Chapter 106

As long as Yao Yiyi handed over Yao's remaining property, he would definitely drive Yao Yiyi away and let her taste the pain of being deceived.

He Qing sighed, stood up with the support of the desk, also a little anxious: "I also want to finish this matter as soon as possible, but so far there is no seamless solution, all we have to do is wait until that opportunity arises , we're almost done." He Qing stood by the window with her back turned, looked at the rustling leaves blown by the wind outside, and smiled sinisterly.

Luo Minghao followed her gaze to look over, his eyes softened for a moment, and immediately showed some ruthlessness, which hides identification.

Wait, just wait, anyway, all I have is time now, Luo Minghao stood up and looked at He Qing: "Aunt He, then I'll go first, my father's company is a little busy recently, he keeps talking about being tired all day long, I If I don't help him share some of it, he will probably fight me desperately."

He said casually as if joking, and He Qing turned around and looked at him, nodding and smiling: "Okay, go back to Yao's house for dinner tonight, I want the company documents leaked to make a big fuss, driving Yao Yiyi to nowhere You can go!"

"Aunt He, is it irrational to push Yao Yiyi to the point of nowhere now? Didn't you also say that all we have to do now is wait? Let's be patient." Luo Minghao frowned. Yiyi must be on the brink of collapse, and it would be unrealistic to check the documents on her own.

"Let the people on the director's side put pressure on her about this matter. Although they want to talk about it now, it is because they are not sure whether Yao Yiyi said this matter, and it is because of the dead Yao Qixiong. For the sake of it, once they have collected conclusive evidence that Yao Yiyi did it, no matter how big Yao Qixiong's face is, they will not let Yao Yiyi do it."

He Qing nodded gloomyly: "I hope so, the puppet Yao Yiyi disappeared all day today, saying that he will prove his innocence..."

"Aunt He!" Luo Minghao interrupted He Qing, with a disgusting confidence on his face, "Where is the evidence so easy to find, this is not a TV series."

He Qing didn't speak, she looked away, obviously dissatisfied; Luo Minghao's tone of voice when talking to her.

"Go ahead, I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, He Qing left without looking at him, and walked to the desk to read the documents.

The sky was slowly getting dark, and the atmosphere in the office was somewhat oppressive. Shan Yisheng squeezed his hands tightly, looked at Yao Yiyi in front of him, his pupils constricted.

"Shan Yisheng, I just realized now that you are just such a despicable person." Yao Yiyi sneered and looked at Shan Yisheng frantically, but if you looked closely, you would find that she was just in a daze, Did not go to see him, "Should I be thankful that I saw through you as soon as possible." Yao Yiyi took a step back, her voice was as cold as ice, "Shan Yisheng, I am glad that I left you."

Shan Yisheng listened to her with a blank face, his face became paler and paler, his hands were clenched tighter and tighter, thin beads of sweat ooze from his forehead.

He looked at the woman who was facing him with a defensive face, and felt his heart was squeezed by something.

"One by one." He called softly, and he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully, and his outstretched hand trembled slightly.

Yao Yiyi looked at his hands warily: "I prepared a lot of questions to ask you before I came here, but now there is only one question left in my mind," she shifted her gaze to Shan Yisheng's handsome face , he is still so good-looking, even without her, there will still be a lot of women in his arms. To him, she is just an insignificant person. Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi smiled softly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed. Full of bitterness, and self-deprecating, "Didn't you really think about me when you did this?"

As if afraid of hearing his answer again, Yao Yiyi shook her head vigorously, salty tears quickly slipped into the corner of her mouth following her huge movements, she swallowed: "Don't answer me, I... I don't want to Listen, I don't want to hear it."

She was a little incoherent, and her eyes were slightly swollen from crying too much.

The two of them didn't speak for a long time, Shan Yisheng only felt his forehead twitch.

Suddenly Yao Yiyi smiled softly, her smile was pale and feeble, Shan Yisheng felt pain all over his body, he turned his head helplessly to look out the window, the weather was obviously fine during the day, but there was not a single star at night.

Time passed slowly, Yao Yi glanced at the silent Shan Yisheng, and felt that he was stupid, but in fact, there was no need to come here at all, so why did he not give up.

She turned around unsteadily, opened the door, and was about to leave, but Shan Yisheng hugged her from behind, whispering not to leave.

Yao Yiyi felt that she had no strength left, blinked her eyes, and was about to let him go, but found that there were icy drops of water sliding down her neck, her whole body trembled violently, she didn't dare to think, I dare not guess.

"Yiyi, if you believe me, I didn't do it."

"Is it still useful to explain now? I think I am really ridiculous. I have been deceived by you again and again. The ridiculous thing is that I already know the truth and you still refuse to tell the truth." She gasped heavily, It seemed that those few words had exhausted all the strength she had in speaking.

"Yiyi, you trust me, I..."

"Stop talking." Suddenly Yao Yiyi shouted forcefully, Shan Yisheng was taken aback, she took the opportunity to break free from his embrace, "Shan Yisheng, I will never love you again."

Take all my love for you along with those deceptions.

Shan Yisheng lowered his head to look at his embrace a little dully, he no longer had that familiar warmth, it seemed that there was nothing left.

In the dark office, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a huge beam of light shot into the office through the door, successfully allowing Qin Meihui to find Shan Yisheng who was sitting behind the desk with her back to her.

Qin Meihui sighed softly, these two people are really worrying.


"Get out!" The voice was cold without a trace of warmth.

Qin Meihui couldn't help shivering, her steps stopped, and she still took a step forward: "One by one she..."

"I said it." Shan Yisheng stood up abruptly, grabbed the cup on the desk and slammed it hard at the door, Qin Meihui screamed in fright, seeing the fragments in the corner, she couldn't react for a while, and stabbed her behind. The stabbing hurt, even though he purposely smashed it in the wrong direction, the small fragments that were bounced still hit her body, "Yes."

The moment Qin Meihui closed the door, she raised her eyes and looked at Shan Yisheng again. After following him for so many years, this was the first time she saw him get so angry. It seems that the relationship between the two is really close. It's getting stiffer.

Sighing softly, Qin Meihui reached out to touch her back, as if there was nothing wrong except a little pain.Pick up the bag to check the time, it's time to get off work, forget it, let him be alone for a while.

Only when love is deep will it be numb to pain.

Yao Yiyi stood blankly by the side of the road, the wind seemed to be getting colder at night, and it was difficult for her to breathe every time.

The originally borne tears kept pouring out like a bank bursting, and he wiped away the cold tears on his face indiscriminately: "Yao Yiyi, what are you crying for? What's there to cry about?" It was turbulent, and finally burst into tears. The few passers-by on the road looked at it strangely. At this moment, Yao Yiyi didn't have the energy to care about others. His emotions were out of control, so he could only let himself cry once. enough.

When the lights came on, the lights of Wanjia only made Yao Yiyi feel more desolate and lonely, as if he had nowhere to go.

She really didn't want to go back to that cold and impersonal Yao family, but she had no choice.

Her hair was a little disheveled, and she looked terribly haggard.

In the end, Yao Yiyi's emotions gradually calmed down. She wiped away the tears on her face and prepared herself to go back to Yao's house, but a pair of men's leather shoes appeared in her sight. It's been a long time.

Slowly raising his head, Yao Yiyi saw Chu Cheng's gentle smiling face, he was not bad in appearance, especially when he smiled, his eyes seemed to be full of starlight.

Yao Yiyi couldn't react a little, and looked at him blankly: "Why are you here?"

Chu Cheng looked at the person in front of him, she had a strong nasal voice, her face was blushing, and she didn't know whether it was the bitterness or the cold wind, suppressing the pain in his heart, he secretly ordered himself not to think too much, All this is done to prevent my family from being harmed: "I was going to come here to buy something, and I saw a woman who was suffering so pitifully here, so I came to see that the card was the abandoned woman. I thought it was you."

He deliberately joked with her, trying to make her happy, Yao Yiyi knew what he was thinking, this was the first and only person who worried that she cared about her sadness, so she narrowed her eyes and smiled at her, but there were tears Falling uncontrollably.

"Why are you crying again?" Chu Cheng frowned, stretched out his hand and gently wiped away her tears with his sleeve: "You must not have eaten yet, go, I will take you to eat."

Yao Yiyi didn't refuse, two people are better than one, and it's easier for one person to think wildly, she followed her footsteps and shook her head: "No, let me treat you, you have always invited me to dinner..."

"Okay, I'll pay for your treat." Chu Cheng turned his head to look at Yao Yiyi, who was a head shorter than himself, showing his white teeth, smiling warmly and harmlessly.

Yao Yiyi also smiled softly with him, raised his head slightly and glanced at the sky, feeling a little relieved in his heart, four words appeared in his mind, be at peace with the situation.

Or, she can be fine alone, from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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