Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 112 Press Conference

Chapter 112 Press Conference
His eyelashes are very long, thick and dense like a row of small fans. When she looked at his lips, she felt her heart beat faster. His lips were not very thin, with a slight sensuality, red Yes, people can't help but want to take a bite.

Realizing that she had such an idea, she blushed in disbelief. Just as she was about to wake him up and tell him to go home to sleep and lie down here so as not to catch a cold, she heard him say something vaguely, which she didn't understand clearly. When I got closer, I realized that he was calling a woman's name.

"One by one." He murmured to himself in his sleep, and she stood beside her, with an indescribably complicated heart.

Qin Meihui regained her senses and looked at Shan Yisheng who was looking at herself with those cold eyes, she was taken aback for a while, and her consciousness was a little at a loss: "What... what's wrong?"

"Didn't you even hear what I was talking to you? You're in a daze beside your boss!" Because he had just finished the operation, his voice was very low, with obvious fragility, so he didn't have much momentum.

Qin Meihui raised the corners of her mouth unconsciously. If it was normal, he raised his eyes, and the aura radiating from his body would definitely be able to speak this sentence with great momentum.

"I was thinking about something just now," she explained with a smile, "what did you say?"

Shan Yisheng pursed her lips, she saw that he was a little dissatisfied, and didn't care.

"The matter of the press conference..."

"The time is set at noon today, but according to your current body..." Qin Meihui knew what he was going to say, "Besides, outside reporters have already known about your hospitalization, and there are already many reporters lurking outside the hospital. "

Shan Yisheng closed his eyes, then opened them again, he licked his dry lips: "If this matter can not be dealt with any longer, Mrs. Yao will definitely be in trouble, you can go to the press conference at noon for me , as long as you clearly explain the things in the newspaper. By the way, we sy will not compete with the Yao Group for business. The intention to cooperate with those companies mentioned in the newspaper is not true. If Yao believes it, You can use the wish document and the original plan." After speaking, he took a few breaths, "If you are worried, you can take Manager Wang and tell him that this is the only way for him to win a lighter sentence for himself."

"Yes!" Qin Meihui nodded respectfully, and thoughtfully pinched the corner of his cup.

"You don't have to stay here with me, you go and get ready." After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes and turned her head. Qin Meihui knew that he was tired, so she stood up and walked out of the ward without saying anything.

Yao Yiyi lay on his little bed, thinking of the meeting yesterday afternoon, he felt aggrieved and panicked.

Although He Qing's explanation couldn't completely excuse her, at least the board members already knew the reason why she ran back to the hospital at night.

It's just that although there was an explanation, she still hadn't been completely cleared of her crimes, Yao Yiyi was a little helpless.

She was very depressed when she thought of the old man who said meticulously that she would be suspended. Now that she is suspended at this time, what will other people in the company think.

It's not too early now, she would have gone to work in normal times, but now she can only lie on the bed and wait for the company to finish the matter.

Yao Yiyi turned to look out the window, it was already dawn.

Judging from the current situation, it is actually very difficult for Yao's senior management to deal with this matter. They seem to have no clue.

Sighing softly, Yao Yiyi turned over anxiously, always feeling as if something was going to happen in his heart.

I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep again. I have been busy with the documents for the past few days, running around, and when I went to bed at night, I couldn't sleep well because I had something on my mind.

Yao Yiyi let out a long sigh of relief, since he has been suspended, he should take a good rest, as a long vacation for himself to prevent the epidemic, since the incident has already happened, he has nothing to do.Recalling that at the end of the meeting, the old man purposely reassured himself that he would definitely figure things out, and she felt inexplicably that she was, and she had completely disappeared from him. Maybe he had met before, or maybe he hadn’t, but listened to him. When he said that, she suddenly had the will to fight.

"Sheng, are you okay?" Xiang Heng took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, turned his head to look worriedly at Shan Yisheng, who just nodded cautiously and didn't say much.

Xiang Heng didn't mind either, and chuckled a few times, thinking of how anxious he was yesterday, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "I told you to pay attention to your body, drink less and smoke less, it's all right now, I've been advising you all the way to the hospital." , let me tell you, if you still don’t cherish your body so much after leaving the hospital, next time you may really do more than just do an operation.”

He sat down on the bed and poured himself a glass of water bluntly: "Did you explain the matter of the press conference?" After asking, he felt that it was unnecessary. Qin Meihui was his personal secretary. After he confessed, she will do it so seriously.

"Did Dodo come to you last time?" Shan Yisheng didn't speak, Xiang Heng smiled shallowly, he knew that he was just in a bad mood and didn't want to say more, and it wasn't that he didn't listen carefully to what he said.

Shan Yisheng's eyes dimmed suddenly, his complexion was not good at first, he seemed to turn paler after hearing these words, blinked slowly, he looked at Xiang Heng, to see what he would say later.

"You also know Dodo, because she has the protection of her family, she doesn't know the dangers of the outside world at all, although I didn't grow up dark with her, but I know that my father will protect her very well. "He smiled lightly, with a little pampering on his face. Although he didn't grow up with her in the past years, they are brothers and sisters after all, "As you said, everything you do now is also true. In order to give Dodo a way to exercise, she needs to experience some things that can make her grow slowly, if there is any misunderstanding about you, you can't be angry..."

"How could I be willing to be angry with her..." Xiang Heng was interrupted by Shan Yisheng before he finished speaking, he didn't look at him, his eyes were lowered to the ceiling, as if unconscious, and He repeated, "How could I be willing to be angry with her?" Then her eyes slowly filled with doting.

Seeing Shan Yisheng in this state, Xiang Heng felt pain in his heart. Both of them are people he valued, but now they are torturing each other and immersed in pain like this, and it doesn't feel good for him to watch from the side.

Sighing softly, Xiang Heng didn't say anything anymore. It's useless for others to talk about this kind of thing. What will happen in the future depends on them.

"You have a good rest. There is still nothing to deal with in my office. I will come to see you next time."

Now is the busy time, and I can't stay with him for long, Xiang Heng stood up and took off his clothes.

"En." The latter nodded, his face still expressionless.

It was already noon when he woke up again after a nap, and it took him a while to get up. The servants at home seemed to have gone out, and the table had been cleaned up. Yao Yiyi seemed to be used to such a situation. She got up a little later this time and didn't catch up with the breakfast time. She also wanted to go out to eat by herself or make another casually. No one would give her a thoughtful breakfast.

Casually cooked a dumpling for himself. Yao Yiyi sat on the sofa and turned on the TV to eat slowly. There are actually many rules when eating at Yao’s house. For example, you can’t say too much. Watching TV all the time made Yao Yiyi feel stiff. After she lost her memory and lived with Gong Yuntian, she didn't have so many scruples at all. She even felt that it was a warmer thing to have the sound of TV dramas while eating.

Maybe it was because it was noon and there were no TV dramas. Yao Yi watched one by one, looking a little excited. He was about to turn off the TV, but found that the sy group was mentioned in the news, and his heart trembled. The movement of the hands stopped.

"Today at noon, the secretary of the sy group took the place of the president of the sy group at the press conference. It is said that the reason is that the president is ill and cannot attend this press conference. So why did the sy group hold the press conference in such a hurry this time? Well, let's take a look together..." The female reporter stood in front of the screen with a microphone and said excitedly, while Yao Yiyi was holding the remote control in his hand, completely forgetting that it was on the glass coffee table and still breathing. Hot dumplings.

As soon as the camera on the TV was zoomed in, Qin Meihui's face became clearer. Yao Yiyi's eyes swept around her. There was indeed no Shan Yisheng. Was he in poor health?what happened?are you sick?

The New Year couldn't help getting flustered, Yao Yi was flustered, and stared at the headline on the TV, he was taken aback, "Sy Group has a traitor, Mr. Shan apologizes for not managing his employees well."

What does this sentence mean? Is it related to the leakage of asking price?

"Not managing the employees well?" Yao Yiyi murmured and repeated, her eyes widened, and her hands became even harder. The hard remote control made her hands hurt, but she didn't respond at all. .

"As we all know, the sy group published a report on work in the newspaper a few days ago. In fact, it is not true. Even the president of our company didn't know about it. After a thorough investigation, we found out that it was the company's manager who received benefits. ..." Qin Meihui is undoubtedly a resolute woman in the shopping mall. She does not procrastinate when dealing with things. She explained everything clearly, and finally brought out the so-called manager, which further increased the credibility of the matter.

Yao Yi stared at the TV intently, the incident was not done by Shan Yisheng as he thought, but by someone in his company, so he...

I remembered that day when I ran to his office angrily and said that to him...

Yao Yiyi looked away and looked outside. Today's weather is very bad, with dark clouds, it seems that it might be raining.

(End of this chapter)

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