Chapter 65

The instructor left with a strange smile after speaking, the girl with bangs was still sobbing softly, while the other thin girl with slightly yellow hair turned pale as paper.

"Fangyuan, don't cry." Wen Yuanyuan didn't understand the meaning of the instructor's words, and comforted the girl with bangs in a low voice.

"Originally...the instructor was about to leave, did he find out again." Fang Yuan sniffed and said with red eyes.

"Someone must have informed you." Wen Yuanyuan obviously wanted to pour dirty water on Ouyang Jingyi who was not there.

The thin girl with yellowish hair interjected with trembling lips: "You... have you heard the back-to-back story?"

This yellowish-haired girl is called Jia Xiaowen, she doesn't talk much on weekdays, her face is always pale with no blood, and her voice is hoarse and trembling at this time, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Jia Xiaowen, why is your face so ugly?" Wen Yuanyuan touched his arm, "Don't tell me a ghost story, it's so weird."

Jia Xiaowen bit her lip and stopped talking, rolling her eyes to look at the dormitory.

Her weird behavior made everyone a little scared, Wen Yuanyuan and Fangyuan were close together, the sweltering summer weather should have felt a gloomy coolness in this simple and airy dormitory.

The door was suddenly pushed open with a bang, and Wen Yuanyuan and Jia Xiaowen screamed in fright.

Ouyang Jingyi, who had just entered the door, was also startled, she patted her chest, rolled her eyes and said, "It's promising, it can also scare you!"

"They were telling back-to-back ghost stories just now." The girl who spoke was named Zhu Dan, with short hair and a tall, thin head. She looked very boyish.

"Back to back?" Ouyang Jingyi had obviously heard this ghost story before, and said with disdain, "This story is too elementary. Have you ever heard the ghost story of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

"Don't talk, don't talk!" Wen Yuanyuan quickly waved his hands and screamed, "This place is already weird enough, and it's scary."

Ouyang Jingyi pursed her lips and smiled, and returned to her bed with a victorious look and began to tidy up the bedding.

Fang Yuan stared at Ouyang Jingyi, and asked very bluntly: "The instructor confiscated my bear cub, did you tell me?"

"Oh? Really confiscated?" Ouyang Jingyi smiled gloatingly, put the bag aside, and lay down lazily on the bed, "It seems that your hiding place is not very good."

Ouyang Jingyi's words were not pleasant, and her attitude was extremely annoying. If Zhu Dan hadn't stopped her, Fang Yuan would have rushed over.

"It's so despicable! You actually made a small report?" Fang Yuan's hands trembled angrily, pointing at Ouyang Jingyi and cursing.

"Which eye of yours saw me making a small report? Isn't it just a broken bear? I'm rare!" Ouyang Jingyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, she sat up and slapped back, then stood up, patted her clothes and went out, " I'm too lazy to ink with you! It's really troublesome in this dormitory!"

Seeing Ouyang Jingyi slamming the door with arrogance and going out, Fang Yuan said indiscriminately: "What the hell! You have a coquettish face! You don't look like a decent person at first glance! Dare to act or not!"

The door of the dormitory was kicked open with a bang, and Ouyang Jingyi angrily pointed at Fang Yuan and cursed, "Clean your mouth! If you want to flirt, nobody wants you!"

Ordinarily, Fang Yuan's words are a bit too much, but Fang Yuan has just been confiscated by the instructor, and Xiong Zai is in a bad mood, so he can't speak freely. Everyone look at Fang Yuan with tears in his eyes, and then look at Ouyang Jingyi who is aggressive, Wen Yuanyuan and the others tacitly agree Choose to appease Fangyuan, who seems to be a little more talkative.

Cen Xueluo was sitting on the side in a daze, when Wen Yuanyuan suddenly pulled her and said in a low voice, "Quickly go and persuade that Ouyang Jingyi, oh my god, it's time to light the powder keg."

After observing everyone's expressions, Cen Xueluo sighed, stood up resignedly and walked towards Ouyang Jingyi.

Ouyang Jingyi laughed angrily when she saw so many people comforting Fangyuan: "Oh, in this world, can it be assumed that it didn't happen if you shed a few tears and bumped into the weak and scolded others? Where did you go, that shrew just now? You Don't say that you didn't scold me just now, are you a ghost?"

As soon as Ouyang Jingyi said this, Jia Xiaowen's expression changed immediately, she looked around with flickering eyes, and quietly moved away from Fangyuan without showing any trace.

"Okay, we're all classmates, don't make a fuss." Cen Xueluo walked over to smooth things over.

Ouyang Jingyi only felt a chill coming towards her, she looked at Cen Xueluo, she wanted to say something with an angry face, but suddenly shivered, she closed her mouth, turned around and ran out.

Seeing that Ouyang Jingyi had run away, Cen Xueluo felt that it was getting dark and it was not safe to let her go out by herself, so she chased her out too.

The bedroom was extremely quiet for a while, and after a while, Jia Xiaowen's dry voice sounded: "Do you feel a little cold?"

"It's getting dark, this is the suburbs, so it's normal to be cooler." Wen Yuanyuan rubbed her arms and looked up out of the window.

Cen Xueluo chased out the door, Ouyang Jingyi ran to the downstairs of the dormitory and stopped under a tree, quietly staring at the somewhat dark camp building in a daze.

"Are you okay?" Cen Xueluo took two steps forward and asked softly.

"Don't, don't come here!" Ouyang Jingyi seemed to be frightened when she heard Cen Xueluo's voice, she took two steps back.

"What's wrong with you?" Cen Xueluo tilted her head in doubt, "Are you afraid of me?"

Ouyang Jingyi stared fixedly at Cen Xueluo, and suddenly laughed nervously after a while: "It's okay, just now when you walked over, I thought you..."

It turned out that it was his own cold poison that was causing the trouble again, Cen Xueluo was a little helpless, it seemed that sooner or later he had to solve this problem quickly, even if his body was not always so cold, otherwise someone would discover his weirdness sooner or later.

"Oh, I have a cold physique, and my body temperature is also low in summer." Cen Xueluo smiled and eased the atmosphere, "You seem quite bold, and you still believe in ghost stories."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Jingyi looked around, beckoned Cen Xueluo to come closer, and whispered, "Don't believe me, I heard that people died in this army."

Ouyang Jingyi's cautious look made Cen Xueluo laugh, she covered her mouth and raised her eyes to look at Ouyang Jingyi: "Where did you hear the gossip?"

"Brother Yibing I just met." Ouyang Jingyi raised her hand to pluck her bangs, and the big waves curved her cheeks in a beautiful arc, "I heard that our building and the boys' dormitory building are both People have died."

Just one day after coming here, I met a soldier who was a soldier, and now even Cen Xueluo had to admire Ouyang Jingyi's communication skills.It seems that Ouyang Jingyi has a natural attraction to the opposite sex, and she belongs to the kind of girl who is easy to attract bees and butterflies.

"Anyway, try not to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. In fact, I always felt a little weird when I came out just now." Ouyang Jingyi kindly warned Cen Xueluo, and then looked up at the gradually sinking sky, "Should it be soon?" It's time to eat. Let's go back quickly."

After eating a big pot meal in the cafeteria in the evening, the students in each class were assembled again. Since it was the first day of military training, there was no high-intensity training, so everyone easily formed a circle to learn military songs.

Cen Xueluo and the others' instructors were not very tall, about 1.7 meters five, with a square face, slender eyes, and the corners of the mouth were slightly downward, and there was a sense of majesty when they were not speaking.The instructor's surname is Huang, and he is the squad leader. It is said that he has led several sessions of military training and is very experienced.

The tune of the military song is very simple, but when you sing it with all your skills, it always loses a bit of charm. Only when you shout like the instructor Huang, it seems that the military song really comes alive.

Instructor Huang's most common sentence is: "Speak up! I want to hear the voices of [-] people shouting from the throats of [-] of you!"

Cen Xueluo preliminarily deduced that Instructor Huang must have watched "Soldiers Assault" too much, so he imagined that he was leading the Seventh Steel Company, and each soldier could shout the voices of five thousand people.

Everyone sang the military song very happily, and from time to time, under the leadership of instructor Huang, they challenged the students in other classes: "One, two, three, four, five, we waited so hard! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, we waited so anxiously !"

The playground is huge, and the wind is slightly cool at night, but everyone sitting cross-legged on the playground does not feel cold at all.

Tian Ye was joking with a few boys next to him, and suddenly stood up and ran to Cen Xueluo and asked in a low voice, "I heard that there are ghosts in the girls' dormitory building, are you afraid?"

Cen Xueluo turned her head to look at Tianye in surprise, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.Is this a trick used by boys to scare girls?
Obviously Cen Xueluo misunderstood Tian Ye's intentions, because he continued without waiting for Cen Xueluo's answer, "I'll tell you, ghosts are actually afraid of people, or you can just recite Amitabha Buddha silently in your heart."

Seeing Tian Ye blinking at her, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, nodding to show that she understood.

"What are you whispering about?" Wen Yuanyuan saw Tian Ye running over from Nie Yunfeng to whisper to Cen Xueluo, so she couldn't help but poked her head over and asked.

"It's okay. I'm leaving." Tian Ye waved his hand and ran back.

Wen Yuanyuan looked at the boy, then at Cen Xueluo, and asked, "You and Nie Yunfeng didn't have any conflicts, did they?"

"Ah?" Cen Xueluo was taken aback, "No. Why do you ask that?"

"Oh, that's good, look over there." Wen Yuanyuan shrugged, and pointed to the opposite side secretly, "Nie Yunfeng's face was very ugly, I thought you had some conflicts with him again. Didn't you have a quarrel in junior high school? Is it? He's been in a bad mood for days."

Saying that, Wen Yuanyuan curled her lips and turned around to talk to Fang Yuan and the others.

When Cen Xueluo heard Wen Yuanyuan's words, he turned his head and saw Nie Yunfeng's gloomy face, looking coldly at Tian Ye and the others, talking and laughing.

That kind of look was very strange, not like the kind of hatred or disgust between classmates who had conflicts in normal times. Cen Xueluo couldn't explain why, but she felt that the strangeness and coldness in Nie Yunfeng's eyes made her very uncomfortable.

Thinking of how he had asked Nie Yunfeng, Cen Xueluo couldn't help secretly guessing: Could it be that Nie Yunfeng discovered something?
(End of this chapter)

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