Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 119 Are You Jealous?

Chapter 119 Are You Jealous?

Yao's board of directors didn't find out who leaked the documents at all, so they simply checked slowly, but fortunately, they didn't cause any substantial harm to Yao Yiyi.

In fact, Yao Yiyi was still curious about this matter. Could it be that what Heqing said was true, did she just forget the time for the video conference?

But it's useless for her to doubt alone, and others won't listen to what she said, so let's check it out. With a soft sigh, Yao Yiyi sat down in his seat.

Still don't think so much, and work hard first.

It seems that there are not so many documents to deal with recently, so Yao Yiyi is relatively more relaxed.

"Yiyi, do you want to come to my house to play after get off work?" Meng Weini warmly invited Yao Yiyi with a more expensive smile on her face.

Yao Yiyi was watching Wen Nian at the time, and his first reaction when he heard Meng Weini's words was to look at her expression: "Is there no one in your family?"

"Well, my parents are out, and I'm the only one at home." Meng Weini slightly accompanied her mouth, "You are all bored, and I will be bored by myself."

"But..." Yao Yiyi was a little hesitant, she didn't want to go, and didn't she have a boyfriend, why didn't she ask him to go?
Yao Yiyi asked the question in his heart, Meng Weini lowered her head and stopped looking at her: "We have no relationship."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, thinking that the two of them were already together.

"Will he go?" Yao Yiyi seemed obsessed with this question, Meng Weini nodded, he was the one who asked him to invite Yao Yiyi to his home, why would he not go.

Although the two of them were not together, seeing Xiang Heng caring so much about Yao Yiyi made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Vinny, why aren't the two of you together? You don't like him? Why didn't he express his intentions?" Isn't the relationship between the two of you close before? How could they not be together.

Meng Weini shook her head and didn't say much. Seeing that Yao Yiyi refused to go, there was nothing she could do, so she had to go back and call Xiang Heng: "Yiyi said she wouldn't go, and I said you really cared about Yiyi. What, Interested in her?"

Maybe even she herself didn't know that there was a strong smell of vinegar in her tone.

Xiang Heng was discussing a lawsuit with a client at the time. Hearing Meng Weini's words, he was slightly taken aback. He motioned to the other party, then stood up and went to a quiet place to call: "What's wrong? Are you jealous?"

"The devil is jealous of you." Meng Weini curled her lips angrily, and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of drink: "You haven't got off work yet?"

"Well, there's still something to do." Xiang Heng rubbed his temple vigorously, "You stay at home well, and I'll get you something to eat when I go back later."

"Hmph, who doesn't have something to eat? Has my servant left? It's not just a casual word about what to eat." Sitting casually on the sofa, Meng Weini had a faint smile on her face.

"But you wouldn't like it if it wasn't made by me." Xiang Heng smiled confidently, there was a thin layer of eye lines at the corners of his eyes, he was not young anymore, it seemed that all the waiting was for her.

A faint blush also appeared on Meng Weini's face: "I told Yi Yi to come, but she refused. What can you do with her?" Be so caring.

Xiang Heng glanced at the client who was waiting for him: "I'll tell you about this when I go back later, I'll be busy now, be obedient, wait for me to come back."

Meng Weini looked at the time, it was getting late, and he should be back later.

Lin Mowan heard that she drove to the No. [-] Hospital in the city center, bought some flowers and fruits near the hospital, and arrogantly found a nurse at random: "Which ward is Shan Yisheng from SY Group?"

Seeing the arrogance on her face, the other party quickly checked her on the computer and told her, Lin Mowan snorted and walked away.

Shan Yisheng's wound has not fully recovered, and some diet has not been adjusted, so it is not time to be discharged from the hospital, and he needs to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

Lin Mowan thought of He Qing's explanation, and thought of Shan Yisheng's handsome face, and suddenly became a little restless. When she saw the door of Shan Yisheng's ward, she opened the door and entered without any hesitation.

Xiang Heng was chatting with Shan Yisheng, when he turned his head and saw Lin Mowan coming in recklessly, he couldn't help being startled, did she go to the wrong door of the ward?

"Um, you're all here." After tidying up her clothes and hair, Lin Mowan greeted Shan Yisheng generously, completely ignoring Xiang Heng who was beside him.

It's just that the two people opposite you look at me, I look at you, and you look at each other, with deep doubts in your eyes.

Lin Mowan didn't realize that her arrival was actually unwelcome.

"Yisheng, I heard that you are sick, so I came here to see you." Lin Mowan had delicate makeup on her face, and she could tell at a glance that she had been specially dressed.

Xiang Heng belatedly realized Lin Mowan's reason for coming, glanced at Shan Yisheng's cold face, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to him.

All kinds of butterflies rushed to him, let alone this is not a good butterfly.

Lin Mowan was busy and surrounded by Shan Yisheng, Xiang Heng coughed in embarrassment: "Miss Lin, what are you doing?"

It's not like she doesn't know the situation of Yao's and SY Group, so what's the matter?
"What, I just came to see Yi Sheng, he is not sick..."

"Get out!" Shan Yisheng couldn't bear to interrupt Lin Mowan's words. When he spoke, his voice was so loud that he felt like he was about to spit out the food he ate.

"Lin Mowan also lost her temper when she heard Shan Yisheng's words: "I won't go, I came to see you, I haven't sat down for a while, why should I go! "

"..." Shan Yisheng's face was completely dark, and he gave Xiang Heng a helpless look, as if asking him for help.

Xiang Heng glanced at Lin Mowan helplessly, what was going on with this woman: "Well, Miss Lin, does your mother know that you ran over now?"

Lin Mo turned her head to look at him, and nodded impatiently.

Xiang Heng felt that he had nothing to say, this mother and son, either treat others as fools or they themselves are fools.

There was a cold light in Shan Yisheng's eyes: "I don't know what your plan is, but Lin Mowan, don't treat others as fools, I advise you to go out, otherwise you will definitely regret it of!"

Lin Mowan stared blankly at Shan Yisheng's face, he was undoubtedly the most handsome man she had ever seen, bar none, but why did he have to like Yao Yiyi, what's so good about Yao Yiyi, Not as pretty as she is not as stylish as her!

(End of this chapter)

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