Chapter 92 Goodbye Mr. Bai

When mentioning the veterinarian, Cen Xueluo couldn't help but get goosebumps.When the man swung his knife to cut off the palms of Brother Jun's two subordinates, he was quick and ruthless without hesitation. The twisted madness under the gentle appearance made people shudder.

Obviously, it is impossible for the veterinarian and Qi Long to have any feuds, the only possibility is their own relationship!Thinking of such a person who has been hiding in a dark place silently waiting to avenge Brother Jun, Cen Xueluo felt chills all over, and his face became a little ugly.

"What's the matter? Do you know each other?" Qi Yang, who was good at observing words and expressions, immediately noticed something was wrong with Cen Xueluo, and asked quickly.

Cen Xueluo slowly shook her head, her gaze wandering out of the window.

The weather is very sunny today, the temperature has not yet risen in the morning, with a refreshing coolness.Most of the pedestrians on the road are office workers or students going to school. Occasionally, a few elderly people with vegetable baskets walk by slowly.

Cen Xueluo just stared at the road outside the window in a daze, staring at a green leaf that had left its branch and swirled and fell with the breeze in the air.

what happened?Qi Long raised his eyebrows at Qi Yang, and silently gave him a questioning look.

Qi Yang looked at the silent Cen Xueluo, spread his hands blankly and shrugged.

"Qi Yang." Cen Xueluo bit her lip and said suddenly, "Do me a favor."

"Luoluo, tell me." After finally waiting for Cen Xueluo to speak, Qi Yang hurriedly moved closer.

"Can you go around the pharmacy today? You have strong observation skills and good lightness skills. If you see suspicious people, follow them carefully." Cen Xueluo's clear eyes stared straight at Qi Yang, with a serious expression on his face .

"What can I do?" Qi Long asked in a deep voice.

"Qi Kai hasn't woken up yet, you stay and take care of him." Cen Xueluo glanced at the direction of Qi Kai's room, and stood up, "I'm going to check things too."

After the division of labor was completed, the three of them split up.

The place where Cen Xueluo went was not anywhere else, but the place where Wen Yuanyuan's grandfather was hospitalized, the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University.

The poison in Qi Kai's poison is obviously different from that of Mr. Wen, but the ingredients of the poison are similar, except that one has been improved into a slow poison, and the other has been catalyzed into a strong poison.

Cen Xueluo's identification of poisons is different from other people's. She doesn't just look at the patient's symptoms with her eyes. Her method is more direct. She uses her internal force to walk in the patient's body, feel the toxicity and absorb the toxin into her body to slowly analyze the properties of the medicine.Therefore, she clearly knew that these two kinds of poisons were made from Xigu Powder!
Could it be that Poison Gate has improved and promoted this secret medicine again?Cen Xueluo came to Mr. Wen's ward with doubts.Baimei's surname is also Bai. If she really has something to do with the Baijia pharmacy, she should ask Mr. Bai from the Baijia pharmacy or his disciples to detoxify Mr. Wen.If it doesn't matter, then the hospital may not be able to cure this kind of poison. Even for Wen Yuanyuan's sake, I have a reason to take action to treat it. By the way, I will find out how old man Wen got poisoned.

It was a coincidence that Cen Xueluo came. Except for a 40-year-old nurse who was peeling apples for Mr. Wen, none of Wen Yuanyuan's parents and relatives were accompanying him.

Old man Wen was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and when he heard the knock on the door, he opened his eyes and saw his granddaughter's classmate standing outside the ward through the transparent glass on the ward door.

"Come on, kid, come in." Old Man Wen waved his hand with a smile, and greeted him kindly.

The nurse moved a chair for Cen Xueluo with a wink, and moved away from the seat beside the bed.

"Grandpa Wen, are you feeling better?" Cen Xueluo greeted very politely, and put the fruit that he bought at the fruit shop temporarily on the bedside table next to Mr. Wen's bed.

"Yeah, I'm much more energetic. You're a kid who came here and bought something." Grandpa Wen obviously found Cen Xueluo very pleasing to the eye, and said with a smile, "Didn't you go to school today?"

"My mother asked for leave for me today. There are some things at home." Cen Xueluo sat obediently on the side, without the slightest bit of shame, she blamed her mother for not going to school.

Grandpa Wen nodded, and suddenly greeted the nurse standing beside him: "Xiao Huang, I'm a little hungry, go and buy some porridge, and bring a copy for this little girl. The one with the time-honored brand."

The nurse on the side looked surprised: "Uncle Wen, didn't you just..."

"What time is it now? Besides, you just had lunch when you bought it! Go, go!" Old Man Wen lost his temper in a very unhappy manner.

The nurse surnamed Huang looked at Cen Xueluo who was on the side, then at old man Wen, and finally left with his bag on his face unwillingly.

Hearing the sound of the leather shoes fading away, old man Wen regained his kindness, looked at Cen Xueluo and said with a smile, "Little girl, what is the matter that you came to see me?"

Otherwise, Jiang is still hot and old, how can old man Wen not know that there must be something wrong with the little girl who he only met once when he came to see him the next day.The nurse surnamed Huang was found by his daughter-in-law Bai Mei. Afraid that it would be inconvenient for an outsider to be present, Mr. Wen deliberately dismissed him so that Cen Xueluo could speak.

Cen Xueluo smiled gratefully at Old Man Wen, but didn't speak.She didn't know whether she should tell Mr. Wen the truth, telling him that he was not sick but poisoned, and then asked him whether the background of Wen Yuanyuan's mother Baimei had anything to do with Mr. Bai from the Baijia Pharmacy.

Seeming to have seen something embarrassing about Cen Xueluo, Elder Wen couldn't help laughing, and said kindly: "It's okay, it's just the two of us now, if you have any difficulties, just tell grandpa."

It turned out that I was misunderstood by Grandpa Wen and came to ask him to do something.When Cen Xueluo thought about it, she was even more moved.I am just classmates with Wen Yuanyuan, and I have never met Grandpa Wen. If I really come to ask for help when I have difficulties, then Grandpa Wen paid the nurse and agreed to help me, which is really touching.

"No, Grandpa Wen, you misunderstood." Cen Xueluo said after a moment of consideration, observing Elder Wen's expression carefully, "Grandpa Wen, do you know why you fell ill?"

"What's the disease? I'm not sick!" Mr. Wen seemed a little angry when he mentioned this, with some unwillingness to accept his old age, "I've always been in good health, and I haven't even had a cold these years! Tell me what's wrong with my stomach Functional degradation! I could still eat two bowls of rice in one meal last year! These doctors, hmph, are far worse than the old doctors back then!"

Old Man Wen complained about Cen Xueluo's understanding. It turned out that Grandpa Wen really didn't know how he fell down. She thought for a while and said, "Grandpa Wen, to tell you the truth, I have learned a little Chinese medicine. When I took your pulse, I found that you are really not sick."

Hearing that someone agreed that he was not sick, Mr. Wen looked very happy, and his face turned rosy: "That's right, I'm in good health, and I exercise every day! I just took a four- to five-kilogram brush and wrote the song " "Song of Everlasting Regret" is fine!"

Seeing that old man Wen looked like he wanted to tell about his glorious history, Cen Xueluo quickly interrupted: "Grandpa Wen, I know you are in good health, but no matter how good your health is, you will become very weak after being poisoned. !"

Old Man Wen opened his mouth, and was about to speak when he suddenly reacted, staring at Cen Xueluo with sharp eyes, "You said I was poisoned?"

Cen Xueluo nodded sincerely.

Old Man Wen grinned silently, relaxed his expression again, and said nonchalantly, "Child, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Do you know how much trouble you will cause with such a casual sentence?" ?”

"Grandpa Wen, you must have felt something was wrong, right?" Cen Xueluo was sure that Old Man Wen didn't think he was talking nonsense, otherwise he wouldn't have looked at himself for so long without saying a word.

That's right, Cen Xueluo's words really stirred up waves with one stone. Old Man Wen was in a very upset mood, but his face remained calm.

There was no sound in the ward for a moment, Cen Xueluo looked straight at Mr. Wen and sized him up without fear, while Mr. Wen stared at Cen Xueluo for a long while, and when he found that the other party seemed to have some basis, he finally sighed in defeat. With a sigh of relief, his face became a little gray.

"I really feel something is wrong. But I didn't expect someone to poison me!" Old Man Wen's voice was very low. This energetic old man was immediately defeated by this fact. The expression between his brows was very complicated, full of anger, Doubt, disappointment and heartache, "I asked an old friend to check for me in private, and he said he would write back to me today, but his reply hasn't arrived yet, you child..."

Having said that, Old Man Wen heaved a long sigh.

"Grandpa Wen, do you know who poisoned it?" Cen Xueluo hurriedly asked after hearing that Old Man Wen meant that he had guessed something.

"Who else? There are only a few people and the nanny in my family, and I never go out to eat." Mr. Wen looked bitter, and raised his eyes to look at the ceiling. The wrinkles on his face seemed to be getting deeper, and he aged instantly. Quite a few, "Facing a job transfer after this year, many people are eagerly eyeing this opportunity for appreciation. The deputy mayor of M city has been transferred to another city to be the mayor. How many people are vying for this position? It's a rush. But as a retired old man, how much trouble can I create? They think too highly of me."

"Old Wen, are you starting to comment on the current situation again? You really don't have to worry about retirement!" A voice very familiar to Cen Xueluo sounded from outside the ward, and then the person who made fun of Old Man Wen opened the door and left. Come in.

Cen Xueluo didn't even have time to hide, she sensed someone approaching, but she never expected to meet him here!
Old Mr. Bai came in with a smile, and saw Cen Xueluo next to the hospital bed with a glance. His face was stiff for a moment, but he quickly adjusted and greeted with a smile: "Isn't this Cen Xueluo? Little girl, Long time no see, remember me?"

 At [-]:[-] p.m., the second watch continues~GOGOGO
(End of this chapter)

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