Chapter 85 Hostility
what's the situation?Several class cadres who rushed over were dumbfounded.

Wu Liang, the sports committee member, glared at the famous Five Tiger Generals in his freshman year and asked, "What's going on? Yao Jie? Zhao Siming?"

Yao Jie shook his head with a wry smile, but Zhao Siming and the other three shook their heads blankly.The four of them didn't know what happened just now, and they wanted to coax the boy to beat him up, but Yao Jie gave them a wink, meaning to go back and talk about it, don't do anything.So the four of them stood there stupidly and saw the boss of the five tiger generals bowing his head to this new skinny boy.

Nie Yunfeng and Wen Yuanyuan were a little puzzled, secretly looking at the expressions of the people present, guessing what they missed just now.

Ouyang Jingyi glanced around boredly, and found Cen Xueluo sitting on the sidelines, and waved happily: "Luoluo, you're here too!"

There are many criticisms about Ouyang Jingyi.People who like her especially like her. Of course, this group of people who like her are mostly men, while those who hate her especially hate her. This group of people who hate her are mostly women.So in general, although Ouyang Jingyi seems to be very prominent and independent, she has very few female friends, and the only person in the class who catches her eye is Cen Xueluo.

Ouyang Jingyi ran to Cen Xueluo and sat down beside Cen Xueluo without hesitation, grabbed Cen Xueluo's arm and asked, "What's going on? Tell me about it. Why did the boss of the Five Tigers bow his head and admit defeat? It's so rare, isn't it?" .”

"It's nothing, I lost the bet, admit the bet and admit defeat." Cen Xueluo said lightly.

"I didn't expect this little guy to be quite secretive." Ouyang Jingyi sighed indifferently, and then pulled Cen Xueluo excitedly and whispered, "By the way, my soldier brother wrote to me .”

The soldier brother Ouyang Jingyi was talking about, Cen Xueluo, had been mentioned by her once. It is said that he was her junior high school classmate, and his grades were not satisfactory in the high school entrance examination, so his family signed up to serve as a soldier.

"It's progressing pretty fast." Cen Xueluo joked with a smile.

"Where, that wood doesn't understand." Ouyang Jingyi complained angrily, "I managed to find out his mailing address, and when he came out of the boot camp to write to him, who knew that his reply would only be one page long. There are not as many papers as I write in a random article."

"If it's really wood, it would be nice to write back to you." Cen Xueluo covered her mouth and chuckled, "What? Are you really going to calm down?"

"I'm tired of playing, it's not very interesting." Ouyang Jingyi tossed her hair, her eyes were indifferent, "Those people... hmph, they just came for sex, none of them were for love."

She was only in the first year of high school, and Ouyang Jingyi talked as if she was an adult who had gone through the sea, with a little frivolity and disdain on her expression.

Ok.Cen Xueluo tightly shut her mouth.Compared with Ouyang Jingyi, I am simply inferior!I have never talked about a successful relationship, so I really have no right to speak.

"Are they done?" Ouyang Jingyi didn't seem to want to talk too much, she raised her chin towards the playground, "Then let's go too. By the way, shall we go out to play this weekend?"

"Ah? Okay." Cen Xueluo followed suit, and agreed to Ouyang Jingyi's invitation by the way.

Qi Long retracted his long legs and stood up, walking towards the middle of the playground without saying a word.

Ouyang Jingyi looked at Qi Long's back, and gave Cen Xueluo a sneaky wink: "Actually, this Qi Long looks good, but unfortunately his head was broken."

Seeing Ouyang Jingyi's regretful expression, Cen Xueluo noticed that Qi Long's back stiffened when he left, and couldn't help but smile secretly.It seems that regarding the matter of Qi Long's broken head, Qi Yang is going to be miserable tonight.

The parties involved all said that it was all right, and the class cadres who came late can't say that we are here to mediate the conflict and persuade the fight. You guys call again and give us a chance to show it!So I had to watch the triumphant Qi Yang and the dejected Yao Jie and others leave.

"Let's break up first. We'll talk about things tomorrow!" Qi Yang smiled and waved at Yao Jie, then turned around and raised his eyebrows at Qi Long, and walked towards Cen Xueluo and Qi Kai together.

Cen Xueluo said hello to Ouyang Jingyi, and was also carrying her schoolbag to leave with Qi Long and the others, but before she took two steps, Nie Yunfeng's voice came from behind:

"Cen Xueluo, can you stay for a while? I have something to ask you."

Hearing the sound, Cen Xueluo stopped, looked back at Nie Yunfeng and Wen Yuanyuan beside him in surprise, nodded after hesitating, then turned to Qi Long and said, "You guys go first."

Qi Yang and Qi Kai smiled and walked out side by side, but Qi Long lost a word "be careful" before quickly following Qi Yang and the others.

When the three of Qi Yang and the five tiger generals left, there were only a few class cadres left on the playground. Nie Yunfeng glanced around and said: "As class cadres, we haven't had a meeting for a long time. Today is this opportunity. Let's hold a small meeting. It is also for the progress of the class, and everyone is united to strive for the award certificate and mobile red flag this semester."

The so-called class meeting was actually a long talk, and Nie Yunfeng went around for a long time before finally getting to the point.Before speaking, he took a deep look at Cen Xueluo, and then said slowly, "What do you think of these three new transfer students?"

"What do you think? It's awesome!" Wu Liang laughed.

"Unfamiliar." After Ouyang Jingyi left a sentence, she continued to trim her fingernails with nail clippers.

"They must have backgrounds." Wen Yuanyuan took the initiative to take up the topic by Nie Yunfeng's side, "But our first and second classes are a group, no matter how big their backgrounds are, we cannot let them discredit the class."

Cen Xueluo didn't like to hear these words anymore, she pursed her lips and sneered: "Break three basketballs to discredit the class?"

"It's okay if it's just bad basketball. Look, they came here yesterday, and they got into a fight just the second day today. Isn't that serious?" Wen Yuanyuan's voice became sharp.

Nie Yunfeng stared at Cen Xueluo and asked, "Xueluo, do you know them?"

"Squad leader, you can't doubt your classmate just because that tough-headed fellow sits at the same table with Luo Luo?" Before Cen Xueluo could speak, Ouyang Jingyi snapped away the nail clippers and retorted with raised eyebrows.

"If you want to speak, speak well, don't always be yin and yang." Wen Yuanyuan couldn't understand Ouyang Jingyi's venomous appearance, and criticized in a cold voice.

"Oh, secretary of the Communist Youth League, where did I offend you? I'll give the monitor an opinion, why are you so sensitive?" Ouyang Jingyi squinted at Wen Yuanyuan, showing a knowing smile.

"You..." Wen Yuanyuan pointed at Ouyang Jingyi angrily.

"What do you mean? What kind of tutor!" Ouyang Jingyi was not the one who suffered, she stretched out her hand to open Wen Yuanyuan's hand, and said sarcastically, "Sima Zhao's heart...cut!"

"Okay, okay. We're in a meeting. Everyone has something to talk about, you can raise your opinions, and discuss if you have any problems. Everyone calm down." Nie Yunfeng smoothed things over with a straight face, "Xueluo, that Qilong will sit on you Next to it, please keep an eye on it in the future, after all, you are also the study committee member of this class."

The implication is that as a study committee member, you should also contribute to the class.Cen Xueluo didn't understand what Nie Yunfeng said, and looked at Nie Yunfeng coldly: "Squad leader has an order, how dare you not obey."

Ouyang Jingyi burst into laughter at once, slapped her legs and said with a smile, "Luoluo, that's right, you have my demeanor."

Nie Yunfeng's face turned blue. Seeing that the class meeting he held had no effect at all, he couldn't help being a little annoyed, and waved his hand: "Okay, today's class meeting will end here. I hope everyone will treat our class as their own and take good care of this class."

"Understood." Ouyang Jingyi agreed with a long voice, pulled Cen Xueluo up and ran, laughing while running.

Seeing Ouyang Jingyi's crazy appearance, Cen Xueluo couldn't help shaking her head slightly and said with a smile, "You, this mouth is really maddening."

"That's right, I'm not used to them!" Ouyang Jingyi lifted her chin triumphantly, and then giggled again. The bangs on her forehead fluttered with the wind, like a cartoon character.

After saying goodbye to Ouyang Jingyi, Cen Xueluo went back to Leng's family pharmacy as usual. After so many days, it was time to go back and continue the consultation.

During off-duty hours, the streets are full of traffic, and office workers rush home in a hurry, usually expressionless or slightly frowning.Because of the pressure of life, people feel the pressure even when they are walking. Those who can't straighten their waists, look at the road with numb and dazed eyes.

Cen Xueluo stepped briskly into her pharmacy with her schoolbag on her back, and was taken aback when she saw several figures standing in the pharmacy.

"Why are you here?" Cen Xueluo walked to her mother to put down her schoolbag, and asked the three people who were helping in the pharmacy.

"Oh, I just ran into them when I was making dinner at home, and they said they had nothing to do at night, so they came to the pharmacy with me to help." Hao Yuemei kindly helped Cen Xueluo to straighten the loose hair at the temples, and said with a smile.

Nothing tonight?Cen Xueluo looked at Qi Yang, Qi Kai and Qi Long.Qi Yang and Qi Kai pretended to be blindly sorting the medicinal materials and avoided their eyes guiltyly, while Qi Long... Forget it, he didn't even pretend to be, standing against the wall like a javelin.

"Have you finished the exercises you left last night?" Cen Xueluo asked with a straight face, holding back a smile.

"Oh,'s over." Qi Yang rolled his eyes, but he didn't dare to look directly at Cen Xueluo.

"Qi Kai?" Cen Xueluo called his name.

"Yes. I...hehe" Qi Kai scratched his head and showed his signature smirk.

"If you haven't finished it, hurry up and do it." Mo Yifan, who had been keeping silent all this time, buried his head in arranging the prescriptions, said suddenly.

Qi Long's eyes swiped like a knife, and he looked over.

Mo Yifan raised his head and looked back without showing any sign of weakness.

The four eyes collided, as if flashing swords and swords in an instant.

If I remember correctly, this was the first time Mo Yifan and Qi Long met, right?Why are you so unfriendly?Cen Xueluo didn't miss the hostility between their eyes, and couldn't help wondering.

(End of this chapter)

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