Chapter 64

I just knew that someone jumped off the building. Cen Xueluo couldn't remember exactly who it was, when and why he jumped off the building.Sometimes she really has some doubts about her past life. Could it be that she really lived such a failure, was so indifferent, and isolated herself from the world?It's terrible, this kind of isolation is like a kind of sickness, so it directly led to her extreme suicide in the end.Now stay out of the matter, from the perspective of a bystander, many things are not as unforgivable as I thought.

"Why do you have to think about who it is?" Li seemed to know what Cen Xueluo was worrying about, and said seriously, "The more you do, the more variable the future will be. Don't you realize that many things have already left you?" Is it in the category you know?"

Cen Xueluo was silent for a while, then slowly replied: "I know, but I can't see a living life disappearing before my eyes."

"A ridiculous compassionate heart." Li sneered and went back to practice.

Yes, this is the biggest difference between mortals and Li.Cen Xueluo thinks that she has not left the secular world, so she is still a layman.

On the first day of coming to the army, the squad leaders solemnly stated the precautions for military training, especially obeying orders!The hoarse voice shouted hoarsely: "Come to the army for a day, you should stop thinking of yourself as the young master of the family, you are a soldier! You have to look like a soldier!"

The wind blows the tall poplar leaves rustling, and there is an open field outside the camp, and the voice of the instructor seems to reverberate in everyone's ears.The blood in each student's body seemed to be boiling, and he yelled three times louder than usual: "Yes."

All green military uniforms, all immature faces, loud roars and excited tones are all full of passionate youth.Cen Xueluo's pretty figure was hidden under the loose military uniform, and she trained together with everyone shouting, as if she had returned to the bitter but unforgettable good time in her previous life.

When Cen Xueluo was assigned to the dormitory, it seemed that Cen Xueluo was the most nervous. She had been paying attention to who would be assigned to the room with no windows on the seventh floor. The girls were all assigned to another building, while the boys were assigned in groups Suddenly, the instructor said, "There is a dormitory on the seventh floor without glass. Are there any brave boys willing to live in that dormitory? Anyway, they are all men. As long as they are not afraid of mosquito bites, it doesn't matter if they have glass or not."

"I'm the monitor, I'll go." Nie Yunfeng was the first to sign up.

Cen Xueluo's heart tightened, and he looked over worriedly, but he didn't remember that Nie Yunfeng also lived in that dormitory.

Nie Yunfeng obviously misunderstood the meaning of Cen Xueluo's gaze. He always felt that Cen Xueluo was deliberately ignoring him. Now that he was looked at like this, his vanity suddenly swelled up, and he puffed out his chest, looking like a responsible adopted son.

Tian Ye and the boy with round glasses next to him had been making funny faces and eye contact with each other. At this time, after hearing what the instructor said, they also stood up and patted their chests and said, "Instructor, we are not afraid."

The boys were a little hesitant at first, but they couldn't help but stand up and sign up when they saw someone taking the lead, so as to show their masculinity in front of the girls.In the end, the instructor selected six people to live in the dormitory without glass.Nie Yunfeng, Tian Ye, and the boy with round glasses who started to sign up are all among them.

Six people, who will commit suicide?Cen Xueluo glanced across the crowd, and couldn't help frowning slightly.Everyone looks very sunny, without any gloomy or overwhelmed look.

Due to the unfamiliarity with the new classmates, Cen Xueluo hesitated and found Nie Yunfeng when they were disbanding.

"Xueluo, what's the matter?" Nie Yunfeng tried to suppress his excitement and nervousness, and asked.

"I, I want to ask you something." Cen Xueluo bit her lip, thinking that if she directly said that someone in this room would commit suicide, Nie Yunfeng would not think she was crazy.

Nie Yunfeng replied without hesitation: "What's the matter, tell me."

"I heard...that room without glass is quite evil." Cen Xueluo held back for a long time and could only find such a lame excuse, "See if any student is in a bad mood every day."

Although Cen Xueluo's words were vague, Nie Yunfeng still understood, and he pursed his lips and smiled: "Xueluo, you don't believe in this superstitiously, do you?"

What is superstition?Cen Xueluo really wanted to cry, but she didn't have any tears, she even met even more wicked people!Comprehension!Nascent Soul!The body is gone, and there is still a space here to travel through time and space, is there anything?

Maybe it was because of Cen Xueluo's strange expression, Nie Yunfeng was afraid that he might misunderstand Cen Xueluo again, so he quickly said, "Okay, I will pay attention. I am the class monitor, so I should care about the emotional problems of my classmates. "

"Squad leader, squad leader? Send a boy to help us with our luggage!" Not far away, Wen Yuanyuan suddenly put his hands around his mouth and shouted at Nie Yunfeng.

Nie Yunfeng replied helplessly, and looked at Cen Xueluo.

"Please be more careful. Then go and do your work." Cen Xueluo's expression was still indifferent, and his tone carried a kind of unfamiliar politeness.

Cen Xueluo didn't have a lot of luggage, he only carried a backpack on his back, and Wen Yuanyuan didn't know what was in it, a small suitcase was so full that it was a bit difficult for a boy to hold it.It's not surprising that girls bring a lot of things. There are always one or two pieces of odds and ends, and some exaggerated even bring home dolls.

Ouyang Jingyi carried a very small bag, and walked past Cen Xueluo and Wen Yuanyuan lightly, flicking her high ponytail, Wen Yuanyuan couldn't help curling her lips in disgust.

Since ancient times, beauties have been quite hostile, and it is difficult not to compare each other.Ouyang Jingyi, Wen Yuanyuan, and Cen Xueluo, three beauties with completely different styles, were arranged in the same dormitory, and disputes and disputes in the future were naturally unavoidable.Seeing the tense atmosphere between Wen Yuanyuan and Ouyang Jingyi, Cen Xueluo could not help but sigh.

Entering the dormitory, the beds are allocated according to the student number. As soon as Wen Yuanyuan put the things away, he immediately took out many girls' favorite candies and jellies from the bag, and said to the girls in the same dormitory with a smile: "Come on, eat quickly Snacks, don’t eat them now, if the instructor finds out, they might confiscate them.”

The other three panicked and took out the snacks they had prepared from their bags.

"Xueluo, didn't you bring any snacks?" Seeing Cen Xueluo sitting still, Wen Yuanyuan couldn't help but grabbed a handful of candies and walked over to pass them to Cen Xueluo, and said affectionately, "Here, help me eat." Order it. Hey, Xueluo is so cold on you, and you will definitely not suffer from heat stroke in summer when you are next to you."

In the past, Wen Yuanyuan had never shown a good face towards Cen Xueluo. The sudden closeness at this time was naturally to form a clique and alienate Ouyang Jingyi. However, since her parents were high-ranking officials, Wen Yuanyuan was very good at socializing. , the look naturally couldn't find any awkwardness.

Ouyang Jingyi didn't care, she took out a small makeup mirror to take a picture, then took out the nail clippers to trim the nails, blew on the nail clippers, and said slowly: "Hurry up and eat while you can." , otherwise the rest will be confiscated and there will be no place to cry."

Ouyang Jingyi looks very individual, and her words are even more individual, Wen Yuanyuan's expression changed when she was so choked.

Cen Xueluo hurriedly gave Wen Yuanyuan a hand, and said in a low voice, "The instructor will indeed confiscate it. Eat it quickly." It wasn't that Cen Xueluo was nosy, but that the noisy atmosphere in the dormitory just after opening was really annoying. , if he attracts the instructor's attention for a while and focuses on taking care of this dormitory in the future, it will be inconvenient for him to move.

"Ah? If the snacks are confiscated, will my teddy bear be confiscated?" A girl with short bangs and short hair exclaimed in surprise while hugging a gray bear.

"Yes." Cen Xueluo answered with absolute certainty without even looking.If she remembered correctly, the instructor should have arrived 10 minutes later, and when the girl's bear was confiscated, she cried for a full two hours.

As soon as Cen Xueluo's affirmative words fell, the round eyes of the girl with short bangs filled with tears, and she hugged her little bear reluctantly and said, "I sleep with the bear boy every day. If I don't I can't sleep with my arms around it."

"Then find a way to hide it from the instructor." Wen Yuanyuan enthusiastically helped out with an idea.

Cen Xueluo looked at the girls hiding the bear cub here and then there, with a look of astonishment on her face, she didn't expect that her casual answer would cause such consequences.

"The more you use your prophet to expose, the bigger the trajectory of future changes will be, and eventually it will be completely different." Li Leng in the space snorted.

"Then I'd better talk less." Cen Xueluo didn't refute this time, but listened to Li's opinion very humbly.This military training is a matter of human life, if it is really changed beyond recognition, I don't know whether the result will be good or bad, and I can't save the classmate who jumped off the building, so everything should be done step by step.

Not long after, the instructors started to search the dormitories one by one. They could hear the pleadings of the girls in the next dormitory and the instructor's harsh criticism. The girls in Cen Xueluo's dormitory were extremely nervous, sitting on the bed holding hands, as if they were waiting. The judgment is general.Ouyang Jingyi was happy and relaxed, she put the mirror in her bag and was about to go out.

"You're not going to inform the instructor, are you?" Wen Yuanyuan asked quickly.

Immediately, the girl with bangs looked nervously at Ouyang Jingyi who was about to go out.

Ouyang Jingyi smiled contemptuously: "I don't even bother to do such a thing." After speaking, she walked out with a flick of her braid.

When the instructor came in, he took a big woven bag and asked each student to take out snacks and throw them in. Therefore, Wen Yuanyuan contributed the most snacks, and the other three girls also contributed a lot.After handing in the snacks, the instructor scanned the dormitory, pointed to Ouyang Jingyi's bag and asked, "Whose is this? Where is it?"

"This belongs to Ouyang Jingyi. Instructor, she's gone out." Wen Yuanyuan replied crisply.

"Go out? What are you doing?" The instructor was taken aback.

"I don't know, I didn't tell us." Wen Yuanyuan replied with a smile, and quietly put a black line on Ouyang Jingyi's image.

The instructor nodded, glanced around again, and suddenly squatted down to look under the bed. After reading it, the instructor twisted his mouth, and stretched out his hand to pull the bear doll that was tied to the bed board with scotch tape under the girl's bed with bangs. come out.

"You still dare to hide things privately." The instructor weighed the puppet in his hand, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's still tied under the bed, it's quite courageous. Haven't heard the story of 'good friends, back to back'? "

(End of this chapter)

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