The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 77 1 Everything is Ready

Chapter 77 Everything is ready

When it was too late, Uncle Qi was thinking blankly about the two blue lights that suddenly flew out from Cen Xueluo's fingertips. One of them didn't notice that Bai Jiu had already jumped out. Uncle Qi stretched out his hand and caught nothing. With a kick of two feet, the body popped out like flying: "Bai Jiu, don't act recklessly!"

Bai Jiu threw himself on the side of Hei Qi, shook Hei Qi's body and called out "Seventh Brother" twice, his thin and sharp face was a little irritable because of panic, he raised his head and glared at Cen Xueluo and asked, "What did you do to Seventh Brother?" what?"

Cen Xueluo was relieved to see that Hei Qi had finally been tricked and passed out. Concentrating for a long time, especially moving and dodging in a small area was the most exhausting. Tell me to poison him unconscious for revenge?"

"Is it just a coma?" Bai Jiu asked suspiciously, blinking.

Uncle Qi followed and was relieved to see that Bai Jiu hadn't done anything violent to Cen Xueluo. He knelt down and slapped Bai Jiu's hand under Hei Qi's nose, and said angrily and amusedly, "You think Luo girl What will happen to Hei Qi?"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Seven stood up and looked at Cen Xueluo, and said sincerely, "Thank you, girl Luo."

Cen Xueluo's face was still flushed red, and it polished up his usually cold face a lot. Although the chill all over his body hadn't subsided, it made the group of teenagers feel a lot closer.

Hearing that Hei Qi was fine, everyone relaxed, and rushed into the competition venue, gathered around Cen Xueluo and asked curiously, "Brother Qi really passed out?"

"Beauty, you are so amazing!"

"Bai Jiu, kick Brother Seven's ass and see if Brother Seven responds."

Bai Jiushou jumped up, shook his head and said, "I'm going to kick you, in case Seventh Brother is conscious, he won't peel my skin when he wakes up."

Everyone immediately burst into laughter, and then joked in a hurry.

Cen Xueluo stood among the teenagers, with a smile on his face unconsciously, such a warm atmosphere where each other was undefended and relaxed with each other was really nice...

These days, Cen Xueluo often followed Uncle Qi to this secret training base of the Qi family. The martial arts sparring made her seven-level alchemy state more and more stable, and her inner strength became more perfect, especially when she was with her. Uncle Qi learned a lot of skills and accumulated a lot of combat experience when they sparred.

More than a month after the Spring Festival, all schools had already started, but Cen Xueluo still stayed in the capital.As for the school, Mr. Qi had already taken care of it, and Cen Xueluo was not worried about her studies at all. The only thing she missed was her mother.Fortunately, my mother was very beaming when I talked on the phone every day. It seems that the business of the pharmacy is very good.

Cen Xueluo has been at Qi's house for a month, and apart from taking the pulse several times for old man Qi and prescribing a few medicines for him to take every day, he did nothing else.Old Master Qi and Lao Qi were not in a hurry, they didn't have a single word of urging, they just ordered to try their best to meet all of Cen Xueluo's demands, and from time to time, Lao Qi would take Cen Xueluo to compete with the gang of teenagers.Mr. Qi and Lao Qi are not in a hurry, but the others are as anxious as ants on a pot, waiting for progress every day.

Finally, in the early morning after Cen Xueluo retreated for five days, Cen Xueluo, who was still refreshed and casually tied her ponytail with a rubber band, opened the door. Her steps were light, and the threatening chill from before was gone.Although her body temperature is still not high, it just gives people a cool feeling, which is due to breaking through to the seventh level of alchemy and the restrained breath method taught by Li.

Lao Qi, who had been waiting in front of the courtyard, saw Cen Xueluo slowly opening the gate of the courtyard. His calm eyes were clear and peaceful, and the chill around him disappeared. All right?"

Cen Xueluo knew that since the beginning of her retreat, Seventh Uncle had personally stood guard in front of the courtyard to avoid being disturbed. This concern moved her very much. She nodded with a smile and said, "Ready, Seventh Uncle, let's go."

Old man Qi gets up very early every day, and he will never see any old and feeble state in him, his eyes are always bright, and his face is always red.Even though the dantian meridians are blocked and all his cultivation has been lost, even though he always feels weak all over his body now, his mental state has always remained at its peak.

When Cen Xueluo and Lao Qi went, Mr. Qi was concentrating on taking care of the flowers and plants in the greenhouse.

In this year, except for flower farmers who specialize in cultivating flowers and plants, most of them are capable of building their own greenhouses.And those rich and powerful people usually cultivate rare varieties in the greenhouse, such as Dali chrysanthemum, which is known as the "Pyramid of Flowers", and a thousand flowers can be called a hundred flowers blooming; , Strange and elegant; such as those rare species from all over the world, such as bird of paradise, rich bird, dancing girl orchid and so on.In this way, every time a guest comes, the door of the greenhouse is opened, and a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.

Old Man Qi is different. Although his greenhouse is spacious and bright, with complete facilities, Old Man Qi prefers gladiolus.Although the original species of gladiolus is produced in South Africa, it is now widely cultivated all over the world. Compared with dahlia chrysanthemum and bird of paradise, it is really not a rare rare flower or herb.

Cen Xueluo's gaze fell on the gladiolus plant that Mr. Qi was taking care of carefully. Although the solar terms had already passed the beginning of spring, it was still freezing outside, and the snow and ice on the ground had not yet melted. Can't wait to bloom pink flowers, the delicate flowers are protected by thick stems, quietly blooming on the straight green stems.

The old man fertilized this gladiolus plant very carefully, very carefully, with a focused expression as if he was caring for his own child.Cen Xueluo and Lao Qi stood quietly by the door of the greenhouse, not daring to disturb them.

After the old man took care of everything with his own hands, he looked at the vibrant spring scenery in the room with satisfaction, with a satisfied and joyful look on his face.

"Wait a long time." Old Master Qi took the towel handed over by Lao Qi, wiped his wet hands after washing, smiled and nodded at Cen Xueluo.

"It didn't take long. Looking at the room full of gladiolus, I feel very comfortable." Cen Xueluo replied, she remembered the flower language of gladiolus, although there were many, such as rising steadily, wealth and fortune, etc., but her favorite Flower language is still strong.

"Well. Look, these gladiolus are like the sword worn by Zhong Kui. The flowers and thick stems perform their duties." Mr. Qi glanced at the flowers and plants he had cultivated by himself, and turned to look at Cen Xueluo, "I always hope that I have the ability to do more things, but after all, time is not forgiving..."

Old Master Qi sighed melancholy, looked at Cen Xueluo who had his lips tightly closed, and said, "Let's go."

Cen Xueluo remained silent along the way, with a serious expression on his face.It's not that she didn't understand the meaning of old man Qi's words, but apart from helping the old man cure his old illness and open up his meridians, she really couldn't make any more promises.

The secret room used for the treatment has already been prepared, and no one knows where it is except Lao Qi and Mr. Qi.During this trip, Old Master Qi did not summon the brothers of the Qi family to give any instructions. The seventh child secretly drove Old Master Qi and Cen Xueluo out of the city.

In the secret room, the expressions of Old Master Qi and Lao Qi finally became more cautious, and Lao Qi didn't look as calm as before. He stared nervously at Cen Xueluo and swallowed unconsciously.

"Grandpa Qi." Cen Xueluo, who was stared at by the eyes of the two opposite people, finally said, "Your body has been recuperated very well, but I must explain that even if the meridians in Dantian are opened, Your cultivation will not be restored either."

"I know." Mr. Qi's expression was very complicated, with his hands behind his back, his head slightly raised, and his eyes were far away, "Speaking of it, I am not afraid of making jokes about you, a little girl. Back then, I was the number one expert in the Qi family. Even if I can't reach the power of heaven and earth, I still have the opportunity to see the edge of the cultivation world."

"Cultivation Realm." Lao Qi murmured and repeated, looking at Mr. Qi with moist eyes.It was me, at the most critical moment of the old man... Every time I think of this, Lao Qi's heart feels like a needle prick. He wished that he was killed back then, and he didn't want to see old man Qi like an ordinary old man dying for the rest of his life. .This is also the reason why he has served the Qi family silently for many years without children, without talking about marriage, and without seeking fame or fortune.

Cen Xueluo couldn't help but shrink slightly when he heard old master Qi's words: "Li, is it difficult for a cultivator in the secular world to reach the height of the cultivation world?"

Li Zheng was playing cosplay with the gourd baby mask, and he couldn't help but stand up straight when he heard Cen Xueluo's question, with his little hands behind his back, and said with an air of a master: "Of course, you think everyone is as good as you?" Lucky to have someone like me to guide you?"

The corners of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't help laughing out loud in such a sad atmosphere with Mr. Qi and Lao Qi.She clenched her right hand into a fist and coughed lightly, meeting the eyes of Old Master Qi and Uncle Seven, she said, "Grandpa Qi, you have opened up the dantian meridian. With the experience of previous cultivation, your progress must not be slow."

"You it all over again?" Mr. Qi's eyes seemed to be shining brightly, his wrinkled face shone brightly, and he asked hopefully but somewhat uncertainly, "At my age, I can is it okay?"

"Grandpa Qi, your body is in good condition. Although your meridians have been blocked for many years, the road you expanded in the past is still there. Even if you can't reach the heights of the past, it is not hopeless." At the end, Cen Xue Falling into his heart, he silently asked Li, "Is that right, Li?"

Li raised his head angrily: "Why do you ask me? I didn't guarantee it! Besides, I'm not proficient in medicine."

"Yes, yes, but you are warm-hearted and have a high IQ, so who do you ask?" Cen Xueluo held back a smile and gave Li a high hat.

This Xiangli was very proud of being coaxed, his tail was almost up to the sky, and old man Qi and Lao Qi over there were really excited and burst into tears.

Lao Qi clenched his fists, and said loudly, "Luo girl, as long as you can let the old man... I... my Lao Qi will do whatever I want! I will be your cow and horse..." After saying that, Lao Qi stepped forward two times. He wanted to kneel down to Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo quickly stopped Qi Shu's movements before Qi Shu's knees bent, and said anxiously, "Qi Shu, what are you doing! Aren't you cutting my life? As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best!"

"Well said! Well said! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best!" Mr. Qi was in a good mood, laughing loudly, with tears in his eyes but full of pride, "It's nothing special, it's just a fresh start Just pass! Okay! Luoluo, let's start!"

 Thanks to Maryane for the reward again!Thank you for your encouragement, Ruochu will definitely work hard! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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