133 - Let's go back to China
The more Chu Cheng thought about it, the more unwilling he was, and he came to Yao Yiyi's room early the next morning. It was still early, and Yao Yiyi hadn't gotten up yet, but someone was knocking on the door again, so he had no choice but to put on his clothes and get up.

"Chucheng, why are you so early?" Yao Yiyi rubbed his messy hair, opened the door and turned to wash, "You come in first, I'll wash my face first."

Chu Cheng didn't speak the whole time, Yao Yiyi probably didn't notice anything wrong because he just woke up.

After Yao Yiyi washed his face and saw Chu Cheng still sitting on the sofa in the same posture, he couldn't help being curious: "What's wrong with you? What's on your mind?"

Only then did Chu Cheng raise his head to look at her, with complicated emotions in his eyes: "Yiyi, let's go back today."

Since he couldn't stop Shan Yisheng from coming to see her, then go back, and after the meeting, the chances of the two of them meeting will definitely be less.

"What?" Yao Yiyi stood up abruptly and looked at Chu Cheng with surprise on his face, "Let's go back now? The acquisition case has not been discussed yet, Chu Cheng, you are asking me to give this opportunity to that one by myself. Is it for the sy group?"

It is impossible to say that there is no anger, she ran all the way to Singapore, and finally went back before the decisive battle, did he think this was playing house, just casually say nothing Is it enough?
"It doesn't matter what reason you have. I won't agree to go back now. This acquisition has a certain influence on Yao Corporation. I will work hard to win this opportunity." After calming down, Yao sat down one by one. , without looking at Chu Cheng, she found that he has become more and more strange recently.

"Yiyi, if you really put Yao Shi in your heart, you shouldn't be so close to Shan Yisheng!" Chu Cheng smiled mockingly, it was a simple sentence, but it seemed to be caught He said many layers of meaning.

"What do you mean by that?" Yao Yiyi looked at him in disbelief, did he change too much, or is he the real him now.

"I..." Chu Cheng seemed to realize that he was too excited to say the wrong thing, so he suppressed the expression on his face, "I'm just worried about you, now only Yao and sy Group handcraft companies in Singapore, if he just uses What do you do?, Yi Yi, I'm just worried about you."

Chu Cheng moved to Yao Yiyi's side and stared at Yao Yi closely, for fear that she would deny his words if she was unhappy. In fact, he just didn't want her to get so close to Shan Yisheng, whether it was because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to finish it. He Qing's order, or she really has him in her heart, no matter what the reason is, she must stop her and Shan Yisheng from continuing to develop. .

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, and looked down at his fair fingers, he, would he?

Just for an acquisition case, so you come back to yourself again?
Her heart hurts unbearably at the thought of this possibility, what should she do if this is the case.

The funny thing is, she was really tempted.

"Yiyi, we're going back. We can go back and explain to the president about the acquisition case. If the president wants to blame us, you can push the responsibility to someone else. Let me explain, okay?" Seeing Yao Yiyi, Chu Cheng seemed a little a little After hesitating, he stepped up his horsepower hoping that she would agree to leave first.

Yao Yiyi looked at Chu Cheng's expression asking for advice, and didn't know how to make a decision for a moment. Could it be that Shan Yisheng would really deceive himself?

Shan Yisheng took the room card handed over by the waiter, and opened the door smoothly: "You go back first."

After putting away the room card, Shan Yisheng couldn't help a smile on her face, now she must be sleeping in bed like a child, I'm probably still dreaming, so I don't know if I dreamed of myself.

With a smile all over his face, Shan Yisheng raised his head slightly, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

Yao Yiyi stood aside a little bit at a loss, just now when he heard the sound of his ringing the doorbell, he subconsciously went to open the door, but Chu Cheng stopped her: "Yiyi, you are going to open the door now, let Shan Yi Sheng found out, do you think you will leave later?"

Yao Yi looked at Chu Cheng, then at the closed door, with a hint of hesitation on his face: "But..."

"Come on, let's pack up quickly and let him stay at the door. He will leave naturally if no one opens the door for him later." Chu Cheng lowered his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little complacently .

Sure enough, the door soon became quiet, Yao Yiyi kept looking at the door, thinking that he should have left, shouldn't he be relieved, for some reason, he felt inexplicably lost in his heart.

"Okay, Yiyi, don't waste your time, pack up your things quickly, we have to leave before Shan Yisheng comes back."

Yao Yiyi just opened his suitcase, his movements were a little stiff, and he still didn't seem to want to go back: "Chu Cheng, even though Shan Yisheng and I got close, he hardly asked me anything about the acquisition case, do you think it's true? of……"

"Yiyi, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, I don't want you to be hurt." Chu Cheng lowered his eyes, seeming a little sad.

Seeing him like this, Yao Yi didn't know what to say for a moment. Remembering what he said to you on the side of the road last time, he gritted his teeth and decided to tell him clearly, otherwise his time and money would be wasted. thought.

I don't want to be misunderstood by him.

"Chu Cheng, I actually thought about what you told me last time, you..."

"Yiyi, don't be in a hurry, don't answer me in such a hurry." Chu Cheng suddenly grabbed Yao Yiyi's hands and put them on his chest, with a sincere expression on his face.The two of them were originally sitting on the same sofa. When Chu Cheng approached so suddenly, the distance between the two of them shortened a lot. Yao Yiyi could vaguely feel the heavy spray from Chu Cheng on his face. "Think slowly, I'll give you time..."

"Card wipe."

Chu Cheng didn't finish his sentence, the two of them heard the sound of the door lock being opened at the same time, looked towards the door, and found that the door was slowly opened.

Shan Yisheng raised his eyes, and saw Yao Yiyi and Chu Cheng sitting together in an extremely intimate posture, her hand was still in his.

No matter who it is, seeing such a scene suddenly, they can't help but think wildly, let alone Shan Yisheng who cares so much about Yao Yiyi.

"What are you doing?" The smile on Shan Yisheng's face disappeared in an instant, layers of coldness appeared in his eyes, and Yao Yiyi looked at the hand he was holding, and withdrew it in shock own hands.

"I...we didn't do anything." At this moment Yao Yiyi didn't realize how much he cared about Shan Yisheng's thoughts! ,

"Didn't do anything?" Shan Yisheng sneered, and the coldness in his eyes was even worse, "Didn't do anything, what does that mean?" He looked down and pointed at the opened suitcase.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Mo Ziyan gracefully picked up the goblet, and took a sip of the red wine. She was wearing a long white dress, and she deliberately kept her hair on one side, with a strand of hair hanging down her cheeks , looks noble and generous, obviously made a dress.

Shan Yisheng slowly cut the steak on the plate, without saying anything, in fact, he was not in the mood to eat steak in this hotel at all, but since an old friend invited him, he couldn't refuse it.

"It's because of Yao Yiyi again!" Mo Ziyan didn't seem to care about his non-answer, and said to Shan Yisheng as if talking to herself.

"Is the reason why you asked me to have dinner tonight is to ask these questions?" Shan Yisheng swallowed the food in his mouth, took a sip of water, and looked at Mo Ziyan who was sitting opposite him.

"Of course not." Mo Ziyan covered her mouth and smiled softly. In fact, she is a very attractive woman. No matter in appearance or character, she is very delicious. When she was in college, there were many people Chasing her, "I haven't seen you for so long, do you really never think about me?"

The movements of Shan Yisheng's hands paused, and the corners of his lips curled up in some unclear way: "Are we familiar?"

No matter how good Mo Ziyan's personality is, and how well she knows Shan Yisheng, she can't maintain the smile on her face when he asks him such a rhetorical question. She purses her lips and looks at Shan Yisheng seriously, not knowing what she is talking about. The truth is still angry: "What about you, you have waited so long desperately, and you have nothing to do with Yao Yiyi?"

Since you are not happy, let us all be unhappy together!

However, Shan Yisheng's reaction was not as excited as Mo Ziyan imagined, he raised his eyebrows calmly: "I don't need you to worry about my affairs, as for Yao Yiyi you mentioned, I said she is mine. , I will not give up."

"What's so good about Yao Yiyi that you've been thinking about it for so many years, and why haven't you let it go?" Mo Ziyan couldn't help but change his expression.

"For you, she may not be good anywhere." Looking down at the steak, Shan Yisheng moved gracefully, cutting the steak unhurriedly, "But in my eyes, she is good everywhere, and she is the best in the world. the best."

"I didn't expect you to say such childish things."

"People who are in love are naive."

"In love?" Mo Ziyan repeated, "I don't think so. This time you came to acquire the company with an attitude of opposition. Now, you told me that you are in love!"

"Work doesn't affect who I like and who I'm with." After saying this, Shan Yisheng wiped his mouth with a tissue, "Okay, dinner is over, I should go."

Mo Ziyan looked up at the figure of Shan Yisheng Xinchang, and said slowly: "Then for this acquisition, do you want us to cooperate with Yao's, or with your SY Group?"

Since you said that work and life are not contradictory, then I have to ask you this question.

"What do you mean by that?" Shan Yisheng turned his head to look at her.

"It's not very interesting, just a curious question, Shan Yisheng, you are still the same as the university, you only show mercy to those you should show mercy to.

(End of this chapter)

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