Chapter 110
When Shan Yisheng said these words, his tone was very light, as if he was just making a harmless joke, but the man knew that what he said was true.

"President, I really don't know anything. When... At that time, it was just a man with a beard who gave me that document and asked me to do it. I really don't know anything about the rest." Damn, if I knew it would be like this, he wouldn't have agreed no matter how much money was given.

Shan Yisheng looked into his eyes, and after a long time told Qin Meihui, who had been silent on the side: "Send the recording and people to the police station and hold a press conference for me as soon as possible before noon. You have to make it clear in person..." Before he finished speaking, Shan Yisheng's eyes darkened, he put his hand on the desk vigorously, and the other hand rested on his stomach, showing a painful expression.

Qin Meihui was startled, and hurried over to support him: "President, what's wrong with you?" Wasn't it fine just now?

Shan Yisheng's lips turned white, and she couldn't even speak. Qin Meihui was sweating profusely, took out her mobile phone and called 120.

"Yo, you know you're coming to the company." Lin Mowan cast a disdainful glance at Yao Yiyi, and walked forward stepping on those high heels.

Yao Yiyi paused the hand that was arranging the documents, straightened the documents as if nothing had happened, and put them on the corner of the desk.

Lin Mowan is the kind of person who is shameless when others give you shame, and she doesn't care about the lesson. She stood condescendingly on the table, looked at the documents on the table, and sneered bitterly: "Also I don't know why my mother is so kind and doesn't drive you out, how could the Yao family have so many documents to leak to you."

Yao Yiyi couldn't help getting angry no matter how good-tempered she was, she stood up abruptly: "I told you last time, you should be more careful with your words, didn't the slap hurt enough? So you came here again to ask for a slap? "Yao Yiyi is a little taller than Lin Mowan, so she is not weaker than Lin Mowan after standing up, "You said that I exposed the documents, do you have evidence, you have to show evidence, you If there is proof, I will not stay here again."

Lin Mowan couldn't utter a single rebuttal, and looked at Yao Yiyi angrily, but the latter didn't say anything to her, and just ignored her lazily as if she was a transparent person.

Thinking that she never had the upper hand in the past few days, Lin Mowan's complexion became even worse. She approached Yao Yiyi with a provocative look on her face: "Yao Yiyi, don't think that slap was for nothing. , I will get it back one day, just wait for me!" After speaking, he turned around and left, Yao Yi turned his head to look at her back, with deep fatigue appearing on his face.

In this way, she not only has to worry about the company's affairs every day, but also has to deal with Lin Mowan, she feels very tired.

"Miss Yao, the board of directors asked you to go to the meeting room."

Yao Yiyi looked up at the kind Zhang Xian, nodded her head as a response, closed the document she had just opened, got up and followed Zhang Xian.

The board meeting room is on the left side of the tallest building, not far away, just a few steps away.

As He Qing's assistant, Yao Yiyi naturally had the opportunity to enter this meeting room, but that was only to accompany He Qing to the meeting and record some important matters of the meeting. Interrogated by each director.

"Miss Yao Yiyi is here." Zhang Xian stood at the door of the meeting and said to the few flaunting people inside, and then retreated respectfully. Yao Yiyi raised his head and glanced at the situation in the meeting room. There were about ten people. , all looked at themselves in unison.

Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and walked inside.

"You are Yao Yiyi?" A middle-aged man with a big belly looked her up and down, with complicated eyes in his eyes, Yao Yi nodded and sat down at a random seat.

"I'm sure you've heard about Yao's documents leaked a long time ago, and," said another elderly man, who was dressed meticulously and had a serious expression on his face, "Many people have You said it was you who did it, I believe Miss Yao must have heard the word groundless, since someone said it was you, there must be a reason."

Yao Yiyi looked at him indifferently, not in a hurry, nor in any panic, she was always excited but couldn't contain her anger, if she hadn't done it, she hadn't done it.

"To be honest, when Lao Yao was alive, I was very optimistic about him and admired him very much, but even if you are his daughter, we will not cover you up because of our friendship with him, Miss Yao , If you have anything to do, it’s best to tell the truth, it’s against the law to leak documents, I don’t want to make things big, and I don’t want to tarnish Yao’s reputation.”

That person seemed to be expressing his position, Yao Yiyi pursed his lips and smiled: "I will."

"You said you didn't leak the document?" The old man sighed, vaguely seeing the shadow of Yao Qixiong on Yao Yiyi.


"Some important documents are placed with President He, and there are not many people who can be contacted. Besides," he glanced at Yao Yiyi, picked up his glass and took a sip of water, "Cheng Guo from the security department also I said that you went back to the company to get the documents on the night of the 17th, and you were the only one at that time, how do you explain this?"

Yao Yiyi stared at him in a daze. The high-level people had already held a meeting on this matter, and He Qing was there at the time, so she didn't explain it clearly for herself.

Can't tell what feeling is in her heart, Yao Yi only feels angry and sad, this matter is not a trivial matter to her, it can be said that it is not a trivial matter to the entire Yao family, but He Qing ignores it, is it because Usually the relationship between the two of them is not good, because he slapped her daughter, Yao Yiyi licked his dry lips, suddenly felt it was ridiculous.

"It was my mother that day... The president said that there was a video conference to be held tonight, but he forgot to bring the documents and asked me to go to the company to pick them up temporarily, so I..."

"Why don't I know about the temporary meeting on the night of the 17th." The old man interrupted Yao Yiyi, his eyes were a little confused, and he looked at her curiously.

Yao Yiyi was really stunned this time, she opened her beautiful big eyes in a daze, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

He said there was no meeting that night?
But she clearly remembered that her brother was drunk that night and did some weird things.

How could I remember it wrong!
Yao Yiyi pressed her head, feeling dizzy. Everyone in the conference room looked at her with their eyes open. The inexplicable pressure made Yao Yiyi feel out of breath, and there were fine lines on his forehead. sweat.

When he came in behind Zhang Xian just now, he was very confident in his heart, thinking that he could explain this oolong clearly, but he didn't would end up like this.

Yao Yiyi sat silently in his seat, and suddenly the old man across from him took out his cell phone, but looked at Yao Yiyi sharply: "President, please come to the office!"

A silver-gray sports car slammed on the brakes at the entrance of the No. [-] Hospital in the city center. The tires rubbed violently against the ground and made a screeching sound. Before the car could reach the parking lot in time, Xiang Heng almost rushed out of the car.

Qin Meihui stood in the corridor with an anxious look on her face. No one would have expected that the president would suddenly faint, and it was only after being sent to the hospital that she found out that it was caused by her stomach.

" is Sheng?" Xiang Heng was out of breath when he ran to the door of the operating room.

Qin Meihui sighed, and looked at the closed operating room door: "Stomach bleeding, the one in the stomach should have fainted from the pain."

"I told him to drink less, but he didn't listen." Xiang Heng looked at the operating room half angry and half worried. It seems that he must be more careful next time. Now Duo Duo is not by his side , he tortured his body like crazy.

"Actually, I can't completely blame the president. Although I don't know what he said last time when I came to the president one by one, but I think the angry look of the president should be quite angry." Qin Meihui took a few steps back Sitting down on the bench in the corridor, how long are these two going to torture each other?
"Last time?" Xiang Heng looked at Qin Meihui with a puzzled expression, "You mean that Duo Duo came to look for Sheng again later, didn't you?"

"Well, I was able to make it because of the leak of Yao's documents. Now it has been found out that a manager of our company did it. I don't know if the president explained it to me one by one, but judging from the current situation, it should be I didn't make it clear." These two people were more stubborn than the other!
Duo Duo actually went to Sheng, judging from Sheng's mood yesterday, he knew that the two of them must have had a bad chat!Xiang Heng frowned and thought for a while: "Leave it alone, let's talk about it after Sheng's surgery is done."

When the doctor pushed Shan Yisheng out of the operating room, the two hurriedly greeted him: "Doctor, is the operation a success? How is he?"

The surgeon in charge also knew the identity of Shan Yisheng, so he didn't dare to neglect his friend, he took off his mask and nodded: "The operation was a success, but you can't let him mess around anymore, although there are a lot of entertainment in normal times , but the body is still important."

Xiang Heng nodded and did not speak, and followed him to the ward. Looking at Shan Yisheng's sleepy face, he couldn't help but feel a little worried: "When will he wake up?"

"You can wake up soon. You should be quiet in the ward, and try not to disturb the patient."

After explaining a few words, he led a group of nurses away. Xiang Heng glanced at Shan Yisheng on the hospital bed, and patted Qin Meihui on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work."

Qin Meihui shook her head and put the bag in her hand on the sofa: "It should."

(End of this chapter)

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