Chapter 101 Accident
"En." Shan Yisheng uttered monosyllable letters in a deep voice, without saying anything, Xiang Heng touched his nose, originally said that sentence just to ease his mood, he knew that Shan Yisheng knew about Yao Yiyi I will definitely be worried after that news, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Back in the meeting room to continue the meeting, the employees obviously felt that the boss was a little absent-minded, you looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end no one asked.

After finally surviving the meeting, Shan Yisheng turned around and left without saying a word. The people behind were suspicious for a while, and the president's mood became a little strange.

"Come in with me." Qin Meihui was processing the documents when she heard Shan Yisheng's voice and raised her head, but only saw a handsome figure from her back.


"Go and check something for me, see what happened to Yao's recently, remember, it's related to Yao Yiyi." After speaking, she waved her hand to signal herself to go out, Qin Meihui was taken aback, and nodded.

Shan Yisheng was anxiously guessing what kind of problems Yao Yiyi would encounter, the worried expression on his face was obvious.

Yao Yiyi rushed to Yao's as quickly as possible, got off the car and rushed to Yao's building, took the elevator all the way to the highest floor.

Yao Yiyi, who was just about to push the door in, stopped the moment he was about to open the door, turned his hand, and knocked on the door a few times with his slender fingers.

"Come in."

Yao Yiyi tried his best to breathe steadily, and gently opened the door and walked in.

"Mom." Luo Minghao and Lin Mowan were also there, and the three of them were sitting on the sofa with very bad expressions.

Yao Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, what happened?Even Luo Minghao came over.

"Yo, the thief is back!" Lin Mowan cast a disdainful glance at Yao Yiyi, with a sarcasm in her tone.

Yao Yiyi glanced at her and frowned: "What kind of thief?"

Lin Mowan ignored her, and Yao Yiyi walked straight towards Luo Minghao: "Brother, didn't you say that there is something urgent, what is it?" It's not too early now, it will be time to get off work soon , If there is anything to do, don't go home and talk about it. You have to call her back to Yao's.

Luo Minghao didn't speak, he was in a very bad mood right now, the anger in his heart that was caused by these two mothers and sons just now made his mood not get better until now.

"Where have you been all afternoon?" He Qing looked at Yao Yiyi with a gloomy expression, and questioned her.

Yao Yiyi was stunned, and explained casually: "I'm sick. I bought medicine at noon and went home to rest. I just forgot to call you to ask for leave. What happened to the company called me back so urgently?" , the time now is not about to..."

"The company's documents have been leaked." He Qing interrupted Yao Yiyi's words, and dropped a sentence that was neither serious nor serious.

Yao Yiyi's eyes widened, and he looked at He Qing in confusion: "The document was leaked? Which document?" How could the company's documents be leaked?It suddenly occurred to Lin Mowan that when she saw her just now, she said that she was an insider. They meant that she leaked the documents?

After thinking about this point, Yao Yiyi's expression could not help but slowly sink.

"Yiyi, do you know which document it is?" He Qing was so persuasive that people couldn't see her expression clearly.

Yao Yiyi shook her head, she didn't know anything about this matter at all.

He Qing picked up the newspaper on the ground and threw it in front of Yao Yiyi: "Look at it for yourself, take a good look at it for yourself, the materials of Yao's meeting just held will be known by others, don't tell me There will be such a coincidence!"

Yao Yiyi knelt down and picked up the newspaper to see that it was the SY Group. The newspaper said that the SY Group intends to cooperate with some companies, but the companies listed one by one are all the companies Yao intends to cooperate with.

Yao Yi was also shocked when he saw it, and looked at He Qing's satisfied question: "Why is it like this?"

The Sy Group actually did such a shameless thing!Could it be that Shan Yisheng was behind the scenes?
Yao Yiyi's heart turned cold, and he felt more and more that he didn't understand Shan Yisheng anymore.

"Are you still asking me about what you did?" He Qing looked at Yao Yiyi viciously, as if she had already confirmed that she did this.

Yao Yiyi didn't speak, and she didn't know what to say. In the current situation, no matter how much she said, it was useless. Turning to look at Luo Minghao, he lowered his eyes slightly, making it difficult to see his expression clearly. When he came out, he had no intention of speaking for himself.

She smiled lightly, with a touch of self-irony, and suddenly felt that she seemed to be the only one left in this world.

The Sy Group is owned by Shan Yisheng, and now it is clearly written in the newspaper. Presumably, he is taking revenge on himself for leaving Sy to help the Yao Corporation, or is it because of the last bidding?
Yao Yiyi numbly raised his hand to touch his heart, actually it doesn't matter whether it hurts or not, it's obviously numb, isn't it?

"Sure enough, it's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night. I've already seen that you bitch is not a good thing. I didn't expect to focus on my own people now. Mom, you shouldn't..."

The sound of "Pa!" not only interrupted Lin Mowan's unfinished sentence, but also shocked the other two people in the office.

Yao Yiyi put down his hand, and slowly calmed down his emotions: "I said, be more polite when speaking to me in the future, you can't call me a bitch, logically speaking, you have to call me sister, of course , I don't care if you call or not."

Lin Mowan seemed bewildered by the beating, her usually arrogant arrogance now looked a little pitiful, she covered the half of her face that had been beaten, obviously she hadn't recovered yet.

He Qing walked to Yao Yiyi's side with a full face of anger. Although she didn't feel much pain for Lin Mowan in her heart, she was her own daughter after all. Yao Yiyi slapped her in front of her face, as if she was slapping herself. , I don’t take myself too seriously.

Pointing at the beaten Lin Mowan, He Qing just wanted to speak, but was blocked by Yao Yiyi: "Mom, I'm just helping you teach my daughter."

"It's your turn to do something about my daughter!"

"Speaking badly, insulting my personality, treating me like a sister, how good will it be for you, if I don't care if she will ride on your head one day, mom, you really don't worry." Yao One by one sneered, and found that he seemed to be very different from before, perhaps this was the result of the environment.

She has also tried blindly forbearance, but in the end it is often disappointing.

In this case, why should you wrong yourself?
He Qing was speechless, and glanced at Lin Mowan secretly annoyed at her disappointment.

Usually, I would be fussy about some small things, wishing that others would cut off a piece of meat to apologize to her, but now I was so scared that I didn't dare to say a word when I was bullied.

 I wish you all a happy reading~
(End of this chapter)

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