The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 73 The Qi Family's Training Base

Chapter 73 The Qi Family's Training Base

Park Min Hyuk?Oh yes, it's Kevin.Cen Xueluo was stunned for a moment before realizing it. Sure enough, she was used to the name Kevin and often forgot his real name.

When she called Kevin, Cen Xueluo was still a little nervous. She didn't know what she wanted to say, but simply heard that she would call him back, so she called.

Fortunately, Cen Xueluo had nothing to say, and Kevin still had a lot to say.

"Luoluo, are you at my grandfather's place?" Kevin's tone was full of surprise, with a slight smile.Cen Xueluo seemed to be able to imagine Kevin grinning on the other side of the ocean, showing his neat and white teeth.


"I heard that you were invited by my grandfather to see a doctor. Thank you very much. By the way, are you still used to living here?" Kevin's voice was very sincere, and there was a sense of intimacy in his words.

"En." Cen Xueluo replied again, feeling that she was too dull, so she added, "It's pretty good."

"That's good." Kevin laughed in a low voice, and then said in a low voice, "My grandpa has a lot of treasures, so don't be polite to him."

When Kevin said this, Cen Xueluo also laughed, and relaxed a lot: "Do you have a grandson like you? Join outsiders to hit your grandfather's treasures."

"Hey, the old man doesn't know the goods, so he hid all the treasures in the warehouse. I did this to prevent the pearl from getting dusty." Kevin said thieves, "I'm very busy here, otherwise I would definitely fly back to meet with you." You blackmail him together."

The conversation with Kevin made Cen Xueluo very relaxed and happy. The conversation was like an old friend who hadn't seen him for many years. He thought it would be strange, but nothing had changed, and he was still so familiar.

Li floated around dissatisfied in the space, making all kinds of noises to harass Cen Xueluo.As soon as Cen Xueluo hung up the phone, he heard Li's sullen voice: "I hate that kid."

Cen Xueluo blinked: "But I don't hate it."

"Hmph! That kid is so hypocritical that I can't even see through it. You, a girl with low EQ, haven't been fooled by him?" Li sat on the purple mist with his arms folded, his pink lips pouted slightly.

Cen Xueluo was amused when he saw Li's childish look: "Have you ever been in contact with that person? You know that he is hypocritical? Besides, I have low EQ. Could it be that your EQ is high? Tell me about your previous love history and give me a reference. !"

When he talked about the history of love, Li Wen was stopped. He stared round his eyes and opened his mouth for a long time. Finally, he said angrily: "Hmph, what kind of love do you know at such a young age? I tell you that you don't understand either."

Seeing that both ears of the pocket version of the villain were red and hot, Cen Xueluo seemed to understand something, covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Oh, I have lived two lives anyway, and now I am in a relationship when I am a teenager. There are so many people, how could I not understand? Tell me!"

"Hurry up and find your partner to practice!" Li waved his hand, a suspicious blush appeared on his handsome face, and his bright big eyes rolled around, "I still have something to do! Hurry up! It's nothing serious stuff!"

While speaking, Li Yi quickly hid in the purple mist to cover his figure, and then the purple mist floated to nowhere in the space.

Cen Xueluo finally couldn't hold it anymore, and burst out laughing.I didn't expect that after living for so long, I haven't been in a relationship yet. Otherwise, how could I be so embarrassed, I avoided the topic and hid in Ziwu and ran away.People who don't know how to devote themselves to cultivation are so inattentive to talk about love, right?It's unimaginable.

"Why girl Luo is happy?" Lao Qi heard Cen Xueluo's laughter in the outer courtyard and couldn't help but walked over and asked with a smile.

"Ah, it's nothing, Uncle Seventh finished the arrangements so quickly?" Cen Xueluo remembered that Uncle Seventh said he was going to arrange a venue for the sparring, but he came back within a phone call.

"It's a ready-made venue, let someone tidy it up and it's over." Lao Qi looked at Cen Xueluo eagerly, raised his thick black eyebrows, "Girl Luo, why don't you try it now?"

"Okay." Cen Xueluo happened to be fine, so she agreed without hesitation.Since reaching the sixth layer of protection, she hasn't actually practiced it, and although Feng Ren has practiced many times in private, the actual lethality is still not clear.Be sure to give it a try this time!
The venue for the sparring was set in the basement of a factory in the suburbs. It was quite secluded, spacious and bright, and the sound insulation measures were very good.The surface of the factory is operating very normally, the roar of the machine keeps ringing, and the entrance to the underground site is set in a villa in a residential area.

Cen Xueluo followed the seventh uncle all the way, and what he saw were basically beginners, or the second or third level of Xiantian, and the more powerful ones had reached the fifth or sixth level of Xiantian, and all of them were Very young teenager.Cen Xueluo couldn't help but secretly clicked her tongue. These children have been raised since childhood, and what a terrifying group of forces they will be when they grow up.

Those teenagers who were originally practicing and competing were also very surprised to see Uncle Qi leading a girl of similar age, and surrounded them curiously.

A handsome and confused boy shouted, "Uncle Qi, is this new here?"

"Seventeen, how is your practice going?" Lao Qi asked, stroking the boy's head lovingly.

When it came to practice, all the teenagers around shrank their necks, and the boy named Shi Qi collapsed, scratching his head and giggling: "Hey, Uncle Qi, hey..."

Lao Qi shook his head helplessly, pampered Shi Qi's head, turned his head and introduced to Cen Xueluo: "These are the future hopes of our Qi family, the old man should have mentioned it to you."

Cen Xueluo remembered that the old man once said that he had trained a group of young people, and asked himself if he would like to come to practice. It turned out that it was these young people.Looking at the pairs of eyes looking at him curiously, Cen Xueluo slightly raised the corners of his lips, and nodded slightly.

"Well, if there is a chance, Luo girl, you can also help guide these children." Lao Qi looked at Cen Xueluo sincerely. He knew that this girl has such a high level of cultivation and good medical skills at such a young age. He has his own unique views and methods on the journey of cultivation, and his future achievements will be far higher than his own.If these teenagers can get her guidance and help, they will definitely be able to improve to a new level.

Cen Xueluo hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and was about to reply when someone in the group of teenagers gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction.Looking for the reputation, the one who snorted coldly was a black-clothed boy with a height of 1.7 meters [-], a slender and strong figure, and a cold appearance.

When Lao Qi saw the boy in black, he frowned immediately: "Hei Qi, this is the guest invited by the old man."

Lao Qi's attitude towards this black-clothed boy was very strange, he didn't put on the majesty of an elder, but kindly reminded him of his identity.Cen Xueluo keenly noticed that Lao Qi looked at the boy in black with distress and helplessness.

"It's okay, Uncle Seven." Cen Xueluo also followed these teenagers and called the old seventh Uncle Seven. She said with a humble face, "How can I guide others? It's okay for me to see a doctor, but this really won't work."

"Is it okay or not after the competition." The boy in black named Hei Qi spoke out. He had a cold face, his long and narrow eyes half-closed, and his eyes were full of provocation.

"Hei Qi, don't mess around!" Lao Qi was really angry this time, his smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, his eyes stared fiercely at Hei Qi and he shouted sharply, "Go! Go practice!"

The other teenagers saw that Uncle Seven was really angry, so they walked obediently to their practice room, and secretly looked back at the little girl beside Uncle Seven, wondering in their hearts who this beautiful girl was. What's the reason, she seems to be about the same age as her group of people, why is Uncle Qi protecting her so much.Thinking like this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little sour.

Although these teenagers are all practitioners, they are still children at heart. Seeing an elder who cared about him suddenly take care of a strange child, his heart will be very unbalanced. This is also a manifestation of jealousy. .

More than a dozen children walked back, only three children stood still.Hei Qi stood in the corner, expressionless, but stared straight at Cen Xueluo, as if to say: Do you dare to fight?

The other two boys were tall and short, standing side by side in white exercise uniforms.

Lao Qi looked down at the three people who were standing still, and said angrily: "What? Bai Jiu, Bai Shi, you two are not obedient, are you?"

Although Bai Shi was ranked last, he was the tallest one. He had a simple and honest face, but he was tall and strong, and his white training clothes couldn't hide his muscles.When Uncle Qi called his name, he seemed a little scared. He looked down at Bai Jiu beside him, and then raised his head and said angrily, "Uncle Qi, we just want to compete with this younger sister."

It is not an exaggeration for Bai Shi to be called Cen Xueluo's younger sister, because Cen Xueluo looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he is already this year.

As soon as Bai Shi's voice fell, Bai Jiu immediately answered with a playful smile: "Uncle Qi, don't be angry, we are a friendly competition, so let's go to the end. Besides, don't we all use martial arts to make friends here? We also press The rules welcome this sister."

This Bai Jiu looked like a smart kid, although his eyes were not big but very energetic, he looked at the faces of Lao Qi and Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo didn't think of herself as being the same age as this group of children. After all, she had lived two lives. In her eyes, this was a group of children who were jealous.Seeing that Uncle Qi was showing signs of getting angry again, Cen Xueluo hurried out to smooth things over: "Uncle Qi, it's okay, didn't I come here to learn from each other? It's the same with anyone. Just let me play with them, it's okay."

Cen Xueluo himself agreed, so Lao Qi couldn't say anything more. In fact, he also hoped that Cen Xueluo would get closer to these children. Although this Luo girl was always polite when facing him, The attitude of not being close to strangers when facing other people makes people afraid to get close.This old seventh hoped that Luo girl would have the vigor that a child of this age should have, instead of always looking lonely and seeing through the vicissitudes of life, which really made me feel very distressed.

"That's good, everyone, be careful when you do it." Lao Qi worriedly ordered, acquiescing to the provocative behavior of these teenagers.

Hearing that Uncle Qi agreed to discuss, the teenagers who were retreating and watching suddenly cheered, and then ran back to watch.

Hei Qi's thin lips were tightly pursed, but an evil spirit exuded from her whole body.This girl has such a big tone, hum, I must give her some strength to try later!
Bai Jiu and Bai Shi also had the same thoughts, Bai Jiu looked at Cen Xueluo, and said with a smile: "This little beauty, this way please."

(End of this chapter)

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