Chapter 102 Innocent
Yao Yi took a look at He Qing, then turned his attention back to Lin Mowan, and said something meaningful: "Also, as for what you said about the internal thief, before you have any evidence, let's go Please shut that mouth for me, don't spit everywhere, it's disgusting."

This sentence is not only for Lin Mowan, but also for He Qing. Now that the people in SY Group already know about Yao's next itinerary, they will definitely hinder it, and Yao will definitely be there because of this. And another huge loss, if I don't find evidence to prove my innocence, I probably won't be able to stay in Yao's any longer.

Thinking of Shan Yisheng, Yao Yiyi's face was a little dark, and he didn't expect that the two of them would come to such a point in the end.

"Sheng, take a look." Xiang Heng put a newspaper in front of Shan Yisheng, with a serious expression on his face. Someone must be trying to frame this matter, not only will he be able to successfully punish Yao Duoduo , and at the same time it can widen the misunderstanding between Dan Yisheng and Dodo, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Shan Yisheng kept his eyes down, took the newspaper calmly, within half a minute, he felt a heavy chill on his body: "What's going on?" When did he make such a decision?

"Yesterday, when I called Winnie, I said something happened to Dodo's office. I didn't know about it at the time. Later, I sent someone to investigate and found out that Yao's documents were leaked, and the finger was pointed at Dodo." Xiang Heng paused, The pretty fingers tapped vaguely on the wooden table, "I think this is because someone is obstructing it, Sheng, should you rectify your company internally, some people will make more progress if they don't teach them a lesson." It is still not certain whether this matter is related to He Qing, but what is certain is that the person behind it does not want Yao Yiyi to have a good time anyway.

Shan Yisheng didn't speak, and looked at the news in the newspaper again, and threw it aside coldly, wanting to hurt Yao Yiyi, he can make his life worse than death!

"What are you going to do now?" Xiang Heng looked at the time, and he had to receive a defendant in an hour. This case is more difficult and it is not easy to handle.

"Let's see what's going on over there first, and put Yiyi first." Shan Yisheng was thoughtful, and he believed that Xiang Heng had the same thoughts as himself.

Sure enough, Xiang Heng nodded without saying a word, thought for a while and stood up: "I still have some things to deal with first, let me know if there is any news."

The next day, news about Yao's documents being leaked spread quickly, and Yao's directors gathered for an emergency meeting.

Although Yao Yiyi is the assistant to the president, she didn't participate this time. She sat in her seat, looking down at the documents, very calm. It seemed that she was not the heroine who was rumored to be making a fuss about this matter.

Sitting in her seat, she thought of He Qing's aggressive expression yesterday afternoon, and felt inexplicably irritated in her heart, especially Luo Minghao, who was not pitted.

He doesn't believe himself either.

Otherwise, why didn't you justify yourself for a while?

Shaking her head vigorously, she told herself, don't worry about anything now, the most important thing is to get out the real insider, and then restore her innocence.

"Yiyi?" Meng Weini worriedly called Yao Yiyi who was in a trance, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yao Yiyi tilted his head, saw Meng Weini beside him, and forced a smile, "Why are you here?"

Meng Weini walked in front of her: "I know everything."

Yao Yiyi paused, and immediately didn't know what to say. She didn't know if she was pitying herself by coming here. She didn't need other people's pity now, but deep in her heart she longed for someone to comfort herself, saying that she believed in herself, and she felt that I was so entangled that I was about to die.

Sometimes it's better to be dead than to be alive.

"Yiyi, I believe in you, you won't do this." Meng Weini knew that Yao Yiyi was not feeling well right now, so she said these words from the bottom of her heart.

"Why do you believe me?" Yao Yiyi's heart tightened, but then she smiled mockingly. He Qing didn't believe her, her brother didn't believe her, but a person she hadn't known for long came to tell her that she believed in herself.

Isn't it kind of ridiculous?
"I know, we haven't known each other for a long time, don't ask me why I believe you, because I believe in the Yao Yiyi I know." Perhaps it was because of her usual arrogance at home, when Meng Weini said these words With a hint of domineering in his tone, Yao Yi raised his head to look at her with disdain.

His nose was sour, and his vision was a little blurred.

When people all over the world say that you are wrong, it feels good to have someone on your side.

Yao Yiyi lowered his head to hide the tears in his eyes, unable to speak.

The meeting lasted about an hour, and Yao Yiyi was called to the office by He Qing shortly after the end.

"Although there is no conclusive evidence that you have leaked the documents, Yi Yi, why are you bothering? Even if you really keep your mouth shut now, you will still be discovered in the end. The board of directors said that once you find out Whoever it is will be handed over to the police." He Qing sighed softly, with a sad look on her face, and said earnestly, "Mom is in this position now, and I can help you to ask for a favor so that you can be punished lightly. Later, the director's People also said that if you can take the initiative to admit that you are Qixiong’s daughter, you can ignore it and stay in the company to continue working. If you don’t admit it all the time, the people they send will not let you go after finding the evidence of."

Yao Yiyi raised the corners of her mouth and sneered: "Mom, what you mean is that I believe that the person who leaked the documents is me." Her expression was very calm, and she didn't seem to be angry because of He Qing's words.

"Isn't it?" He Qing raised her voice and asked back, her expression remained the same but she became guilty: "Before you were in Sy Group and dated Shan Yisheng, but now that you have returned to Yao's, who knows what kind of mentality you have? Yes, moreover, the people who have read that document are all Yao’s high-level executives, and there has never been any document leak before you came, but after you came..." He Qing did not say anything later, but the meaning was It couldn't be more obvious.

Yao Yiyi was stunned, speechless, her hard work in Yao's family these few months turned into ulterior motives for no reason.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi didn't speak, He Qing took advantage of the victory to add: "Did you take advantage of that day to come to the company to get the documents for me, and took the opportunity to take the documents?"

She questioned her all over her face. Yao Yiyi felt ridiculous when he heard it. It was already so late that day. In the winter, she didn't care whether it was cold or not, so she went to get her the meeting documents without saying anything. In the end, he took advantage of that time. Opportunity.

"Have you forgotten something?" Yao Yiyi sneered disdainfully, looking up and down the office, "This place belongs to my father."

Without blinking her eyes, she stared fixedly at He Qing's eyes, and said word by word: "The Yao family was established by my father from scratch, why should I do things that are harmful to him? Is my surname Yao just for nothing?"

"You..." He Qing couldn't say no to her, but felt unwilling, she snorted coldly and turned her head away from her, "It's useless no matter what you say now, at present you have the biggest suspicion, one by one, you don't listen It's okay if you want me, but if something happens in the future, I won't be able to help you much, Mom."

Yao Yiyi understood very well that He Qing had put aside all relationships, she lowered her eyes and nodded: "I didn't count on you either."

She no longer wants to rely on anyone.

Whether it is the mother in name, or the so-called brother who was found later.

After Yao Yiyi left the office, she took the newspaper and prepared to go to the newspaper office to find someone. She had to check it out and prove it to those who didn't believe her. She, Yao Yiyi, would not do such a thing.

It's ridiculous to think about it, no matter how you say, she is also Yao Qixiong's biological daughter. They can conclude that it is her leaked documents based on the fact that they used to work in Sy Group and had a relationship with Shan Yisheng. Is it possible that she leaked the document?

Laughing at himself, Yao Yi glanced at the address in the newspaper, stopped a rough car and got on it without any hesitation.

When the car stopped, Yao Yiyi was still in a daze, her mind was blank, she didn't think about anything, but she seemed to be completely empty, the taxi driver kindly reminded her that she could get off the car, so she hurried He hurriedly picked up his bag and got off the car.

Standing on the side of the road and looking around, this place is quite far from Yao's house, she seldom comes here, so she doesn't know her very well, but luckily the seat marked on the newspaper is very accurate, it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

Today's weather is good, not as gloomy as before, but in winter, even if there is sun, it is still bitingly cold, especially when a gust of wind blows, no matter how warm the sun is, it still can't cover up the coldness.

Yao Yiyi rewrapped the scarf around her neck, secretly cheering herself up, even if she was alone, she could do well.

There were many tall buildings around, and many pedestrians passed by her. She glanced at the people around her, pressed her forehead, and felt a little tired, but then pulled herself together and walked towards a middle-aged woman sitting at the door of the restaurant. Go, since you are not familiar with this place, you should not look for it blindly, it is better to ask the way first.

"Excuse me," Yao Yiyi bent slightly, pointing with his slender fingers to the place where the address of the newspaper office was marked on the newspaper, "Do you know where this place should go?"

The woman looked very kind. She stretched her neck to look at the newspaper in Yao Yiyi's hand, and pointed her head slightly sideways: "Go straight over there, and then turn left and you will be there."

(End of this chapter)

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