Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 103 Please forgive me

Chapter 103 Please forgive me
Yao Yiyi raised his head, followed the middle-aged woman's finger pointing direction, nodded and smiled faintly at her: "Thank you, I see."

After listening to the middle-aged woman's description, Yao Yiyi decided to form a road. After all, he only needs to turn a corner, so it shouldn't be very far.But I didn't know how far the so-called straight walk was until I left.

Fortunately, there were no people on this street, Yao Yiyi walked very quietly, and there were no small stalls on the side of the road, so the air seemed very fresh. Occasionally there was a cold wind blowing, Yao Yiyi slightly narrowed his eyes , pinning her wind-blown hair behind her ears.

Not long after turning left, he saw the newspaper office. Yao Yiyi frowned at the unimpressive building in front of him, and glanced at the car parked at the door. He felt inexplicably familiar, but didn't think much about it. I just want to find the editor-in-chief of the newspaper as soon as possible to clarify the whole thing.

The construction equipment in the building was already a bit outdated, and it looked a bit old, Yao Yiyi glanced around casually, thinking that maybe the profit of the newspaper office was not good.

Walking straight all the way, Yao Yiyi soon found the office of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. The assistant said that the editor-in-chief was seeing a visitor and it was inconvenient to disturb him. Yao Yiyi frowned and waited patiently.

The assistant was only in her 20s. It seemed that women like to gossip. She handed Yao Yiyi a glass of water: "What do you want to see the editor-in-chief?"

"En?" Yao Yiyi turned his head slightly down to look at her. Her skin was very fair, her face was covered with delicate makeup, and her false eyelashes were long and thick. Yao Yiyi seemed to smell a little bit of youth. The taste of publicity.

She brought up a shallow smile on her lips, lowered her head and took a sip of water: "There is something."

The other party saw Yao Yiyi pouted and prepared to walk away as if he didn't want to say more, but he was stopped by the latter: "Recently, did someone come to your editor-in-chief?"

"There are a lot of people who come to the editor-in-chief every day, but the one that stands out the most is the one from yesterday. He looks so handsome. I heard that he is the CEO of Sy Group. A CEO looks like a man who is angry with God. ..." The assistant seemed to be very excited, and couldn't stop talking, completely ignoring the pale Yao Yiyi beside him.

Yao Yiyi heard her say "President of Sy Group" and pinched the hand holding the quilt hard, his fingertips turned white, and his eyes dimmed bit by bit.

If the previous speculation made it possible for her to excuse him, although she had thought that he did it, she was also defending him deep in her heart, and she should not have seen what she heard with her own eyes. To believe it is not it.

But now hearing what the assistant said, she felt that the defense she had made in her heart before was so pale and ridiculous.

The assistant finally noticed something was wrong with Yao Yiyi, and asked her worriedly, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head dully, turned around and left the building.

It seemed that there was no need to wait any longer.

Standing in front of the building, she raised her head and squinted at the sun in the sky. When the cold wind blew, she felt as uncomfortable as a knife hit her face.She raised her hand and gently wiped away the moisture from the corners of her eyes, but found that the more she wiped, her hand trembled unconsciously.

Finally, she seemed to have collapsed, squatted down, buried her head in her hands, her whole body was shaking violently

At this moment, I really want to be with my father.

Shan Yisheng looked at the man in front of him, the coldness in his eyes became even worse, and he slid his fingers across the newspaper: "Who gave you the courage to go to the newspaper office to break such a news?"

His eyes were originally cold, deep and terrifying, but now they looked a little cruel because of the slightest bit of anger, and he looked at the person in front of him expressionlessly.

After Qin Meihui told him about Yao Yiyi's situation, he just felt furious. Those people didn't have a brain or what happened, couldn't they see some things? Yao Yiyi was so fond of her father and her father's company Well, all fools know that this matter has nothing to do with her.

He was like a raging lion, every pore on his body seemed to be filled with his anger, Qin Meihui looked at him worriedly, a little at a loss.

Shan Yisheng pinched his fingers vigorously, took the newspaper Xiang Heng gave him, and went to the newspaper office.

His one by one, he is reluctant to let her suffer a little harm one by one, who can be wronged?

Relying on the popularity and strength of SY Group, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper quickly revealed who did it. At that time, he was sitting in the office of the editor-in-chief. He took off his coat and casually put it aside. The editor-in-chief took a puff of cigarette lightly: "How much did you charge?"

He is still not addicted to cigarettes, he only smokes one when he is irritable or misses her terribly. His movements don't look familiar, but at least he won't be clumsy enough to be coughed by the smoke.

"" The editor-in-chief was obviously frightened, and he couldn't even speak well. In fact, he knew well that the person in front of him was not easy to provoke.

Shan Yisheng glanced at him, and didn't say anything, saying that it was impossible to do nothing, newspaper offices usually only make money but not lose money by doing this kind of thing for others.

It's just that he doesn't care about money, he only cares about his one by one.

The man sat on the chair, not daring to look at him.

Shan Yisheng was not in a hurry, he sneered, the corners of his mouth curled up coldly, there was no warmth in his beautiful eyes, and he called to Qin Meihui who was beside him: "Help me get a glass of water from the tea room, I want the hottest water! "

If you don't speak, I have plenty of ways to make you speak.

The man on the opposite side trembled slightly, but was still noticed by the sharp-eyed Shan Yisheng. He sneered, stood up and walked slowly into the man opposite: "Can the company support you? We need you to sell company business."

The man finally collapsed, but he still didn't dare to look up at Shan Yisheng: "President...President, I know I was wrong, please let me go this time, please, I will give you all the money, I..." His There was trembling in his voice, it seemed that even speaking was a very difficult thing, which was enough to prove how much fear he was feeling at the moment.

Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his voice was deep and magnetic, but it could make people fall into the abyss: "The money will be kept for you to be buried with, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the man slid down from the chair slowly, and his whole body froze. He didn't know that the matter would become so serious. He admitted that he was really greedy for the little money, and hundreds of thousands were for him. Yan is not a small sum. He also thought that the matter would be discovered, but he did not expect such a result.

Shan Yisheng stared at him coldly, snorted coldly and prepared to go back to his seat.

(End of this chapter)

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