Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 147 You Did It On Purpose!

Chapter 147 You Did It On Purpose!
"Hey, mom, what's the matter with calling me now?" Chu Cheng had just returned home and put away his luggage. Not long after, he received a call from Chu's mother. He hadn't talked to his mother for a long time. , just send some money regularly every month.

"Son, come back quickly, something happened at home." Perhaps what happened at home was not a trivial matter, but Mother Chu's words were filled with tears

Chu Cheng thought of the call He Qing made to him this morning, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Did He Qing really do something harmful to her family?
"Mom, don't worry, I'll be right back." After finishing speaking, he took the key and ran out without any lingering.

His home is in the suburbs, and houses in the urban area cannot be rented at all. Even in the suburbs, they only own a house that is not so good.

In fact, he is already very satisfied with these things, if those things don't happen at home.

Everyone in the family expects him to find a good job after graduating from university, but who knows that the saying that graduating means being unemployed has been verified by him, because there is no relationship and no back door, so he can't find a good job at all. But at this time, his father who was working outside had his leg amputated in a car accident, and the driver who caused the accident had already run away without even being seen.

In fact, sometimes when he thinks about it carefully, he still feels a little lucky. After all, this kind of thing happened after he graduated from university. If it was during his university, he might not even be able to study in his university.

The taxi was already driving very fast, but Chu Cheng kept urging the driver to drive faster.

He didn't want to implicate his family because of what he did wrong.

In that case, he will blame himself very much.

"Young man, stop urging, if you urge us both, we will both have to stay at the police station.

During the next journey, Chu Cheng didn't urge the driver any more, but some sweat was already breaking out from the two tightly clasped hands.

After finally arriving at the door of the house, he hurriedly paid the fare to pick him up and ran home. Before he even entered, he was stunned by the mess at home.

Originally, although the house was not like a rich family, everything was decorated with some high-end things, but at least it was clean and tidy, but now it looks like a large garbage dump, not only some furniture such as tables It fell to the ground, and even those bowls were taken out and smashed to pieces!

"Mom, what's the matter, what's going on?" Chu Cheng roughly glanced around the lobby, saw Chu's mother sitting in the corner crying, her heart ached, she walked over and hugged her, her eyes full of tears. is worried.

"Son, you are back." Seeing that her son had returned, Chu's mother felt a little more at ease, but the tears that had just stopped seeing the destroyed furniture fell down again.

Those are all bought with money, can you not feel bad if you just smashed it like this?
"President, you can eat something. You didn't eat anything before boarding the plane. If you don't eat something, your stomach can't take it." Qin Meihui ordered a meal for Shan Yisheng on the plane, but he Just refuse to eat.

Shan Yisheng seemed not to hear, closed his eyes and did not speak.

Qin Meihui had no choice but to let the stewardess leave when the people around her picked up chopsticks.

Mo Ziyan at the side silently watched this scene without speaking.

This is the economy class, and sitting up is definitely not as comfortable as the business class. Although Qin Meihui is worried about his health, there is only so much she can do at that time.

Shan Yisheng actually didn't have any appetite at all, but considering his body, he decided to eat a little.

He didn't want to, the first thing he saw when he woke up after returning home was the hospital.

At this time, she should have returned to Yao's house.

sleeping?Good thing you're dealing with company matters?

Shan Yisheng thought while eating, he just ate more than half of the originally not very delicious meal.

After eating, he squinted his eyes and rested for a while. Maybe he was really exhausted. He fell asleep in a daze. Eyes, shouted one by one in a daze.

Qin Meihui was taken aback for a moment, and then said in embarrassment, "President, you can get off the plane."

"Have you arrived yet?" Rubbing her forehead casually, Mo Ziyan followed Shan Yisheng off the plane.

Xiang Heng had been waiting outside the airport early on, and as soon as he saw Shan Yisheng, he took Meng Weini's hand and walked over, hammering his shoulder: "I know you're coming back, I thought you stayed there and didn't want to come back. "

Shan Yisheng saw Meng Weini next to Xiang Heng at once, his right eyelid twitched feebly, and he refocused his eyes on Xiang Heng: "You did it on purpose!"

Clearly, the tone of accusation.

Xiang Heng glanced at Mo Ziyan who was standing beside Shan Yisheng, shook his head and smiled: "Isn't this the same as invisibly encouraging you?"

"Thank you for your intangible encouragement, you have really worked so hard for me!" Shan Yisheng uttered every word, making the smile on Xiang Heng's face even wider.

"Okay, let's go eat first..."

"No need, I'm looking for something to do when I go to dinner with you guys!" Do you want him to be a loner and watch the two of them show off their love in front of him, or just let him be a big light bulb, "First Take me back and you go eat again."

Qin Meihui had left as soon as she saw someone coming to take orders from Yisheng.

"Okay, according to your wishes, I will send you back!" After speaking, he winked at Meng Weini, but the latter was indifferent, Xiang Heng had a bitter face, and obediently did not say anything.

Shan Yisheng sat in the back seat resolutely and wisely, Meng Weini was sitting in the passenger seat, and the air in Xiang Heng's idle car was too dull, so he joked: "Sheng, do you take me as your special driver?"

Shan Yisheng was absent-mindedly looking at the passing scenery outside the car window, but when he heard what Xiang Heng said, he turned his head to look at the back of his head, and asked slowly, "Isn't it?"


The whole carriage became quiet again, Xiang Heng glanced at Shan Yisheng from the rearview mirror, and he changed back to the previous posture, looking out the window motionlessly.

"Remember to eat something to fill your stomach when you go back, otherwise I'm afraid your stomach won't be able to bear it." When getting off the car, Xiang Heng explained to Shan Yisheng worriedly. He never asked about Mo Ziyan from the beginning to the end. Yi Sheng also lazily explained, anyway, he is not a very important person.

"I know." Shan Yisheng glanced at Meng Weini with ulterior motives, then at Xiang Heng, seeing that he was satisfied with his smile, knowing that the relationship between the two of them had been confirmed, he nodded and said lightly, "Congratulations. "

(End of this chapter)

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