Chapter 69

Regarding the cooperation issue mentioned by Major Xiao, Cen Xueluo felt that he would be involved in some affairs in the military, but people can't help themselves in the world, not to mention that the benefits of such cooperation outweigh the disadvantages.After careful consideration, Cen Xueluo agreed.

After discussing with Major Xiao about opening a pharmacy, it was already midnight. Cen Xueluo stood up and was about to go back to the room when she keenly heard the sound of getting up in her mother's room.Even though I told my mother that I would return late today and I didn't have to wait for me, my mother was still worried.Now that her mother was already awake, Cen Xueluo simply knocked on her mother's door lightly, then entered the room and told her about the opening of the pharmacy.

Hao Yuemei would naturally be willing to help her in the pharmacy as long as she didn't let herself be idle and drag her daughter down, but she was also worried that her daughter's studies would be affected by the distraction of taking care of the pharmacy.

Facing her mother's worry, Cen Xueluo could not help but smile slyly with blinking eyes: "Mom, if I fall out of the top three in the whole grade in the exam, you can beat me."

Hao Yuemei stroked her daughter's long black and shiny hair and said lovingly, "I know you are poor-mouthed. Since I was a child, my mother has never been willing to beat you." Speaking of which, Hao Yuemei was actually extremely proud in her heart. He is smart and sensible, and never worries about his studies.In the first grade of junior high school, due to the affairs between me and her father, my daughter may have been affected. I didn't expect her daughter to adjust so quickly. Not only did she win the competition, she also ranked first in her studies.Hey, I am so lucky to have such a caring daughter.Recalling these, Hao Yuemei had a deep smile on her face.

"Mom, we can't just sell medicines when we open a pharmacy, we also need a doctor who attends the clinic. This Major Xiao has already considered it." Cen Xueluo thought about it, and then added, "When the time comes, don't tire yourself too much. Also, if anyone refuses to obey, you tell me! I'll come back and deal with him!" As he spoke, Cen Xueluo waved his fist and wrinkled his nose in a mischievous manner.

"You!" Hao Yuemei stretched out her index finger and nodded Cen Xueluo's head, laughing heartily.

After explaining to his mother, Cen Xueluo was still uneasy in his heart.After all, my mother has never been in management. I am afraid that Major Xiao will not obey his mother's orders if he arranges capable people to come.Cen Xueluo frowned, now that things are going on, she still has to find a way to find someone on her own!
After the results of the mid-term exam came out, Cen Xueluo won the first place in the whole grade as expected, and became famous for a while, even the senior students knew that the No. A beautiful woman with a cold temperament.Walking on campus, I would often encounter people pointing fingers at me, but Cen Xueluo ignored them all.

During the preparation of the pharmacy, Kevin somehow found out about Cen Xueluo's plan to open a pharmacy, and wrote a letter specifically to ask if Cen Xueluo needed any help, and if he had any difficulties.At the end of the letter, Kevin seemed to be very emotional, and wrote with a sigh: Luoluo, you have been working hard to move forward alone, why do you refuse to accept my help?

Cen Xueluo thought for a long time while biting her pen, and wrote slowly in her reply: Kevin, those of you from a wealthy family cannot understand that children without umbrellas have to run hard.

Major Xiao told Cen Xueluo that the pharmacy planned to open on New Year's Day, and by the way, took Cen Xueluo's beauty pills as the main product.Seeing that there was still a month until New Year's Day, Cen Xueluo came to the door of the Piaoyao Bar again. She looked up at the bar that was about to open, took a breath and walked in.

It was Viagra who was still tidying up in the shop, and when he saw Cen Xueluo coming in, he immediately recognized him, greeted him without daring to be negligent, and then asked cautiously, "This beauty, who are you looking for?"

"Isn't Mo Yifan here?" Cen Xueluo looked around and asked.

"He. He hasn't been here for a while." Viagra replied cautiously, "I haven't been here since I met you that day."

"Thank you."

After leaving the Precarious Bar, Cen Xueluo didn't know where Mo Yifan would go now, did he go home?Cen Xueluo reluctantly went to look around Mo Yifan's house. The one-story house over there had been included in the demolition area, and it was desolate everywhere, but the wooden door of Mo Yifan's house had been nailed up again at some point. , tightly locked.

Not knowing if he could live here, Cen Xueluo looked inside through the crack of the door, but couldn't see anything.She sighed, turned around and was about to leave, when she saw Mo Yifan looking at her with his hands in his trouser pockets.Mo Yifan was wearing a light gray jacket and blue jeans. He looked much better than before, with a less decadent look. He had also shaved his beard, and there were heavy dark circles under his single eyelid.

Seeing Cen Xueluo turn around, Mo Yifan asked without waiting for Cen Xueluo to speak: "Are you looking for me?"

"Yeah." Cen Xueluo admitted generously, even if the door of the house was blocked, it didn't count as coming to him, so why not come here for a walk by herself?

"Sit in the house?" Mo Yifan hesitated just after finishing speaking, and shook his head, "Forget it, let's find a place to sit. The house is a bit messy."

Mo Yifan took Cen Xueluo around and turned around, until they came to a small hillside.The view on the hillside is very good. You can see the high blue sky and scattered houses in the distance. There are a few trees with fallen leaves on the top of the slope. When the late autumn wind blows across the hillside, it will ring in your ears. Whooping sound.

"Actually, I'm very happy that you came to find me." Mo Yifan leaned against a bare tree, stepped on the trunk with one leg bent, and turned to look at Cen Xueluo, with a trace of comfort and clarity in his eyes.

Cen Xueluo was quite surprised by Mo Yifan's attitude. She thought that she would see another Mo Yifan who was drunk and dreamed of dying, but today it seemed that his mental state was unexpectedly good.As if she had completely transformed into a different person these days, Cen Xueluo couldn't help sizing Mo Yifan up, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"Okay." Mo Yifan's tone was light, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "There is nothing better than now."

Cen Xueluo found that Mo Yifan was in a relaxed state now, as if he had understood something. Before, Mo Yifan always smiled gloomyly, but now...

"What's the matter?" Cen Xueluo was puzzled by Mo Yifan's sudden transformation.

"I just figured it out." Mo Yifan stretched his arms, raised his head and let the wind blow, "I really shouldn't have fallen like this. If you don't come to me today, I will find a way to find you I wanted to go to your school today, but I was afraid that my identity would affect your reputation."

"What does it matter?" Cen Xueluo shrugged indifferently.

"I knew you wouldn't care." Mo Yifan stared at Cen Xueluo and smiled, "But I do. You saved me three times, and my life is yours. By the way, I always owe you an apology. Brother Jun died that day, and my mind was always in confusion, so I didn’t talk through my brain, so don’t be as knowledgeable as me.”

Hearing Mo Yifan's apology, the corners of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched slightly: "It's nothing, I forgot about it. I came to see you today to ask if you would do me a favor?"

Mo Yifan suddenly laughed, looked at Cen Xueluo and said, "I want to visit you today, just to ask if you would like to take me in?"

The two people who met each other inexplicably and got entangled with each other looked at each other and smiled at each other on the empty and desolate hillside. All misunderstandings seemed to be blown away with the dry and refreshing autumn wind.

On New Year's Day, a three-day holiday, Cen Xueluo's Leng Chinese Medicine Store officially opened.

Regarding the name of the pharmacy, Cen Xueluo actually came up with a lot of names, including Hao Yuemei who also helped out a few, but she was not so satisfied.Cen Xueluo didn't want to use her surname as the name of the pharmacy, so after much deliberation, she decided to use the pseudonym Doctor Leng, and she would appear in the pharmacy as Doctor Leng from now on.Hao Yuemei naturally raised her hands to agree that Cen Xueluo would not reveal her student identity. Ever since she saw her daughter's embroidery needle skills and disguise technique, she felt that her heart was much stronger, and she could basically be extremely calm when she saw anything. .

Cen Xueluo formally introduced Mo Yifan to Hao Yuemei, and told her mother that this person was a friend he knew. Both of his parents died when he was young, and his background was extremely pitiful.There is no need to talk about Mo Yiping, Hao Yuemei is already full of maternal love, pulling Mo Yifan with teary eyes, and almost accepting her son.

Mo Yifan's job in the pharmacy is very simple, he just does odd jobs for Hao Yuemei and communicates with Cen Xueluo in time if there is any situation.Because he wanted to cultivate Mo Yifan to become his own power, Cen Xueluo specially ordered a copy of the basic inner strength method from Chaoli and handed it to Mo Yifan to start practicing.Li said that although Mo Yifan was a bit old and his bones had grown, he had taken the elixir to adjust his physical fitness well, and if he was willing to work hard, he would have some achievements.Cen Xueluo relayed these words to Mo Yifan, and Mo Yifan was very excited.That day on the hillside, Cen Xueluo described a different world to him, and he realized that the martial arts in his dreams were all real.Now that he has the opportunity to touch it for real, he will redouble his efforts without worrying about it.

Due to the reputation of Yangyan Wan, Leng's Chinese medicine store was not too deserted when it opened, and there were some customers visiting the door every day.In the pharmacy during the day, the doctor brought by Major Xiao was at the clinic, and at night Cen Xueluo would go to the pharmacy after school to take care of it and chat with her mother.The days were peaceful and fulfilling, seeing more and more smiles on her mother's face, Cen Xueluo felt extremely at ease.

New Year's Day is over, will winter vacation be far behind?The winter vacation is coming, can the Spring Festival be far behind?
During the winter vacation, Cen Xueluo spent almost every day in the pharmacy. Whenever she needed to see a doctor, she would sit in the inner room, open a window to the outside and hang a curtain.Over time, some regular customers know that there is a female doctor with excellent medical skills attending consultation at night, so some patients will wait until night to come for diagnosis.

On this day, Cen Xueluo had just finished chatting with his mother, and sat in the inner room to practice quietly while waiting for the people who came to see the doctor, when he suddenly heard a "bang bang" in the hall, followed by his mother's out-of-control scream: " What are you doing here? Get out! Get out!"

 Are you happy Chinese New Year?Wishing you good fortune and good health in the Year of the Snake!In the evening of the third day of junior high school, Ruochu is about to embark on a journey again, and it is estimated that he will go online on the fifth day of junior high school.Bless the backstage again for no problems!My regular release! 55555
(End of this chapter)

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