Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 120 You are not welcome

Chapter 120 You are not welcome
Shan Yisheng looked away depressed, and didn't bother to look at her, so as to save himself from losing his appetite.

"Miss Lin, go back. To be honest, you are not familiar with us. Although I am very grateful that you came to see Sheng, but..." But you are really not welcome here!Xiang Heng ignored the latter words, and Lin Mowan didn't understand.

"I wasn't familiar with it before, but after this time, can't I be familiar with it?"

"You really don't want to go out? Believe it or not, I'll call the security guard!" Shan Yisheng's body is inconvenient, so there is no way to send her away personally.

When Lin Mowan heard Shan Yisheng's words, she was angry and felt ashamed. A girl like herself came to see him specially. Is it necessary to be so fierce to herself.

Shan Yisheng felt annoyed whenever he thought of Yao Yiyi being bullied by He Qing and Lin Mowan in Yao's house, but this person was still embarrassed in front of him.

"Why do you treat me with such an attitude? Does this hospital belong to you?" Lin Mowan yelled a little dissatisfied.

Xiang Heng touched his forehead feebly, feeling a little strange today.

Seeing Shan Yisheng gritted her teeth and said nothing, Lin Mowan couldn't control her mouth: "Don't you just like Yao Yiyi, what's so good about that Yao Yiyi, I feel sick when I see that bitch, You still like her..."

With a "snap", Shan Yisheng slapped him across the face.

"Mo Wan won't come back for dinner today." He Qing handed over the long trench coat to the servant beside her, and glanced upstairs, "Is Yao Yiyi upstairs?"

"Yes, she came back very early today. What happened?"

He Qing didn't say a word, she glanced at her, and left alone what she said she shouldn't care about.

The servant seemed to realize that he asked too much, and stepped back with his head down.

It's not time for dinner yet, He Qing is going back to her room to change clothes, after walking a few steps, Nian seems to have remembered something and turns around to ask the servant who is still standing behind her: "Will Minghao come today? "

"Master called today and said he would come back for dinner." The maid answered her cleanly and respectfully.
He Qing frowned, turned and went upstairs.

The food was prepared quickly, and He Qing and Yao Yiyi were quickly called downstairs, but Luo Minghao hadn't arrived yet, so the two still had to wait for Luo Minghao to arrive.

Since what happened last time, the two of them haven't stayed in the same space so quietly. Yao Yiyi didn't know what to say to her at all, but it would be embarrassing if he didn't speak.

He Qing was at ease, she glanced at Yao Yiyi who was far away from her: "Yiyi, what are you doing sitting so far away, mom won't do anything to you."

Yao Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded yes.

"What happened last time..."

"Mom, I'm back." Lin Mowan interrupted He Qing, and sat down beside He Qing with an angry face, obviously in a bad mood.

"Why did you come back so soon?" He Qing turned her head and looked at Lin Mowan in surprise. How long have you been there? She thought she would stay there for a long time, but unexpectedly...

"How can you blame me? If you want to blame, you can blame that Shan Yisheng, who doesn't understand manners at all. Look at my face." Lin Mowan brought her slapped face closer to He Qing, "There are finger prints on it. Alright."

"No, this Shan Yisheng is too ruthless, and he is so ruthless when he hits a woman." At this moment, Lin Mowan can't wait to eat Yao Yiyi and Shan Yisheng, these two people are the unlucky ones in her life Star, disaster star!

He Qing's face was also ugly: "He will never let you go, damn it."

Yao Yiyi sat next to him, at first he was very calm to see their mess, but later he became calm when he heard Shan Yisheng's name.

What's the matter with Shan Yisheng?
Thinking of this, Lin Mowan became even angrier. She wished she could step forward and shave Yao Yiyi's face with her hands, but she didn't dare. After all, she had also been shaved by her. Wouldn't it be a loss if you didn't gain the upper hand!
Seeing Yao Yiyi looking at them curiously, He Qing patted Lin Mowan's hand calmly, hinting to her faintly, how can such a thing be said here, you are stupid.

Luo Minghao came back soon, and several people were preparing to eat. Yao Yiyi hadn't eaten at Yao's house because of his mood and emotions. Today, because he came back early, he decided to eat at home.

There are four people at a table, Yao Yiyi doesn't look at anyone, pays no attention to anyone, and concentrates on eating his own meal with his head down. Although he was curious about the topic He Qing's mother and daughter talked about just now, it is obvious that they will not talk about it again if she is around. of.

Sighing softly, Yao Yiyi secretly thought in his heart, he only hoped that Shan Yisheng would be fine.

Xiang Heng glanced at Shan Yisheng, his face hadn't calmed down yet, probably because he was irritated by Lin Mowan just now.

But that Lin Mowan is also really, she just came here and was disliked by others, she ran here in a good manner, if you say you come here, come here, and if you talk about Duo Duo, isn't this just to make yourself suffer.

Not to mention that Sheng was going to hit her, if Sheng wasn't around, he probably couldn't help but want to hit her too.

However, this is the first time Sheng hit a woman.

Xiang Heng got a glass of water and handed it to Shan Yisheng: "I'm still angry, don't pay attention to that lunatic, I really suspect that she really came here to scold."

Shan Yisheng took the water in his hand, and his tone was not calm: "This woman is really weird and forced others to do it." He originally didn't want to do anything to her, but she wanted to slander her like this, if he If he can bear it, he is still Shan Yisheng.

"Okay, don't get too angry, your body isn't healed yet, luckily you didn't use too much force just now, otherwise your wound would probably open." Xiang Heng stretched out his hand to hold Shan Yi Sheng's quilt was covered, "Don't worry too much one by one, she has stayed in Yao's house for so long, and she must know how to deal with what she has to deal with. She knows how to protect herself." Patting Shan Yisheng on the shoulder, the latter nodded, but the worry in his eyes did not fade in the slightest.

Since Lin Mowan dared to be so powerless against the two big men in front of him, her attitude in front of Yiyi must be very bad. Even though Yiyi knew how to protect herself, he still felt sorry for her.

Xiang Heng has already gone back, the lights in the ward have been turned off, and Shan Yisheng struggled with his eyes and couldn't sleep.

Actually miss her very much.

Reaching for her mobile phone from the bedside table, Shan Yisheng was a little hesitant to make this call.

He still remembered that when he called her last time, there was a man's voice next to him. He was so sad and panicked at that time that he thought it was a man close to her, but after thinking about it carefully, it should be Luo Minghao.

It's just that staying in her room at such a late hour still makes people feel very uncomfortable, not to mention that he doesn't know his own brother at all.

Closing his eyes, Shan Yisheng exhaled lightly, and Yao Yiyi's beautiful smiling face slowly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but curl his mouth.

"Mo Wan, tell mom, what's going on with you?" After eating, He Qing took Lin Mowan back to her room with an anxious look on her face.

Could it be that the plan has no effect at all?

"Mom, that Shan Yisheng is just a big block of ice. No one else can take a step closer. I just went in, and he hurried me out. Later, I just said Yao Yiyi, and he beat me! "The more Lin Mowan talked, the more she seemed to feel wronged, and all the facial features on her face seemed to go together.

He Qing glanced at her angrily: "Are you a fool? To tell Yao Yiyi wrong in front of Shan Yisheng, if you want to say it, you have to wait until the relationship between the two of you is good." He Qing hated Tie Bu Chenggang looked at Lin Mowan, and really felt what kind of daughter he had given birth to.

"I..." Lin Mowan lowered her head slightly, she just didn't like Shan Yisheng's attitude towards her, she told herself to go as soon as she opened her mouth, as if she wanted to eat people.

He Qing sighed helplessly: "Forget it, I don't count on you anymore, this matter is over, don't go looking for Shan Yisheng anymore, I will think of another way." Paying attention to Lin Mowan, she got herself a glass of water to drink.

"Mom..." Lin Mowan felt a little unhappy when she heard Yao Yiyi say that, but there was nothing she could do, since Shan Yisheng looked down on her so much, she would definitely give him a good look.

"Mo Wan, go back and rest first, Mommy, take a rest." She couldn't rest assured of the things that were entrusted to her, and He Qing felt quite helpless.

It seems that I thought too simple before, just like the leaked documents, but in the end I still couldn't hurt Yao Yiyi, sighed softly, maybe I still have to take it step by step.

Glancing outside the door, He Qing thought that maybe she could ask Luo Minghao to find a solution.

Luo Minghao was watching TV with Yao Yiyi on the sofa in the hall at this time, he still felt that He Qing had some plans and didn't tell him, since he couldn't get some news from Cheng Chu, let's start with Yao Yiyi first, yes If not, he can come alone.

"Minghao, I need your help with something." Standing on the stairs, Heqing glanced at Yoyi's unmoved back, turned around and walked upstairs after speaking.

Luo Luo Minghao was slightly taken aback, what happened?
Could it be that you want to tell yourself a secret that you don't know?
Thinking of this, Luo Minghao was a little excited, and took a look at Yao Yiyi: "Yiyi, brother, go up for a while and then come down to watch TV with you."

Yao Yiyi's expression didn't change at all, and she didn't even look at him, she just gave him a simple grace, she didn't want to sit with him and watch TV at all, there was no topic to talk about.

Luo Minghao followed He Qing into her bedroom: "What's the matter with calling me here?" It was a bit knowingly asking.

"The plan I told you last time won't work." He Qing didn't turn around, her voice seemed a little gloomy.

 Everyone take your time~ You can put forward your opinions if you have any opinions~
(End of this chapter)

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