The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 70 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 70 The Uninvited Guest

Cen Xueluo was startled by her mother's shout, and quickly got up and ran outside.

The person standing at the door of the pharmacy was none other than Cen Xueluo's biological father, Cen Mingyuan.He had gained weight compared to three years ago, but his baldness was getting worse. Standing beside him was a middle-aged woman in a mink coat and heavy makeup.

Hearing Hao Yuemei's shout, Cen Mingyuan glanced awkwardly at the woman beside him, then at Hao Yuemei: "Yuemei, why are you here?"

Hao Yuemei's mood was very unstable, she pointed at Cen Mingyuan and said angrily, "Why can't I be here in the pharmacy I own. Get out of here! You are not welcome here!"

Obviously, Hao Yuemei still can't forget Cen Mingyuan. After all, the relationship between husband and wife has always left a knot in her heart. Seeing that Cen Mingyuan dared to bring his current wife to appear in front of her at this time, Hao Yuemei only felt a surge of anger welling up in her head. .

"Mom, what's wrong?" Cen Xueluo, who ran out of the lobby, couldn't help but turn cold when she saw Cen Mingyuan. She closed her mouth tightly and stood beside her mother, stretching out her hand to gently support her slightly trembling body.

"Luoluo? Are you here too?" Cen Mingyuan's eyes flickered when he saw Cen Xueluo, and he said softly, "I heard that you were admitted to the high school attached to M University? Dad is very proud of you!"

"Mingyuan, why don't you introduce me?" At this time, the woman in a mink coat with curly hair spoke in a soft voice, her slender eyes looked at Cen Xueluo slantingly, and looked up and down. .

"Xia Qin, this is my daughter Cen Xueluo, come on, Luoluo, this is your Aunt Xia Qin." Cen Mingyuan avoided Hao Yuemei's sad gaze, introduced his new wife bravely, and even beckoned to Cen Xueluo. He waved his hand, motioning for Cen Xueluo to call for someone.

The woman named Xia Qin looked at the goods as if she was sizing up the goods, which made Cen Xueluo very uncomfortable. She pursed her lips and sneered: "My mother and I have few relatives. Are you saying that you are not welcome here?"

"Luoluo, what are you talking about!" Cen Mingyuan scolded Cen Xueluo with a straight face, trying to show his father's majesty.

With Cen Xueluo's company, Hao Yuemei calmed down a lot: "My daughter doesn't need you to teach me a lesson. When she divorced back then, she has nothing to do with you! This is my pharmacy, please leave!"

"Joke, I'm here to see a doctor, why should you drive us away?" Xia Qin sneered, her eyebrows and eyes became more slender, and the dark circles under her eyes that couldn't be covered by heavy makeup were even more obvious, "You think Mingyuan and I are free Do you come here to catch up with you?"

"Please come during the day to see a doctor, the doctor is off work now." Cen Xueluo replied coldly.Although Xia Qin put on makeup, Cen Xueluo could still tell that her kidneys must be bad and her neurasthenia, otherwise the dark circles under her eyes would not be so serious.

Hearing that Xia Qin glanced sideways at Cen Mingyuan, Cen Mingyuan answered immediately and said, "Didn't you say that the doctors here at night are very skilled in medicine? Call me out to get your Aunt Xia Qin's pulse."

Cen Xueluo patted his mother's hand lightly, and replied without raising his eyes, "Where did you see that we have a consultation at night?"

Cen Mingyuan also came here after being introduced by others, and he didn't know about the newly opened Leng's family medicine store. He never thought that this medicine store was actually opened by his ex-wife and daughter, otherwise he would never have come here.Hearing what Cen Xueluo said, he turned his head and persuaded: "Xia Qin, let's go. No matter how good their new drug store is, it can be better than Bai's drug store? Let's go to Bai's drug store tomorrow."

Xia Qin nodded arrogantly, looked at the environment of Leng's Chinese medicine shop contemptuously, and snorted coldly: "That's right, I don't know if there is a business license for this poor place. Mingyuan, you have to tell Section Chief Ji and the others later. Said, this pharmacy is not easy to open."

Cen Mingyuan had no arrogance in front of Xia Qin, nodded yes, and carefully helped Xia Qin walk out the door.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Hao Yuemei was furious, shouting at the two people who were going out.

"Mom, don't be angry." Cen Xueluo stared at the backs of Xia Qin and Cen Mingyuan, with a sneer on his lips.Do you actually want to trouble your own pharmacy?He didn't inquire about the background of this pharmacy, thinking that he and his mother were as easy to bully as before.Cen Xueluo opened Leng's family medicine store, always thought that Bai's medicine store or other people would come to make trouble, but never thought that the first person who came to make trouble was actually his own father!Father!This time, the words gradually faded in Cen Xueluo's mind. In that man's heart, he and his mother were probably an unbearable existence, right?If this is the case, then you don't have to be too merciful.

"Major Xiao, hello, I'm Cen Xueluo." Back in the courtyard, Cen Xueluo called Major Xiao...

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. Before the New Year, due to the large number of people giving gifts, Cen Xueluo increased the supply of Yangyan Pills and made a fortune.So they distributed red envelopes to everyone, and Cen Xueluo and his mother, Hao Yuemei, decided to close the Leng family medicine store for seven days during the Chinese New Year.

Cen Xueluo and his mother Hao Yuemei moved back to the original old house on New Year's Eve, and Hao Yuemei specially invited Mo Yifan to go home to celebrate the New Year together.Ever since Mo Yifan talked to Cen Xueluo, he didn't treat himself as an outsider. When he went to Cen Xueluo's house, he kept helping to clean it up, making the house look brand new.

Everyone made dumplings together, and set the dishes, soy sauce, and vinegar on the table. Mo Yifan and Cen Xueluo sat at the table and watched TV while waiting for Hao Yuemei to cook the dumplings.

Cen Xueluo was chatting with Li while watching TV, when suddenly he heard Mo Yifan sniff his nose and say in a low voice, "That's great."

"Huh? What's so nice?" Cen Xueluo turned her head and asked, with a smile on her delicate face.

Mo Yifan has a high nose bridge and a very handsome profile. He turned his head and glanced at Cen Xueluo, his dark eyes were shining, then he lowered his head and stirred the vinegar in the plate with chopsticks and whispered: "I am It’s nice to say that someone celebrates the New Year with you.”

Only then did Cen Xueluo remember that after Mo Yiping's death, Mo Yifan didn't know how he spent the past three years. Did he spend the New Year alone all the time?The festival is joyous for those who are reunited with their families, but it is sad for those who are alone and wandering.The busier it is outside, the more desolate the lonely person's heart will be.Cen Xueluo was secretly feeling emotional, when Li suddenly said, "A cultivator never misses these useless festivals."

This guy who ruins the atmosphere!Cen Xueluo couldn't help being furious: "What is a useless festival!"

"Hmph, cultivators have a very long lifespan. Except for those sects with deep roots and lush branches in the cultivation world, which of the casual cultivators is not a loner?" Li sneered coldly. , "You don't think that if you live hundreds of years, your mother can live hundreds of years, too?"

Cen Xueluo's heart tightened when she said this, and her expression darkened: "Actually, I have thought about this problem, but things have been one after another. Li, is there a way to make my mother live a long life?"

"At your mother's age, the tendons and meridians can no longer be expanded, and you can't cultivate. At most, it can be nourished by pills, and maybe you can live to be more than 100 years old." Li's eyes seemed to be a little pitiful, "Luo, you have already changed against the sky. It's your mother's fate, she can't be with you for the rest of your life, after all, you're still left alone."

"I don't..." Cen Xueluo roared in her heart.

"Xueluo, are you okay?" Seeing Cen Xueluo's cold and ugly face, Mo Yifan couldn't help asking guiltily, "Did my words make you feel bad? I'm sorry."

At this time, Hao Yuemei also brought up steaming dumplings, and greeted enthusiastically: "Come on, come and eat dumplings! You two children, why are you so embarrassed when it's Chinese New Year? Today's New Year's Eve, no one is allowed to be unhappy! Yifan Come eat, auntie wrapped money in the dumplings! Whoever eats this year will be smooth and safe."

There is an old custom in the north. When making dumplings during the Chinese New Year, one or two coins will be wrapped in the dumplings.When the whole family eats dumplings, whoever eats the dumplings with coins indicates good luck, good luck, happiness and peace this year.

Mo Yifan picked up a dumpling, dipped it in vinegar and stuffed it into his mouth. With tears in his eyes, he grinned at Hao Yuemei and said, "Thank you, auntie. It's delicious."

Hao Yuemei looked at Mo Yifan lovingly, and put a few more dumplings in his bowl: "Eat more if it tastes good." These days, Hao Yuemei has noticed Mo Yifan's expression, she feels that although this boy is dull He is a little slow, but he is down-to-earth and diligent. He is really a very good boy.

Cen Xueluo looked at his mother and Mo Yifan, feeling warm in his heart, but deliberately pouted and said, "Mom, you are biased! Why do you just let him eat more?"

"You girl!" Hao Yuemei patted Cen Xueluo's head, "Yifan, from now on I'll take Auntie here as the house, Auntie likes you more and more, it would be great if you were Auntie's son."

Mo Yifan's eyes were moist, but his mouth was full of dumplings, he faltered and couldn't speak, and hurriedly gestured with his hands.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but patted Mo Yifan: "Idiot, quickly recognize your godmother! How could I have such a stupid godbrother like you!"

On New Year's Eve, most people can't remember what the program of the Spring Festival Gala is. Anyway, every year the Spring Festival Gala is scolded as ugly.But Mo Yifan will always remember that he has a family and a godmother just like that, and his relationship with Cen Xueluo will always stop at brother and sister.Maybe he lost something, but got more warmth.People shouldn't expect too much, for him, this is enough.

After the Spring Festival, Leng's Chinese medicine store reopened for business. During the Chinese New Year period, it was relatively deserted, but Cen Xueluo still welcomed a special guest.To say that this guest is special does not mean how special his condition is, but that Major Xiao personally drove this guest into the courtyard, and sent someone to invite Cen Xueluo back to the courtyard to see the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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