The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 66 The Truth Buried in History

Chapter 66 The Truth Buried in History ([-])

The life of military training is monotonous but full of laughter. The exhaustion of the body fills every cell of your body, which makes you full of energy when you get up and train every day. When you lie down on the bed at night, you will fall asleep like a dead dog. .

Lijiao taught Cen Xueluo a simple blindfold, and every night, Cen Xueluo would perform a blindfold on the bed, and hide in the space to practice.

After Cen Xueluo broke through to the sixth level of transformation recently, the muscles and bones of her whole body became clear in her mind. She is currently practicing to control the slight movement of her bones and muscles.The so-called transformation refers to the cultivator changing his appearance and slightly changing his height and body shape by transforming his bones and muscles.This slight means that the body of an adult cannot be reduced to the size of a baby at once, but it is not a big problem to shrink it by ten centimeters at once.In the past, the bone shrinking skill in the legend is actually to change the bone gap, and the whole person is curled up into a ball, so it looks like the real bones have shrunk.

There must be a big difference between the military training in middle school and the real boot camp. In the past few days, the decomposition of the kicking step and the practice queue have caused the students to complain endlessly.Wen Yuanyuan pretended to have a stomachache, a sprained ankle, dizziness and heatstroke more than once, and then asked the instructor for leave with a pear blossom and rainy appearance.The seemingly stern and ruthless Instructor Huang is very useful to Wen Yuanyuan. Every time Wen Yuanyuan asks for leave, he will approve it. At first, he just asks Wen Yuanyuan to sit in the shade and wait, but later he actually approves her to go back to the dormitory to rest.

At first, everyone was suffering, exposed to the scorching sun, and the most they could do was to greet all the female relatives of the instructor’s ancestors, and then complain a few words, but now that someone can enjoy special treatment, everyone’s reactions immediately changed.

"It's really a high-ranking official's son, but the treatment is different!" This sentence was said by a girl from a decent family.

"It's very good to pretend to be weak. Men just like this foxy look." This kind of mature and bitter words must have come from Ouyang Jingyi's mouth.

As soon as Ouyang Jingyi finished speaking, someone immediately spoke for Wen Yuanyuan. Fang Yuan stared into Yuanyuan's eyes and pouted, "You are also very good at hooking up men, you can also pretend."

"Fangyuan, keep your mouth clean for me. Believe it or not, I tore your mouth!" Ouyang Jingyi immediately pointed at Fangyuan with her finger like a cat whose hair was fried, and her nails painted with red nail polish were shining in the sun. The bottom is particularly conspicuous.

"What's the noise?" Instructor Huang glanced over with narrowed eyes, and shouted with his hands behind his back, "I'll let you rest for a while, can't you sit still? Then get up and run! Everyone stand up! Turn right! Don't rest if you don't finish ten laps !"

For a 400-meter playground, ten laps is four kilometers!The students who had just sat down for a while stood up unwillingly in the midst of instructor Huang's roar, dragging their two legs that were about to break off and started running around.

"I just can't get used to this kind of pretentious woman! But there are people to help!" Ouyang Jingyi and Cen Xueluo were about the same height, and they happened to stand together in line, so she complained to Cen Xueluo in a low voice.

Cen Xueluo smiled wryly, Wen Yuanyuan's win-win a few days ago had completely made Fang Yuan side with her, probably as long as Wen Yuanyuan said that the water flowed to the ground because the water did not pursue it, Fang Yuan would nod half understanding.

The other classes were sitting and resting, and when they saw Cen Xueluo and his class being punished, they all let out gleeful laughter, and some even yelled slogans mischievously: "One two one, one two one, there will be rewards for running quickly ! After running, what reward? Do another [-] squats! Hahaha..."

Tian Ye was running behind with his head drooping, but when he heard the other class taunting the students in his class, he immediately became angry, jumped out and shouted: "Don't add insult to injury! If you don't accept it, come out and practice alone!"

Nie Yunfeng grabbed Tian Ye by the arm and dragged him back: "Okay, don't cause trouble! Do you think the punishment is too small?"

"Didn't you hear what they said?" Tian Ye's eyes turned red anxiously, "It's a good thing you're still the monitor, so you just watch our classmates being bullied?"

Seeing that the atmosphere between Nie Yunfeng and Tian Ye was becoming more and more tense, and the faces of both of them were so tense, Instructor Huang yelled from a distance: "Don't whisper, run away!"

Frightened by the instructor's coercion, everyone shut their mouths together and started running sullenly, but the dispute just now still remained in the hearts of the two of them, like an inextricable knot.

During this day's training, the atmosphere in the class was very tense.Everyone was very tired due to being punished for running laps too much. As soon as Instructor Huang shouted the password to disband, they went back to the dormitory in twos and threes.

Naturally, Wen Yuanyuan wasn't tired, and she kindly helped Fangyuan and Jia Xiaowen bring back their meals.As for Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan, since these two people did not clearly indicate that they belonged to Wen Yuanyuan's camp, she would naturally not be so kind as to get everything together.But Wen Yuanyuan was still very good at being a person. When she saw Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan coming in, she yelled first: "Oh, Xueluo and Dandan, I wanted to help you two eat, but I really can't take it anymore."

At this time, Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan would naturally wave their hands and say, "It's all right, let's go by ourselves."

As for Ouyang Jingyi, Wen Yuanyuan was still at odds with her and didn't say a word.

Seeing Wen Yuanyuan, Fang Yuan, and Jia Xiaowen happily chatting and eating together with the rice bowl in hand, Ouyang Jingyi snorted coldly, straightened her bangs in front of the mirror, and went out with the rice bowl in hand.

Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan followed behind Ouyang Jingyi. Zhu Dan was very boyish in character and appearance, especially after wearing the camouflage uniform, he couldn't tell he was a girl at all.

"The two of them are very stiff!" Looking at Ouyang Jingyi's straight back and flicking ponytail, Zhu Dan suddenly sighed with emotion.

"Yes." Cen Xueluo responded, "Actually, there is no major conflict."

"Haha, it's a common problem of pretty girls!" Zhu Dan laughed a few times, and then put his arm on Cen Xueluo's shoulder affectionately, "I just like you, and I never compare myself with them."

Cen Xueluo was not used to being so close to classmates, so she couldn't help shaking Zhu Dan's hand, shrugged and said, "There's nothing to compare with. We didn't choose our family background and appearance!"

Zhu Dan shook his hands, and responded with a smile without hesitation: "It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Ouyang Jingyi walked briskly in front, but when she came to the entrance of the cafeteria, she glanced back and shouted at Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan: "Hurry up, you two, there will be more people in a while!"

In fact, there were already too many people, but Ouyang Jingyi obviously wanted to show affection to Cen Xueluo and Zhu Dan.Wenyuanyuan is already a fixed iron triangle, and Ouyang Jingyi can't look isolated.

After dinner, Cen Xueluo went to wash the rice bowl in the sink outside the toilet, when she heard a scream coming from the toilet, and then a girl ran out.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" The girls outside also screamed in fright, and they crowded together and ran out and asked.

"The light inside suddenly went out!" The girl who ran out of the toilet said timidly.

"Cut—" The other girls despised for a while.

Everyone walked back, and saw Zhu Dan slowly coming out of the toilet, looking at the people outside, he said cheerfully, "You guys are scared. Isn't the light bulb broken?"

Seeing Zhu Dan's calm look, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but feel that this girl is really courageous.

The lights are turned off very early in the barracks, and when the lights go off, no matter what you are doing, you must first turn off the fluorescent lights in the dormitory. With a "snap", the dormitory was pitch black, and the eyes were not quite able to adapt to the change of light. Everyone kept their eyes open and waited to adapt to the darkness. Zhu Dan suddenly muttered: "Is today the tenth?"

"Yeah. It's the tenth. There's only one week until the fifteenth of August." Fang Yuan answered.

Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat.She vaguely remembered that in her previous life, no one had a good time on August [-]th, because it happened to be the night of the first seven days of the boy who jumped off the building, and the boys' dormitory was frightened.Based on this calculation, shouldn't the day when the boy jumped off the building be today?No, you must find a way to get out!
Thinking of this, Cen Xueluo sat up from the bed again.

"Xueluo, why are you going?" Zhu Dan noticed the moment Cen Xueluo moved, and asked aloud.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Cen Xueluo responded, went to the door and opened it, and said, "I seem to have diarrhea, you guys go to bed first."

Li rolled around laughing in the space: "That's so shameless! It's actually a shit escape!"

Cen Xueluo frowned coldly, and yelled in his heart: "Can you talk without being so beating!"

"Then you said diarrhea, and I said peeing is not appropriate!" Li now no longer hides his figure in the purple mist, and simply reveals a cartoon image less than one meter away, and then steps on the purple mist in space. Flying back and forth.He watched "Journey to the West" recently, and insisted that Ziwu was his fall cloud.

Cen Xueluo felt that it was not a wise choice to argue with the mentally degraded Li, so he changed the subject: "Hurry up and think of a way, I'm going to the roof of the boys' dormitory."

"Into the space, just fly Ziwu over there." Li stretched out his short index finger and shook it, looking down on Cen Xueluo's IQ.

Cen Xueluo had no choice but to shut her mouth in resentment, quickly walked into the toilet, and took advantage of no one to get into the space.

A piece of purple mist flew out of the toilet, and then drifted towards the boys' dormitory.

The boys dormitory turned off the lights, and it was quiet on the surface, but in fact, everyone was still awake, whispering in bed.For such hot-blooded Fanggang teenagers, the amount of training during the day can't consume all their energy. If someone proposes to go out to play games all night, they will probably be able to get up.Everyone was lying under the covers, talking about which girl in the class was beautiful, and saying that so-and-so looked like a beating, in short, there was a burst of nonsense.

Ziwu fluttered here and there at the boy's window, and finally Cen Xue couldn't stand the gossip and followed the wall, and shouted angrily: "I'm in a hurry to save people, can you be more serious!"

Li then manipulated Ziwu to fly upstairs. At this time, two people were already standing on the roof of the male dormitory building. Because they were afraid that someone would find them, they stood in a very concealed position. They were behind the stairs, far away from the roof. very close to the edge.

(End of this chapter)

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