Chapter 136 Fear of Losing

Lin Mowan seemed to be very angry as soon as this topic was brought up, and she couldn't stop talking. Luo Minghao turned the steering wheel violently, and the car made a sharp turn, successfully making Lin Mowan stop talking, only screams remained.

"Yiyi, how are things going over there?" He Qing had a smile on her face, and her tone was also very good. Yao Yiyi didn't know what she meant by calling now, so she hesitated for a long time before nodding and saying yes.

"Okay?" He Qing's voice was a little sharp, I don't know if it was because of the phone call or her voice was so sharp and ridiculous at the moment, "You still keep it from me, didn't you say that Shan Yisheng knew the person in charge of the acquisition company?" If that's the case, do you think we still have hope that you can successfully acquire that company?"

"President, since the results haven't come out yet, we shouldn't be so negative. Maybe in the end we succeeded in signing the contract and acquiring the company." Yao Yiyi was a little helpless, why put all the pressure on him? On her own, now she is not only worried about Shan Yisheng, but also worried about the company's acquisition.

"Yiyi, the company is mainly sending you this time. If you don't handle this matter well, the company will really have a hard time believing in your ability to handle it." He Qing pursed her lips and sneered, "I'll put the planning first. Here it is, you can figure it out yourself." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and a beeping busy tone came from the receiver, Yao Yiyi was a little helpless, put down his phone, casually found a coat to put on, and decided to Go for a walk.

The weather in Singapore is not like China, which is cold in winter and hot in summer, but the temperature is very mild all year round, but it is night now, and wearing a coat is just to prevent colds.

The street was very clean, and there were quite a lot of people at night, Yao Yiyi walked in the crowd, feeling a little confused.

There must be no rush for the acquisition now. If it doesn't work, I will go to Mo Ziyan tomorrow and raise the acquisition fee if I am willing to pay.

But, could it be said that Mo Ziyan and Shan Yisheng really knew each other?Yao Yiyi suddenly realized that he was a little jealous about what the two of them cared about.

Shaking his head, let's forget about it and let him know whoever he likes. Now he just needs to deal with the acquisition of the company first.

The streets here are very beautiful, Yao Yiyi forced himself not to think too much, his heart slowly settled down, and he looked at some foreign trinkets with great interest.

Maybe it's because she walked too close or was too absent-minded that she didn't know that someone was following her all the time.

Shan Yisheng was only worried about her at first, and wanted to see if she was okay, but found that she was going out alone, so he followed her quietly, worried that something would happen to her.

He could tell that she had something on her mind, but since she didn't take the initiative to tell him, then he didn't ask too much. After all, there are some things that only have an opportunity when he really wants to say it. Others force it. It might turn out to be a lie in the end.

Yao Yiyi left absent-mindedly, and Shan Yisheng was a little worried. After all, this was on the road, so what if something happened.

Shan Yisheng quickened his pace and followed Yao Yiyi's footsteps.

She didn't look around, and there were beautiful things around her. When she was interested, she stopped and looked through them patiently, but she didn't buy anything.

Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, and held Yao Yiyi's hand quickly and accurately. The latter was frightened, turned his head to look at the people around him, and found that it was Shan Yisheng. Annoyed, she said in disbelief, "Why are you here?"

Shan Yisheng looked at her with a half-smile, and a trace of teasing flashed in his eyes: "It just so happens that I passed by here and saw you, so I came here."

Yao Yiyi frowned suspiciously, nodded, and concentrated on looking at those small ornaments.

"Since you like it, why don't you buy it?" Shan Yisheng felt very curious. In the past, when she saw anything she liked, she would buy it home, and then put them in a fixed place one by one, which was very beautiful.

"I like it, but I am afraid that one day they will disappear or be broken by me. In that case, I will definitely be very sad. It is better not to buy them back, so that I will not be sad in the future. Now, even if I do not buy them , I just feel a little sad." After speaking, he put back the things he liked one by one, and prepared to leave.

Shan Yisheng frowned and looked at the re-arranged ornaments, and then looked at Yao Yiyi's thin and delicate back, her eyes were covered with a layer of distress, when did she become so afraid of losing.

After taking out the money from his pocket and buying all the trinkets that Yao Yiyi took just now, Shan Yisheng hurriedly chased after her.

"Here, put everything away." Handing the bag in Yao Yiyi's hand, the latter looked at him curiously, opened the bag in his hand suspiciously, and his expression froze instantly.

" did you buy them all?" It seemed that it was because of unbelievability that he stuttered when he wanted to speak one by one.

"Since you like them, buy them all. One by one, don't be afraid of losing them. Treat them well, and they won't be willing to leave you."

"Reluctant to leave me? I love dad so much, miss dad so much, didn't he leave me in the end?" I love you so much, you just lied to me and left.

Yao Yiyi swallowed the rest of the words, it seemed inappropriate to say such words on such an occasion.

It was no use for Shan Yisheng to think that Yao Yiyi would think of his father, and he didn't know what to say for a while, seeing her disappointed smile, he could only change the subject: "Yiyi, have you eaten at this late hour?"

"I have no appetite." Yao Yiyi shook his head, focusing on the little things in his hand.

"Go, I'll take you to a place!" After speaking, he pulled Yao Yiyi and walked across the road.

"Where are you going? It's already so late now. Where are you taking me?" Yao Yiyi followed behind Shan Yisheng in confusion. He took her hand and walked quickly. It was difficult to get on him, but she felt very at ease when he held her hand like this.

"You'll know if you follow me." Shan Yisheng smiled mysteriously and didn't say much.

It was a quiet night, with pedestrians coming and going on the road, but Yao Yiyi only saw Shan Yisheng in his eyes. It is easy to guess what kind of face he has that looks like a knife and a tiger.

Moving his gaze to his hand, he could clearly feel the scorching temperature in his hand, his eyes flickered slightly, and Yao Yiyi held his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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