The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 76 3 consecutive battles

Chapter 76 Three consecutive battles ([-])
Having just broken through to the seventh level of alchemy, Cen Xueluo felt that his internal energy was abundant, and his senses were clearer and more agile than before. A huge vortex was faintly formed in his dantian, flowing slowly like a nebula in the sky.

Hei Qi may not be as flexible as Bai Jiu, but the tip of his sword always points to Cen Xueluo's vital points quickly and accurately. If the normally indifferent Hei Qi is just like a silent lone wolf, then he is like Yue Yue at this moment. Yuan Yeye's extremely hungry cheetah, with a vigorous figure, exudes a chill all over his body, and a state of endless madness flashes on his cold face.

The teenagers couldn't see Hei Qi's movements clearly, they only saw a brilliant sword light enveloping Cen Xueluo, as if the beauty in the sword shadow was dodging in embarrassment without the slightest resistance.

At this moment, Bai Jiu commented proudly to Bai Shi: "Look, this little beauty has no power to fight back under Seventh Brother's hands."

Only Lao Qi's eyes flashed with astonishment.Is this girl... already strong to this extent?

In fact, Cen Xueluo didn't just dodge blindly, but he and Hei Qi had fought for no less than ten moves.When Cen Xueluo dodged to pass Hei Qi's sword, he slashed at Hei Qi's wrist with a hand knife, and when Hei Qi's wrist sank to avoid it, he quickly stretched out his hands to touch Hei Qi's collarbones on both shoulders.As soon as Hei Qi returned to the defense with his sword, he found that the opponent had retracted his hands, and his toes drew an arc towards his knee joints.

The two fought very quickly, their bodies crossed each other for a short time, and they had already made several moves.I saw the clothes fluttering on the field, the swords were shining everywhere, the two of them moved and dodged without any pause, and waited for the opportunity to make a move. For a while, it was impossible to tell the winner.

After 10 minutes passed, the figures of the two were like ghosts, their clothes were flying, and it was impossible to tell who was who.Everyone watched nervously and excitedly.

Half an hour later, the two were still nimble and quick, and it was hard to see who had the upper hand.Everyone stared blankly in surprise and confusion.

After an hour, the two finally crossed each other and stood facing each other.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed their sore eyelids.

Hei Qi stood upright like a javelin, his face was as cold as ice, there was no trace of fatigue on his cold face, his long and narrow black eyes stared straight at Cen Xueluo, like a wild beast staring at its prey, without blinking.

Cen Xueluo was as fresh and fresh as ever, her cool face retreated from the strangeness and indifference, instead she looked powdery and cute because of her excitement. She looked at Hei Qi lightly with her clear water eyes, not hiding her admiration.

After a long while, Hei Qi slowly stretched out the right hand of the sword, pointing the tip of the sword straight out of the arena, clenched his five fingers tightly and exerted force, the black training suit on his body bulged up like a balloon automatically without wind, and then his hand About ten centimeters of sword energy came out of his sharp sword.

"Why don't they fight anymore?" Bai Shiqi stretched his neck to look around, scratched his head in confusion and asked Uncle Qi.

Uncle Qi looked relieved, looked at Hei Qi intently, raised his head and rubbed the soft hair on the back of Bai Shiqi's head: "Seventeen, in the future, we must practice hard and learn from Hei Qi. This kid has actually developed sword energy , really good."

Half of the youths in white couldn't see the change of the long sword in Hei Qi's hand, and their faces were confused, but there were also expressions of envy, admiration, jealousy and so on on the faces of a small number of youths.

Cen Xueluo blinked and saw the long sword in Hei Qi's hand, and exclaimed: "It is said that there is a sword in the heart, and only those who understand the secrets of the sword and understand the meaning of the sword will emit sword energy. You are indeed very strong. Then I will not be polite." .”

As he spoke, Cen Xueluo slowly raised his hands. They were a pair of beautiful and delicate hands, not as rough and callused as Hei Qi.The five fingers are slender, and the skin is fair and delicate. Anyone who looks at it can't help feeling that these hands are enough to make hand models, but now Hei Qi's face is very dignified, because there are three slender embroidery needles sandwiched between the Qianqian five fingers, and the embroidery needles Fluorescent green.

Hei Qi's pupils shrank, and he stared at the three embroidery needles for a while and asked, "Is this your weapon?"

"Well. I don't just have this weapon." Cen Xueluo said frankly, "The needle is smeared with a paralyzing poison. I have done some research on poisons. I don't know if using poison is a violation?" Cen Xueluo turned to look at Qi Shu.

"Luo girl has a lot of experience in medical skills. This is also your personal specialty. It would be unfair to you if you are not allowed to use poison." Uncle Qi nodded with a smile. In fact, poison is like everyone's weapon. Some people use knives. , Some people use swords, some use whips, they are all good at themselves, so poison is also used as a weapon.Although most people still have extreme views on the use of poison, thinking that it is indiscriminate and indiscriminate, but Uncle Seven is obviously very knowledgeable and broad-minded, which is why he can achieve today's achievements in martial arts.

Under the education of Seventh Uncle, these children are also very open-minded, without so many rules and regulations, and even two teenagers clapped their hands with a playful smile and said: "Seventh brother is miserable, if we don't know about personnel, can we have a good life?" Revenge for revenge, resentment for resentment?"

The boy who looked a little older pushed the two restless boys to their seats, and warned in a low voice: "Shhh, don't make noise, brother Qi hasn't fainted yet, we will wait until he faints..."

Suddenly the young man felt a numbness in his scalp, raised his head and saw Hei Qi looking at him with black face and eyes as if he was going to kill someone, he plopped down and sat down on the seat, raised his hands and said: "Qi Qi Brother, I didn't say anything."

Seeing this group of teenagers sarcasm and quarrel with each other, but the relationship between them is so harmonious, everyone is as close as a family, Cen Xueluo also felt warm in her heart, she slightly raised the corners of her lips and said softly: "They have decided that you will be I was poisoned! How long do you think it would be appropriate to put you in a coma?"

"These brats." Hei Qi snorted coldly, although his expression remained the same, there was no trace of anger in his eyes.

Cen Xueluo suddenly felt that this Hei Qi might be cold-hearted and warm-hearted. She really liked these boys, and since she wanted to compete, why not... Cen Xueluo had a bold idea, and turned to look at Uncle Qi.

This glance seemed to convey a lot of meaning. Before Uncle Qi had time to think about it, he saw Cen Xueluo suddenly slowed down his breathing, as if his breath was about to disappear, and then his whole body was covered with a layer of crystal clear With a blue light, even the embroidery needle held between the five fingers breathed out a blue breath, as if a poisonous snake spit out a letter, and came alive.what is that?This question popped up in everyone's mind almost at the same time.

Different from Hei Qi's transparent and invisible sword aura, the aura emanating from Cen Xueluo's body and embroidery needles was slightly blue. Although it was tangible but not invisible, the colored light made everyone feel extremely strange.

Hei Qi obviously understood the intention of Cen Xueluo's move, and he did it to show himself his strength and let him let go. His eyes looking at Cen Xueluo softened for a moment, and then a stronger fighting intent appeared in his black eyes. Burning blazingly.With a kick of his feet, all expressions disappeared when his figure swayed, and the dangerous and cold boy like a cheetah returned.

There is no sound of clashing weapons, or even no contact between palms. The competition is about who is more flexible, who is faster, and who is more accurate.Compared with the embroidery needle, Hei Qi's long sword has an advantage, he can face the enemy head-on without any scruples, while Cen Xueluo has to be one step faster than Hei Qi to judge that his attack must be dodged while attacking at the same time.

The one in black is as cold as Shura, and the other is lingering in blue light like an elf.

Hei Qi swung his long sword, making a slight piercing sound across the air. The tip of the sword kept chasing Cen Xueluo's vitals. What's more, when Cen Xueluo's embroidery needle was about to touch Hei Qi's vital gate, Hei Qi Qi didn't care about it, as if he was going to burn everything.Luckily, Cen Xueluo breathed internally and released a circular body shield, and when Hei Qi's long sword pierced his protective shield, he withdrew his hand in time to dodge.

Unceasingly, entangled to the end, Hei Qiyi's fierce and ruthless state made Uncle Qi quite worried, but he knew that there was too much resentment and unwillingness buried in this child's heart, and he tried his best to restrain himself every time he competed. Can't you restrain yourself from releasing it all today?Should I try to stop him?Lao Qi was conflicted in his heart, he looked worriedly at Hei Qi dancing his sword like an emotionless machine, and cast a complicated look at Cen Xueluo.

What's wrong?Why is his hostility getting heavier?Does this boy want to hurt both sides?Cen Xueluo frowned slightly, and when she felt a little strange, she received Uncle Seven's apologetic and distressed eyes, as if there were many things to hide in her eyes.It seems that there is an unexpected situation, and you can't keep your hands.

During the usual competitions, Hei Qi was still trying his best to restrain himself and retain a little bit of skill, but now because of his invincibility for a long time, Cen Xueluo made Hei Qi ignite a monstrous fighting spirit, and forgot everything except fighting.At this time, Hei Qi's aura is not as calm as it was at the beginning. When the sword energy is exposed, it consumes a lot of internal energy, but the bloodshot black eyes of Hei Qi who is already a little dazed has only Cen Xueluo in his eyes, and a voice keeps ringing in his mind. : Knock her down!Knock her down!

Physical exhaustion is something every cultivator is used to, and it can be overcome by willpower, but a high degree of mental concentration is what tests a person's achievement the most.

Although Hei Qi was breathing more and more heavily, he felt that his senses became clearer. He could hear the beating of his own heart, the sound of bright red blood rushing through his veins, the sound of the sword tip piercing through the air, and the sound of Cen Xueluo moving. The sound of rushing air.As if everything had slowed down, he could clearly see the embroidery needle in Cen Xueluo's hand rubbing against his skin, and he could clearly see the fine pores on the back of Cen Xueluo's hand, and he could feel his own tenderness. It's easier to dodge.

However, when Hei Qi felt more and more beautiful, and his eyes became more and more red, he saw Cen Xueluo's hand move slightly, and two small blue wind blades came quickly through the air. Faster than they could move and dodge before.Then, Hei Qi seemed to hear the sound of something being injected into his body twice. He saw Cen Xueluo take two steps back and stood still, and saw the expressions of the teenagers in the seats change from excited to Panicked and worried, Bai Jiu slowly jumped up from the chair, and dexterously rushed towards the center of the field like a monkey. Hei Qi could even see Bai Jiu's lips slowly opening and calling "Brother Seven".

This kid is always so rough, he dared to enter the competition venue casually... The last consciousness appeared in Hei Qi's mind, and then he passed out in a black eyesight.

 Thank you Saint for the pink ticket. This is the first time Ruochu has received a pink ticket in his life, and he was a little dumbfounded with excitement.Thank you~thank you~saint! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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