Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 105 You are so despicable

Chapter 105 You are so despicable
What happened on the night of Yao's anniversary was published in the newspapers. They all knew that Yao Yiyi had broken up with the president and was now working at Yao's, so whether or not to stop Yao Yiyi was also a question. They really love each other, and after Yao Yiyi left, Shan Yisheng's mood was very low, and he could see that he was very sad.

The front desk glanced at the closed elevator, and quickly made an intercom call to Shan Yisheng: "President, Yao Yiyi went up, I didn't stop..."

The busy tone of being hung up came from the phone before he finished speaking. The front desk was taken aback, and he put down the phone slowly, silently worrying about Yao Yiyi, the president was in a bad mood again, would Yao Yiyi be implicated , Let me let you know that the relationship between the two of you before was really good, but it's been so long since we broke up, who knows if the president still has feelings for her.

Yao Yiyi took the elevator all the way to the highest floor. When she got out of the elevator, she saw Qin Meihui at the elevator entrance and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Seeing her posture, she seemed to be waiting for him.

"Miss Yao, long time no see, the president asked me to pick you up." Qin Meihui asked slightly, with a slight smile on her face.

Sure enough, Yao Yiyi was muttering in his heart, but he also smiled at Qin Meihui. Before leaving, she took good care of herself, and she couldn't be prejudiced against her because of Shan Yisheng.

"Thank you."

Yao Yiyi looked around up and down, but nothing changed. She glanced at Qin Meihui, and suddenly felt a little envious of this woman.

She has strength, and she can get to where she is today without relying on anyone, which is very good. She knows a little bit about Shan Yisheng's character, and people without skills can't stay by his side.

Qin Meihui didn't know what Yao Yiyi was thinking, she pushed open the door of the president's office, and smiled at Yao Yiyi who was behind her: "The president is inside, let's have a good chat." After finishing speaking, she walked away and busy herself 's gone.

Yao Yiyi tensed his face, stood at the door and glanced around the office, but didn't see Shan Yisheng, felt strange in his heart, and was about to ask Qin Meihui, who hadn't gone far, when he felt a pulling force Pulling himself into the door, before he could scream, the door was already closed. When Yao Yiyi came back to his senses, he found that he was in someone's arms. It was the familiar masculine breath, Yao Yiyi suddenly became quiet, hearing the panting sound beside his ear, his heart trembled, it must be him.

It must be Shan Yisheng, even though she couldn't see his face, even though he hadn't spoken, but with such a familiar embrace and such a nice smell, she knew it must be him.

Neither of them spoke, Shan Yisheng pressed her against the door, buried her head in her fragrant hair, closed her eyes and absorbed the warmth tightly.

It's been a long time since I hugged her so well.

It took a long time for Yao Yiyi to remember the purpose of his visit, he felt suffocated, and pushed away Shan Yisheng who was tightly hugging him and would not let go.

Shan Yisheng just moved, and the hand that held her was not shaken at all: "Yi Yi, don't move around, be good, let me hug you."

Such a familiar voice was right next to his ears, Yao Yiyi remembered how he was so gentle when they were together, but in fact, what did he do to him!
"Shan Yisheng, you bastard!" Closing his eyes, Yao Yiyi pushed Shan Yisheng with all his strength. Shan Yisheng was afraid that he would strangle her, so he finally let go of his hand helplessly.

Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi who was bowing his head in front of him, his eyes were burning hot, even he couldn't believe that he would see her again in his office: "Yiyi, are you here to find me? "

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and wiped his eyes indiscriminately, wiping away the tiny teardrops inside, but he never raised his head: "Yes, I came to you." I came to you to give me an explanation.

She didn't want to and didn't dare to look up, she was afraid, afraid that she wouldn't be able to ask any questions after seeing him.

She was most afraid that if she didn't give up, she would still fantasize about being with him.

Shan Yisheng frowned, because Yao Yiyi lowered his head so he couldn't see her emotions clearly, but he could guess that she was in a bad mood, tilting his head as if thinking of something, Shan Yisheng's eyes suddenly dimmed up.

Yao Yiyi turned around and turned her back to Shan Yisheng. She couldn't bear the close distance just now: "Why did you do that?" Why, it wasn't enough to use myself at the beginning, even if I left, I couldn't see myself, okay? , you have to kill yourself to be happy, right?
Yao Yi felt that his heart was congested, and he couldn't help breathing faster.

"What do I do, what did I do?" Shan Yisheng's tone was very light, her words hit his heart word by word, the pain made him unable to breathe.

Yao Yiyi did not expect that he would deny what he had done, turned around abruptly, stared at him incredulously, his eyes were full of sarcasm: "I dare not admit what I have done, Shan Yisheng, I I despise you."

Shan Yisheng was startled, his lips turned white, he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't say anything.

"You mean, I was the one who leaked Yao's documents?"

"Otherwise you think I'm talking about something." Yao Yiyi finally persuaded herself to look up at him, his face was pale without the slightest trace of blood, and she suddenly felt the pleasure of revenge.

Don't let me go, then let's suffer together.

Luo Minghao sat on the sofa casually playing with the car keys in his hand, looked at He Qing and said lightly: "Aunt He, can we ask about the property, now Yao Yiyi has become your target, and everyone in the company is very angry. I don't think highly of her, if one day she runs away with Yao's property, all our hard work will be in vain." If that's the case, then what about his hatred, Yao will not In his own hands, Yao Yiyi is also at ease, so when he is busy, how can he avenge the hatred he has held for so long?

He Qing closed the document she just wrote and put it in the folder: "I've been thinking about this matter for a long time. When I talked to you last time, you said that the time was wrong, so I wanted to wait, but the current time It's not right, will it be sudden to talk to her about the property now, what if she changes clothes and does something?"

After listening to He Qing's words, Luo Minghao pondered for a while, she was right, but is she going to sit and wait for death, in case one day Yao Yiyi finds the rest of Yao's property and really disappears, in the future he will I guess there is no place to cry.

"Does Aunt He have any good ideas to make that bitch Yao Yiyi hand over his property?" Luo Minghao looked at He Qing who was free and asked anxiously.

 I wish you all a happy reading and a good mood every day~
(End of this chapter)

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