Chapter 162
The most hateful thing is that not only can't win him over, but also can't do anything to him, now he is still working for He Qing, if he makes any mistakes, He Qing will definitely know.

"Sheng, I haven't seen you for so long, why do I think your spirit is getting better and better!" Xiang Heng took a sip of the wine in his hand, and looked at the water in Shan Yisheng's hand with a smile on his eyes. , Come to a place like a bar to order water, he is probably No.1 in history.

Shan Yisheng glanced at him angrily, did not speak, but there was no sullen expression on his face.

He shook the water in his hand, and squinted at Xiang Heng beside him: "Haven't you been with the beauty all the time, why do you have time to call me out today?"

Ever since he and Meng Weini confirmed their relationship, they seldom got together, not to say that they value sex over friends, but even if he asked him out because of Meng Weini's presence, he always refused.

Xiang Heng choked for a moment, and didn't know what to say. Recently, he was indeed getting close to Meng Weini. That girl, despite her usual arrogance, has a lot of male friends around her, right? Seeing her walking with a man, the point is that they are almost the same. Every time he remembers today, he thinks that he may meet again next time. God knows that the people he meets next time will be people who have never met.

Speaking of ordinary friends, even ordinary friends, as long as they are men, he will not be at ease.

Shan Yisheng didn't seem to expect Xiang Heng to answer him, he raised his head slightly, and looked at a group of people on the stage dancing wildly with blurred eyes. They seemed to have taken medicine and lost consciousness. Move your body to the music.

"Heng, I've decided to get back together with Yiyi." Shan Yisheng still didn't turn his head, but his eyes became clearer. He slowly tightened his hand holding the water glass, and then drank it calmly. a mouthful.

Although Xiang Heng had some differences with his decision, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, every decision he made was for Yi Yi's benefit.

"I knew it would be like this when we met last time. Go, Sheng, and find Dodo back to me. You are important people to me. I don't want the two of you to be alone. None of them are happy." Xiang Heng looked serious, glanced at the dance floor, and then looked away.

In fact, he doesn't like places like bars, but in this big city, life is too busy. Living in such a city of steel and concrete, he always needs to find a place to improve his living environment.

"However, I left you one by one before because I misunderstood that you were with her because of the company, not because you liked her. Tell me, will she still agree to be with you now?"

Shan Yisheng withdrew his gaze, put down the cup in his hand, and leaned comfortably on the sofa: "Since I have already made up my mind, I won't think about whether she agrees or not. I know from the past few days that she has a relationship with me. Emotional, and." Shan Yisheng paused, a little hesitant whether he should continue talking, and finally his eyes flashed, and he still said: "I have already had a relationship with Yiyi."

Xiang Heng was originally drinking with his head up, but was startled by his words, and then asked him with some gossip and curiosity: "Where is it? Singapore?"

Shan Yisheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked up at him with a smile: "How do you know?"

"During this period of time, you have been busy with things in the company, so you don't have time to care about emotional matters, so I guess it should be when you were in Singapore. Besides, you went to Singapore specially for Duo Duo, Wouldn't it be in vain if you didn't gain anything?" Xiang Heng looked at Shan Yisheng with a half-smile, saying that he was joking, but there was a trace of clarity in his eyes.

The work is coming to an end, and the workload has also increased, but Yao Yiyi looked at the pile of documents in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Now should be the time when she is very busy, but she just can't read these documents.

Last night, Shan Yisheng sent her home, and sent her to the door of Yao's mansion, and refused to leave.

Yao Yi found it funny when he saw him holding his hand and staring straight at him, like a kid who was still studying, sending his girlfriend home but he was reluctant to leave.

She urged him to leave, and finally he pressed a kiss on her lips before he was willing to leave.

Before turning around, he whispered in her ear: "Yiyi, how about we be together? I was very serious when I said this." Her heartbeat started to speed up.

"Yiyi!" Chu Cheng suddenly appeared from behind Yao Yiyi, with a loud voice, successfully scaring her, "Why are you so dazed at work, be careful that your salary will be deducted."

Yao Yiyi came back to his senses, patted his chest and glanced at him angrily, he was really frightened.

"What are you doing."

"It's nothing, it's just that it's time for dinner. I just came over to ask you to eat, and I saw you in a daze." After speaking, he bumped Yao Yiyi's shoulder, "What are you thinking?"

Yao Yiyi suppressed the emotions in his eyes, shook his head: "No, let's go eat."

After speaking, he stood up and was about to leave. After walking a few steps, he found that Chu Cheng hadn't followed his footsteps, so he turned to look at him: "Why don't you leave?"

Chu Cheng lowered his head at first, and was obviously helpless when he heard this question. He curled up his mouth and said, "Yi Yi, you just went to work not long ago, where is it time to eat, you trust others so easily, be careful that you will be sold out Oh."

Yao Yi was stunned for a moment, took out his phone to check the time, it was still very early.

She walked back angrily: "Can you be serious when you go to work?" Then she tilted her head and thought about it, and answered him seriously, "I may not believe others, but I believe you will not! "

Chu Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't even dare to look at her.

In the past, he used her to deceive her for his own benefit, but now when she raised her head and asked innocently if she would deceive her, he felt particularly guilty.

"Not anymore."

No more in the future, even the deceit in the past will be because of involuntary, those things that have done to hurt you, even if I owe you, one day I will make it up.

"So, why should I doubt you?" Yao Yiyi asked back as it should be, but he didn't take it seriously, and began to read the document seriously. Chu Cheng moved his lips watching her bowing her head and carefully flipping through the document, but Without saying anything, he walked away leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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