Chapter 82
Sure enough, as Cen Xueluo expected, just as she finished asking, she saw Hei Qi and Bai Jiu's eyes widening in unison, looking at Cen Xueluo with innocent curiosity and asking, "What cold and heat?"

Bai Jiu was afraid that Cen Xueluo would not be dizzy enough and asked, "Does it mean winter vacation and summer vacation? I know school has a vacation! I like vacation the most... um..."

Seeing Cen Xueluo's increasingly ugly expression, Hei Qi quickly covered Bai Jiu's mouth with sharp eyes.

"You guys never went to school?" Cen Xueluo couldn't stand it anymore. It's okay to practice, but you can't deprive you of the right to go to school, right?

When asked, Hei Qi pursed his thin lips and said nothing, but Bai Jiu's lively and bright face darkened. He lowered his eyes and whispered: "We are all a group of orphans, and we are very lucky to be adopted by Uncle Qi. Uncle Qi also tried hard to let everyone live a normal life, but we couldn't integrate into those people at all."

Speaking of this, Bai Jiu's eyes were a little red, and she turned her eyes with a bit of stubbornness: "Those children who are accompanied by their parents every day and are treated like treasures by the whole family don't know what it's like to survive in the garbage dump since they were young. They are wasting food every day and complaining of being tired without doing anything, do they know what is real hunger and tiredness?"

"Bai Jiu, stop talking." Hei Qi interrupted Bai Jiu, patted Bai Jiu's shoulder, "Go into the room."

When Bai Jiu returned to the house, Hei Qi opened the room opposite Cen Xueluo's house, and whispered, "Let's go in and talk."

After Hei Qi entered the house, he didn't turn on the light, he went straight into the living room and sat on the sofa, blending himself into the dark night.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy, and Cen Xueluo felt as if he had touched the most secret scars in the hearts of these seemingly sunny and united teenagers.She breathed lightly and slowly closed the door, carefully walked to the chair opposite Hei Qi and sat down, waiting for Hei Qi to speak.

After Hei Qi sat down, he put his hands together on his knees and lowered his head, maintaining this position in silence for a long, long time.

Cen Xueluo remained silent all this time, just silently looking at the young man in the darkness. She could feel a deep and sad aura emanating from this cold and seemingly strong boy, bit by bit, until Fills the whole room.It was clearly a room with the heater turned on, but it was as icy cold as the snow and ice outside.

"We... are all orphans." Hei Qi didn't raise his head, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "We were discovered by Uncle Qi who was wandering around at different ages and brought them back." After speaking, Hei Qi tightened his grip. After closing his mouth, Cen Xueluo saw his fingers open and close, and then tightly crossed them.

"Do you remember Bai Shiqi?" When Hei Qi spoke again, he seemed to be in a better mood, raised his head, his expression was unclear in the darkness, only his eyes were as bright as stars.

"Well, I remember, that dazed and cute child." Cen Xueluo responded.She remembered that the boy who was the smallest and handsome, always looked drowsy and lacked sleep, Uncle Qi seemed to dote on him very much.

Hei Qi sneered, as if there was a lot of dissatisfaction and anger in his heart: "He is the youngest of us and the last child picked up by Uncle Qi. He is confused because his head was damaged, and he needs to sleep twelve hours a day Otherwise, you will have a splitting headache. Did you know that Shi Qi’s parents were desperate for life, and they actually agreed to commit suicide together. Have you ever seen a family who brought their children to commit suicide together?”

Cen Xueluo couldn't answer this question. With the development of society, most people's hearts became more and more empty. She had seen such reports of the whole family committing suicide together. She really couldn't understand the psychology of those parents.The most ridiculous thing is, wasn't he a coward in his previous life?Unable to withstand the blow, he committed suicide by drinking poison, so what qualifications do he have to judge others?Does one have to die once to understand that only by being alive can there be hope, and that death is nothing but a pity for relatives and enemies?

Originally, Hei Qi didn't want to hear any answers from Cen Xueluo. His expression was a bit confused, he couldn't understand the complicated world of adults with the heart of a 17-year-old boy, and his voice became erratic: "It should be fortunate that they When he committed suicide, he suddenly came to his senses, and then his mother who drank the poison struggled to call the police. When the ambulance arrived, Shi Qi’s parents were already dead, and he was the only one who was rescued. Because the toxin affected the brain nerves , requires a large sum of money for treatment, and none of Shiqi's relatives are willing to pay for this cost, and they all deny Shiqi..."

Hei Qi didn't finish talking about Bai Shiqi's life experience, but Cen Xueluo had already guessed the ending.Uncle Qi must have discovered Shiqi, and then paid the medical expenses to bring Shiqi back for adoption. Unfortunately, the toxin damaged the brain nerves and left sequelae.It's no wonder that in the Qi family's training base, Uncle Qi, who has such a poor cultivation base as Shi Qi, still spoils him without reproach.

"Sigh." Facing Bai Shiqi's background, Cen Xueluo could only sigh heavily.She felt that saying anything was useless, and she had to do her best to help them. Maybe if she had a chance, she should help Bai Shiqi to see if the brain nerves could be repaired.

Hei Qi's story is still not finished, he seems to have emptied his head and was completely immersed in the memories, he stared at the front without focus and continued: "There are also Bai Shi and Bai Jiu, they are a pair of troubled brothers, no one will I know where their original hometown is. They were kidnapped by human traffickers when they were very young, and later sold to a pickpocket group. Well, the group is too exaggerated. It is the kind of place where children are trained to steal. Bai Jiu is more dexterous and smart, It’s okay to say something, but Bai Shi was always beaten and scolded by the leader of the thief because he was clumsy and too honest, and he often went hungry for two days without food. Later, Bai Jiu escaped with Bai Shi. I was only nine years old, and a nine-year-old and an eight-year-old just wandered around outside, even picking up trash."

"He can steal..." Cen Xueluo knew that she had said the wrong thing the moment she opened her mouth, and quickly swallowed the rest of the words and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Even if he is a child, he has his own moral values ​​in his heart. Bai Jiu once stole an old man, who knew that the money was used by the old man to see a doctor for his wife. He saw the old man sitting on the street. Crying heartbreakingly, Bai Jiu said that he really wanted to return the money, but the money was taken away by the leader as soon as he got it. He stood on the street for a long time, and finally decided not to steal again. It’s a penny, and then I found a chance to run away with Bai Shi.” Hei Qi shrugged, leaned on the back of the sofa, and looked up at the dark ceiling, “I always thought I was miserable, but I'm afraid none of our dozen or so brothers are any better than me. Looking at Bai Jiu now, do you think he survived by being a thief for three years and wandering around picking up trash?"

Bai Jiu is only 16 years old now, and he has already experienced the vicissitudes and darkness that adults do not have. Seeing such a cheerful and mischievous Bai Jiu, Cen Xueluo really doesn't know how old this boy is. Courage overcomes the past and faces the present day with a smile.

"Actually, it's not just the three of them. There are also some children who were bleeding, dying, or extremely autistic. They looked at the world with that kind of terrified eyes and rejected everyone's contact." Hei Qibo His lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, and he leaned against the back of the sofa with his arms crossed, his expression seemed to be self-deprecating, "I am the same, it will take a little time to adapt to this environment outside now."

"It's okay, I will help you." Cen Xueluo said sincerely, looking into Hei Qi's long and narrow eyes.

"Thank you." Hei Qi returned to his original cold and silent look. The previous words seemed to add up to more than what he had said in the past two years. He took a deep breath, stood up and prepared to go out, and suddenly remembered something, yes Cen Xueluo, who got up and walked out, added, "Our studies are also entrusted to you."

Cen Xueluo almost staggered and tripped over the chair leg, she looked back in astonishment as if seeing Hei Qi's lips curled up slightly and then pressed back he serious?God!Learn?

"Didn't you say you would help us? Let's start with the study." Finally, Hei Qi ended the conversation with an affirmative sentence, and walked out of the living room first.

Cen Xueluo followed Hei Qi resentfully, howling in her heart.Learn?They need to make up for their junior high school knowledge, right?Let's talk about the three of them like this, how to make up lessons?
After the conversation, Hei Qi seemed to relax a lot, and he didn't have any sense of guard or alienation towards Cen Xueluo and her mother. Apart from his lack of words and facial paralysis, he was still an easy guy to get along with.But why does Cen Xueluo think Hei Qi is a super black-bellied guy every time he sees Hei Qi listening to his mother seriously?

During the conversation between Hei Qi and Cen Xueluo, Bai Jiu had already successfully won Hao Yuemei's favor, and with Bai Shi's clumsy and cute appearance, Hao Yuemei almost loved these two children as if they were her own sons.So every night regarding Cen Xueluo's remedial lessons for the three of them, Hao Yuemei agreed without hesitation with a big wave of her hand.

Mom, am I your own?Cen Xueluo, who was sent to the opposite door by her mother to give those three guys extra lessons just after eating, knocked on the opposite door with a black face.Seeing Bai Jiushi with a narrow smile on his face, Cen Xueluo really wanted to punch him with black eyes!They must have colluded and agreed!First use the pathetic offensive to deceive your sympathy, and then use sweet sugar-coated shells to break through the mother's defense line!How despicable!
Flipping through the textbook, Cen Xueluo looked at the three bewildered teenagers opposite, and coughed sullenly: "We're going to talk about mathematics today, and we'll start with the calculation of rational numbers in junior high school."

"Why do you talk about mathematics? I like English! It's the Ula Ula words spoken by those blond beauties!" Bai Jiu took the lead in protesting, "I think communication is the first step in learning! Let's learn English!"

"You learn English just to communicate with beautiful women?" How old is this child!Do you want to be so precocious!Gritting her teeth, Cen Xueluo asked back, "Sooner or later, you will learn! But I think the most neglected thing in your courses is mathematics!"

"I don't like math either!" Bai Shi scratched his head, recalled the schedule he saw during the day, and said with a smirk, "I like that... PE! Yes, it's PE class!"

Seeing that Cen Xueluo was about to run away, Hei Qi stretched out his hand and gave Bai Jiu and Bai 11 a slap: "Take your notebook and pen, let's do math!"

The two immediately honestly took out their homework and pencils from their schoolbags, and looked at Cen Xueluo like a good student.

It seems that it is still non-violent non-cooperation!Cen Xueluo couldn't help complaining in her heart, then opened the book in front of her and said, "We have already learned the basic operations and application problems of mathematics when we were in elementary school..."

"We didn't go to elementary school..." Bai Jiu interrupted again quickly.

Cen Xueluo's face turned dark: "If you want to speak in the future, please raise your hand! Also, don't say anything that has nothing to do with the course."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cen Xueluo saw Bai Shi raised his hands high, and kept blinking at him.

"Okay, student Qi Kai, what's your question?" In order to show formality and seriousness, Cen Xueluo specially called Bai Shi by his first name.

Bai Shigao raised his hands and asked innocently: "But what are the basic operations of mathematics?"

Can I faint?Cen Xueluo supported his forehead and secretly rolled his eyes: "Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division."

"Oh. I will do this." Bai Shi happily put down his hands, his face full of complacency.

"You two are not allowed to talk!" Hei Qi finally spoke, and gave Bai Jiu and Bai Shi a warning look, indicating that Cen Xueluo could start class.

Could it be that my brain waves are not on the same frequency as theirs?Cen Xueluo glanced at the expressions of the three guys opposite her, and couldn't help but feel a little shaken in her heart.Seeing the three of them, no, it should be said that Bai Jiu and Bai Shi had finally settled down, Cen Xueluo picked up the textbook and began to give lectures.

After talking about rational arithmetic, Cen Xueluo stopped, and the three people on the opposite side seemed to be listening very seriously, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.Although the discipline is very good, no one talks nonsense anymore, but no matter what they say, they don't say a word, and they don't know whether they will or not.


She was answered by two heads that were actively moving up and down and an expressionless face.

"Do you really understand?"

The movements and expressions of the three teenagers remained the same.

Ok.Cen Xueluo was really defeated. He took the workbook and said, "Then let's do a few questions. Start on the third page, and finish all the multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. Let's start!"

The three heads lowered together to look at the workbook, carefully looking at the questions.Cen Xueluo was very satisfied with the state of Black Seven, White Nine, and Bai Ten, and a sense of accomplishment welled up in his heart.

It's a pity that this feeling of good feeling soon dissipated. Cen Xueluo stared at Bai Shi's hands, then looked at Bai Shi's problem, and finally couldn't help asking: "Are you breaking your fingers? seven?"

(End of this chapter)

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