Chapter 134

Mo Ziyan looked at Shan Yisheng's leaving back, and her eyes were covered with layers of disappointment.

Thinking of her college days, her mouth was filled with bitterness.

I met Shan Yisheng when I was in my sophomore year. At that time, he seemed to have just become the chairman of the student union. Others said that the new official took office three times, but he kept the old rules unchanged. At the beginning, people had many objections to him. But gradually, more and more people became obedient to him.

When she was a sophomore, Mo Ziyan was also a famous figure in the school. Originally, she was invited by the dean of the school to enter this university. She has excellent grades and a good family background. This seems to be the beginning of every sentence others say about her.But the more I talk about it, the more people will be interested in her beautiful face and superb dancing skills.

The student union is going to hold an event, but there are not enough people to perform, so Shan Yisheng thought of going to Mo Ziyan, who is very famous in the school

She still remembers the scene when she first entered him. He was wearing a white shirt with a dark knitted sweater outside. Standing tall and tall at the school gate, he attracted many girls to turn their heads.

At that time, she was walking with a group of girls, and Cui Ruina had already noticed him, but the pride of the girls made her pretend not to see him, and the girls around her kept talking about him, and finally, she couldn't help but secretly Turned to look at him, but he caught him straight, and his eyes collided.

She saw him walking towards her with big strides: "Mo Ziyan, I have something to ask you." The girls around screamed, and she followed him to a place where there were few people pretending to be calm, but she still didn't dare to look up. Start to see him.

He told her about the matter, and she agreed without any hesitation. In fact, she didn't bother to attend such a party, but the moment he asked her if she was okay, she agreed in a strange way.

Later, the event was very successful. A group of people went out to eat and celebrate. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. They sat next to each other, and there was nothing at first. Later, it may be because of the fight and drinking too much, and the words were nothing. Worried, she kept making jokes about herself and him. She blushed a little, but was very happy in her heart.

Looking at his reaction from the corner of the eye, he just smiled lightly and ate the food one bite at a time. At that time, he thought it was a kind of tacit consent, but it was only later that she really understood that she didn't care, because she didn't care. He cared, so no matter what others said, he was too lazy to explain.

She met him in her sophomore year, liked him, and then slowly fell in love with him, until she graduated from her senior year, they were just acquaintances who took each other alone, and when they had a party together after dinner, the gentleman sent her to Leave the dormitory.Some friends around her who knew what she was thinking said to let her take the initiative, maybe, there would be a big surprise, she pursed her lips and smiled, as if she didn't care, but her heart was filled with bitterness, who said she didn't express her heart to him Well, it's just that he didn't agree.

On the way he sent her back that night, she showed her heart to him in a dispensable way, what a smart person he was, she rejected herself tactfully and gracefully, saying that he already had someone he liked, she asked him Who is it, he smiled without saying a word.

She is Mo Ziyan, with a good family background and a good appearance. She will never continue to entangle with him, but only appears by his side as a friend. After three years, she finally knows the name of the woman he likes. What, she was lucky enough to see the photo once, and he put it very well, but because of some time, it was not clear.

Mo Ziyan drank the red wine in the glass, got up and walked away slowly.

Standing alone not far away, Chu Cheng watched this scene, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

After Shan Yisheng left, he went directly to Yao Yiyi's room. The latter was nestled on the sofa, and he could only see her back when he entered the door. The second he saw her, Shan Yisheng softened the expression on his face, gently walk up to her.

Fortunately, seeing her today prevented her from leaving, otherwise she would probably be brought back to the country by Chu Cheng. Now their relationship has not been well buffered, so they can't go back to the country now.

Yao Yiyi hugged the soft pillow and fell asleep with her head hanging down. Shan Yisheng was taken aback for a moment. He thought she was just thinking about something. With a helpless smile, he leaned down slightly to pick up Yao Yiyi, and put her on the bed.

Because he didn't want to wake her up too much, he simply lay on the bed with her, Yao Yiyi slept soundly, Shan Yisheng pursed his lips, and kissed her forehead lightly, ready to pull himself out of the bed. The arm under her neck was about to get up, but Yao Yiyi slipped into his back, found a comfortable position and fell asleep.

Shan Yisheng looked at her sleeping face, decided to sleep with her, covered the cup with his empty hand, as if he was holding the most precious treasure in the world, he gently hugged her In his arms, her clear breath sprayed on his clothes, making him inexplicably satisfied.

Closing his eyes, Shan Yisheng's mouth twitched into a smile.

I don't know how long it took for someone to come. It means that I was very sad because I was awakened by the person in my arms. She seemed to wake up very early, and she was dishonest after waking up. She stroked his face with her fingers. I woke up soon, but I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

When her fingers touched his beautiful and full lips, he finally couldn't help but grabbed her troublesome little hand, and slowly opened his eyes: "What are you doing?"

Yao Yiyi looked at his eyes full of laughter with panic flashing across his face, and lowered his gaze, not daring to look at him: "No, it's nothing, there is something dirty on your face..."

"Oh?" Shan Yisheng said meaningfully, "Then why did you put your hand on my lips?"


Shan Yisheng lowered his head fiercely and kissed her lips, nose to nose: "Are you hungry, I'll take you to eat?"

Yao Yiyi touched his empty stomach and did not refuse.

"Okay, you wait for me in the room, I'll go change clothes first." After speaking, he let go of Yao Yiyi from his arms, got up and went back to his room.

Yao Yiyi lay on the bed and watched his leaving back, and couldn't help but feel full of sweetness in her heart. When she was in China, she would never have thought that the relationship between the two of them would develop by leaps and bounds abroad, so fast.

In fact, she did resist him a little because of the company, but every time she saw him, her resistance became useless.

Yao Yiyi sighed softly, and could only take one step at a time.

Yao Yiyi, who was just about to get up, heard her mobile phone ring on the bedside table. She took it over and saw that it was Chu Cheng. She hesitated for a while. Pick up.

(End of this chapter)

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