Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 148 A gentleman's revenge, it's not too late

Chapter 148 A gentleman's revenge, ten years are not too late

Without giving Xiang Heng time to speak, he turned around and went upstairs.

It took Meng Weini a long time to realize what the congratulations meant, and her face turned red.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and asked Xiang Heng curiously: "Who is that woman next to him, who actually went back with him, that one by one..."

"Don't worry, since Sheng didn't take the initiative to introduce her to us, it means that the girls are just dispensable and not very important, so you don't have to worry about being abandoned one by one."

"The devil knows what you men are thinking!" Meng Weini glared at Xiang Heng angrily, and the latter touched his nose innocently, but he is actually innocent, okay?

"Son, what kind of people did you provoke outside? Why did they come to our house with a stick and smash things in a vicious manner?" Mother Chu's tears kept flowing, since Chu Cheng's father After the injury, the life of the family has always been relatively tight. Even if Chu Cheng would send money from time to time, it would not be of great help. After all, the family's expenses are very high now.

"Mom, don't cry yet, I'll go into the room to see Dad." Chu Cheng looked at the house and felt cold in his heart. No matter what he said, he also did a lot of things for He Qing. It's true that she lied to her, but, because of this, is she going to do such a cruel thing to your family!
It's just too much.

Chu Cheng walked into the room. This is not one of those high-end houses in the city center, and the light bulbs used are not very bright. The dim light is draped over his shoulders so that people can't see his expression clearly.

Father Chu hasn't gone to bed yet, obviously he is worried about today's events, if he were in normal times, he would have already started to sleep by this time.

"Dad." Chu Cheng called softly, a simple address, and only Father Chu knew how much guilt was contained in it.

"Xiao Cheng, you're back." A man is a man, even if his feet are broken or his body is disabled, he is still the pillar of the family.

"Dad, do you feel better?" Chu Cheng saw Father Chu stretching out his hand to him, and he took a few steps forward to hold his hand. Perhaps it was because he had done a lot of farm work since he was a child. Rough, with deep calluses on it.

But very warm.

"Xiao Cheng, Dad knows that now I have become a burden to the family, and I can't help you much. The burden of your family almost falls on you now." Father Chu is getting old, his eyes look cloudy, "However, Dad hopes that you will not be like others, take shortcuts, take side ways, you are the hope of the family, don't do things that are sorry for yourself, you know."

Today's group of people came back to make trouble because of Chu Cheng's relationship. She knew what bad things Chu Cheng had done outside, but he didn't want to talk or ask. He believed in himself. My son, if you can know what you should do, you can handle it well.

"I know, Dad, don't worry."

That being said, it's just that it seems difficult to get out now.

"Okay, go out and persuade your mother. Your mother is a good woman, but she will suffer a lifetime of suffering with me." Father Chu sighed softly, closed his eyes, and turned his back, as if he didn't want to say anything more. .

Chu Cheng nodded, and when he walked to the lobby, he saw that Chu's mother had already started to clean up. She didn't speak, and silently threw the pieces into the trash can. Chu Cheng also bent down, wanting to clean up with her.

"Son, go back to sleep first, these porcelain singers, don't cut your hands when the time comes." Perhaps because she cried for too long, her voice was heavily nasal.

Chu Cheng's nose was sore, he nodded and put down the things in his hands, and went outside the house to make a phone call

The phone was picked up after thinking for a long time. Before the other party could speak, Chu Cheng couldn't wait to say: "Would it be too much for you to do this?"

The tone is full of anger, no one can talk and laugh happily with the instigator after seeing such a message received in his home.

"I don't understand what you're talking about. Can you explain clearly." He Qing was having dinner, and just when she got back to her room, she received a call from Chu Cheng. Her voice was lazy and contemptuous.

"You don't dare to admit what you have done?" Chu Cheng seemed to be irritated, and asked mockingly.

"Admit? I don't need to admit or deny what I did. Yes, I sent someone to do the things in your family. You don't listen to me several times. If you don't mind me, you won't know. I've never been in a hurry to joke with you!" After speaking, he couldn't help but sneered, and Chu Cheng became even more angry when he heard it.

"Then what's the reason? It's because of a lie of mine that you want to do such an unreasonable thing to my family?" The hateful thing is that he doesn't have enough strength to fight against it, otherwise he will never let her go of.

"Excessive?" He Qing was in a good mood, and she was willing to spend so much time talking to Chu Cheng, "You are really naive, is what I did too much? Have you ever thought that you should be lucky at this time?" I didn't hurt your family, although I asked someone to go to your house to make trouble, but at least no one in your family was hurt, right?"

"You..." Chu Cheng became angrier the more he heard it, "You dare to hurt my family, I will not let you go!"

"Hehe." He Qing smiled casually, not caring about his so-called threats, "The premise is that you have the ability! Chu Cheng, I told you before, since you agreed to help me with things, you should You know, all you have to do is to obey my orders and nothing else. It's a pity that you don't listen, so don't blame me for being ruthless."

The phone was already hung up, Chu Cheng stood there holding the phone and still didn't move, a mechanical busy tone came from the phone, Chu Cheng raised his head, and saw Chu's mother slightly hunched over sweeping the floor, clenched her fists helplessly .

Hate only hate, when I believed her words, I was easily captured by money.

"Xiao Cheng, what are you doing standing outside stupidly, come in quickly, it's so cold on the tile surface, be careful of catching a cold." He only wore a light-colored shirt and a black overcoat.

Chu Cheng smiled at Chu's mother, took a deep breath, put the phone back in his pocket, and walked slowly towards the house.

"Mom is late, you go to bed."

"Mom will go to sleep after cleaning here, you go, ah!"

Chu Cheng didn't insist anymore, turned around and entered his room, even though he hadn't come back for a long time, but the room was still very clean, Chu Cheng lay gently on his bed, and slowly closed his eyes.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Does she, He Qing, really think that she will be afraid if she teaches herself a lesson this time? It's really ridiculous. What she does will only fuel her hatred.

Yao Yiyi returned to the room after eating, and was a little dazed as soon as he opened the door. Why is the room so messy?
She, the reporter, prepares before leaving the room every day, no matter how late it is, she won't let the room be such a mess!
Could it be that someone has been here?
Yao Yiyi looked at his room curiously. Although the desk and wardrobe had been tidied up a little bit, after a closer look, he could still find that they were all random things put back in place after being turned over by others. .

I am not at home for a short time, that is to say, if it is not a servant who comes in my room, it is He Qing and the others.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi became a little angry, she turned and left the room, ready to go to He Qing.

Randomly rummaging through other people's rooms, is that considered stealing?
He Qing seemed to be sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, Yao Yiyi angrily walked up to her, the latter slowly raised her head, with a bad expression on her face.

But after seeing clearly that it was Yao Yiyi, a smile appeared immediately: "Yiyi, why are you looking for me now?"

Yao Yiyi ignored the smile on her face, and pointed to his room angrily: "Which one of you came into my room when I was on a business trip to Singapore?"

"What did you say?" He Qing was slightly taken aback, a little confused.

"You don't know? Someone came into my room and flicked around in my room. It seems that someone thought I hid something good in my room." Yao Yiyi raised his lips, and the corners of his mouth held A smile of unknown meaning.

"Yiyi, did you misunderstand something, we..."

He Qing seemed to want to explain something, but Yao Yiyi interrupted: "I have a head hanging around my neck, I will think about something, what do you need to say, well, I won't tell you any more , anyway, there’s not much difference between saying it and not saying it, right?”

He Qing looked at Yao Yiyi with a sullen face, obviously because Yao Yiyi became emotional after hearing about it, but it was not easy to get angry with her, as she had already agreed to bear her.

He Qing is not Lin Mowan, she can't hold back in anything, after all, she is a person who has lived for decades, and knows how to think about what to do when encountering something.

Yao Yiyi had already left the room, she stood up angrily, her face was very ugly, this Yao Yiyi was becoming more and more lawless.

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Mowan should have done this matter, otherwise, the servant would not have entered her room casually.

He Qing stood up and looked for Lin Mowan.

Lin Mowan was taking off her makeup, and there were a bunch of large and small bottles in front of the dressing table. He Qing frowned and sat down on the sofa.

"Mom, it's so late and you haven't slept yet, what can I do here?" Lin Mowan saw that He Qing didn't stop what she was doing, but turned slightly and looked at He Qing curiously.

"Mo Wan, mother asked you, did you enter Yao Yiyi's room while she was in Singapore?"

(End of this chapter)

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