Chapter 157
In fact, this restaurant is not for casual people to come in, at least you have to have money to spend, but what she said, it seems that the people inside are some people from the bottom of society.

"Let's go." Luo Minghao realized that he didn't seem to want to say anything to her. Recently, she has been clinging to him like this with a clear purpose. It's not that he doesn't know, but he just doesn't want to tell the truth. He also knows what his father said to him before. But if he was asked to give up after he had already achieved this step, he would definitely not be able to do it. Would those sacrifices really have to be in vain?
Absolutely not!
He doesn't allow this to happen!
The private room is very quiet, and the space inside is also huge. Lin Mowan casually looked inside and nodded with satisfaction: "It's pretty good inside, much quieter than outside, I'm also the daughter of the Yao family , how can they eat out together..."

She was muttering alone, Luo Minghao didn't listen carefully at all, he called the waiter and prepared to order.

At first glance, the waiter was a college student. He looked very young. Luo Minghao recalled his student days. At that time, Yao Yiyi and Yao Yiyi were public couples in the school.

Perhaps it was because of his nostalgia for the past. Luo Minghao couldn't help but look at the waiter more, and happened to be seen by Lin Mowan. She raised her eyes viciously, and tapped the table with her white fingers: "How do you entertain people? There are no dishes yet. Come on, should I get some tea, are you trying to starve me?"

The whole person was extremely arrogant, Luo Minghao frowned forcefully, and snorted softly from his nose, stupid woman!

Apparently, the waiter seldom met such a customer, with a flustered expression on his face, he hurriedly turned around and went out to get water.

"I don't have any vision at all." Lin Mowan sneered at the waiter's back in disdain, and gouged her hard.

It's just that I don't like him, but I feel very uncomfortable seeing him being attracted by other women. Can a waiter compare with me?
The waiter brought water and poured them one by one before putting down the teapot in his hand. The expression on his face was not as stiff as before.

She stood and waited for the two of them to finish ordering, so they could leave early, Lin Mowan's hands were deeply painted with deep red nail polish: "Come here and see, what is this?"

In the other hand was holding a teacup.

The little waiter thought she really didn't understand something, so she leaned over to look.

Too immature, so I didn't expect that there are rich people who come here to eat, and there will be some dishes that I haven't seen before. Even if I haven't seen it, why would I ask it out of face.

Lin Mowan took advantage of the waiter's approach and tilted the hand holding the water glass, pouring it all on her body.

"Ah." Lin Mowan cried out in shock.

Shan Yisheng glanced at the time, and pressed the internal line: "Bring me a fast food in 15 minutes."


He rubbed his forehead weakly, it seems that he has to work overtime these days.

The company in Singapore has not been acquired, and the company's performance has not improved at all. If this continues, the company will have certain troubles.

Someone knocked on the door, Shan Yisheng put down the pen in his hand: "Come in."

Qin Meihui came in empty-handed and stood in front of the desk: "President."

Shan Yisheng frowned to see that her hands were empty, and looked up at her: "Did you forget what I said in a blink of an eye?"

"No, I just feel..."

Qin Meihui bit her lip and stopped speaking, as if she was hesitating whether she should say it or not.

"En? What do you think?" Shan Yisheng lowered his head to look at the document again.

"Mr. Shan, you should go out to eat. Although this work is busy, the most important thing is your body, isn't it? The packed meals may be a bit cold." The weather is so cold now, wait for someone to deliver it, what time is the meal? I guess it doesn't have much heat.

Shan Yisheng raised his head to look at her slightly in surprise, as if he didn't expect that she would rarely say such things to him, and usually report to him about work matters.

In fact, he didn't intend to let her work by his side at the beginning. How many messy things happened to the presidents and secretaries or special assistants now, not to mention the fact that there were many female secretaries who were not thinking about work before. They quit.

When she came to apply for the job, she had just graduated from university and was very young, which immediately reminded her of her student days.

He is the main interviewer. Seeing her sitting there, she was obviously very nervous but deliberately put on a relaxed look, her hands tightly twisted together.

Wasn't it the same when I just graduated from university? Although I didn't experience any job application, I was always nervous at the beginning. She was for work, and he was for his company.

Fortunately, he was satisfied with the questions she answered.

And just like that, she was chosen in the end.

"En." Shan Yisheng nodded slightly, didn't say much, picked up his coat and put it on, the brown coat complemented his temperament very well, Qin Meihui's eyes flickered slightly, and she lowered her head slowly.

"You drive." When he passed by her, he said a few words briefly and neatly. Qin Meihui picked up the bag on her handle and followed behind him.

"President, I will wait for you outside after I send you to the restaurant..."

"Let's go eat together." Shan Yisheng sat in the back seat, Qin Meihui looked at him through the rearview mirror, he looked out the window with his head sideways, as if in a trance.

Qin Meihui hastily withdrew her gaze, and replied formulaically, "Yes."

It is a restaurant that I used to come to often. The interior is elegant and the mood seems to be relaxed instantly when sitting in it.

This was the first time that two people sat alone to eat together. Although they had eaten at the same table before, it was only for entertainment.

Shan Yisheng glanced at Qin Meihui, she seemed a little uncomfortable, her eyes wandered, and handed her the menu in her hand, the two of them didn't say anything.

Although the two of them cooperated very well at work, this time it was not on official business after all, Qin Meihui was a little uncomfortable, not to mention that she was still a little cautious, giving up did not mean that she would not be moved again.

When she was almost done eating, Shan Yisheng put down the cup in her hand, slowly raised her lips, and asked her half questioning half sure: "Are you nervous?"

Qin Meihui's hand trembled invisibly, and her emotions were well controlled by her.

"It's rare to have a meal with the president. I'm so excited." He explained jokingly, since he was joking, he didn't ask further.

"You don't have eyes, right?" Lin Mowan threw the menu in her hand, and looked at the waiter angrily.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

 Happy reading everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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