Chapter 156 Gossip
"Wei Ni, I haven't seen you for a long time. Did you just come here?" Yao Yiyi withdrew his thoughts and looked at her curiously. Now that it was near the end of the year, if you were so late, would it be easy to be copied?

"No, I just..." Meng Weini was about to explain, but stopped when she thought of something. "I have something to do today, so I arrived late, what's the matter with you, as soon as you came back, you were in a hurry, where did you go?"

"I picked up the client area just now, and I'm resting at the hotel now. I guess we won't be able to discuss the signing of the contract until the afternoon." Yao Yiyi sighed shallowly. Would it be up to himself to discuss the signing of the contract?
"I'm going back to work first, and there are still a few documents that I haven't finished processing. If I don't finish processing today, I may have to work overtime tonight." Yao Yiyi squeezed her hand, "Let's have dinner at noon, I treat you."

Meng Weini bit her lips in embarrassment: "I'm afraid I can't do it today. I have already made an appointment with Xiang Heng, and I will have lunch with him at noon today. Otherwise, you can go with me. One by one, you are alone anyway."

"Why should I join in the fun when you eat, you go, I will eat with Chu Cheng at noon." Yao Yiyi waved his hand casually and refused.

Meng Weini paused when she heard Chu Cheng's name, and then sized her up carefully: "The two of you are so close in the company, and you have a very good relationship, don't you..."

She was interrupted by Yao Yiyi before she finished speaking. She knew what she was going to say and held her forehead helplessly: "Don't guess, we are just ordinary friends." Her eyes slowly dimmed When he came down, there seemed to be a slight wry smile on the corner of his mouth, "You know, in this company, apart from the two of you, I..."

After talking about it, I didn't continue talking, and there was a slight choke in her voice, as if she had always been so lonely.

Meng Weini saw that Yao Yiyi was in such a depressed mood, so she didn't say any more, and she had to have a limit when joking, it's not good to go too far.

Yao Yiyi looked at the documents spread out in front of him, and felt that his mind was in a mess, and the densely packed words on the documents could not be read at all, and the scene he saw at the airport would always flash before his eyes.

Even though I told myself over and over again in my heart that he had nothing to do with me, that the two of us had no relationship, but for some reason, my heart still throbbed.

Unknowingly, he remembered that when he was in Singapore, he took himself out to eat, cooked for her, and did such things together. Why did the relationship become like this in the blink of an eye?
Emotional things hurt the most.

Yao Yi took a look at the cup in hand, there was nothing in it, she sighed leisurely, ready to make a cup of coffee.

There is a pantry on each floor, and Yao Yiyi's desk is just outside the CEO's office, a little away from the pantry.

The high-heeled shoes hit the ground, making a sluggish sound, Yao Yi was absent-minded, and slightly lowered his head.

"Have you heard that the reason why Yao Yiyi was able to successfully acquire the company in Singapore this time is entirely for another reason." The tea room is always a place for women to gossip, just like a toilet. Give people a surprise that is not unexpected.

Yao Yiyi's hand holding the cup tightened instantly, and his footsteps stopped involuntarily.

"What's the reason?" There should be quite a few people listening to the voice, Yao Yiyi smiled with a complicated expression on his face, it seems that he still listens to sensationalism, so many women gather together to gossip about her.

"Because the boss of the Singapore company is having an affair with her!" The woman's voice was clearly smug, and her voice became louder, as if she was showing off her good news.


"How did you know?"

"I can't tell, it's such a woman."


It seems that this sentence is very responsive. Several women sighed at the same time, as if they felt sorry for her, and seemed to be angry at being deceived.

The smile on Yao Yiyi's face grew bigger and bigger, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

It turns out that some meditation entertainment gossips that I usually watch come out in this way. It seems that next time I watch entertainment by myself, I should pay attention to the authenticity.

Yao Yiyi lowered his head to look at the empty cup, then raised his footsteps and walked in again.

It seems that these women are really worried about themselves.

The originally noisy tea room fell silent for an instant, and he didn't know who saw him first. He stabbed the person next to him with his arm, raised his chin and pointed at Yao Yiyi with a defensive face, and they all turned their backs to her. The woman turned around at the same time, looking her up and down.

Yao Yiyi didn't look at them from the beginning to the end, and the indifferent smile on her face never disappeared, as if she didn't hear anything, but the hand that made the coffee trembled, and some fine powder was scattered when the coffee package was torn open. To the side of the porcelain plate.

The movement of her hands stopped, she took a deep breath, and stood there waiting for the boiling water.

He was obviously so calm, but he was a little at a loss in his heart.

She never knew that she looked like this in their eyes.

shameless?Or hook three and play four?

It's really funny to think about it, maybe no one cares more about their own movements than them.

Time passed quickly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye. Yao Yiyi looked at the documents in front of her with a slight annoyance. Two hours had passed, and she hadn't read a single document.

It seems that her morality is still not high enough, even if she pretends to be nonchalant on the surface, she still can't act like she has never heard of it.

Suddenly, a pair of hands tapped lightly on the table in front of him, Yao Yiyi raised his head belatedly, and saw a fair and clean face.

"What's the matter, I'm in a daze here at work, be careful not to be caught by the boss and deduct your wages." After speaking, a teasing smile appeared on his face.

Yao Yiyi was stunned for a moment, put down the documents in his hands, and spread his hands helplessly: "Look at me working so hard every day, if I deduct that little wages, wouldn't I starve to death here!"

Chu Cheng was slightly taken aback, he was just joking with her originally, but the gloom in her eyes was real, even though the smile on her face was bright, he felt it was a bit dazzling.

"Okay, okay, let's go to eat, and it's time to go to work." Chu Cheng changed the subject, slightly bent down to tidy up all the documents on her desk, and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Yao Yi nodded and followed behind him.

In half a month or so, the annual vacation will be over. The working atmosphere in the company is dull yet joyful. Many people have traveled all the way to work here after graduation, and now they are waiting to go home for the holiday. up.

"Chu Cheng, last time I saw your complexion was not very good, did something happen?" Yao Yiyi stuffed a mouthful of rice, remembering that his mental state seemed to be not good last time, he was a little worried.

At that time, because he was in a bad mood, he didn't ask any more questions. The matter should have passed by now.

Chu Cheng was taken aback by the movements of his hands, he didn't expect that she would ask such a question.

"It's nothing, it's just some small things at home, and they've all been resolved now." His face was stiff for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal, and he said indifferently.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he bent down and approached her slightly: "Yiyi, are you caring about me?"

The originally normal atmosphere became a little ambiguous, Yao Yiyi looked at him a little at a loss, and blushed rarely.

"We're good friends, it's normal to care about you." Yao Yiyi turned his head slightly, and didn't look at him again.

Chu Cheng smiled lightly, lowered his head and did not speak.

Yao Yiyi thought that this topic was over, and glanced at the people around him, they probably had already finished their meal, and they were about to leave.

"Yiyi, have you..." Chu Cheng spoke slowly, as if hesitating whether to speak or not, after a pause, he continued, "Have you ever hated someone?"

When he said this, there were not many deep emotions on his face, he looked like a bystander, as if he asked because he was bored.

In fact, he was just curious. Ever since He Qing did that to his family, he has always hated He Qing. Then he thought of Yao Yiyi. He Qing's mother and daughter treated her too much. Did she ever hate them?

Although Yao Yiyi was curious about why he would ask such a question, he still began to think seriously with his forehead propped up.

Hate someone?
In fact, there is no such thing.

Even if she told that person that she hated him, even if Lin Mowan and He Qing treated her so badly, even if her own brother treated her like an outsider.

Even though, she seemed to be abandoned by people all over the world, so she persisted until now.

She still doesn't want to hate someone, how tired she must be in that case.

Why do things that hurt yourself but don't hurt others.

"No, the word hate is too deep, I can't afford it."

She just doesn't like them.

Luo Minghao looked at a woman who was holding his arm, and Yani quickly flashed a hint of impatience.

Lin Mowan didn't seem to notice Luo Minghao's disgust at all, she twisted her body and pointed to a high-end restaurant not far in front of her: "Minghao, are you hungry, let's go eat something?"

This restaurant seems to be newly opened recently. I heard from many people that the dishes inside are good and the taste is very unique.

Luo Minghao frowned, did not speak, and was led by her to move forward.

There are a lot of people inside, and it seems that not only has a good reputation, but also has a certain strength, otherwise there would not be so many customers.

"Let's eat in the private room. There are a lot of people outside, and they are all miscellaneous people. I don't want to see them." Lin Mowan had a look of contempt on her face, as if she was very noble, and moved her eyes to elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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