Chapter 152 is a stranger
He Qing glanced at Luo Minghao on the sofa, feeling a little disappointed, and more annoyed at his failure to inquire. Asking him to ask a question would not yield any results, and it was useless at all.

"Don't tell me you didn't ask at all, anyway, just a little hint!"

"She didn't answer my question at all. As soon as I asked about the property, she told me that she was going to sleep. Isn't this obviously driving me away? Why should I stay there all the time? Since she doesn't want to say anything , We can’t find out if we ask like this.” Luo Minghao also felt a little annoyed, what did she mean by what she said just now, did she say that she was incapable, so why didn’t she ask, but went by herself.

He Qing seemed to see that Luo Minghao's complexion was not good, so she didn't say anything, she smiled, and changed the subject: "Recently, you and Mo Wan have gotten very close, young people are good, and the relationship warms up so quickly Things." After speaking, looking at Luo Minghao, he asked with a bit of teasing.

Luo Minghao's originally impatient face became even more impatient, and he was also full of anger when he mentioned Lin Mowan.

The people of the Yao family seemed to want to kill him, and they didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

If it wasn't for Yao Shi, how could he suffer so much fuss here!
Luo Minghao didn't speak, He Qing changed her mind and asked him: "What's the matter, did you quarrel with Mo Wan?" No way, it was fine at dinner yesterday.

But today's young people are not sure, one temper is worse than the other, let alone her own daughter, that kind of arrogant personality has always been let her by others.

"Ming Hao, although Mo Wan's temper is a little bit big, she is actually very kind in her heart. Look at that Yao Yiyi, although he doesn't say anything at ordinary times, but at first glance, he looks like a very deep-rooted person. Our Mo Wan, One intestine leads to the end, there is no city, and it is easier to get along with each other." He Qing helped Lin Mowan speak, distorting the facts.

Luo Minghao smiled decently on his face and nodded approvingly, but the smile in his eyes became more and more mocking.

Really fooled himself for a fool.

"So, sometimes Mo Wan is just playing with a child's temper, so don't take it too seriously and let her go."

"I see." Luo Minghao frowned slightly, realizing that he was not only wasting time by coming here, but also seeking guilt for himself, "Aunt He, I can't be here tonight, the company has something else to do. It's waiting for me to deal with it, so I'll go back first."

"Okay." He Qing nodded repeatedly, "Go back, remember what I said, Mo Wan, she..."

"I know all about it." Luo Minghao interrupted her, "Don't worry, Auntie, I know Mo Wan's character, and I won't argue with her."

At this time, it seems that it is useless to care about it.

"Yao Yiyi, can't you see me?" Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi passing by step by step, and he never raised his head to look at himself from the beginning to the end. breath.

Hearing the shout, Yao Yiyi raised his head and saw that it was Shan Yisheng. He was taken aback, and subconsciously looked for Mo Ziyan in the car.

When he didn't see her, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi completely ignored him, Shan Yisheng became even more angry, got out of the car and walked quickly to her side.

"Aren't you going to explain something to me?" His facial features were cold without any warmth, and the two of them were very close, and she could smell his clean, unique, and pleasant smell.

However, his expression broke her heart.

He had never treated himself like this before.

Thinking of this, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but have a sore nose, isn't it, because of the appearance of that woman, so it's nothing more than what he did to him.

The more he thought about it, the more desolate he felt, Yao Yiyi bypassed him and walked forward without saying a word.

Shan Yisheng clenched his hands tightly, and left without saying a word when he was in Singapore, standing in front of him not far away to say a word to himself, does she really hate seeing herself so much?

There was a long air of coldness in his eyes, Shan Yisheng lowered his head slightly, and didn't respond for a while.

Yao Yiyi found that no one was chasing after him, and his emotions were complicated. Obviously, he just didn't want to have contact with him, but the expectation in his heart was still so obvious.

Just as he was lost in thought, his arm was pulled back violently, Yao Yiyi became unsteady and fell into a certain familiar embrace.

Such a familiar breath, such a warm embrace, Yao Yiyi lay in his arms in a daze, not knowing if he forgot to respond, or if he didn't want any reaction at all.

"Yiyi, if you don't explain to me, I don't blame you, but can you ignore me." He buried his head deeply in her neck, and sucked in her breath vigorously.

What he couldn't stand the most was that she ignored him when he was standing in front of her.

Yao Yiyi's heart trembled violently. She wanted to say something, but she opened and closed her mouth but couldn't say anything. Finally, she closed her eyes with a gloomy expression. She didn't have the embrace that made her obsessed, the tenderness that made her crave. Courage to push away.

It took a long time for Shan Yisheng to let her go, and looked at her face without blinking: "Yiyi, let's be together again, okay?"

His eyes are very beautiful. When he said this, they seemed to be filled with tiny lights. For a moment, she didn't dare to look directly at him.

Shan Yisheng looked at her with hope, in such a big winter, he felt a little bit of sweat dripping from his palms.

Yao Yiyi lowered her head, so that people could not see her expression clearly. For some reason, Shan Yisheng's heart was shocked. He found that the two of them had been separated for so long, and it seemed that they had really drifted farther and farther apart.

How could this be?

He could feel that she obviously loved him.

Looking up at him, just about to speak, Shan Yisheng lowered his head and blocked her lips as if he knew what she was going to say.

Yao Yi stretched out his fingers and retracted, Yao Yiyi's hand slowly lifted up, but in the middle of the air, it fell down weakly.

There was a warm and soft touch on her lips, Shan Yisheng sighed softly, slowly closed her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and holding her head with both hands, gradually deepened the kiss.

Occasionally there will be vehicles passing by around, and the sound of the horn is deafening. Shan Yisheng seems to have not heard it, and deals with the kiss with all his heart. Slowly, Yao Yiyi seems to be infected, and his hands are not wrapped around him for a while. His neck, began to respond to the kiss.

Sensing Yao Yiyi's response, Shan Yisheng raised his brows slightly, his lips and teeth were full of indescribable love.

It wasn't until Yao Yiyi couldn't breathe anymore that Shan Yisheng let her go, lowered her forehead, and watched her panting rapidly, his eyes were stained with some smile and satisfaction.

"Yiyi, we are together." This time it was not a question, but a statement. He was not asking for her opinion, but telling her that he had made this decision.

Yao Yiyi looked at him seriously, and didn't speak until his breathing had stabilized, "You, you want to be with me, is it because we had a relationship before?"

Her voice was very soft and her speech was very slow. Shan Yisheng saw her hesitation and lack of confidence, so she didn't speak, and hugged her tightly again.

"You answer my question..."

"Sheng." A female voice behind Yao Yiyi interrupted Yao Yiyi's words, Shan Yisheng clearly felt the girl in his arms startled, he frowned forcefully, let go of Yao Yiyi, and turned to look behind him Mo Ziyan.

"I... I've been waiting for you over there. Seeing that you haven't come yet, I was a little worried, so I came here." Mo Ziyan's face was a little pale, and she didn't know if it was blown by the night wind, "Miss Yao , are you okay?"

Yao Yiyi took a quick look at Shan Yisheng, her eyes filled with disappointment again, she looked at Mo Ziyan, smiled lightly and shook her head, how could she be so stupid all the time.

"I'm fine, you guys..." She took a deep breath and looked away, "You guys go, don't worry about me, I'll go back first." After speaking, she turned around and left, Shan Yisheng subconsciously stretched out her hand to pull her .

"Sheng, it's late, have we changed back?" Mo Ziyan looked at Shan Yisheng as if unwilling, and shouted again from behind. Shan Yisheng's hands stopped and looked at Yao Yiyi Leaving the back, I found that her footsteps seemed to be getting faster and faster.

Shan Yisheng lowered his eyes, turned his head and looked at Mo Ziyan with a half-smile. There was a slight smile on his face, but there was no warmth in his eyes, as cold as snow in winter.

Mo Ziyan didn't dare to look at Shan Yisheng, she lowered her eyes: "I... let's go back quickly, it's already very late." After speaking, she hurried into the car, Shan Yisheng still didn't speak, and looked back On the street where Yao Yiyi had long since disappeared, he got into the car.

The atmosphere in the car was a little heavy, Mo Ziyan knew that Shan Yisheng was angry, he was still the same as before, when he was angry, he liked to keep silent.

Mo Ziyan looked out the window, and the glass window reflected her ugly face.

Shan Yisheng suddenly stopped after driving for a while, and she looked at him curiously, not knowing why.

He held the steering wheel tightly with his hands, and after hesitating for a long time, he turned his head and said to her: "Ziyan, wait for me here, and I'll take them over one by one."

She was taken aback, and subconsciously stopped: "Isn't she unwilling to get in the car, it's useless for you to go there now."

He seemed not to hear: "Just stand here and wait for me, don't run around."

She had no choice but to get out of the car even though she was very reluctant.

Looking at the exhaust fumes from the rear of the car, she lowered her head and told herself, just be brave again, just one more time.

After waiting for a long time but still not waiting for him to come back, she was a little worried and walked back slowly. In fact, it was also because of some selfishness. She didn't want the two to reconcile easily.

 The summer vacation is over, everyone should be in a good mood at school.Happy reading~
(End of this chapter)

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