Chapter 72 Dragon Grass

Speaking of the old man's obsession, Lao Qi blamed himself the most, because 12 years ago, the old man rushed out of the closed room because he wanted to save him.Although all the thieves who would commit crimes in the future were beheaded that time, the old man also lost all his internal strength because of this.

Originally, the old man came this time to say that he wanted Cen Xueluo to see a doctor, but in fact, he wanted to test Cen Xueluo's depth.I have always heard the young master praise this girl for her excellent medical skills. The old man happened to come to M City for business, so he stopped by to take a look.Unexpectedly, what the little girl said actually meant that the old man's old disease could be cured!Lao Qi was really too excited, so he lost his composure and rushed towards Cen Xueluo. Unexpectedly, the little girl was very agile, and even though he didn't put in all his strength, it was not easy to avoid it.

Cen Xueluo looked at Lao Qi's excited face. Although the old man sitting on the bed beside him did not speak, the expectation hidden in his eyes still revealed his inner thoughts.Cen Xueluo couldn't help but smile slightly: "It turns out that the old grandfather and old seventh uncle didn't even think about asking me to treat the old grandfather when you called me here?"

"No." Lao Qi's face flushed with excitement, "little girl, if you can cure the old man's old illness, you will be a great benefactor of our Qi family! My Lao Qi will repay you even if he is a cow and a horse."

"Old Seventh Uncle, you are too serious." Cen Xueluo smiled and shied away, then turned to look at the old man sitting upright, "Even for Kevin's sake, I will cure Grandpa Qi's old illness. "

Cen Xueluo's guess was confirmed by Lao Qi's words about the great benefactor of the Qi family, so she simply pointed out the identity of Mr. Ming Qi in her words to save everyone from guessing.

Cen Xueluo's frankness and intelligence won the praise of Old Master Qi, and the old man no longer concealed his identity, nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect Park Min Hyuk to have such a big face, and my old man will follow suit."

"Grandpa Qi, but your old illness has been going on for some years, and it is not so easy to open up the veins in the dantian. I need to prepare some materials to refine the pill." Cen Xueluo discussed with Li, and wanted to open up again. Although there is a method for dantian tendons, it is not so easy. There is a prescription recorded in the "Medical Classics", but the requirements for refining medicine are extremely high, and it will fail if you are not careful.

"Okay! Whatever medicinal materials you want, just ask! Grandpa sent someone to collect them for you!" Mr. Qi was obviously in a good mood. He was old, and although he was physically strong, losing his cultivation had always been a pain in his heart.I have also visited many famous doctors over the years, and they all said that the Qi family's inner strength and mental methods are different from those of other families, so it is difficult to treat.I had given up hope, but today...

Old Master Qi was too excited, his eyes moistened slightly, and he said loudly: "Luo girl, if you can really cure grandpa, as long as it's not harmful, just ask grandpa what you want!"

"Hmm. To be honest, Grandpa Qi, all I need are medicinal materials." Cen Xueluo said slowly.In recent years, she has never had the opportunity to come into contact with any rare and rare herbs. She is still far from the medicinal materials needed to return the Nascent Soul to the body, and the medicinal materials needed are only available in the cultivation world. Cen Xueluo must improve her strength. Go to the comprehension world as soon as possible.It would be the best if some good herbal medicine could be obtained now.

"Medical materials, we have collected some..." Lao Qi took the words and said, looking at Mr. Qi.The Qi family has also collected a lot of medicinal materials over the years, old man Qi didn't ask much, Lao Qi knows a little bit, but how many rare herbs are given to Cen Xueluo depends on old man Qi's intention.

After all, Mr. Qi is from a military background. He looks majestic, but his personality is extremely bold: "I think this is the way to go, Luoluo, you come back with me and ask them to show you all the medicinal materials they have collected. Just take whatever you need! "

ah?This is going to the capital?Cen Xueluo couldn't help being taken aback, she didn't expect things to develop so fast, she just went to the capital to pick up medicinal materials after seeing a doctor.

Mr. Qi is an old man. Seeing Cen Xueluo's hesitation, he immediately understood what the little girl was embarrassing. He glanced at Lao Qi and said, "Old Qi, ask Xiao Xiao to take care of this little girl's pharmacy. Definitely To ensure the safety of the little girl's mother!"

The meaning of old man Qi's words was so obvious, how could Cen Xueluo shirk it, and immediately smiled: "Grandpa Qi is really thoughtful! Then when are we going to leave?"

"Of course, the sooner the better!" Mr. Qi decided immediately in a great mood, "It's better to do it tomorrow! Seventh, go and ask someone to prepare it!"

Although the year is over after the fifth day of the first lunar month, and the Spring Festival will officially end after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the festive atmosphere of the festival still remains in the streets and alleys, including various communities.Some of the high-hanging red lanterns have been destroyed by the wind and snow, but the bright red color is still so bright.

I have long heard that the courtyards in the capital pay attention to how many times they enter and how many times they leave. I have never seen BJ’s square courtyards on TV before, but I still couldn’t help being shocked when I saw it with my own eyes.The bright red brick courtyard wall is like the palace wall with historical traces in the Forbidden City, and there is a strong antique flavor everywhere. The layout of the courtyard where Mr. Qi lives is somewhat similar to the one in M ​​City, but it is far smaller than the houses in M ​​City Bigger and richer.Even if there is no magnificent decoration, a handicraft randomly placed on the bookshelf may be worth a lot.

The old seven sent a middle-aged man with a fourth-level innate talent to lead Cen Xueluo to the warehouse where the medicinal materials were stored. They said it was a warehouse. In Cen Xueluo's opinion, it could be called a small museum.In the big room outside, there are some ceramic products of unknown age neatly placed, stacks of calligraphy and paintings are piled up on the bookshelves, and the quality of the paper shows that they are not modern things. After going through four doors in total, the innermost room is the storage of medicinal materials.

Although Lao Qi kept saying that he had no research on medicinal materials, there was no ambiguity in the storage of medicinal materials. The refrigeration that should be refrigerated, the classification that should be classified, and even many of them were packed in good wooden boxes or bottles. The room was ventilated 24 hours without interruption.If it's called no research, Cen Xueluo simply doesn't know how to describe the medicinal herbs that he randomly threw in the space.

"Miss Cen, you can choose whatever you want." The middle-aged man got the old seven's order, and he didn't have the slightest precautions against Cen Xueluo, so he went out and stood at the door of the pharmacy to wait.

Seeing so many herbs, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but shine his eyes, rubbed his hands and shouted to Li in the space, "Hey, come and work!"

Gastrodia elata, donkey-hide gelatin, and Eucommia are all collected!Sichuan Fritillaria?I want it too!Centennial wild ginseng?want!

In the end, Li couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted: "Hey, can you have a bottom line? If you don't see expensive ones, just take them, okay? I still have thousand-year-old ginseng here. Why do you take hundreds-year-old ginseng?"

"It's not like you don't know how high the failure rate of refining medicine is! I'll prepare more just in case!" Cen Xueluo didn't take all these medicinal materials for himself, and he didn't know how many times he would try to refine medicine for Mr. Qi. , How about not preparing more!
"Hey, don't take it yet. Hey! Hey!" Li was stunned for a while, and kept calling out to Cen Xueluo, who was immersed in picking out medicinal ingredients.


"Go look in the corner on the right!" Li's voice was urgent.

"The corner on the right?" Cen Xueluo looked up, there were some unsorted medicinal materials piled up there, presumably someone picked them and piled them there temporarily because they were not expensive.Fortunately, the prescription is well ventilated, dry and not humid, and the medicinal materials are all dry products, so there is no corruption.This small pile of dried herbs reminded Cen Xueluo that every time the store cleared out and sold out-of-season out-of-season clothes, a large table would be piled up in front of the door. Although there were clothes with high cost-effectiveness, the price would drop if placed in that position. .

"You don't want to search for treasures in the garbage, do you?" The urgency in Li's tone made Cen Xueluo a little amused.Nowadays, she still doesn't pay much attention to many common medicinal materials, and the large amount of medicinal materials in the space has already spoiled her taste.Moreover, it is really troublesome to carefully pick out that messy pile of hay, maybe because it has been stored together for a long time, the conflict of medicinal properties will not work at all.

"Go and have a look, that's..." Li urged anxiously, "I'm not dazzled, am I? The one with the slender stems that are slightly red..."

Cen Xueluo walked over and took a closer look and exclaimed, "Oh my God! Dragon grass?"

"Is it right? Let me just say that I don't have vertigo!" Li Ye yelled, "How could there be such a thing! Isn't this a medicinal herb unique to the cultivation world?"

Cen Xueluo checked the picture book in "Medical Classics" again, and carefully rescued the pitaya from a pile of psyllium and kudzu root, put it in the palm of his hand and sniffed it gently: "No Wrong. It’s dragon grass. But because it’s dried and mixed with other medicinal materials, the medicinal properties may be reduced by half.”

"That's not bad!" Li patted his little palm and laughed, "I once heard Mr. Wu say that dragon grass is the best medicinal material for refining foundation building pills, but I don't know if it's true or not! In that broken book, it should be There are records!"

"Old man Wu?" Cen Xueluo couldn't help asking puzzled when he heard this address for the first time.

"Ah! It's the original owner of the "Medical Classics"! But he lost this book to me in a bet!" Li Yang paced back and forth triumphantly, "Although he has research on alchemy, it's a pity that he likes to gamble, and his skills are stinky but he still loves it." Shameless! Only I can control him!"

Only then did Cen Xueluo know the origin of the "Medical Classic", and he respected the old man Wu he was talking about: "The person who can write the "Medical Classic" must be a generation of masters!"

"Fart!" Li denied with no image, "This book is from his ancestors. He has studied it for hundreds of years and has achieved nothing. It would be a waste to put it there! Alright, hurry up and find the formula of Zhuji Pill, and see if you need it." What kind of medicinal materials, search here! Let’s gather enough medicine and start practicing! Haha! Luo, you are about to cross the threshold of the realm of comprehension!”

It seems that whoever said that he has no bottom line just now, now this person seems to be more keen on taking advantage of others than himself, right?Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes: "Are you confused? I haven't practiced the seventh layer of alchemy yet!"

"It's okay, haven't you reached the sixth layer of protection? As long as you take the Jidan, you can immediately cross over to the peak of Dandan." Li Meizi fantasized, Xiaojun's face was beaming.

 Happy Valentine's Day everyone!Well, I remember that single people usually wish that all lovers in the world are long-lost brothers and sisters on this day... Well, Ruochu has a strong taste, so he quietly drifts away...

(End of this chapter)

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