Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 151 I only have her in my heart

Chapter 151 I only have her in my heart

"Woke up so early?" Shan Yisheng got up in a daze, seeming to have forgotten that Mo Ziyan lived in her own home, and casually left the room in her nightgown.

"It's getting late." Mo Ziyan had already changed her clothes and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. After hearing the voice, she turned her head to look at Shan Yisheng. She had a gentle smile on her face and was wearing the pink blue dress she bought. Shan Yisheng's eyes flickered for a dark apron. She had bought this apron for a long time and suggested that Yiyi should come and live there. Shui knew that something like that happened later, so she never moved in.

A simple breakfast was already placed on the table, and Shan Yisheng took a quick glance at it, and it was all his favorite food in college.

"I don't know if your taste has changed. I just made these for you according to the old taste. Eat it quickly. If you don't play, you will be hungry later." Mo Ziyan put a plate of side dishes on the table , with her hair casually tied on her head, for a moment, Shan Yisheng had the illusion of seeing Yao Yiyi.

"I didn't expect that you have been abroad for so long, and you are already so proficient in Chinese things." Shan Yisheng bypassed the topic and sat down on the side.

Mo Ziyan didn't speak, she raised the corners of her mouth slightly, stood aside and watched Shan Yisheng eat breakfast elegantly, she would always buy breakfast for him in the past, at first he didn't refuse, she felt happy, but later he slowed down Slowly keeping a distance from her and rejecting everything from her, she realized that this man usually looks gentle and polite, but in fact he is not. If he is ruthless, he must be more ruthless than anyone else.

Thinking of last night, she sneaked into his room and slowly moved to his bedside by the moonlight. She couldn't see his face clearly, but she could tell from his breathing that he was sleeping peacefully.

I don't know if it's because the moonlight is too beautiful and tempting or for some other reason, she looked at his beautiful nose, mouth, and slowly stroked his face with her hand.

The moment she touched his skin, she felt her heart beating very fast.

He slept soundly and didn't feel any discomfort because of his prank.

Her fingers finally landed on his lips, which were not thin but full. She swallowed her saliva as if she had been bewitched by something, and slowly, slowly bent down.

Getting closer and closer, she finally held her breath, for fear that the person involved would wake up.

She could feel his warm breath spraying on her face lightly and shallowly, and she slowly closed her eyes, but Shan Yisheng murmured in her ear: "One by one."

After a pause, Mo Ziyan felt a tightness somewhere in her heart, she opened her eyes suddenly, stood up, her breathing was short.

Without any hesitation, he walked out.

Even though she has learned so many times, she has never been able to take back her heart.

"What are you staring at?" Shan Yisheng shook his hand in front of Mo Ziyan's eyes, and when she saw that she had regained consciousness, he raised his chin, "Hurry up and eat, it will be cold later."

"En." Mo Ziyan nodded, took off the apron on her body, and teased him: "Why do you say that a big man like you wears an apron based on sex? It looks a little strange."

There was a smile on her face, obviously she was joking, but Shan Yisheng's expression slowly settled down, without the previous ease: "Before, it was prepared for Yiyi!"

Mo Ziyan was also stunned, the smile on her face froze there, she didn't know how to respond for a while.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Shan Yisheng clenched his hand into a fist and lightly pressed against his mouth and coughed lightly: "Eat quickly, I'll go back to the room and change clothes first."

When Yao Yiyi went to work in the afternoon, he noticed that Chu Cheng was obviously absent-minded, and asked him if something happened, he shook his head and said it was okay, Yao Yiyi sighed softly, since he didn't want to talk about himself, why bother to ask more.

There was still no one in the company after get off work at night. Yao Yiyi turned off all the lights before going downstairs. It was almost the end of the year, and the weather seemed to be getting colder and colder.

She didn't wear a lot of clothes today, and the sun was very strong during the day, so she just wore a long, loose knit sweater, and it was only at night that the temperature dropped so quickly.

As soon as he walked to the door, there was a biting cold wind blowing, Yao Yiyi took a breath of warm air into his palms, stomped his feet and decided that he should take a taxi back.

In fact, she has a driver's license and can drive, but she can't afford a car at Yao's small salary as a secretary.

Sighing softly, he stood on the side of the road and waited patiently for the bus.

Perhaps because of the cold weather at night, the few cars stopped were not empty, Yao Yiyi had a bitter face, secretly thinking that if Yao shi couldn't stop another empty car, she would walk back!

Just after thinking about it, a black car stopped in front of him, Yao Yiyi curled his lips and walked away a few steps, the road is so big, it's not easy to drive, so he insisted on getting out of the way.

The car didn't drive, but the window was lowered slowly, Yao Yiyi casually looked over and saw a certain familiar face.

Mo Ziyan?Why is she here?

As if wanting to confirm a certain thought in his heart, Yao Yi turned his head and looked at the man in the driver's seat, it was indeed him.

The two of them...

All expressions froze on his face.

"Yao Yiyi, do you still remember me? Come on, there's no waiting for a car here, and it's so cold, let's take you home." Mo Ziyan warmly greeted Yao Yiyi, as if the two had known each other for a long time .

Yao Yi subconsciously pushed back a step.

we send you back?

them and her?

Yao Yiyi curled up his lips and smiled mockingly, suddenly felt very cold, how could it be so much colder than before.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi hadn't responded, Mo Ziyan looked back at Shan Yisheng, who looked at the front of the car expressionlessly, and didn't intend to speak.

So he deliberately pretended to be a little embarrassed and looked at Yao Yiyi.

The latter shook his head and refused: "Let's go, someone will pick me up later, don't worry." Her two hands were behind her back, her right hand tightly held her left hand, but she didn't feel any pain .

It seems numb.

She didn't look at Shan Yisheng, nor did she love Mo Ziyan, she couldn't bear his expressionless and indifferent face, nor could she bear the hint of sarcasm in her happy face.

I should have known it earlier. When I was in Singapore, didn't I already know that the two people already knew each other?

It's normal to be close to each other now, maybe they are already together, and now they meet again just to continue their relationship.

A wry smile appeared on Yao Yiyi's face, he stopped taking a taxi, and walked forward with a dull gaze.

Suddenly another car stopped beside him, Yao Yiyi didn't respond at all, and walked straight forward, Shan Yisheng watched the woman play forward absently, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a dangerous light.

(End of this chapter)

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