The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 94 The Sand That Can't Hold

Chapter 94 The Sand That Can't Hold

Although Cen Xueluo did not have as much life experience as old man Wen, but hearing the desolation in old man Wen's words, he couldn't help feeling sour in his heart, and silently lowered his head.

"Yuanyuan is actually a good boy." Elder Wen changed the topic, and suddenly turned to Wen Yuanyuan, "Although her mother is arrogant and domineering, greedy for profit, and instilled many wrong ideas in Wen Yuanyuan, this child's heart has always been Well, people are also very simple."

This Cen Xueluo agreed. After putting aside the prejudice against Wen Yuanyuan in her previous life, Cen Xueluo found that Wen Yuanyuan was really not the kind of girl who was so obsessed with harming others in the city. In fact, her thoughts were clearly displayed on her face. superior.Just like how she likes Nie Yunfeng, it's clear and undisguised. If she wants to compete, she will compete in an open and honest manner. If Nie Yunfeng is in trouble, she will help Nie Yunfeng at all costs.After calming down, Cen Xueluo found that she really didn't have any resentment or antipathy towards Wen Yuanyuan.

"Wen Yuan, this child has never been very assertive. Since he married Bai Mei, he has been suppressed by Bai Mei. He almost does what Bai Mei asks him to do." When old man Wen talked about the couple Wen Yuan and Bai Mei, his brows unconsciously frowned. Wrinkled, obviously very worried, "Their marriage has been on the verge of collapse. If something happened to me, I'm afraid that Wenyuan will collapse, and he and Baimei will eventually get divorced. Hey, it's just Poor Yuanyuan."

Old Man Wen faced Cen Xueluo as if he was facing an old friend he hadn't seen for many years. He opened his heart without hesitation, and told all the secret things about his family. Looking at Cen Xueluo: "Luoluo, can I call you that, little girl?"

"Yeah, of course, Grandpa Wen, I'm here." Cen Xueluo felt that the story was coming to an end and the point was coming, so she couldn't help but sit upright with her back straight and her face serious.

"Well, Luoluo, you must be a promising person in the future. Grandpa doesn't ask for anything else. If Wenyuan and Baimei really get into trouble, or something happens, you must help Yuanyuan. My best now She is the one who is worried." Mr. Wen's voice trembled slightly, and his old face looked very sad, "When people leave the tea, no one dares to do anything when I am here. If I really leave, then... hey, Confused! Why is Lao Bai so confused!"

Cen Xueluo felt as if a big rock had been crushed on her heart, she couldn't breathe under the weight, and the way old man Wen explained his funeral made her very uncomfortable.However, if you don't agree, I'm afraid Grandpa Wen won't be comforted in his heart.But if he agreed, what would he take to take care of Wen Yuanyuan? Would such a proud girl accept her care?
"Grandpa Wen, rest assured and recuperate first, and I, I will help you feel your pulse. There may be other ways!" Cen Xueluo stood up, comforting Old Man Wen uneasily.

Old Man Wen stared deeply at Cen Xueluo for a long while, his expectant eyes finally turned into helplessness and misery, and he sighed a long time: "It's Grandpa, I was too reckless. We just met yesterday, and today... hey, yes I was too impatient, too impatient."

Since Cen Xueluo had never seen his grandfather since he was a child, seeing old man Wen suffer so much, his heart felt like a knife had been gouged out, tears welled up in his eyes, and he suddenly left his mouth to speak.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal. If you can't save one and feel sorry for one time, you may soon have your whole heart gouged out. Last time you couldn't see what happened to Mo Yiping. You blamed yourself. Now a stranger Are you like this too?" Li seemed very angry, especially disliked Cen Xueluo's compassionate heart, crossing his arms, with a cold handsome face.

Cen Xueluo was feeling uncomfortable, and was a little annoyed when Li said that. He was about to refute the sarcasm, but before Cen Xueluo could speak, Li said again: "You always want to hold more and more, you always I feel that I have to see one to save the other after I learn medical skills, and many things in the world are like sand in my hands. The tighter you hold on, the more you will lose. It is very likely that you are now for what you want to hold Things that are more precious will be lost, and by the time you realize your mistake, it will be too late."

"How do you know that what I'm trying to grab now isn't precious?" Cen Xueluo bit her lip and asked in disbelief.

Li didn't speak, but just stared at Cen Xueluo with a pair of big black and bright eyes, as if wanting to see through his heart.After a while, Li sighed, and a trace of desolation flashed across Xiaojun's face: "Forget it, do what you want. Maybe it's your fate to get involved."

"Li, do you know something?" Hearing Li's words, Cen Xueluo asked very quickly, she faintly felt that Li seemed to know something.

"It's nothing. If I stop you, I'm afraid you won't listen to me. It's a definite plan." Li said, his figure was gradually wrapped in purple mist, and he refused to talk to Cen Xueluo anymore. One word.

Cen Xueluo was stunned for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he heard old man Wen talking to himself, his voice was very low, his thoughts jumped a lot, trivial and messy, but Cen Xueluo still keenly caught some useful things. information.

The Wen family and the Bai family are almost a marriage, but the Wen family mainly develops in officialdom, while the Bai family is in business.Nowadays, if one wants to be successful in the business world, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the officialdom, which is why Wenyuan and Baimei's marriage came about.The medical business of the Bai family is getting bigger and bigger, Wenyuan's position and circle of friends can no longer meet Baimei's needs, so Baimei is so urgent to want Wenyuan to be promoted so that he can make more dignitaries.And behind the scenes, it is Mr. Bai who is driving all this.

With such a change in her mind, Cen Xueluo suddenly felt shuddering. If she told the truth about this matter, would anyone believe it?

Unable to bear what to say, Cen Xueluo bid farewell to Mr. Wen and left the hospital in a daze. While walking on the road, she couldn't figure it out. She called Li several times, but Li ignored her, so she went to the pharmacy sullenly.

In the pharmacy, Hao Yuemei was busy settling accounts. These days, the pharmacy had accumulated some repeat customers, and the doctors who attended the consultation were quite satisfactory. Although their medical skills were not particularly outstanding, there was no big problem in dealing with some basic diseases.

As soon as Qi Yang saw Cen Xueluo's figure, he followed him into the pharmacy.

"Hey, you two are here? Qi Yang, is your brother better?" Hao Yuemei raised her head to see Cen Xueluo and Qi Yang who walked into the pharmacy, and greeted them with a smile.

"Auntie, Qi Kai is much better, thanks to Luoluo." Qi Yang raised his head when he heard the sound, with an extremely bright smile on his face without any affectation, and approached him very affectionately and asked, "Auntie is still busy? Do you need my help?"

"No, no, auntie is busy. What are you and Luoluo doing here?" Hao Yuemei put down the account book in her hand, waved her hand, and looked cheerfully at her daughter who walked beside her.

To say that Hao Yuemei is completely different from four years ago. When Cen Xueluo first traveled back four years ago, Hao Yuemei's image was simply a yellow-faced woman who exhausted her efforts for her family. But now, her skin She is rosy and shiny, and her face is much rounder. Even the wrinkles around her eyes have faded away, and she is in a full state of mind. She looks like someone in her 40s, even if someone says she is less than [-] years old. Some people believe it.

More than half of Cen Xueluo's appearance was inherited from his mother, so at such a young age, the outline of her beautiful face appeared, and every time she went out, many people secretly watched her.

Seeing her mother's fulfilling and happy life now, Cen Xueluo sincerely hoped that her mother could continue to live without worries. She stretched out her arms to hug her mother's slender waist, and rubbed her face against her body like a kitten. , coquettishly said: "Mom, I miss you."

"I'm still acting like a baby at such an age, and I'm not afraid of being laughed at." Hao Yuemei blamed her, but her face was full of smiles, and she patted her daughter's back lightly.God's greatest blessing to her is to give her such an obedient, caring and filial daughter, "I don't believe you came here to see me, so hurry up if you have anything to do!"

Qi Yang saw that Cen Xueluo didn't mean to speak, so he had no choice but to explain himself: "It's nothing, Auntie, Luoluo and I came here to get some medicine for my brother."

Hao Yuemei nodded clearly, and with an expression of "I'll just say you have something to do", she pulled Cen Xueluo away from her body: "Okay, hurry up and get the medicine, don't lie around here like a child It's gone."

When Cen Xueluo heard that Qi Yang was lying without changing his face, he couldn't help but glance at Qi Yang casually, seeing Qi Yang winking at him, so he let go of his mother's arms and followed Qi Yang to the medicine cabinet .

"How is it? What did you find?" Cen Xueluo asked in a low voice pretending to be taking medicine.

"There are indeed people walking around near the medicine shop." Qi Yang returned in a low voice, opened a drawer containing medicinal materials, and stretched out his hand a few times as if to take medicine.

Cen Xueluo stared at Qi Yang's hands that were mixing the herbs, and asked, "Did you see the veterinarian?"

"Well, that kid was cut by Seventh Brother and hurt his arm, so he probably didn't come out so soon to make trouble. Today's two are fresh faces, a thin man and a strong man, although they hide well, But I still can't escape my sharp eyes!" Qi Yang smiled triumphantly, put his left hand on the medicine cabinet coolly, without looking at Cen Xueluo, grabbed a handful of medicine with his right hand in a very professional manner After smelling it, he immediately took it away, muttering, "What kind of medicine is this, it smells so bad!"

Cen Xueluo nodded, and said casually: "The herbal medicine is very common, and its efficacy is average, but there is only one disadvantage. If it directly touches the skin and is not cleaned in time, the skin will be stained green for a month, and it will be very itchy. ..."

Before Cen Xueluo could finish speaking, Qi Yang's expression became fierce and he rushed towards the washroom of the pharmacy.

 The second watch is at [-]:[-] p.m., see you there!

(End of this chapter)

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