The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 74 3 consecutive battles

Chapter 74 Three consecutive battles ([-])

The competition venue was half the size of a football field. The ceiling and surroundings were surrounded by thick steel plates and sound-proof materials. The ceiling was high and inlaid with bright shadowless lights, which illuminated the competition venue as brightly as daytime.There are also several strong metal pillars erected in the middle of the field.There are many marks left by swords on the metal pillars, and there are even shallow palm prints. It can be seen that this group of teenagers often competes here.

Cen Xueluo looked up at the training ground quietly. The group of teenagers had already sat down in the audience seats consciously. A few naughty teenagers even brought popcorn, melon seeds, peanuts and other food.Did they think it was going to a movie?Cen Xueluo glanced away, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Uncle Seven, you can be the referee for us!" Bai Jiu yelled at Uncle Qi with a smile, then turned his head to look at Cen Xueluo, "Beauty, the three of us want to compete with you, but And I don't want to bully you in a wheel war, how about you choose one of the three of us?"

As soon as Bai Jiu spoke, Bai Shi immediately patted his chest and buzzed at Cen Xueluo, "Pick me! I'm strong, and I'm strong!"

"Idiot! Who will pick on you when you say that!" Bai Jiu jumped up and patted the back of Bai Shi's head.

"Ah? Hehe, then I'm not strong and I can't stand beatings. Little sister, you can pick me." Bai Shi was obviously a good boy who knew his mistakes and could correct them, so he immediately corrected his mistakes and gave Cen Xueluo a smirk.

"Forget it, forget it, brother and I are still needed at the critical moment." Bai Jiu shook her head, took a step forward, and said to Cen Xueluo with a smile, "I still look like the best bully, you see I am thin and small Yes, even if it hits you, it doesn't hurt much."

Bai Jiu looked as thin as a monkey, but Cen Xueluo knew that he was far more difficult to deal with than Bai Shi, and he took the agile route.When she was walking just now, Cen Xueluo noticed that Bai Jiu's footsteps were very light, and she landed silently. It was obvious that her lightness kung fu was excellent, and her body was as light as a swallow.Although he can also win him, it will expose more of his strength.

Cen Xueluo pursed her lips and looked at the two treasures, Bai Jiu and Bai Shi, and smiled as she was about to speak, when Hei Qi, who had been silent all this time, said coldly, "Okay, you two, let me do it directly."

Bai Jiu anxiously gave Hei Qi winks, and then shouted: "That's not going to happen, I told you to let the beauties choose someone to fight, and those who are not selected can only regret for life, who made you not handsome enough Woolen cloth."

"No, no, I want to fight too." Bai Shi didn't know if he understood Bai Jiu's meaning, but just blindly yelled.

Cen Xueluo could see what Bai Jiu meant. He didn't want to fight with the wheel, he wanted to fight with the wheel at all. Even if he picked one at random, he would probably find an excuse to fight with him.It seems that Bai Jiu intends to let Hei Qi take the last shot, and he and Bai Shi will explore the way for Hei Qi first.I didn't expect that this child is less than [-] years old, and has so many eyes.

Cen Xueluo didn't point it out, but followed Bai Jiu's mind and said, "It doesn't matter, you all come one by one. How about white ten first, then Bai Jiu you, and then black seven. From childhood to adulthood." Anyway, I also want to practice To practice fighting experience, naturally the more you fight, the better.

As soon as Cen Xueluo finished speaking, Bai Jiu immediately jumped up and yelled, "Okay! This is what you said about the beauty! Don't be foolish!"

Cen Xueluo couldn't help laughing at Bai Jiu's reaction, no matter how scheming she was, she was still a child, and she was immediately exposed.

Lao Qi was also extremely helpless with Bai Jiu's tricks, and smiled at Cen Xueluo apologetically, and Cen Xueluo returned a normal look.

Both Bai Jiu and Bai Shi were very happy with Cen Xueluo's proposal, but Hei Qi seemed very dissatisfied, with a gloomy face and thin lips tightly pursed, and sat in the front row.

Bai Shiqi was still in a daze, opened his eyes to see Cen Xueluo and Bai Shi who were going to end, grinned happily to reveal the two dimples on their cheeks, clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay, okay , start fighting."

Bai Shi was indeed practicing outsider kung fu as Cen Xueluo expected, with an extremely steady footwork, somewhat similar to the square-faced fourth son Cen Xueluo met back then who followed him, but it was clear that Bai Shi's cultivation was even stronger. Orthodox, practice is also extremely solid.

Bai Shi stepped firmly on the ground with his two feet, like two solid rocks, his fists were fierce, and his simple and honest face was full of seriousness and caution.This young man seemed to be a different person when he moved his hands. He didn't look stupid at all, but his moves and changes were extremely fast.

Compared with Bai Shi's rock-like body, Cen Xueluo's slender figure was like a fallen leaf in a strong wind, fluttering here and there, but he dodged it just right, without being touched by Bai Shi's vellus hair.

At the beginning, the audience was full of novelty, widening their eyes and watching intently, but after watching for a long time, their eyes tend to cramp, okay?Anyway, I didn't touch the corner of the clothes for a long time, basically it was Bai Jiu who beat the Fuhu fist five times vigorously!I'm tired of watching Bai Jiu practice this set of boxing on weekdays, now whoever is asked to watch Bai Jiu boxing repeatedly for more than half an hour will feel visual fatigue, okay?
Bai Shiqi's face was full of sleepiness, he leaned sleepily in Uncle Seven's arms and yawned big: "Uncle Seven, when will Brother Ten and that beautiful sister finish fighting?"

Lao Qi's expression was very serious, and he glanced at Bai Jiu lightly.

Bai Jiu had been a little anxious for a long time. Seeing Bai Shi panting like a cow, with bead-sized beads of sweat on his forehead, he couldn't touch a single hair of Cen Xueluo. worn out.Bai Jiu secretly complained anxiously in his heart: This stupid cow, if you can't hit it, don't hit it, it's a waste of energy!
Little did he know that Bai Shi was also crying secretly in his heart, he didn't dare to stop at all, Cen Xueluo's icy aura kept surrounding him, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity, it made Bai Shi feel terrified, so he could only lie down over and over again Tiger fist.

Bai Jiu winked at Bai Shi several times, and even made hand gestures. Bai Shi was still punching. Finally, Bai Jiu gave in completely and shouted: "Okay, beauty, we surrendered this round!"

Cen Xueluo wanted to stop after studying Bai Shi's whole set of Fuhu Fist, but Bai Shi kept fighting non-stop, and she liked this simple and honest boy very much, so she had to practice with him all the time for fear of hurting him.Now that Bai Jiu had spoken, Cen Xueluo stepped aside with a smile, her clothes neat and tidy, and there was no trace of fatigue on her face.On the other hand, Bai Shi's face was flushed like a tide, he was out of breath, and his back was sweating profusely. Compared with Cen Xueluo's relaxed attitude, everyone knew who was higher and who was lower.

Bai Jiu jumped up and kicked Bai Shi's ass: "If you tell you to stop, don't stop, hurry down."

Facing Bai Jiu's accusation, Bai Shi felt aggrieved, but now there are more important things than justifying.Facing Cen Xueluo, Bai Shi clasped his fists and bent down, performed a courtesy, and said sincerely: "Beauty, thank you!"
Cen Xueluo looked calm, and waved his hands with a smile: "Where, learn from each other." Cen Xueluo's words are true, what she lacks is the experience of competing with others, and she has indeed learned a lot from Bai Shi, and she has also observed Not a lot.

The two ended the competition politely and won rounds of applause from the teenagers present. Some naughty teenagers even blew whistles, but they disappeared under Uncle Qi's knife-like gaze as soon as they started.

Bai Jiu looked at the interaction between Bai Shi and Cen Xueluo, and rolled his eyes: "Beauty, why don't we fight again after you rest? Otherwise, I won't be able to win!"

Said to let Cen Xueluo take a rest, but Bai Jiu didn't intend to go down at all, looking like a thief.For him, the more tired he dragged Cen Xueluo, the more loopholes he would have, and the greater the chance for Hei Qiyi to win.Speaking of it, although Bai Jiu is as thin as a monkey and always plays tricks, he is not annoying at all.

Cen Xueluo saw that Bai Jiu was like a naughty child, with all his thoughts on his face and no evil intentions at all.It just so happened that she didn't want to waste time, so Cen Xueluo simply said, "No, let's get started."

This remark hit Bai Jiu's heart, he jumped up excitedly and waved his fist, then turned his head and gave Hei Qi a smug look.

Hei Qi sat in the front row with a cold face and folded arms, completely unmoved.

"Brother Jiu, come on!" Bai Shi kindly held up a water bottle and cheered Bai Jiu on.

Although Bai Jiu is a cultivator himself, he has always been a fan of martial arts, especially Gu Long, so he has always believed that the only martial arts in the world is fast!But usually smart people have a bad problem, that is, they like to take shortcuts, and they are not diligent and solid enough.So speaking of it, apart from Bai Jiu being one of the best in this group of teenagers in his lightness kung fu, his other kung fu is very weak, and his lethality is not even as good as that of the strong Bai Shi.

After Bai Jiu just cupped his fists and saluted, his figure changed.With a touch of the toes, the person floated out without a sound, as fast as a gust of wind left an afterimage in the air.

Facing Bai Jiu's actions, what Cen Xueluo did was beyond everyone's expectations. She actually closed her eyes quietly.When Cen Xueluo was about to compete with Bai Jiu in lightness kungfu, Li suddenly said, "Don't move, stop still, and maintain your strength! He only has speed, but his attack and defense power are very low. You The six layers of protection can be dealt with, nothing to be afraid of!"

"Close your eyes, breathe lightly, breathe in and out to integrate yourself with the environment..." Although Li's voice was small, it came to Cen Xueluo's ears very clearly, "Amplify and amplify your six senses , you will find that all the disturbances around you will appear in your consciousness."

Cen Xueluo's breathing became very light, if there was nothing, he closed his eyes tightly, and his delicate face was in a peaceful state.Li's teaching opened a new window for her. When she closed her eyes, she heard Bai Jiu's breathing, the sound of Bai Jiu's staggered footsteps on tiptoe, and the sound of wind caused by her movement.

As expected, Bai Jiu really had the idea of ​​wasting Cen Xueluo's physical strength. He circled around Cen Xueluo like a butterfly, trying to attract the opponent to attack him, but Cen Xueluo remained motionless like an old monk. .After turning around a few times, Bai Jiu couldn't bear it any longer. Although Cen Xueluo looked defenseless, the icy aura around him seemed to keep locking him, no matter where he went, he seemed to be surrounded by a chill.

When he circled to Cen Xueluo's side, Bai Jiu finally couldn't help but strike. He kicked his feet on the ground, his stature shortened, and he rushed towards Cen Xueluo, his right palm formed a knife-like hand and slashed towards Cen Xueluo's neck. .

(End of this chapter)

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