Chapter 71

Before seeing the patient with her own eyes, Cen Xueluo knew that this old man had a lot of background just by looking at the bodyguards standing in the courtyard.There are not many new people in the courtyard, about ten or so, but the breath is calm, and they are all Lianjiazi.As Cen Xueluo walked and observed, he saw four innate level [-] practitioners and three innate level [-] practitioners.

Major Xiao led Cen Xueluo all the way and warned Cen Xueluo to be cautious when speaking for a while, and to be careful when seeing a doctor. Before Major Xiao finished speaking, a man suddenly came across and said with a big smile: " Xiao Xiao, don't be so nervous, right? Take the little girl in quickly, and don't make the old man wait too long."

Cen Xueluo looked up at the person who came. He was about 40 years old. Apart from a few hairs on his temples, he was full of vigor and piercing eyes.

"Innate level eight!" Li reminded Cen Xueluo cautiously.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but feel a tightening in his heart, to be accompanied by such an expert escort!Who is it?

Major Xiao took Cen Xueluo to the largest room in the middle of the courtyard. When Cen Xueluo and his mother lived here, the door of that room was always locked except for regular people who went in to clean it every day. At this time, the visitor actually lives here, so it can be seen...

Cen Xueluo walked into the room, just raised his eyes to look over, happened to meet the old man who was resting on the bed and half got up to look over, and looked at each other, Cen Xueluo didn't avoid his eyes at all, and asked openly: " Major Xiao, is this old man the patient who needs my pulse diagnosis?"

Major Xiao quickly nodded and introduced to Cen Xueluo: "That's right, Luoluo, this is..."

"Xiao Xiao, you go out first. Little girl, come here to check your pulse." The old man lying on the bed sat up and interrupted Major Xiao's introduction, with the majesty of a superior in his words.

Seeing that the old man had no intention of revealing his identity, Major Xiao didn't dare to say more, he gave Cen Xueluo a wink and told her to take a pulse carefully, and then retreated.

At this time, the 40-year-old innate eighth-level master also walked in, and after closing the door, he stood beside the old man with a smile.Although this master seemed kind and smiling, Cen Xueluo knew that if there was anything inappropriate about his actions, the uncle would probably restrain him immediately.

When Cen Xueluo walked over, he didn't stretch out his hand to check his pulse first, but raised his eyes to carefully look at the old man's face.The old man's complexion was very ruddy. Although his eyebrows were half white, his eyes were still sharp as if he could see through all disguises. There were deep wrinkles between his brows, which meant that he certainly didn't smile often but often frowned.

Seeing that Cen Xueluo was staring at himself instead of taking his pulse, the old man couldn't help being curious: "Little girl, what are you looking at?"

Cen Xueluo smiled slightly: "Grandpa, your complexion is rosy and shiny, and you are very energetic. I don't think you are suffering from illness."

"Oh?" After being told by Cen Xueluo, the old man became even more interested, staring at Cen Xueluo and asked, "But the older I get, the worse my legs and feet become, and now it's very difficult to move, and I have to use a wheelchair when I go out. Tell me what happened?"

"This..." Cen Xueluo hesitated, "Grandpa, please stretch out your wrist and let me feel the pulse."

When the old man stretched out his arm, Cen Xueluo noticed that the corners of the uncle's eyes twitched slightly, and his aura also changed slightly.

There are many acupuncture points on the wrist, and arteries and veins flow through here. Ancient martial arts often refer to the gate of life or the gate of pulse, etc., usually referring to the wrist.At this time, Cen Xueluo wanted to check the pulse of the old man, which might be normal in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of martial arts practitioners, it was a life-threatening event.

Cen Xueluo gave a wry smile, and explained aloud before taking the pulse: "Grandpa, I have a cold body, and you may feel a chill when you get the pulse, but this is normal and will not affect it, please don't Misunderstanding!" Don't misunderstand this sentence, Cen Xueluo said it while looking at the uncle beside him.If halfway through his pulse diagnosis, the internal breath is still in the old man's body, this uncle will shoot directly, and it will be small whether he will not be hurt by then, the internal force with cold poison stays in the old man's body, but I really can't explain it clearly up.

"Don't worry, Lao Qi has a sense of proportion." The old man nodded, and gave Lao Qi who was standing beside him a casual look.The old seven nodded knowingly.

Although she had the old man's guarantee, Cen Xueluo was still not at ease. She vaguely guessed who was coming, and she dared not make any mistakes.After thinking about it, Cen Xueluo took out a pill and handed it to the old man: "This pill is made of blood-enriching and health-enhancing herbs, and its biggest effect is to resist the cold, grandpa, you can check it and take it. "

The innate eighth-level uncle called Lao Qi took the pill and tasted a small piece, nodded to the old man, and then asked: "Little girl, what kind of kung fu did you practice, and your internal energy is actually cold?"

Cen Xueluo knew that he couldn't hide the cold from this cultivator, but he couldn't expose the cold poison in his body, so he could only say: "The exercises I practice are quite special, so it's better to take precautions."

Watching the old man take the pill, Cen Xueluo signaled to Lao Qi to use his internal energy to help the old man digest the pill, and then stretched out his hand to gently rest on the old man's wrist.

Even though the old man had already taken the medicine, Cen Xueluo was still very cautious, carefully forcing the internal energy from his fingertips to slowly penetrate into the old man's body and follow the old man's meridians.The old man's meridians are wider than that of ordinary people, which made Cen Xueluo feel that this old man must have cultivated, but why is there no internal energy now.A bold idea emerged in Cen Xueluo's mind, and he sank his fingers to urge the internal force to circulate in the old man's body for a whole week according to the way of cultivation.Sure enough, when he was running close to his dantian, the old man let out a muffled groan, and couldn't help covering his abdomen with one hand. Although his face was expressionless, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Cen Xueluo raised his eyes to signal the uncle named Lao Qi not to move, then carefully controlled his internal force to retreat back the same way, and slowly retracted into his body.

Feeling the coolness dissipating from his body, seeing Cen Xueluo withdraw his hand, the old man raised his hand and picked up a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and then asked, "Little girl, what do you see?"

"Grandpa, if my guess is correct, you have cultivated before, right?" Cen Xueluo asked directly when he saw that there were only the old man, Lao Qi and himself in the room.

The old man and Lao Qi looked at each other, and there seemed to be a smile in the old man's eyes: "Oh? Where did the little girl know that I have practiced?"

"Your meridian is wider than that of ordinary people, and your flexibility has not completely deteriorated, but my internal force is blocked when it reaches your dantian, I guess..." Cen Xueluo paused, and looked directly at the old man with serious eyes , but with strong confidence in his tone, "Have you ever gone mad or suffered a severe injury that blocked the dantian meridians? And the time should not exceed 15 years."

When Cen Xueluo said this, the old man and Lao Qi couldn't help being extremely surprised.It is not difficult to find out that the old man has practiced before, and it is not difficult to find out that the meridian in the old man's dantian is blocked, but it is not easy to tell the number of years that the meridian has been blocked.

"Not bad! Very good!" The old man looked at Cen Xueluo, his eyes full of admiration, "To tell you the truth, I really lost all my internal energy and blocked my dantian meridians because of my practice of kung fu. Little girl, you have medical skills at a young age. Such an achievement is quite remarkable! Could you please tell me where you studied under?"

Hearing the old man's question, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but sighed softly.

"What? Isn't it convenient to disclose?" The old man's eyes were sharp.

"No." Cen Xueluo shook his head slightly, pursed his lips and smiled, "It's just that I really don't have any teacher, I just practiced according to an ancient book. But no one will believe me when I tell it!"

Cen Xueluo's helpless tone made the old man laugh, and both he and Lao Qi burst out laughing.Lao Qi looked Cen Xueluo up and down and couldn't stop nodding: "Sure enough, she is so smart that she can learn without a teacher! Father, this little girl will become a master in the future."

"Huh? There aren't many people who can make your seventh son praise you." The old man's face was much more relaxed than when Cen Xueluo entered the door at the beginning, and he joked, "Could it be that you want to take someone else's little girl as an apprentice?"

The old seven waved his hands repeatedly to deny: "Old man, you are mistaken. With my old seven's ability, how can I accept this little girl as an apprentice. I'm afraid that this little girl's cultivation is not inferior to mine."

The old man was taken aback, and turned around to look at Cen Xueluo carefully, which made Cen Xueluo a little embarrassed: "Grandpa, this uncle is just modest. I practice blindly by myself, how can I have such a profound cultivation level."

Lao Qi bent down and whispered in the old man's ear: "Old man, this little girl's cultivation level is probably about the same as the young master's."

However, at the age of fifteen or sixteen, his cultivation base is so high, even if he is from a few big families, there are not many such geniuses.Hearing what Lao Qi said, the old man immediately became interested in talent: "Little girl, I am an old man who has nothing to do at home and gathered a group of young people to compete with each other. Are you interested in practicing with them?"

Although the old man said it suddenly, the meaning was very clear: he had a group of practitioners, and he asked Cen Xueluo if he would like to discuss with that group of people, and to put it more bluntly, he wanted to join that group of people to practice and make progress together.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Cen Xueluo's lips. He didn't agree or refuse, but changed the subject lightly: "Grandpa, didn't you come to see a doctor with me? Why did you start discussing my practice before finishing the treatment?" Why?"

"Didn't you already see what's wrong with me as an old man?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Yes. Seeing a doctor is not just about seeing it." Cen Xueluo tilted her head slightly, looking very cute, "Don't you want to be treated after seeing the doctor?"

Don't you want to be treated after seeing the disease?Both the old man and the seventh child were stunned. They looked at Cen Xueluo stupidly, as if they didn't understand what Cen Xueluo meant.Lao Qi's complexion changed a few times, and suddenly he rushed towards Cen Xueluo. Cen Xueluo quickly dodged and was about to ask questions, when he heard Lao Qi's trembling voice in surprise: "Little girl, are you really still here?" There is cure?"

(End of this chapter)

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