Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 137 The promise of a lifetime

Chapter 137 A Lifetime Promise

Along the way, Yao Yiyi was guessing where Shan Yisheng would take her, so there shouldn't be any good places to go at such a late night.

Looking up at Shan Yisheng, he realized that he had no intention of revealing anything to her, so he shook his head helplessly, and obediently followed behind him.

After arriving at the destination, Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng with a puzzled expression, not understanding why he brought him to such a place.

Shan Yisheng held Yao Yiyi's hand tightly and led her into this small Chinese restaurant.

Yao Yiyi looked up and down the restaurant, it looked really different from the luxurious restaurant he had taken him to, but even though he was not there, he was kneeling clean, and the furnishings inside were also tidied up properly. There is a very comfortable feeling.

Taking Yao Yiyi to a small box and sitting down at the table, Shan Yisheng said with tenderness on his face, "Sit here and wait for a while, I'll be right back, be good, don't run around."

After finishing speaking, he kissed her lightly at the corner of her mouth, and walked out of the box. Although Yao Yiyi didn't know what he was doing so mysteriously, he didn't ask any more questions, and patiently let himself wait. , Didn’t I say, he will come whenever he goes.

Taking advantage of this spare time, she began to observe the box again. The space is not big, but because the outer side is made of glass, she can see passersby passing by as soon as she raises her head casually. Cramped and boring.

After a while, a waiter came up with dishes, Yao Yiyi couldn't react, she and Shan Yisheng didn't bother to order, how could the waiter make decisions privately.

Seeing that the man in the white shirt, black vest and small suit was about to go out, Yao Yiyi hurriedly called him: "Did you see the man with me?"

After all, he was just wandering around this restaurant, maybe they saw him.

The other party shook his head, Yao Yiyi didn't ask any more questions, and wanted to go out to look for him, but he was afraid that Shan Yisheng would not see him when he came back, so he sat in the box and waited for him with peace of mind.

It didn't take long for the table to be filled with several dishes, which looked very good. Yao Yiyi took a quick look and found that most of them were his favorite dishes.

Yao Yiyi only felt strange in his heart, could it be that Shan Yisheng just brought her over for a meal?But eating belongs to eating, why is it so mysterious.

"Have you ever tasted these dishes?" Suddenly Shan Yisheng gracefully pushed open the door, she had already taken off her coat and hung it on her hand, with a smile in her bright eyes, she looked at her tenderly .

Yao Yi turned her head to look at him, maybe because of the light above her head, for a moment, she even forgot to breathe.

"How could I eat first now." Yao Yiyi glanced at him angrily, "What are you doing?" His eyes were full of curiosity.

Shan Yisheng unnaturally clenched his fist against his lips and coughed, with an unnatural blush on his face: "It's nothing, I just have something to do outside, let's eat quickly, you must be very hungry now."

Sitting down beside Yao Yiyi, he added some favorite dishes to her with serving chopsticks, and told her intimately: "Eat quickly, these are all your favorite dishes, they won't taste good when they get cold. "

Yao Yi saw that his eyes were dodging, and although he felt strange, he didn't ask any further questions, and lowered his head to concentrate on eating.

"Why hasn't Yiyi come back yet? Could it be that the acquisition case was not handled well?" Meng Weini glanced at Xiang Heng, and what she said meant something. She wanted to find out something. She knew that since the president of SY Group and He is a good friend, and he should be very clear about the situation.

"Are you worried about her?" Xiang Heng lazily raised his eyes to look at her, and then lowered his head to eat. The food in this restaurant is very good. Not only does it look good, but it also tastes great. He has never been able to eat much. , The appetite is really good now, I don't know if it's because of the people in front of me or because these meals suit my appetite.

Meng Weini took a sip of wine, her eyes were faintly charming, "Is what you're asking nonsense?"

Xiang Heng smiled calmly, and a magnetic voice came out of his throat: "I don't think your head is big enough, it's just enough to hold me. If it's full, do you need to think about others?"

Meng Weini was taken aback for a moment, as if it was unbelievable that he would say such a thing, it sounded like he was full of jealousy.

Suddenly, he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at him, gnashed his teeth and secretly underestimated, even eating his own sister's jealousy.

Xiang Heng seemed to know what she was thinking, and didn't explain anything specifically. It's normal for a man to always have a domineering possession of the prey he's eyeing.

"Since it was Sheng who went there, then he must have the mentality of failure in this acquisition. You don't have to worry." It took a long time for Xiang Heng to say slowly, he didn't look at her, he seemed to be muttering Talking to herself, Meng Weini was taken aback for a moment, and realized belatedly that he was answering the question she had just asked.

But is there something wrong with this statement?
Must hold the mentality of failure?
"Hehe." Xiang Heng couldn't help but smile. People who first met her would definitely think that she was a young lady who was unreasonable and only knew how to play with her temper, but after getting along with her for a long time, she found that although she had some young lady's temper , but kind-hearted, and occasionally make a little confusion.

"You'll know later." He wiped his mouth, leaned on the back of the chair patiently, and waited for her.

After taking a few bites, Meng Weini put down the chopsticks in her hand, Xiang Heng frowned: "Why do you eat so little?"

Meng Weini glanced at him and said nothing. Recently, there are some troublesome things at home.

"I said, if you tell me the matter and are willing to let me handle it, I will definitely have a solution." Xiang Heng frowned slightly, as if he knew why she was bothered.

Meng Weini's eyelids twitched, and she refused in silence. Xiang Heng seemed to know that she would refuse, shook hands secretly, and stood up as if indifferent: "Let's go, it's not too late, I'll take you back first."

Meng Weini followed behind him, and he lowered his head to think about things. In fact, the two of them had no relationship with other people at all, mainly because the two of them hadn't opened their hearts to each other yet.

Sighing softly, Xiang Heng stopped, turned around and waited for her.

"How does it taste?" Shan Yisheng looked at Yao Yiyi expectantly, but if you looked closely, you would find that he was still a little nervous.

Yao Yiyi swallowed the food in his mouth and nodded: "Very good, very tasty."

Hearing Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction: "If it's delicious, eat more, don't waste it."

Yao Yiyi looked at Shan Yisheng in surprise, it was the first time he heard him say such a thing, the president of the majestic sy group would actually say don't waste it.

Perhaps it was because the two of them had a lot of contact before, and Yao Yiyi didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, she liked his gentleness and consideration. In fact, the design of the whole box can only be described as simple and elegant, but perhaps because of the people around him, She suddenly felt romantic.

The two of them seldom talk, and they are both well-educated people since they were young. They don't need to pay attention to anything when eating a meal. The temperament exuded from the inside out can easily convince those around them.

When the two of them were almost finished eating, a waiter suddenly knocked on the door, Yao Yiyi looked up at him as he walked slowly, and bowed slightly: "President Shan, this is your watch, it was left in the kitchen just now. "

Yao Yiyi's eyes fell on his hand, a men's watch was placed on the white handkerchief, and he looked away to look at his wrist, the watch on it was no longer there, Yao Yiyi was curious: "Did you enter the kitchen? "

After finishing speaking, he looked him up and down, he was wearing name tags all over his body, how could he go back to a place like the kitchen.

Shan Yisheng took the watch, asked the waiter to go out first, looked at Yao Yiyi with a smile, narrowed his pretty eyes slightly.Yao Yi saw what he meant and couldn't help asking: "Why are you going to the kitchen?"

Shan Yisheng still didn't speak, but just looked at her leisurely, the brilliance in his eyes softened his whole face.

Yao Yiyi slowly opened his eyes wide, as if he understood something.

"You mean, did you cook these dishes yourself?" Her eyes were already big, but they became even bigger with such an incredible stare.

Seeing her unbelievable expression, Shan Yisheng couldn't help but chuckled, leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth: "It seems that you are not stupid."

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, what does this sentence mean, does he usually look stupid?

But the point now is that his craftsmanship is very good.

Don't you know?
Shan Yisheng thinks that Yao Yiyi in this appearance is very cute, he is gentle and harmless without the swiftness and resoluteness when dealing with things, and without the usual piercing minions.

"How do you know how to cook?" In my memory, I don't seem to have seen him cook, but I usually don't have any chance to see him cook.

Shan Yisheng smiled and said nothing, his family background was not good, at that time she was the eldest lady of the Yao family, and he, just a poor boy, had no right to be close to her.

Because mom and dad are ordinary employees, they often work overtime. He stays at home alone, and often has to solve dinner by himself. Gradually, practice makes perfect for things like cooking.

Until later, he started from scratch and founded the sy group. He was busy with work and never went into the kitchen. Now he cooks because he wants to cook a meal for her himself.

Because I haven't cooked for a long time, my cooking skills are already a little raw, and I'm a little worried that she won't like it.

"Always will, will I just feed you alone in the future?" This is still a love sentence, which implies a lifetime commitment, Yao Yiyi was stunned, not knowing how to answer him.

(End of this chapter)

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