Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 159 You, come here!

Chapter 159 You, come here!

The two people in front walked further and further away, Shan Yisheng suddenly opened his eyes, opened the door and got out of the car, closing the door with a lot of strength, the movement was very loud, causing the two people in front to look back.

Yao Yiyi saw Shan Yisheng walking towards him with a blank face, and subconsciously looked at Chu Cheng beside him. Could he have misunderstood something?
Shan Yisheng saw Yao Yiyi looking at the man next to him with increasing anger, what does she mean, worried about him?
Worried that you will bully him?

"Yiyi, come here." Standing a few meters away, Shan Yisheng stopped, looked at Yao Yiyi, and slowly reached out to her.

If you still love me, you come here.

Don't stand with other men, even if there is no relationship, don't stand together, because I will be jealous.

Looking at Shan Yisheng's expression, Yao Yiyi couldn't help being a little flustered, and wanted to go there, but unconsciously remembered the scene she saw at the airport that day.

What is he looking for now?
What is the relationship between him and Mo Ziyan?

What is the relationship between her and him now.

The entangled feelings are the most grinding.

Seeing that Yao Yiyi didn't move, Shan Yisheng suppressed the bitterness in his heart, raised his foot and slowly approached her.

Then domineeringly pulled Yao Yiyi to his side, Yao Yiyi was unsteady, and fell into his embrace in some embarrassment.

"Yiyi!" Seeing this scene, Chu Cheng anxiously wanted to step forward, but when he saw Yao Yiyi shyly embracing his arms, he retracted his half-stretched hand.

Shan Yisheng cast a cold look at Chu Cheng, hugged Yao Yiyi and turned around to leave.

After realizing it, she wanted to obsessively follow him for a few steps before remembering to resist, struggling in his words: "Shan Yisheng, where are you taking me, let me go!"

"Impossible." Shan Yisheng's arms tightened, and he spit out a few words lightly. Although the emotional ups and downs were not great, his eyes were stained with meaning and anger.

As soon as Yao Yi thought that his warm embrace had once wrapped Mo Ziyan, his heart was blocked, and he struggled even harder.

"Yiyi, don't make a fuss, go out to dinner with me, I'm so tired recently." At this time, the two of them had already arrived in the car, and the two of them were sitting in the back seat. He buried his head in her hair, smelling She smells good.

Don't make trouble, I will be tired too.

Yao Yiyi's struggling movements slowed down slowly, she lowered her head slightly to look at the top of Shan Yisheng's head, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to help him comb his somewhat messy hair.

His hair was very soft and comfortable to the touch. At this moment, she wanted to shed tears.

Shan Yisheng seemed to be asleep, with his eyes closed and not speaking, his breathing was steady and shallow.

Qin Huimei, who was driving, looked at Yao Yiyi from the rearview mirror: "The president has been very busy in the company these days, and he just relaxed a little today. He will come to you as soon as he gets off work."

Yao Yiyi remained expressionless as if she hadn't heard it, but her hands paused, she lowered her eyes, and her emotions were turbulent.

Qin Meihui looked away from Yao Yiyi without saying a word, why should these two people torture each other.

The car stopped at the entrance of a Chinese restaurant. Shan Yisheng seemed to have really fallen asleep and showed no sign of waking up. Yao Yiyi also let him go on like this, without any intention of waking him up.

A low-key black car parked at the door of the restaurant would not attract the attention of others at all, Yao Yiyi looked out of the car window, people coming and going, his breathing was so real.

The carriage was very quiet, Shan Yisheng's eyelashes fluttered gently, in fact, he was not asleep at all, he was just greedy for that kind of tenderness, he thought she would wake him up when he got there, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't. shout.

Gently opened his eyes, Shan Yisheng changed into a comfortable posture, if the two of them could continue to get along like this, how red would it be.

He is greedy for such quietness, only her and him.

Yao Yiyi thought that Shan Yisheng had already woken up, so he put away the expression on his face, turned his head and looked out the window.

After waiting for a long time, Shan Yisheng did not stand up, she slowly looked away, feeling that she was really a little funny.

She obviously cared about him, so she insisted on pretending not to care.

When did she become so duplicity?
It's just what he looks like if he doesn't say what he says.

Qin Meihui was also very patient sitting in the front. She actually knew that Shan Yisheng hadn't fallen asleep. After following him for so many years, she naturally knew a little about his habits. How could he fall asleep in this kind of place.

It took a long time for Shan Yisheng to stand up, with a slight smile on his face, he leaned lazily on Yao Yiyi's body, breathing in her ears: "Yiyi, are you hungry?"

Yao Yiyi shuddered, his whole body was stiff, and he didn't even dare to look at him.

"Let's get out of the car and go eat when we're hungry?" Shan Yisheng didn't say anything else, opened the car door and pulled Yao Yiyi's men out of the car.

After staying in the car for so long, the air conditioner inside was turned on high, so when Yao Yiyi just got out of the car, he couldn't help but hugged his arms and trembled. Shan Yisheng opened one side of his coat and said softly to her: " come on in."

Yao Yiyi remained silent.

Shan Yisheng frowned slightly, approached Yao Yiyi, pulled her into his arms, and wrapped her in a coat. Her body was small, and she didn't feel crowded.

The two of them got very close, Yao Yiyi's face was slowly turning red, and his ears were also warming up instantly, but the expression of the man next to him was still calm.

Shan Yisheng quietly put his hands behind his back and made a gesture to Qin Meihui. Qin Meihui smiled knowingly, started the engine and drove away.

"Yiyi, what do you want to eat?" Yao Yiyi was shy as soon as he entered the restaurant, struggling to leave Shan Yisheng's warm embrace, who just frowned slightly and hugged her even tighter.

Seeing that she was struggling, he changed the subject, trying to distract her.

Sure enough, Yao Yiyi stopped what he was doing, raised his eyes and looked at him: "I'm free, you can order whatever you want."

Shan Yisheng couldn't help lowering his head and laughing, he clearly remembered what she liked to eat, so why bother to ask her.

Chu Cheng watched Shan Yisheng drive away with Yao Yiyi. Although he was a little annoyed, he didn't say what it was. After all, he knew it. In her heart, she was definitely willing to go with him.

However, his heart was really hurting.

Although at the beginning, he still couldn't tell whether he approached her because of He Qing's orders or his own intentions, but it seems that now he fully understands.

He walked back slowly, thinking of his parents at home, and took out his mobile phone to call them.

In this world, not only the fittest survive, but the rich must survive.

(End of this chapter)

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