Chapter 158 Go away
The waiter was a little panicked when she encountered such a situation, and wanted to help her dry someone in a panic, but she pushed her away in disgust: "Go away!"

"It's really short-sighted. Hurry up. Calling your general manager here is such a little girl who dares to ask for it. I think there is a lack of people here and you are crazy."

Luo Minghao sat on the side lazily and said nothing.

When the waiter heard that he was going to scare the general manager and didn't know what to do, he choked up and pleaded: "I didn't do it on purpose, let's forget it this time." If he really called the president, then his job It must be impossible to keep it, but she managed to find a part-time job during the winter vacation.

"Don't touch me, it's so dirty." Lin Mowan avoided the waiter, as if she was hiding from something dirty.

The waiter's face was pale, and he turned to look at Luo Minghao. Since the two of them came together, they must be a couple. Perhaps, he can persuade her.

Luo Minghao saw the waiter's eyes, took a sip of tea, and nodded to her: "You go out first."

go out?Lin Mowan was not willing to give up.

"Stop, where are you going, don't think about leaving until this matter is settled today!" Luo Minghao's help seemed to make Lin Mowan even more arrogant.

Luo Minghao narrowed his eyes slightly, walked to her side, and tilted his head to signal the little girl to let her go out.

Finally thanked her with a face, and hurried out of the box.

"Mo Wan, this is outside, you have to pay attention to your identity." Luo Minghao saw the girl leave, and Luo Minghao turned his head to talk to Lin Mowan, without any emotion in his tone.

Lin Mowan didn't take it seriously at all, and gave a cold snort as an answer.

Seeing her being so unreasonable, Luo Minghao walked away a few steps: "Be careful of getting a bad reputation outside! Make yourself dirty!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't talk to her anymore. He knew that he was not a good person, but why he helped her was obviously someone he didn't know.

Lin Mowan sneered, and looked her up and down with sideways eyes: "Did you fall in love with her little girl? That's why you said such words to threaten me?"

Luo Minghao didn't bother to talk to her, he waited for the food to be served, and he was unhappy after eating a meal.

"What? Don't talk anymore, because you are talking about the central matter, so you dare not say anything?" Lin Mowan couldn't help but feel a little proud when she saw Luo Minghao's deflated look. Usually, whether it was at home or in the company, Yao Yiyi or Meng Weini would follow them. She can't gain the upper hand in a quarrel, and now is a rare time for the other party to be deflated.

Luo Minghao sneered, and watched her slowly curl her mouth: "Don't you know what I mean? Hurry up and make it for dinner. You should be hungry later." Luo Minghao clenched his fists, the smile on his face still At the bottom of his eyes, the woman in front of him is so clueless, he doesn't need to argue with her, just show some face.

No matter what, your own plan is still important.

When he was about to get off work, Chu Cheng walked up to Yao Yiyi's side, and patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Yiyi, I'll take you back tonight."

Yao Yiyi raised his head from a pile of documents and looked at him puzzled: "What day is it today? You made a special trip to send me back."

"How can it be? Isn't it the Chinese New Year? I'm afraid you will feel lonely when you walk alone on the road and see other people happy." Maybe it's because I got to know her well, Chu Cheng talked a lot more than at the beginning , and with a slight sense of humor.

Yao Yi shook his head and looked at him: "Really?" The corners of his eyes turned up.

Chu Cheng's heartbeat changed a little strangely, and he nodded immediately: "Of course it's true, do you think I'll lie to you!"

"That's good, thank you for your kindness. I don't feel lonely when I go home every day. You should go home early by yourself." After finishing speaking, he was ready to lower his head and continue to read the documents.

Chu Cheng had a bitter face, a little begging for mercy: "Okay, okay, I feel very lonely, so why don't you just treat me as a company, I will go back after the holiday, and now I live here alone Very boring."

Yao Yiyi nodded briskly: "Seeing that your sincerity is deep enough, I promise you."

I've been in a dull mood lately, but being disturbed by Chu Cheng made me feel a lot better. Anyway, I'm about to get off work now, so I just packed up my things directly. The two of them talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Hey, what is this for? It's not good to be like this in the company in public." Lin Mowan was only going to look for He Qing, but when she saw Yao Yiyi smiling so happily, she suddenly felt bad.

Yao Yiyi suppressed the smile on his face, glanced at her lightly, and did not speak, while Chu Cheng looked at him contemptuously, with the smile on his face undiminished.

Seeing that both of them had such attitudes towards her, Lin Mowan couldn't help feeling even more annoyed. She wanted to teach Yao Yiyi a harsh lesson in the past, but she didn't have the courage. Already got a little jealous of her.

"Hmph." Lin Mowan started handsomely, and entered the door of the CEO's office.

Not long after, He Qing came out, saw Yao Yiyi, and stopped in her tracks: "Yiyi, I'm off work, come back with us."

Yao Yi glanced at her and shook his head: "You guys go back first."

go with them?She was really afraid that Lin Mowan would kick her off the car halfway.

He Qing didn't say much, just nodded and left. Yao Yiyi felt that she had glanced at Chu Cheng when she left, and her eyes were very strange, so she couldn't help turning her head to look at him curiously.

"What are you looking at, let's go." Of course, Chu Cheng saw the look He Qing left for him, panicked, and walked away on purpose, "Hurry up, you used to work overtime at the company, now you and I Let's go back together and stop thinking about working overtime."

Yao Yiyi picked up his bag and followed his footsteps: "Actually, you can consider working overtime with me."

"Come on, it's enough for you to be a cow and a horse by yourself, and you still have to trick me into being a cow and a horse with you." Chu Cheng grinned, and put his hand on Yao Yiyi's shoulder.

Yao Yiyi was taken aback, the smile on his face was a little stiff, and he slowly took his hands off his shoulders: "Chu Cheng, I will just pretend that I don't remember what happened to us in Singapore, you don't care what you said or did What, if you want, we are still good friends, how about it?"

When Yao Yiyi said these words, the expression on his face was very serious, and he was also a little cautious. If this kind of thing was not handled well, maybe the two of them would not even be friends.

Chu Cheng stopped and turned to look at her: "Are you rejecting me?"


"Yiyi, there are no other men around you now, why don't you try to give me a chance, emotional things can be cultivated slowly, if you reject me now, maybe you will regret it in the future." Chu Cheng squatted down slightly, letting his gaze be at her level, "Don't reject me, don't give me an answer so quickly, now that you don't have a man by your side, it means I still have a chance, if, in the future, you already have someone you love people, I will leave."

Yao Yiyi saw that Chu Cheng had already said that, and he couldn't say anything more, so he lowered his head and made no expression, Chu Cheng slowly pushed her forward: "Let's go, why are you in a hurry, maybe In the future, you and I will fall in love with someone else, why are you so anxious?"

Yao Yiyi knew that Chu Cheng was just keeping herself happy, she turned her head to look at him as she walked, with a relieved smile on her face.

No matter whether he gives up or not, understands or not, she finally made it clear that he will know what to do.

Perhaps because of the companionship, Yao Yiyi felt that the way home was much shorter.

Yao Yiyi went home with Chu Cheng for a few days. Even if the people in the company knew about it, they didn't think it was any surprise. The two of them used to be very close in the company.

Now, maybe it's just a step closer to the relationship.

"President, everything is pretty busy now, and you can take a good rest for a while." Qin Meihui put a stack of documents on the table with a faint smile on her face.

Shan Yisheng shook his head, a little helpless: "Sy Group has received a lot of orders recently, and I have to handle them myself. Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, in order to prevent some people from being lazy, they will not be able to afford the losses caused by that time."

"Yes, but you should also pay attention to your body." Qin Meihui looked at his pale face, hesitated for a while, and then said something of concern.

"I know, you go out."

He couldn't get away from the busy days, Shan Yisheng rubbed his temples, and lay down on the seat with his eyes closed to rest.

It seems that I haven't seen Yi Yi for a long time.

Missing her so much, Shan Yisheng opened his eyes slightly, and dialed the internal line: "No overtime work today."

When getting off work at night, Chu Cheng stood by Yao Yiyi's side waiting for her to get off work as usual. Everyone in the company had almost left. She was never impatient about such things, and it was normal to be the last one to leave every time. .

"Let's go have dinner together tonight." Chu Cheng turned off the lights, and the originally bright office instantly became dark. Chu Cheng took out his mobile phone to illuminate Yao Yiyi, and the two walked forward slowly.

"Okay." Yao Yiyi readily agreed, she really didn't like the atmosphere of eating at home.

"Haha, why did you get an appointment so easily? Girls should be more reserved..."

Shan Yisheng sat in the car and watched the two of them walking intimately by the side of the road, with a smile on her face, she waited coquettishly for him from time to time.

Coquettish?Thinking of this word, Yisheng's complexion obviously turned pale. The two of them had already walked to the front. He suddenly honked the horn in a childish way, and saw Yao Yiyi, who was walking inside, stretch out his hand and pull her towards him. He sighed, his mouth opened and closed as if to say something.

Shan Yisheng who was sitting in the car narrowed his eyes slightly, and closed his eyes forcefully, as if he didn't want to see such a scene.

(End of this chapter)

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