Chapter 132 follow me

Yao Yiyi didn't move, she didn't want to leave Shan Yisheng alone like this.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi didn't make any movements, Shan Yisheng's eyes were bent, and it could be seen that she still put herself in her heart.

Gracefully walked to Chu Cheng's side, put his left hand in his pocket, and Shan Yisheng turned his head to look at him: "It seems that Yiyi doesn't like to eat with you, so you should eat slowly by yourself. I'm starving myself." After speaking, he took Yao Yiyi's hand and walked out of the room.

Yao Yiyi followed him without any struggle. He just turned his head and looked at Chu Cheng worriedly. Before he retracted his head, he felt the breathing of the people around him became heavier, and then a pair of big hands were gentle but compulsive to make her turn around. Turning back: "Don't look at him."

The sound of footsteps walking away slowly, Chu Cheng's hands stopped slowly, and he couldn't help but smile wryly, he thought that she wouldn't follow him out.

It seemed that she was too confident. He had lied to him and her for the sake of the sy group. Even though these were fake, she didn't know about it.

Maybe, even if he really lied to her from beginning to end, she would choose him according to her feelings for him.

"Where are you taking me?" Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng's side face, he seemed to be in a bad mood, his mouth was tightly pursed, and he held her hand with great strength.

"Take you to eat, is it possible that you really want to eat with him?" His tone was not very good. He interrupted the matter just now, and then he wanted to express his intimacy with her in front of him. Spend.

Hmm, overthinking.

Shan Yisheng snorted coldly, and looked back at Yao Yiyi who was behind him. She was dragged away by him, obviously a little powerless, he slowed down, his eyes were full of tenderness, but luckily she didn't choose to stay for dinner.

"Actually, Chu Cheng's people are very nice, and he doesn't have any malicious intentions..."

"Yiyi!" Shan Yisheng stopped and looked at her. Now that they had left the hotel, there was no one on the road. Yao Yiyi followed behind Shan Yisheng, who would have thought that he would stop suddenly and whispered. Putting his hair on his chest, Shan Yisheng rarely opened his mouth and smiled happily, "Are you throwing yourself into your arms?"

"'re the one who throws himself into his arms." Yao Yiyi found that she couldn't even speak fully to him recently, and she was usually vigorous and resolute at work, but when she was in front of him, she felt that she was about to lose her words function.

"Okay, I'll throw myself in my arms." Shan Yisheng didn't argue with her, and easily conceded, "I'll throw myself in my arms, do you want it?" He thought for a long time, he was still a little hesitant before, maybe he should calm down, Now he shouldn't let her come back to him again, but the appearance of Chu Cheng made him nervous, he didn't feel at ease to let her alone, he was afraid that no matter how deep and true his love was, he couldn't match someone else's warm embrace, so He thought it over, he could put her by his side first, even if she was still in Yao's.

She is in Yao's and he is in Sy Group, but he believes that this does not prevent them from being together.

No matter how much he could tolerate it, someone would be by her side when she was feeling sad physically and mentally.

Yao Yiyi raised his head to look at his face, his expression was very serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all, there was a certain expectation in his eyes, Yao Yiyi didn't dare to look at him for a moment.

Two people should not be so entangled.

"Why, you just can't listen to my words, the two of us obviously have no way to be together again." Yao Yiyi was crying when he said this, Shan Yi frowned sadly, and his heart was slightly stabbed. pain.

"Fool." Shan Yisheng sighed softly, hugged Yiyi gently, and put his chin on the top of her head.

"Yisheng, long time no see." Mo Ziyan stood in front of Shan Yisheng with a smile on her face, and stretched out her right hand.

"Long time no see." Shan Yisheng slightly raised the corners of his mouth and stretched out his right hand, the expression on his face didn't change much.

Mo Ziyan seemed to be used to it, and didn't care too much. The two sat down and started talking about the acquisition.

Yao's and SJ Group's negotiations with the acquisition company were not scheduled on the same day. After all, this is a competitive matter and needs to be cautious.

Although Shan Yisheng personally handled the acquisition this time, he acted casually during the whole process, as if he didn't take the company seriously. Although Mo Ziyan was curious, there were outsiders after all, so he didn't Ask more.

Until the end, Qin Meihui was the one who spoke most of the whole process, and finally determined the amount that SY Group decided to acquire the company. Mo Ziyan tapped the pen on the document, hesitated for a long time and decided to say: "Actually, Your bid is even lower than Yao's."

Looking at it this way, if the sy group doesn't raise the price, the possibility of Yao's success will be much greater.

Shan Yisheng stood up and looked down at Mo Ziyan, with a faint smile in his eyes: "Well, I understand." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but Mo Ziyan called him in a hurry, "If you are free in the evening, let's go together Shall I have a meal?"

Shan Yisheng paused, and looked back at her: "Okay, let's meet at the hotel where I'm staying tonight." After speaking, continue walking forward, Qin Meihui glanced at her suspiciously, and followed Shan Yi Sheng's footsteps.

"President, do you know each other?" Qin Meihui sat in the passenger seat and turned her head to look at Shan Yisheng in the back seat.

Shan Yisheng squinted his eyes, as if a little tired: "Well, it seems that we have known each other before."

"In that case, even if our price is lower than Yao's, we can make them sell a favor, which will..."

"Then do you think that the purpose of my coming to Singapore this time is to successfully acquire the company?" Shan Yisheng interrupted Qin Meihui, looking at Qin Meihui with narrow eyes.The latter lowered his head and did not speak.

"Book me a seat at the hotel tonight." When getting off the car, Shan Yisheng glanced at Qin Meihui, "Go and rest first."


Standing in front of his room door, Shan Yisheng didn't go in. He turned his head and glanced at the room opposite his door, remembering that when the two of them went to eat yesterday, although she somewhat rejected those intimate actions, she didn't refuse.

Bending his eyes and smiling softly, Shan Yisheng walked slowly to the door of Yao Yiyi's room, and rang the doorbell: "Yiyi."

No one responded, Shan Yisheng thought that Yao Yiyi's child was sleeping late, so he raised his lips helplessly, took out his mobile phone and called the front desk of the hotel, asking them to bring up the room card.

When the person at the front desk heard that it was Shan Yisheng himself, he didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation. He hurriedly took the room card and sent it upstairs. At this time, Shan Yisheng didn't know what kind of face he would see when he entered. Furious scenario.

(End of this chapter)

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