Chapter 93 Intrigue (Part [-])
Of course Cen Xueluo remembered that Mr. Bai's various temptations and the depth of the city made Cen Xueluo deeply impressed.At this time, seeing Mr. Bai's familiar and enthusiastic expression, Cen Xueluo did not show any weakness. He smiled sweetly like never before, and his voice was a little less cold: "Of course I remember! Bai Lao, you are highly respected, and you She helped me so much, how dare Luoluo forget."

When the two struck up a conversation, Mr. Wen was quite surprised. He turned to look at the two and asked, "Old Bai, do you know this little girl?"

"This little girl used to sell medicine at my place. By the way, little girl, do you know Mr. Wen too?" Mr. Bai seemed to be very familiar with Mr. Wen, and sat down by himself with a smile, his expression was very calm and unabashed. Said.

"Yes. At that time, I really wanted to thank Mr. Bai for his help." Cen Xueluo added with a grateful face, and then explained, "Grandpa Wen's granddaughter Wen Yuanyuan and I have been classmates since we were young, and we happened to meet Wen Yuanyuan yesterday. Grandpa is hospitalized, so I happened to pass by today to take a look."

Hearing Mr. Bai's words, Mr. Wen was even more surprised. He turned his head to look Cen Xueluo up and down several times, and said in admiration, "Really. The little girl is not bad, and Mr. Bai has very high eyesight. If you can go to his pharmacy to sell medicine, your medicine must be good. It turns out that little girl, you really studied medicine."

Cen Xueluo was very embarrassed and humbled: "I have learned a little bit."

"More than a little. Old Wen, this little girl is very skilled in medicine, especially in detoxification."

As soon as Mr. Bai said this, the atmosphere in the ward became a little more subtle.

Old Man Wen lowered his eyes, and his slack eyelids drooped downwards, so that people could not see his eyes, and did not know what he was thinking.

Cen Xueluo thumped in his heart, what does Mr. Bai mean by saying that he is good at detoxification at this time?Are you trying to figure out how much you know?

"This old thing." Li suddenly muttered in the space.

It's not a problem to scold the wrinkled and white-haired Mr. Bai with Li's current young image, but Cen Xueluo feels weird when he thinks of Li's hundreds of years old age.She suppressed a smile, lowered her head slightly, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "Li, what do you think he wants to test?"

Before Li could answer, Old Man Wen said, "Old Bai, you took my blood for testing, what's the result?"

Old Mr. Bai was stunned for a moment, then looked at Cen Xueluo calmly and replied in a low voice, "Old Wen, who did you mess with? I checked, and you are really poisoned!"

Old Man Wen's eyelids twitched, and he sighed heavily: "I feel a lot more energetic today, please help me feel my pulse."

Mr. Bai took two steps forward, looked at Cen Xueluo who was sitting obediently beside him, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I'm ashamed to say that my medical skills are probably not as good as this little girl's. Why don't I let her show it to you?" See?"

Upon hearing this, old man Wen turned his gaze to Cen Xueluo.

Cen Xueluo's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't describe how much meaning was in the eyes that old man Wen looked at her, it seemed to be a little sad besides the heaviness.But old Mr. Bai didn't give Cen Xueluo time to think, he stroked the beard on his chin and asked, "Little girl, for the sake of being classmates with Lao Wen's granddaughter, you also give me Lao Bai a face, How about taking a look for Laowen?"

"I took Grandpa Wen's pulse yesterday, and I only know that it is poisoning, but the specific toxicity has not yet been diagnosed in detail." Wen Yuanyuan looked back at Mr. Bai quietly, "Since Mr. Bai has done a blood test for Grandpa Wen, You can tell me about the detailed inspection, and I will do my best."

Old Mr. Bai blinked and smiled kindly, like a kind old man next door: "Okay, okay. It happens that I also have some doubts, let's discuss it carefully."

Mr. Wen seemed to be depressed because of the shock, and he had been silently listening to Mr. Bai and Cen Xueluo asking and answering about his illness, and suddenly lost his temper: "It's okay, it's okay." , you two go chatting elsewhere, don't stay with me, it sounds annoying."

"Okay, this illness is getting worse." Old Mr. Bai shook his head helplessly, and didn't bother with the patient, "Okay, little girl, let's find a place to chat? You see, some people are not willing to listen. It's bombarding people."

Cen Xueluo stood up with a smile and said, "I have consulted a lot with Bai Lao today. I have been out for a long time, so I have to go home quickly. I will go to the Baijia Pharmacy to study with you later, shall I?"

Both of them were smiling, and it seemed that the discussion about their illness just now was quite speculative, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

"That's fine. Don't forget." Old Mr. Bai gave Cen Xueluo a fixed look and instructed, then turned to look at Old Wen, "You, don't be so angry, keep a good mood, Take a good rest, and I will see you later."

Old Man Wen didn't pretend to speak at all, he pulled his face and turned his head to one side, as if he was already too annoying and couldn't be any more annoying.

After leaving the hospital, Cen Xueluo bid farewell to Mr. Bai and left. She circled around and saw Mr. Bai driving away in a car, then turned back to the hospital.

Gently pushing open the door of the ward, seeing that Mr. Wen was in a very depressed mood, Cen Xueluo didn't know what to say for a while, so he sat silently by the bed.

"I'm old and old, and I won't let me stop." Old Man Wen didn't lift his eyelids, sighed, and said with self-deprecation, "I don't know what use value my old bones have, I beat them one by one. With wishful thinking."

Not knowing who exactly Mr. Wen's words were metaphorizing, Cen Xueluo listened quietly and did not respond.

Old Man Wen sighed again, looked at Cen Xueluo who was sitting silently by the side, and said with emotion, "It would be great if Yuan Yuan was as smart and capable as you."

"Grandpa Wen, Wen Yuanyuan is quite smart and capable. She is still the party secretary in our class." Cen Xueluo laughed, and touched her ear awkwardly.What she couldn't stand the most was such a provocative atmosphere, and she always felt uncomfortable.

"You don't need to praise her, I watched her grow up, I know better than you what she has in mind and what she is capable of." Old Man Wen smiled, and made a downward movement of his broad palm covered with age spots to signal for Cen Xue Don't be humble anymore.

Seeing that the old man had already spoken so thoroughly, Cen Xueluo smiled awkwardly and changed the subject: "Grandpa Wen, do you know Mr. Bai?"

"Of course we do. We have known each other for many years, otherwise my son Wen Yuan would have married Bai Mei!" Old Man Wen snorted, with deep regret in his distant eyes.

Sure enough!Baimei really has something to do with Mr. Bai!Cen Xueluo was conflicted in her heart, so she silently asked Li in the space: "Li, you said that the white plum poisoned Grandpa Wen, what good would it do? Wen Yuan's promotion doesn't depend on his father's relationship?"

"I don't understand the devious ways in the officialdom!" Li curled his lips, "If it were me, I would just kill all the enemies and finish the job. Save yourself from seeing shit."

What kind of description is this!The corner of Cen Xueluo's mouth twitched.

"What's your name, Luo?" Old Man Wen suddenly shifted his gaze to Cen Xueluo.

"Cen Xueluo." Cen Xueluo hurriedly introduced himself.

"Well, you're a good girl. Tell me the truth, is my old man's health still safe?" Old Man Wen asked directly.

Cen Xueluo suddenly became speechless, she opened her mouth to tell Grandpa Wen that there is help, as long as she cooperates well, she will be fine.But she couldn't say anything, after she saw Mr. Wen's deep gaze, she couldn't say anything.

Yes, she made detoxification pills, but as soon as she came here today, she felt that Mr. Wen's condition was not right. A person who has been poisoned for so long should not be so energetic on the second day of hospitalization. In the air, Cen Xueluo keenly felt the presence of toxins.This shows what?This shows that in just one night, Mr. Wen was poisoned with a new poison, which is incompatible with the original poison, which is the legendary "fighting poison with poison".This kind of thing may not be a big problem for any cultivator, and there is hope for salvation.But now the poisoned person is an old man, an old man who is about to die. 80.00% of his stomach has been corroded by poison. Even if he eats the detoxification pill he made, it can only relieve temporarily, but cannot cure it.

What Cen Xueluo was even more afraid of was that if the detoxification pill detoxified part of the toxicity of Xigu Powder, it would mean that another kind of poison would suppress Cigu Powder, and the toxicity would explode even more violently. At that time, that is, It's time for Mr. Wen's life breath to end.

Who in the end poisoned again?Was it when old Mr. Bai drew blood for Grandpa Wen yesterday?Cen Xueluo felt chills all over her body, and that kind of cold was more painful than the cold poison in her heart.She pursed her lips tightly and looked at old man Wen with her clear eyes, unable to utter a word.

Seeing Cen Xueluo's reaction, Mr. Wen seemed to understand something, and nodded slowly, his expression became brighter, as if he had seen everything.His gaze passed through Cen Xueluo and looked out of the window. It was the noon of early summer, the sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear without a single cloud, and the leaves were tender green, as if the smell of disinfectant in the air had faded.

"Maybe they think that my death will be of greater help to my son's promotion and future development." Mr. Wen finally spoke, with a kind of sadness deep in the bone marrow, with a kind of heartbreak Extremely desperate, with a vicissitudes that see through everything, "Actually, Baimei approached me last year, hoping that I would come forward to find an old friend from the past to give Wenyuan a walk around, but I refused. In my opinion, one is that I This old man has already stepped back, so he may not be so big on face; second, his children and grandchildren have their own blessings, I have helped Wenyuan pave the way, and he has to go on his own. "

(End of this chapter)

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