in charge calling her name, raised her head blankly, saw the teacher in charge looked over with a smile and said : "Student Cen Xueluo, your high school entrance examination results are very good, so you should be a study committee member."

Cen Xueluo must be absolutely sure and completely sure that he must have never been a class leader in his previous life, and if his memory serves me right, during the military training in the first year of high school, all the freshmen would be taken to the 746 unit camp in the suburbs, and there was a student Accidentally died during military training.

What is that student's name?Cen Xueluo tapped the table lightly with her slender fingers, wrinkling her head and trying to remember.

"Cen Xueluo? My name is Tian Ye. I'm not good at math. Please take care of me in the future!" A boy of medium height with a three to seven cut hair smiled and waved his hand in front of Cen Xueluo's eyes to say hello.

field?Very familiar.Cen Xueluo raised his eyes and glanced at this cheerful boy with broad brows, and nodded in greeting.

Tian Ye was sitting at the front desk of Cen Xueluo. At this time, he turned his whole body 180 degrees, half lying on Cen Xueluo's desk, and said without a trace, "When you gather at school tomorrow, remember to bring all your things, bring more Snacks, there’s nothing to eat anywhere.”

While Tian Ye was talking, Cen Xueluo could smell the faint smell of cigarettes on his body.

Since junior high school, some boys have considered themselves adults and started smoking and drinking.So it's not surprising that Tian Ye smells of smoke.

After school, she went to buy some things, and when she returned to the courtyard, Cen Xueluo was not surprised to find that Park Minyu was there. Since this is Kevin's grandfather's courtyard, it is natural for Park Minyu to live in it.This kind of feeling of being dependent on others is really bad. Cen Xueluo really wanted to take her mother away, but she was afraid that she would not be able to take care of her safety when she was not around, so let her go into the separate space... Forget it, I'm afraid my mother will have a heart attack. Frightened out.

After explaining some things about her mother, especially the safety issue, Cen Xueluo went out and wanted to ask the soldiers on guard to take care of her mother. As soon as she went out, she saw Park Minyu standing in the yard with a smile and kicking a football.

"Hi! Angel!" Park Minyu saw Cen Xueluo who was about to bypass him to go out with sharp eyes, hurriedly tucked the football under his arm, and then chased after him.

The name "angel" made Cen Xueluo stiff for a moment, she turned her head and looked at Pu Minyu suspiciously, gestured and asked with her eyes: "Call me?"
Pu Minyu showed his white teeth with a smile, and narrowed his eyes: "Don't you remember me? You saved me two years ago? It was the time of the math competition." Pu Minyu wanted to help Cen Xueluo with his pictures Restore memory.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help being amused by him: "Yes, I remember. But you were really in a mess back then."

Pu Minyu scratched his head in embarrassment, looking a little cramped: "I wanted to exercise at the time, who knew there were snakes there. Fortunately, I met you. I thought I met an angel, but you really look like an angel! "

Angel?Cen Xueluo looked at the white casual clothes she happened to be wearing today, and couldn't help laughing: "You can't see a person in white clothes like an angel."

"No, you give me the same feeling, and you saved me, I haven't officially thanked you yet!" Park Minyu explained more and more incoherently, and finally put his hands together in a panic to make a letter of thanks.

What a cute boy!The ice and snow on Cen Xueluo's face melted, and a bright smile bloomed: "You're welcome, I just happened to pass by."

"Yes, thank you for your kindness." Park Minyu nodded seriously.

My child, your Chinese teacher died early.Cen Xueluo couldn't help but smiled again.This Park Min Woo is really different from his brother, Kevin doesn't have the frizz and childishness of a teenage boy at all.

The next day, Cen Xueluo and Pu Minyu went to school together, Wen Yuanyuan smiled meaningfully when he saw the two walking into the classroom one after the other.Then, Cen Xueluo saw Nie Yunfeng's slightly gloomy handsome face.

"Hurry up and go back to your seats, you two are late." Nie Yunfeng, as the squad leader, was standing on the podium to check the number of people, when he saw Cen Xueluo and Park Minyu coming in, he couldn't help but say something.

"Is it late? It's only 57:[-], isn't it [-] o'clock?" Park Minyu looked at the mechanical watch on his wrist strangely and muttered.

"Do you have to be late if you don't hurry up early?" Seeing Park Minyu's rebuttal, Nie Yunfeng felt very shameless and taught him a lesson.

Park Minyu was not the kind of serious person either, he stuck out his tongue and crawled back to his seat.

"Hey! You can really pretend." Cen Xueluo heard Tian Ye who was sitting in front of her tilt her head with a smile, and said something vaguely.

After calling the names, the class teacher once again stated the matters that need to be paid attention to in military training, especially telling everyone that they must obey orders and not run around without permission.

They lined up to get on a military truck, which was covered with thick green canvas, so everyone lined up one by one like pumpkins, sticking out their heads to look out in novelty.

"Hey, is this car made for people?" Tian Ye sniffed the canvas behind him, and there was a faint smell mixed with sweat and stench.

"That's right, when our school went to plant trees, they took us there with a pig cart." A boy with round glasses beside the field sniffed and said.

"Pig cart?" Someone asked back, and then everyone burst into laughter.I don't know what's funny about it, but the smile seemed to be infected. Soon, all the students in the car started laughing loudly, and they were out of breath.The instructor roared loudly from the front twice, and the laughter gradually stopped.

As soon as the laughter stopped, everyone covered their mouths and looked at each other's thieves. They couldn't help laughing again, and finally they couldn't hold it back, and they all laughed together.Nie Yunfeng originally wanted to maintain discipline, but was dragged by Wen Yuanyuan to whisper a few words, and then he sat on the side with his mouth shut.

Bumping and galloping all the way, gradually, the laughing students became a little tired. Some leaned against the railing and canvas to take a nap without fear of getting dirty, and some leaned over to rest on top of others.Cen Xueluo stepped aside, staring at the trees passing by on both sides of the road in a daze.

Pu Minyu squeezed over and secretly gave Cen Xueluo a bag of biscuits.

Cen Xueluo looked up at him, and Pu Minyu smiled embarrassedly: "I don't think you brought anything to eat, what if you don't have enough to eat when you go."

Cen Xueluo didn't refuse, thanked her and put the biscuits in her bag.Just as Pu Minyu turned around and squeezed back, Cen Xueluo heard a cold snort from beside him.The sound was very thin and sharp, like the sound of wind blowing through a thin pipe.

Turning her head to the side, Cen Xueluo saw Ouyang Jingyi squinting at herself with disdain, her slender neck raised slightly, her proud jaw tensed.

This girl seemed to have thorns all over her body, and she didn't hide her emotions. She just showed all her thorns carelessly, without worrying about whether to stab others or herself.Cen Xueluo remembered this girl. She didn't know her very well in her previous life, but her reputation at school could almost be described as notorious. She smoked, drank, fell in love, and she did almost all the rebellious things that students could do at that time.

Turning her eyes, Cen Xueluo slightly looked away, and turned her head out of the window again as if she hadn't heard anything.I should have had nothing to do with her.

Unit 746 was stationed in a desolate wilderness. The students who got out of the car looked around and found a flat river covered with weeds and no human habitation.

Cen Xueluo stood in front of the army camp with his bag on his back, looking straight at the dormitory building through the two soldiers standing guard.The seventh floor is the same as in memory, the walls are colorful, the railings are covered with rust, each floor has a bathroom, and each bathroom has a legendary ghost story.

"Oh my god, don't we just live in this kind of ghost place? Look there...the glass is gone." A few students whispered and pointed at the dormitory building.

These words seemed to remind Cen Xueluo, she looked straight at the past with a bang in her head.That's right, it's here, the dormitory without glass on the seventh floor. Back then, the boy lived there, and then climbed to the top of the building and jumped down in the middle of the night...

(End of this chapter)

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