The cold medicine of rebirth is poisonous

Chapter 95 We are all acquaintances now

Chapter 95 We Are All Acquaintances (Part [-])

When Qi Yang came out of the bathroom after washing his hands, his face was stinky. No matter how Cen Xueluo teased him, he kept his mouth tightly shut and remained silent.

"Hey, are you really angry?" Cen Xueluo wanted to laugh when she saw Qi Yang's angry look, every time this guy was alive and kicking like a monkey, I didn't expect a child to have such an interesting temper.

"Hmph." Qi Yang turned his head away, without even looking at Cen Xueluo.Seeing myself catching poisonous weeds, I didn't even tell myself, which made my skin almost scratched just now.The more Qi Yang thought about it, the more angry he became. This time, he must not forgive her easily, even if she is a woman!
"Hey." Seeing Qi Yang's angry look, Cen Xueluo sighed deliberately, "I know you are blaming me for not stopping you from catching poisonous weeds, but even if you are poisoned, I can cure you Ah. Didn’t I want you to tell you after you finish talking about the person you’re following?”

"You!" Qi Yang turned his head violently and stared at Cen Xueluo for a long time, but finally he could only utter a single word and was speechless. It seemed that his usual eloquence was useless now, you you you you you for a long time, Qi Yang slapped the palm of his left hand hard with his right fist, "Forget it, I'm sorry!"

Qi Yang's personality of a bachelor is hard to dislike. He is usually cheerful and lively. Although he is a little glib, he is extremely good at winking and rarely does anything that really disgusts people.In front of familiar people, he will always show his true nature unprepared, and speak directly.Cen Xueluo liked Qi Yang's character very much, so sometimes he would deliberately tease him. If it was Qi Long or Qi Kai, Cen Xueluo would never make such jokes.

"Okay, okay, Ninth Young Master, you have a lot of adults, so don't be as knowledgeable as a little girl." Cen Xueluo made a bow with a smile, as if apologizing.

Qi Yang was immediately amused by Cen Xueluo, and he waved his hands while laughing: "It's alright, alright, you'd better put on your usual indifferent appearance, I'm really not used to it like this. You are possessed by an evil spirit." you?"

"Can't I be close to the people once in a while?" Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes and got down to business, "By the way, are the two surveillance people you found still around?"

"You were not there when you came, and you have been away for a while. I don't know if you will come back." Qi Yang stretched his neck and looked outside the door, "Otherwise, I will go out again?"

"Well, go out the front door, I'll go through the back door." Cen Xueluo nodded.

Watching Qi Yang go out, Cen Xueluo was about to leave through the back door, when Mo Yifan suddenly came up, his voice was slightly hoarse and deep: "Can I help?"

"No need." Cen Xueluo subconsciously refused, and then she saw the flash of disappointment in Mo Yifan's eyes, and quickly explained, "Brother, you have to stay and protect my mother. I only trust you."

Cen Xueluo's words seemed to dispel the gloom in Mo Yifan's eyes as if the seeds of hope dispelled the gloom in his eyes. His dark eyes lit up bit by bit, emitting a dazzling brilliance, and his voice was firm: "Don't worry, Luoluo! If you want to hurt someone Why, just step over my dead body!"

Maybe he was too busy during this period of time and actually ignored Mo Yifan a little bit. Before Cen Xueluo left, he tested Mo Yifan's strength quietly and found that he had actually reached the second level of congenital!A person who has no foundation in cultivation can realize that progress is so fast. Apart from talent, there is only hard work!Cen Xueluo glanced silently at Mo Yifan's tall and straight back, and suddenly felt that he was really an unqualified teacher, who led Mo Yifan into a journey of cultivation, but let him go. I don't know how many nights he has been meticulously silent practice.If you have time in the future, you must give him a good hand!
Qi Yang swaggered out of Leng's Chinese Medicine Store, and wandered slowly on the street for two laps. The moment he went out, the breath on his body changed, and his whole person seemed to become ordinary and ordinary, and he couldn't recognize it when he was thrown into the crowd. Like coming out.In this regard, Qi Long, Qi Kai, and even Cen Xueluo are not comparable to him, and this trait is exactly the habit he developed when he was a pickpocket, trying to minimize his own sense of existence, and the most difficult thing is to have dull eyes attract attention.

Not long after, Qi Yang found the two people who had been wandering around the pharmacy in the morning, and couldn't help but sneered.These two people are really talented, they even went to change their clothes, don't they think that no one will know about such things as stalking and changing their clothes?

Qi Yang calmly looked at the burly man in a large white T-shirt and gray sweatpants and the thin man in a gray shirt and suit pants who were no more than five meters away from him. Street stalls, the T-shirt of the strong man is still the kind that is sold at the stalls in the night market for ten or five yuan a piece, but Qi Yang is sharp-eyed and finds that there are faint traces of the trademark being disposed of on the chest of the T-shirt.

I have to say here that looking at people from the corner of your eye is very particular.I said before that people have five senses and six senses, so when you look at a person, he will definitely feel it, especially a cultivator, who is very sensitive to this.It's not that if you squint your eyes or turn your face sideways to look at others, others will not notice you. That is deception.Qi Yang is very proficient in this, and his eyes never focus on people. For example, when he looked at the strong man wearing a brand-name T-shirt pretending to be selling goods, he actually stared at the man ten steps away. of a bicycle.When you watch it this way, the whole picture will be printed in your mind, and you only need to play it carefully in your mind to know what the strong man is doing.

Qi Yang, whose eyes didn't wander in focus, quickly spotted Cen Xueluo at the corner of the street. He turned slightly to Cen Xueluo calmly and made a gesture, pointing out the two people who came to watch.

Cen Xueluo rolled her eyes, followed the direction Qi Yang hinted at, and saw the duo who were squatting. She was only slightly taken aback, and then she walked directly towards the two.

Qi Yang was a little stupid, he was so concealed and careful not to let the other party find out, but what kind of trouble is Luo Luo going to make?Go straight to the one-on-one fight?No, this is the street!

Just when Qi Yang was planning to help out regardless of the occasion, something surprising happened to him.The thin man and the strong man obviously noticed that Cen Xueluo was walking towards the two of them, and the expression of the two of them suddenly changed. They seemed a little embarrassed and embarrassed, but they didn't run away!

"Hu Er, long time no see." Cen Xueluo stared straight at the long and thin face with clear and shining eyes, and squeezed her eyes narrowly.

"Miss Cen!" The embarrassing expression on the thin and long face seemed to want to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and his usually gloomy face was flushed with embarrassment.He didn't expect that the little girl had such a good memory, she could still remember himself, and he didn't expect that one day he would be sent to follow her again, and she would be discovered by others during the follow-up!He had already let himself and the fourth child go one yard last time, but now the two brothers are here again. Isn't this a kind of revenge?
Cen Xueluo glanced at the square-faced fourth child who was slowly approaching, but didn't speak, but looked at the two of them with a pair of clear watery eyes with a smile on her face.

The square-faced fourth child was also very embarrassed. After walking over, he stood silently next to the thin and long face, his eyes wandering, not daring to meet Cen Xueluo's eyes.

Finally, the thin and long face gritted his teeth fiercely: "Miss Cen, we two brothers have no choice but to obey orders under the eaves, please..."

"I know." Cen Xueluo looked around, and calmly gave Qi Yang, who was hiding in the crowd, a sign, and then said slowly, "There are so many people here, it's not good to be seen by others, we Find a place to talk."

Cen Xueluo was in the front, the fourth child with a thin face and a square face was behind, and a sneaky Qi Yang followed from a distance. The four came to the relatively remote southern suburbs of M City one after another.The southern suburbs used to be a place dedicated to shooting criminals. Even in the scorching summer, there are still gusts of cold wind, making people feel cold from the inside out.Later, it was said that it was going to be developed, and it has been attracting investment, but which real estate developer is willing to come here to build a house?Even if it is built, it can't be sold, right?

The fourth child with a thin face and a square face saw Cen Xueluo bringing his two brothers here, and they looked at each other, their faces turned pale. They knew clearly that with the skill of the little girl in front, it might be difficult for them to get rid of them. easy.

Cen Xueluo walked slowly, each step seemed to be careless, but the speed of her progress was astonishing, making the fourth son with a long thin face and a square face have to speed up to keep up.After releasing his breath and sensing that the surrounding area was deserted, Cen Xueluo finally stopped in his tracks, turned around with a smile and quietly looked at the thin and square-faced fourth son.

"Miss Cen..." The thin and long face stopped, and stood face to face with Cen Xueluo, feeling a little uneasy.

"We are all acquaintances, so why call them so polite?" Cen Xueluo said calmly, but there was a trace of chill in her tone, "I remember that I have never introduced myself, but I think my name and background You two are already clear, right?"

"I know." The thin, long-faced and square-faced fourth brothers nodded in unison.

"But I don't know you two very well." Cen Xueluo spoke slowly, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on her lips gradually faded.

Drops of cold sweat came out from the forehead of the thin and long face. The fourth child with a square face looked at the long and thin face, gritted his teeth and said, "Miss Cen, it's not that we don't say it, it's really inconvenient to say it! Since our two brothers are in other people's house The subordinates are asking for a living, so naturally they can't break the rules."

"Actually, I don't want to ask your mastermind behind the scenes, I just want to know a few questions..." Cen Xueluo deliberately let out the cold air on his body to oppress the two of them, and asked word by word, "Come to my pharmacy Surveillance, what is the idea? Do you want to take the opportunity to poison anyone? Also! Do you know a man code-named Veterinarian?"

(End of this chapter)

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