Chapter 150
Mo Ziyan got out of bed, and walked to Shan Yisheng's room in a white nightgown.

She is not a good woman, and she doesn't want to use various methods to get Shan Yisheng, but if you have the chance, she will not let it go.

The apartment was pitch black, and the closer she got to Shan Yisheng's room, she felt her heart beat faster. When she reached the door, she turned the handle slowly, but it was not locked.

In fact, at the beginning, I just had the mentality of giving it a try.

There was a little moonlight in the room, and he didn't draw the curtains. That kind of picture looked beautiful, but she hesitated a bit.

After thinking about it, he slowly moved his steps in the darkness.

Luo Minghao looked at He Qing's leaving back, secretly clenched his fists, and the corner of his mouth curled up with disdain.

Isn't it very refreshing to use me to help you with things now?Just wait, there is always time for me to collect debts.

Yao Yiyi's room was locked, and she found that subconsciously, she was no longer at ease with Yao's family.

"Dodo, are you asleep?"

Luo Minghao knocked on the door of the room, and his voice was much better than usual.

Yao Yiyi, who had just taken a shower, was taken aback, glanced at the door, subconsciously said nothing, she didn't want to see him now.

"Ahem, I know you haven't slept now, I just want to talk to you, we haven't talked for a long time recently."

Yao Yiyi still didn't speak, and brushed her hair slowly.

"I know that Dad definitely doesn't want us to spend our personal time together in this way."

Luo Minghao made persistent efforts and finally took out his trump card.

With Yao Yi's respect and love for her father, she should be able to open the door.

For this point, Luo Minghao still has a little confidence.

But for some reason, he waited for a long time, but still no one opened the door, and no one answered, he slammed a curse in his heart, turned around and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard the sound of the door opening, and turned around in surprise: "Duo Duo, did you open the door?"

Yao Yiyi didn't want to open the door at first, but after he said this to her, she remembered that when her father just passed away, he held her hand and asked her to find her brother. Wasn't the purpose just to hope that she and her brother could get along well? .

If I get along with my brother like a stranger now, my father will not feel at ease in the spirit of heaven.

Yao Yiyi didn't answer Luo Minghao's words, but just nodded and motioned him to enter the room sideways.

Luo Minghao bent his eyes and smiled, with some unclear meaning.

"When you come back today, the two of us haven't spoken yet." Luo Minghao stood by the desk and turned his head to look at Yao Yiyi behind him.

"En." Yao Yiyi nodded indiscriminately, with a sense of coping, "You came to see me for something?"

"Duo Duo, you..." Luo Minghao originally wanted to ask directly, but suddenly he thought that it would be too careless to do so. If she became suspicious, wouldn't he be exposed?
Yao Yiyi waited for Luo Minghao's next words, but she didn't seem to want to speak again, hesitating, she was a little curious for a while, what was it?
Luo Minghao has been thinking about how to ask the question so as not to appear abrupt, but Yao Yiyi couldn't wait any longer. She went directly to the public search after taking the flight today, and then came back. She didn't rest until now, and now she is very sleepy. Tired and want to have a good sleep.

"Brother, if you have nothing to do, go back first. I'm really tired today, and I want to have a good rest." Yao Yiyi frowned delicately, slightly dissatisfied.

"Duoduo, you also know that I was not by my father's side when he passed away, and I didn't know many things. Now the Yao family is managed by my mother. I'm just curious. Do you have Yao's property in your hand? ?”

Yao Yiyi was stunned for a moment after listening to Luo Minghao's words, but after realizing it, he couldn't help but want to laugh. After talking so much, the last sentence is the key point.

Want to know if Dad left any property for himself?Why did she tell him.

Yao Yiyi's face turned expressionless in an instant, she glanced at Luo Minghao with a sneer, and raised her lips in disdain: "Why should I tell you?"

"Duo Duo, don't treat me with such an attitude, I'm your real brother after all." Luo Minghao pretended to be distressed, and looked at Yao Yiyi.

Hehe, it's ridiculous, when she was wronged and encountered difficulties, why didn't he think that they were inviting brothers and sisters.

"I'm really exhausted today, I'm going to bed." A few words, but it was an obvious order to evict the guest.

Luo Minghao's expression changed again and again, and he finally stood up and walked out of the room without saying anything.

After closing the door, Yao Yiyi leaned on the door exhausted physically and mentally. After a long time, he walked slowly to the bed and closed his eyes weakly.

Go to sleep quickly, when you fall asleep, you won't think about anything.

At dawn the next day, Chu Cheng got up and prepared to go back to work in the company. Chu Cheng got up early and had breakfast for him: "Xiao Cheng, you have to work hard in the company, don't provoke any nonsense anymore. Four, do you know?" What happened yesterday was a very difficult and important matter for a kind-hearted middle-aged woman like her, and she couldn't touch it.

"Mom, I understand, don't worry, it's cold outside, you can go in quickly." Chu Cheng said hello, nodded to Chu's mother, turned around and left.

The fog in winter was very heavy, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness. If you didn't leave, you couldn't see anyone. Mother Chu wiped the corners of her eyes and walked back reluctantly.

Chu Cheng sat on the car going back, thinking about how to deal with it after going back.

Now even if I hate He Qing in my heart, I can't show it. After all, if I confront her impulsively now, I will be the one who will suffer, and my parents may also be affected.

Thinking of this, Chu Cheng clenched his hands into fists, turned his head to look out the window, and pressed his lips tightly together.

The suburbs are a bit far from the urban area, Chu Cheng took the car for more than an hour, guessed the station, and then hailed a taxi to go to the company.

Maybe it was too much time wasted in the car, and it was already late when he arrived at the company. Chu Cheng glanced at the time when he was in the elevator, and it has been about an hour. It seems that today's salary has been deducted.

In fact, if it is normal, there is nothing wrong with being late for a while, but now it is approaching the end of the year, and the company is gradually getting busy, and the attendance of employees is very strict.

"Chu Cheng, why are you here so late today?" Yao Yiyi was looking at the documents, but when he saw Chu Cheng hurriedly walking forward from the corner of the eye, he couldn't help calling him, don't tell me something happened Come on, when I left yesterday, I also had a look of panic on my face.

"Yi Yi." Chu Cheng turned his head and glanced at Yao Yi, forcing a smile on his face.

Seeing that his smile was uglier than bitter, Yao Yi couldn't help standing up and walking towards him: "You look bad, did something happen yesterday?"

Seeing Yao Yiyi's worried face, Chu Cheng felt a little touched in his heart, and he was about to say something, but when he thought of He Qing, he swallowed the words: "It's nothing, you don't have to worry, I just got up today It's late, okay, I won't talk to you now, I'm going to work, otherwise I'll be absent from work this morning!"

He pointed to his office half-jokingly and half-seriously, Yao Yi nodded, seeing his hurried back, couldn't help frowning, why, he always felt that he was hiding something from him.

Shaking his head, he seemed to shake off some messy thoughts in his head.

Chu Cheng looked at He Qing in front of him, with strong and complicated emotions in his eyes, but he didn't show it. There was almost no expression on his face, and he just looked at He Qing intently.

He Qing drank her coffee gracefully, with a just right smile on her face, she looked at Chu Cheng with some disdain, as if she was waiting for him to speak.

In fact, Chu Cheng couldn't wait any longer. The two of them had been sitting in this coffee shop for a long time. He thought that she would speak first when she called him out, but he didn't expect that he waited patiently for a long time without waiting for her to speak. , can not help but feel a little annoyed.

"What on earth did you ask me to come out for?" His voice was faintly suppressed, as if all the anger had been carefully suppressed in his heart, but was easily drawn out by her words.

"I was waiting for you to speak, did you want to kill me last night?" He Qing looked indifferent, it seemed that yesterday's incident was just for fun because she was in a bad mood. I have nothing to do with myself.

"So you called me out today because you want to let me do it?" Chu Cheng raised the corners of his mouth contemptuously, his eyes never stopped on her.

"Hehe." He Qing covered her mouth and trembled while laughing, "Young people are so naive." She clearly had a smile on her face, but when she said this, the contempt was revealed

"You..." Chu Cheng felt that his patience had been exhausted, and he felt annoyed when he thought of his mother's hunched figure and his father's slightly cloudy eyes lying on the bed.

"I called you out today just to tell you that even if I do something that makes you unhappy, you can't do anything to me." Her words were full of confidence, "Even if I stand in front of you What can you do to me? Can you come here and slap me a few times? Or can you take me to the police station?" The disdain on He Qing's face became more and more obvious, and the veins on Chu Cheng's forehead came out, which could be seen How hard he endured.

"Okay, I don't have much time to waste here for you. I called you out today to tell you, don't try to go against my will, don't think that some of the things I said are just scaring people, I believe yesterday You have already seen the things clearly, I hope you can understand what to do and what not to do."

After finishing speaking, he put down the coffee in his hand, stood up and left, Chu Cheng froze on the spot, looked at He Qing's leaving back, and angrily thumped the table hard.

People around looked over in surprise, Chu Cheng couldn't care less about other things, she really felt that people like He Qing were too dangerous, insidious and cunning, like an old fox.

(End of this chapter)

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