The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 84 Heads-up on the playground

Chapter 84 Heads-up on the playground

Cen Xueluo felt that she was simply fed up, why didn't she concentrate on cultivating, refining medicine or visiting a pharmacy?In short, it's not good to do something serious. After school, I have to watch some brats fight!

Thinking of this, Cen Xueluo looked sadly at Qi Long who was sitting next to him with his arms crossed and a cool expression on his face.I just listened to the life experience of these teenagers, but how did I become a nanny?Up to now, she still remembers what the three brothers Qi Yang, Qi Kai and Qi Long said to her after school.

"Let's go. Bai Jiu's matter is life and death." This is what Qi Long said with an indifferent face.

"Ninth Brother will not lose! We will not embarrass you!" This is what Qi Kai, who has not figured out the situation so far, said.

"Luoluo, it's okay, just let me fight like a man! It doesn't matter if I die or get injured, get expelled from school or go home again, it doesn't matter to you. If you don't want to see me lose my arms and legs Or I was kicked out in the end and had to go home first, it’s not your fault. Really! You don’t care about my responsibilities and obligations, everything is my own choice! Even if you watch me go to hell, you don’t have to worry about it A little guilty! You go, remember my appearance before you leave, maybe after this farewell, I don’t know when we will meet again!” This seemingly passionate and provocative wordy words came from Qi Yang. The boy blinked his eyes a few times, trying to show a generous appearance.

Well, everyone has talked about this, so can I still insist on going home first?Why is there always a feeling of falling into a trap.Cen Xueluo looked depressedly at the opposing teams on the playground.

To say that there are two parties is really flattering Qi Yang's side, because he is the only one on his side, and even Qi Kai was ordered by Qi Long to sit honestly on the sidelines as a spectator.

And beside the sturdy boy who had practiced Sanda, there were four other boys standing. They claimed to be the Five Tigers in the first year of high school. The boy who challenged Qi Yang was Yao Jie, the eldest of the Five Tigers.

"Are you coming by yourself? Don't ask your brother or brother to help you?" Yao Jie folded his arms, squinted at the thin Qi Yang opposite, and then raised his chin in the direction of Qi Long and Qi Kai.

"It's enough to single out myself!" Qi Yang answered proudly with his chin raised, although he was thin and small, but he was not weak at all.

"Don't say we bully you, our five brothers have always wanted to fight together. Since you want to fight alone, then you can fight the five of us one by one!" The five tigers placed the second brother Zhao Siming on Yao Jie's shoulder, A pair of good brothers waved their fists at Qi Yang.

The other people couldn't help laughing after hearing Zhao Siming's words, and they looked at Qi Yang with pity, as if they could already see the miserable situation of this thin guy being knocked down by himself and others and kowtowed to the ground begging for mercy.

"They're all in the same class, and I don't want to make a big fuss." Seeing that Qi Yang was silent on the opposite side, Yao Jie waved his hands gracefully, with a tolerant expression on his face, "Kneel down and let us Just kowtow and apologize."

"It's too much!" Cen Xueluo glared at Yao Jie angrily.

Qi Long pinched his knuckles and said impatiently to Qi Yang: "Xiao Jiu, hurry up."

"Received!" Seeing Qi Long's gloomy face, Qi Yang didn't dare to continue showing weakness to tease the five people opposite him. He couldn't help grinning, and hooked his fingers grinningly, "My brother is in a hurry, let's hurry up!" Let's go together, so you won't waste my time."

The sudden change in Qi Yang's attitude made the five tiger generals realize that the other party was playing tricks on him, so he couldn't help but cursed angrily, and then rushed towards Qi Yang with his fists pumped.

Cen Xueluo was originally worried that Qi Yang's exposure of the practitioner's strength would cause some trouble, but he immediately became amused when he focused his attention on it.To deal with the five reckless men who only know brute force and have no cooperation at all, Qi Yang's dexterous lightness kung fu immediately came in handy.He even retained half of his strength, he just needed to easily find a gap to dodge the attack.

Yao Jie has fought many fights, winning and losing. He has always felt that the reason why he wins more times is not because he has learned Sanda, but because he is more tolerant than others.When he was also punched by the opponent, he could endure the pain and continue to attack until the opponent fell to the ground.But today's fight made him very upset, and he even became more and more agitated because of his aggrieved heart.The reason is very simple, because every punch he made was in vain, and the feeling of hitting the air with all his strength was as uncomfortable as hanging in the air, but he still couldn't touch the corner of Qi Yang's clothes, so he couldn't vent his anger .

"Bah. If you have the ability, don't hide!" Qi Yang was like a loach, and Zhao Siming couldn't help yelling after several punches and kicks failed.

"Aren't you going to hide and wait to be beaten? I'm not stupid!" Qi Yang laughed, deftly went around to the back of Zhao Siming's head and gave him a thump, then smiled and dodged Yao Jie's heavy punch on his head .

Seeing Qi Yang dodging again, Yao Jie wanted to take two steps forward and grab Qi Yang's neck, but Zhao Siming stood in front of him.Watching his fingers slide away five centimeters from Qi Yang's neckline, Yao Jie finally couldn't help it anymore: "Brothers, stop. I will teach him a lesson myself!" The person's body is in the way, and he is suffocating in his heart. He can't help but think that other people are dragging his hind legs, otherwise how can he, who has learned Sanda, not even touch the corner of the other party's clothes.

The other four gasped and stopped, staring at the calm and smiling Qi Yang with red eyes, wishing to tear this slippery boy in half: "Boss, teach him a lesson!"

"That's right, you come here, so you don't have to turn around. He said that we have more people and we bully fewer people."

Listening to the conversation between the Five Tiger Generals, Cen Xueluo on the sidelines almost didn't laugh.When Qi Yang was asked to single out the five of them just now, why didn't he talk about the fact that there are many people and few?Now I haven't even touched someone's fingers, and I'm so exhausted that I haven't noticed anything wrong yet.

Yao Jie squinted at Qi Yang, took two deep breaths and said provocatively, "Don't just hide if you have the ability, let's fight each other and see who falls first."

Qi Yang rolled his eyes, and waved his hands again and again: "Bullying people, you are so big, I am so thin, if you punch me down, I will be smashed to the ground!"

"Don't say I'm taking advantage of you! I'll let you fight first!" Yao Jie, who was also a man, patted his chest and said loudly, "Whoever falls first will apologize, and there will be no after-the-fact settlement! What you say counts!"

Yao Jie's uprightness made Qi Yang look at him differently. He put away his hippie smile and said seriously: "Okay, what you say is true! If you lose, I don't need you to kneel and kowtow, just call me the boss." !"

Did you know he would win before the fight started?Yao Jie's face flushed red with anger, and he said, "Okay! It's a deal! Whoever speaks is not counted as grandson!"

Qi Kai clapped his hands as he watched, and shouted cheerfully: "Brother Ninth wants to take in younger brother!"

"Shut up, brat! I don't know who will win!" Zhao Siming yelled at Qi Kai viciously.

Cen Xueluo kept pursing her lips to watch the boys making a fuss, and suddenly felt Qi Long's head move slightly, and said coldly, "Xiao Jiu, speed up."

"Okay!" Qi Yang clapped his hands, signaling Yao Jie to get ready, then clenched his thin fists and punched him lightly.

When Zhao Siming and others were about to laugh at Qi Yang for not being able to kill an ant with such little strength, they were dumbfounded to find that their boss Yao Jie had his eyes wide open and his body was straight and fell backwards.

Zhao Siming rushed over to catch Yao Jie's body from behind, seeing Yao Jie's eyes rolling around, but his body stood straight and motionless.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Have you had a stroke?" Zhao Siming blurted out.

Nima, you just had a stroke, your whole family has a stroke!My mouth and eyes are crooked!Yao Jie couldn't speak, couldn't move his hands, he could only wink anxiously.

"Oh my God, the boss is about to roll his eyes due to cramp, take him to the hospital!" The Five Tigers exclaimed another boy, not forgetting to stare at Qi Yang, who was standing next to him, and said, "Wait, we won't let you go!" your."

Yao Jie wept bitterly in his heart, his brothers were fighting fiercely, and his IQ was really stretched!I am in such a hurry that I am about to smoke, okay?Seeing that no one understood what he meant, Yao Jie could only look at Qi Yang who was asking for help.It was true that Qi Yang punched him in the chest just now without much effort. Yao Jie didn't even feel any pain, but only felt a numbness in the place Qi Yang hit, which randomly spread to his whole body.This little guy is hiding his secrets, no wonder he dares to shout at us five tiger generals!Hunting wild geese all the year round made Yan'er blind, it seems that this time I can only admit defeat!
Qi Yang shook his hands, leaned over with a smile and looked into Yao Jie's eyes and asked, "Are you admitting defeat? Blink once if you admit defeat, and blink twice if you don't admit defeat."

The other four members of the Five Tigers stared blankly at Yao Jie who was lying on the ground and blinked obediently, then Qi Yang stretched out his hand to pat Yao Jie twice with a smile and said, "Get up, little brother, it's so cold lying on the ground. "

Yao Jie felt the numbness on his body disappear immediately, and finally felt the coldness on the ground on his back, and jumped up quickly.

Cen Xueluo naturally knew the mystery of Qi Yang's punch, but is it really okay to use acupoints to opportunistically?Just as she was about to ask Qi Long, she heard footsteps coming from the teaching building. Looking sideways, she saw several students in the class running towards the playground together.

Nie Yunfeng was also among those students, and before he got close, he shouted loudly: "Stop fighting, no fighting!"

Yao Jie turned around and almost all the cadres from work came over, and he gave Qi Yang a dry laugh twice: "I didn't call you here."

"I know. I don't know who tipped off the news." Qi Yang shrugged indifferently, and asked with a smile, "Does our bet count?"

Nie Yunfeng, Wen Yuanyuan and others had known for a long time that Yao Jie would recruit all the five tiger generals to teach Qi Yang a lesson. They came late on purpose. The purpose was first to make Qi Yang suffer, and second to prevent If something happens, it will go to school.Unexpectedly, as soon as he ran to the front, he saw Yao Jie bowed down to Qi Yang and shouted: "From now on, you will be my boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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