Chapter 83 Disputes
Compared to Cen Xueluo's astonishment, Hei Qi and Bai Jiu looked very calm, but Bai Shiyi replied with a natural face: "Of course."

Then he gesticulated with his thick fingers and wrote the answer on the paper with satisfaction.

Cen Xueluo stared at Bai Shi with wide eyes, and asked, "What about eight plus eight?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Bai Shi seriously started to snap his fingers again.

Cen Xueluo felt that she was about to be defeated by this trinket: "Are you kidding me? Don't break your fingers in all the calculations here!" Cen Xueluo pointed to the exercise book and warned Bai Shi very sternly.

Bai Shi took a peek at Cen Xueluo's face, closed his mouth aggrieved, took his left hand back and put it under the table.

Both Bai Jiu and Hei Qi did the questions very quickly, and they completed the multiple choice questions easily in a short while.Cen Xueluo looked sideways at Bai Jiu's answer and praised with satisfaction: "Bai Jiu, you are good at math."

"That's right, I used to count money." Bai Shi stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand and made a pinching motion, and then twirled his thumb and index finger to imitate counting money.

"Okay." Cen Xueluo felt that she shouldn't talk too much, she pointed to the fill-in-the-blank questions below, "You continue."

Except for the rustle of the pen tip writing on the paper, the room was silent.Cen Xueluo's gaze shifted from Hei Qi, who was immersed in quick calculations, to Bai Jiu, who was writing the answer straight away, and then...

"Bai Shi, what are you in a daze for? Why don't you do the questions?" Cen Xueluo finally couldn't help but speak again after Bai Shi kept looking up at the ceiling at an angle of 45 degrees for 3 minutes.

"Ah? I'm calculating." Bai Shi was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and replied.

"How do you calculate looking at the ceiling?" Cen Xueluo unceremoniously exposed Bai Shi.

"Oh, I was imagining how this addition would break my fingers..." Bai Shi explained sincerely, carefully looking at Cen Xueluo's face that was about to darken, "Is there any problem?"

"No. You do the math." Cen Xueluo tightly closed her mouth again, telling herself to breathe, breathe, and then take a deep breath.It seems that what Bai Shi needs is not only supplementary lessons, but also elementary school oral arithmetic problem cards and multiplication formulas.

After finally finishing the class, Cen Xueluo felt that she was more tired than doing two hours of problems. She returned home and said hello to her mother before closing the door of her room.

"Li, what do you think Uncle Qi meant by throwing the three of them over here?" The more Cen Xueluo thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. According to how much Uncle Qi attached importance to these young people, it was impossible to send Hei Qi and the three of them here and ignore them. Don't ask.

Li raised his head from a pile of books, and replied irresponsibly, "Didn't I tell you to study with you?"

"What is there to learn from me? Could it be that I really want to give them extra lessons from junior high school? And then? Let them study hard for high school and university entrance exams?" Cen Xueluo thought wildly while resting her beard.

"I guess something happened over there, that old seven can't take care of himself." Li put down the book, replied very maturely, and then changed the subject, "You got the fire dragon grass, shouldn't it be time to practice the foundation building pill? ?”

"I don't have time." Cen Xueluo complained, and then added, "This is not live mud. If you want to rub a pill, you can rub it. I have to prepare it."

"You have already reached the seventh floor of the "Medical Classics", how long will it take?" Li was very dissatisfied, "Hurry up and practice as soon as possible, stabilize the seven-level alchemy state, and then work hard to refine medicine! As long as I don't look at you, you Just slack off! We are all adults, can you be more conscious!"

Cen Xueluo was speechless after being educated by Li, but she also understood Li's urgency, so she obediently entered the space and began to practice.

After seeing Cen Xueluo concentrating on cultivating, there was an expression of relief on Li's handsome face, his big and bright eyes stared fixedly at Cen Xueluo for a while, with a vague and uneasy expression, finally Li Weiwei Frowning and stepping on the purple mist, he turned and left.

The weather on the second day was a bit gloomy, with gloomy clouds covering the slightly pale sun. Although it was spring when everything was recovering, the north where the ice and snow had just melted still carried the chill.

In the teacher's office, Teacher Huang sat alone on his seat, his usual kind smile disappeared, replaced by frowning and worry.

Suddenly, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. Teacher Huang, who was correcting homework with a red pen in his seat, couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. The tip of the pen poked a hole in the homework on the table, leaving a bright red ink mark .

Just as Mr. Huang put the cap on the red pen and carefully absorbed the ink on the homework with the paper, the office door was pushed open, and Mr. Ma, who taught physical education, walked in angrily and shouted: "Huang! Teacher, what happened to that Qi Kai in your class? He shot three basketballs in the basketball class today! Did he deliberately destroy the sports equipment? If he does this again, I will be fined!"

Teacher Huang rubbed the center of his brows, looked at the tall and burly Teacher Ma, and couldn't help but smile wryly: Sure enough, something happened!On this day, first in the morning, the Chinese teacher came to complain, saying that the new students Qi Long, Qi Yang, and Qi Kai were sleeping in class and didn’t pay attention to the lecture, and told them to get up and make them stand, but fell asleep standing up!Then the English teacher said that Qi Yang was too active and answered questions to tease the teacher.

Regarding what the English teacher said, Mr. Huang went to investigate specifically, and the situation is as follows.Qi Yang is very interested in English, and actively follows the teacher to read words and texts aloud. His brain is also very good. The sentences he just learned can be memorized immediately and used flexibly.The question is whether it is used, but when the English teacher asked a question, he stood up and answered: "This question is really very good, but who tama knows."

The English teacher's voice was trembling with excitement: "If you don't know the answer to the question, you don't know it. It's really good to tell me this question in English, but who the hell knows! You can swear at a young age, and the English That's what the fuck said!"

After finally calming down the excited and talkative English teacher, Teacher Huang felt that his head was getting bigger, so he ate lunch absent-mindedly and didn’t take a nap at noon. He wanted to talk to the three new students, but they Fortunately, after eating, I was very active and ran to the playground to wait for the physical education class in the morning and afternoon.

At first, I thought there would be nothing wrong with the physical education class, but... Teacher Huang couldn't help rubbing the center of his eyebrows again, and said to the physical education teacher Ma: "Mr. Ma, I know the situation, and I will definitely criticize them!"

"This is not just about criticism! This is malicious damage to public property! It's too bad!" Teacher Ma said angrily, "I have taught students for more than ten years, but I have never seen anything like this? It's basketball, he thought Is it a balloon? Shoot one and pop it!"

"Mr. Ma, I will take care of it! Don't worry!" Mr. Huang sent off the angry Mr. Ma with a smile on his face, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, went back to the desk and took three sips of water from the teacup. Only then did I feel that the tightness in my chest was a little better.Principal, what kind of students have you placed for me?

At this time, the atmosphere in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High was as gloomy and restless as Teacher Huang's mood.

Although Qi Kai is close to 1.9 meters tall and can be described as a burly man, his expression is as innocent as a little white rabbit, timidly hiding behind Qi Yang, with the expression of doing something wrong.

Qi Yang bravely stood in front of Qi Kai with his thin body, turned his head and comforted him: "It's okay, you didn't mean it!"

"It's okay if you didn't do it on purpose?" Nie Yunfeng stood in front of Qi Yang. He was half a head taller than Qi Yang, and he was quite aggressive. "It's not that Teacher Ma didn't teach you how to shoot. Forget it, and destroy three in a row?"

"It's just three basketballs! Besides, basketballs are meant to be broken! What else do you want if you say it wasn't intentional?" Qi Yang was forced out of anger by Nie Yunfeng's interrogating tone, and retorted in a bad way .

"Hey, what a big tone! Don't you want to pay for breaking something? It's not intentional, so it's right? Then, isn't it illegal to kill someone accidentally?" Wen Yuanyuan stood beside Nie Yunfeng, looking at Qi with contempt. Yang and Qi Kai sneered and mocked.

"That's right, you should apologize to the teacher!" Fang Yuan pointed at Qi Kai.

"If you pay, you will pay! What's the big deal!" Qi Yang rolled up the sleeves of his school uniform and waved his hands nonchalantly.

"As expected of being from the capital, he is rich and powerful!" Wen Yuanyuan's tone was a bit sarcasm.

With a straight face, Nie Yunfeng said seriously: "It's not about the compensation, it's about your attitude!"

"What's wrong with my attitude?" Seeing that these class cadres were going on endlessly, Qi Yang couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

"Okay, squad leader, people say they have lost money, so what attitude do you care about?" Wu Liang joked, "Maybe they print money and have money, so you can pay whatever you want."

This remark caused the other onlookers to burst into laughter, and they all started joking around.

"That's right, you don't have to work hard to make money, and you don't feel bad when you spend it."

"He is from the capital, and the money will come just by moving his mouth and fingers, how can we be ordinary people like us."

"Hey, people are more popular than others. Squad leader, forget it, we can't afford to provoke big shots."

Qi Yang's face became more and more red in the words of everyone, and his expression changed from indifference at the beginning to a little excited. He clenched his fists tightly and stared at the male classmate who said that he would come here just by saying that he would just use his hands and money. , asked word by word: "What did you just say?" These words pierced Qi Yang's heart like a knife, and the unbearableness of the past resurfaced in his mind, he bit his lip and trembled slightly .

"Brother." Qi Kai looked at Qi Yang's slightly trembling body in front of him, and couldn't help calling out worriedly, glaring at the boy who poked Qi Yang's scar.

"Hey, look at how dry you are, do you still want to hit me?" The one who made the provocation was a short but rather strong boy. He has learned Sanda for several years, and he is very confident in his skills on weekdays.The boy squinted at the thin Qi Yang, and then at Qi Kai, "Let's practice on the playground after school if you don't agree, don't think I'm afraid of you because you are strong, whoever is a coward is the grandson!"


Qi Yang's eyes turned red, he kicked his feet on the ground and was about to rush over to teach this boy a lesson, Qi Long grabbed Qi Yang's arm and said coldly: "Calm down."

Nie Yunfeng looked at Qi Long who finally stood up, and twitched his lips: "What? You want to stand up for him?"

Standing opposite Nie Yunfeng, Qi Long looked straight at Nie Yunfeng with his long and narrow eyes, and said slowly: "We will pay for what is damaged, and we will admit what we did wrong. You don't need to talk too much!"

"I'm the squad leader, and I should take care of you when you make mistakes!" Nie Yunfeng raised his eyebrows, and said bluntly, "If everyone bullies others like you, then everyone will have nothing to do with it."

As soon as Nie Yunfeng finished speaking, suddenly there was a "clang" sound from the front of the classroom.Everyone turned their heads and saw the desk in front of Cen Xueluo slanted on the ground, with books and stationery scattered all over the floor.

"Luoluo, what's the matter?" Ouyang Jingyi, who was watching the excitement, saw that Cen Xueluo's things had dropped, so she hurried over to help pick them up.

Cen Xueluo shook his head at Ouyang Jingyi, turned around and looked at Nie Yunfeng, with an undisguised disdain on his cold face: "Bullying? May I ask why the three of them are bullying? Isn't it always you, the monitor, who is here?" Are you aggressive? People have already said what should be compensated, and what should be admitted is wrong, what else do you want? Or do you think it is satisfactory to drive them to death?"

It would be satisfying to force them to death... These words hit Nie Yunfeng's heart heavily, and he took a step back with a pale face, his eyes flustered: "Cen Xueluo, you... what do you mean?"

Wen Yuanyuan also immediately chimed in: "We just can't understand how they know their mistakes and don't correct them. Cen Xueluo, what do you mean by that? Who wants to force people to death?"

"You know it yourself!" Cen Xueluo snorted coldly, bent down to lift up her desk, and then sat on her seat without looking back.

The atmosphere was tense for a while, and a few students who wanted to stand up for Nie Yunfeng and Wen Yuanyuan saw the ugly faces of the squad leader and the group secretary, and muttered a few words without saying anything more. After all, they wanted to please the squad leader and the group secretary at this time. It will offend the study committee members, and it will not be good if you talk too much.After a few seconds of silence, the class bell rang, and everyone went back to their seats.

Qi Long sat back beside Cen Xueluo, his thick black eyebrows were tightly frowned, and Cen Xueluo could feel that he was trying to control his evil spirit.Seeing Qi Long's knuckles turning white, Cen Xueluo couldn't help asking softly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Two words popped out of his mouth like a robot, Qi Long looked ahead, finally relaxed after a while, and whispered when the geography teacher on the podium was not paying attention, "I'm afraid of Bai Jiu... "

Hitting people does not slap people in the face, and exposing people does not expose shortcomings.The boy's words did hit Bai Jiu's vitals, but those words were also unintentional... What should we do?Cen Xueluo turned her head to the side and looked in Bai Jiu's direction worriedly.

The usually lively and thin young man was burying his head on the table, unable to see his expression clearly.

"Could it be that he's really going to fight after school?" Cen Xueluo asked in a low voice, her heart skipped a beat.

Qi Long pursed his lips and lowered his eyes: "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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