Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 111 Board of Directors

Chapter 111 Board of Directors

When He Qing received the notice, her face was very ugly. Originally, she did not approve of the so-called interrogation between the members of the board of directors and Yao Yiyi, and if Yao Yiyi said a word more, she would not have good results. eat.

She was fidgeting in the office and was always hesitating about whether to go or not. If she went by herself, there would definitely be sharp questions on her head, and if she couldn't answer it by then, it would definitely arouse doubts!
Zhang Xian knocked on the door, and politely urged He Qing for the second time: "President, the people on the board of directors have been waiting for you for a long time, please hurry over."

He Qing slammed the document in her hand, her face was a little annoyed, and she snorted coldly: "I see."

Yao Yiyi was restless sitting in her seat. For some reason, she always felt that there was something strange about this matter.

He Qing hasn't come yet, could it be that Yao Yiyi felt cold all over because of guilty conscience, could it be that He Qing did this by herself?
Then she shook her head and denied her conjecture. How could it be? After all, He Qing is the current CEO of Yao Corporation. She doesn't need to do something bad for herself just to frame herself, right?

I really can't figure it out, so I just don't think about it. Yao Yiyi looked up one by one, and saw He Qing walking in with an arrogant face. daughter.

"Is there something you all want me to do?" He Qingqiang calmed down, with a difficult smile on her face, and then sat down near Yao Yiyi.

Tilting his head and smiling at Yao Yiyi: "Yiyi, how is your matter going?"

Yao Yi kept staring at her, raised his lips and smiled mockingly: "Mom, this is Yao's business, how could it be my business!" Didn't her words impose the crime on her alone? on people?

He Qing was taken aback, glanced at the people around her, pursed her lips and turned her head without saying a word, but Yao Yiyi thought it was funny, if she had scolded herself or threatened herself with various reasons, but Today, the people on the board of directors are actually swallowing their anger like this.

"Listen one by one, you asked her to go to the company to get the documents on the night of the 17th?" It seems that the old man has a certain status in the board of directors, otherwise he wouldn't have been the one asking about the whole thing.

Yao Yiyi followed the old man's gaze and looked at He Qing. The latter lowered her head slightly, making it hard to see her expression. However, because she was sitting so close, Yao Yiyi noticed that He Qing's hands were tightly squeezed. tight.

she is nervous?Yao Yiyi frowned and looked at He Qing, waiting for her to give him a reasonable explanation.

It was a long time before He Qing raised her head, the panic flashed across her face, and she tried her best to look calm: "At that time, I misremembered the time of the video conference, and after I brought back the documents one by one, I didn't Remembering that it wasn't that day at all." He Qing turned to look at Yao Yiyi with guilt on her face, "Yiyi, Mom misremembered the time that day and asked you to go out at night."

Yao Yiyi ignored it and just watched without blinking.

Could it be that he deliberately framed her?
When Qin Meihui bought some supplies outside and went back to the hospital, Shan Yisheng had already woken up, his face was pale, in fact, after Yao Yiyi was asked to leave, his complexion did not feel better, and his mood was also very bad.

Qin Meihui shook her head calmly, she knew what kind of misunderstanding existed between the two of them, she just needed to explain it clearly, why didn't she say anything?
"President, how do you feel?" Now that his operation has just been completed, the doctor specifically explained that nothing can be delivered, and he has to wait for a few days.

"En." Shan Yisheng closed her eyes slowly, she didn't know if it was because she was mentally ill or because she didn't want to talk more, so she simply responded, Qin Meihui didn't mind, and put away the things she bought one by one Just sit on the side and prepare to accompany him.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's beautiful but fragile face, Qin Meihui was slightly absent-minded.

To be honest, when she was working with him at the beginning, she was also confused by his handsome appearance and the temperament exuding from his body like those women. She also thought that if she was so close to him, would she There will be a day when she is close to the water, but slowly, she finds that no matter how close she is by his side, she can't get into his heart.

For a person, if there is someone in his heart, anyone can see it after a long time, not to mention that she is his personal secretary, and the two of them spend more time together.

It was only later that she slowly discovered that there was someone hiding in his heart.

At that time, the company had not been established for a long time, and she had just applied for the company, so she was careless when doing things like a big sloppy.

He started from scratch and created the sy group with one hand. He has no family background or background, so it is very difficult.At that time, he worked harder than all the employees, working overtime every day just because of a small order.

One day when she came home from get off work, she found that she had forgotten to bring a data sheet for tomorrow's meeting. The data was very important. When he handed it to her, he told her that the data must be carefully checked first. She remembered After I took it, I threw it aside without checking the data, and immediately became anxious. The meeting room opened early tomorrow morning, and it was useless for her to go to the company to check it tomorrow, so she gritted her teeth, picked up the apartment key and prepared to go to the office. company.

Her apartment is not far from the company. It takes only ten minutes by car. After getting out of the car, the cold wind blows. She remembers how cold the winter was that year.

At that time, the building in the company was not as grand as it is now. His office was on the 13th floor. He took the elevator all the way up and found the data sheet in the corner of his desk. With the lights on, I was curious, and my steps turned around.

The door of the office was ajar, and she felt her heart beating non-stop, and there was some fine sweat on her hands. After hesitating, she finally pushed the door open.

The inside of the office is as clean and tidy as ever. He has always been a clean person. She often tidies up his office when he is not around, but the inside is always clean and there is no need to tidy up at all.

At that time, he was lying on the table and fell asleep. She approached slowly and looked at his face carefully.

It could be seen that he was in a deep sleep, and his usually sullen face was slightly relaxed at the moment. She usually didn't dare to look up at him seriously, but thought his stern expression was a bit scary, but now that she looked closer, she found that he Still a bit childish.

(End of this chapter)

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