Chief chasing love: sky-high engagement

Chapter 163 Knowing how to refuse

Chapter 163 Knowing how to refuse
Although the two of them haven't confirmed that they want to be together, the relationship between the two has eased a lot after that night, and they occasionally talk on the phone, but they haven't seen each other.

Every time Yao Yiyi had complicated emotions in her heart, she said from the bottom of her heart that she liked him and longed to be with him, but the grudge in her heart still couldn't be wiped away.

Regarding his use of her, he said there was a reason, but he didn't explain it now.

He asked himself if he was jealous of Mo Ziyan, but he didn't explain the relationship between the two of them to himself.

Sighing lightly, Yao Yiyi stroked his forehead, feeling that he has been so restless recently that he doesn't even have time to take care of his work.

Fortunately, tomorrow is the annual leave, but if the annual leave is really taken, will there be more time to think wildly.

The annual leave will be officially off after work tomorrow, so she only needs to read the documents hoarded on her desk today and tomorrow, and at the same time hand over some work matters, and she will have nothing to do.

Sighing again, Yao Yiyi put down the pen in his hand and checked the data on the computer.

"Yiyi, why are you sighing so early in the morning?"

Meng Weini walked up to Yao Yiyi, with an inexplicable smile on her face, Yao Yiyi didn't pay attention, and glanced at her slightly: "It's nothing."

Meng Weini didn't ask any further questions, she found a seat and sat down beside her, looked at the documents on her desk, and frowned slightly: "What's the matter with you, you're going to be on holiday tomorrow, and there are still documents on the desk. There are so many documents, who gave it to you." While talking, he flipped through the documents casually, with some disgust in his eyes, "Did it be intentional!"

"No way." Yao Yiyi paused, his eyes flickered, and he continued to look down at the computer.

Seeing Yao Yiyi always acting obediently, Meng Weini didn't seem to know how to resist, so she moved her head to her side so that her gaze was directly on her: "Yao Yiyi, although you are from the Yao family , this Yao family is also your company, but when you should refuse, you must know how to refuse! Do you know?"

She is also working in the company, and she knows some things. After all, she is in the same company. Every time she hears what others are talking about, what list Yao Yiyi talked about, and which contract she signed, she always feels that something is wrong. She is busy alone.

Yao Yiyi nodded absent-mindedly, and Meng Weini became annoyed when she saw that she was dealing with it carelessly, and leaned down slightly: "Yao Yiyi, did you hear me?"

"Yes." Yao Yiyi nodded with dodge in his eyes, "Of course I have, but now I still have to read the documents, and I don't have much time to chat. We'll be at noon..."

"Okay, okay, I know the documents all day long, so I'll go first!" Meng Weini deliberately made an angry look, turned around and left, Yao Yiyi shook her head helplessly, she knew she was not angry.

She looked back and looked at the documents under her hand, feeling uncomfortable. She didn't want to find so many things for herself and take care of so many things, but what Meng Weini said was good. She always does it here. They all accepted it at will, just because this company belonged to his father in the first place, and she couldn't let it go to waste because of her father's hard work.

Biting my lip, no matter what, no matter what I do for my father, it is worth it!
He Qing and Lin Mowan rested at home early, and before leaving, He Qing carried the bright red bag on her back: "Yi Yi, Mom is going back first, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and there are many things at home, you should look at the company first, If you need anything, just call me, okay?"

Yao Yi didn't even raise his head, and gave a faint acknowledgment, without stopping the movement of his hands.

He Qing's complexion changed again and again, and in the end she didn't say anything, she glanced at her with a somewhat sinister look, and walked away.

Standing not far away, Lin Mowan saw He Qing walking towards her with an unkind expression. She saw everything just now, so she took the opportunity to whisper in He Qing's ear: "Mom, this He Qing is too arrogant. Her attitude towards you It's no different from how you treat me!"

He Qing's mood was not very good, and her face became even darker when she said this, but she didn't say a word. After all, she couldn't find any other better way.

Do you want her to tie Yao Yiyi up, coerce and lure her in various ways, and ask her if Yao Qixiong left her property?

She still knew Yao Yiyi's character, she was soft but not hard, if they were tougher on her, she might ignore herself even more.

Seeing that He Qing didn't speak, Lin Mowan didn't say anything more, she followed behind He Qing and gave Yao Yi a vicious look.

"Mom, let's go abroad for the annual vacation this year!" Lin Mowan turned her head and looked at He Qing beside her, her face full of anticipation. In the past, I would go abroad every Chinese New Year, and this year should not be an exception.

He Qing retracted her gaze from looking sideways out of the window, thought for a moment, then shook her head: "I won't go."

"Ah? Why?" Didn't she go every year before? Why didn't she go this year? It's a pity that she bought the clothes for the vacation early.

He Qing looked at her calmly, and asked in an unclear way: "So you mean, it doesn't matter even if you go with Yao Yiyi?"

Lin Mowan stared and choked, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"This time Yao Yiyi returned to Yao's house. Although we said that we have other purposes, but at present, if we treat her with the same attitude as before, we don't know when we will get the property. Mo Wan, you also say You don't want to see Yao Yiyi again, wouldn't it be better if we got the property earlier and let Yao Yiyi leave earlier?" He Qing followed the temptation, and what she said was very tempting, Lin Mowan thought about it, and although she was not happy, she still agreed up.

After all, what He Qing said really spoke to her heart.

Taking a vacation in exchange for her early departure, she felt it was worth it.

That bitch, she really didn't want to see her again.

"Okay, if you really listen to mom's words, listen to mom again, don't always trouble Yao Yiyi, no matter how angry you are, you have to put it aside first, you know, you see Now, isn't mom like this, when the stepmother succeeds, I won't stop you from doing anything you want!"

Lin Mowan listened silently, and suddenly thought of something, she turned her head to look at He Qing: "Mom, anyway, most of Yao's property is in our hands now, why do you still count on her little property, it is not as good as ours ..."

"What are you talking about!" He Qing scolded her angrily, "What are you talking about? Help, we're not on the brink yet!
"If there are any other documents, bring them to me together." Shan Yisheng looked at Qin Meihui, and handed her all the documents that had been processed.

Qin Meihui accepted the document obediently, and at the same time looked at him with a puzzled frown: "President, hasn't your relationship with Yiyi improved a lot recently? Now why..."

Why don't you go to her again? Isn't the common saying saying strike while the iron is hot, but now he still hasn't made any movement.

Shan Yisheng smiled faintly and did not speak. Qin Meihui waited for a while, thinking that he would not answer her, turned around to leave, but was stopped by Shan Yisheng.

"Go and check for me, whether the plane ticket to Italy on the 25th is fully booked."

"Yes." Qin Meihui nodded, thought for a while and then asked him, "Is there any arrangement for the 25th?" Why can't she remember.

Shan Yisheng put down the pen in his hand and smiled faintly, his eyes rolled, Qin Meihui was in a daze for a moment.

"I'm going to go on vacation." When he said this, there was no expression on his face, but she could see the expectation in his eyes clearly.

Meihui understood, and asked with a little smile on her face, "You don't know Yiyi?"

"Well, I want to give her a surprise!" Shan Yisheng didn't hide anything, maybe because he was in a good mood.

Qin Meihui nodded, without saying anything, the document in her hand left the office door.

It's no wonder that after the two of them met that day, he was still busy with work all day long, instead of looking for Yao Yiyi. It turned out that he wanted to finish the work at hand earlier, so that he could spend time with Yao Yiyi and go on vacation.

As a woman, Qin Meihui really envied Yao Yiyi. After all, to have a man who loved her so much, thinking about how she was still alone, who would believe it if she said she didn't envy her.

Shan Yisheng looked at the pen in her hand in a daze, what is she doing now?

After parting with Yao Yiyi that night, when he returned to the company the next day, he would advance all the schedules just to make room for the schedule.

Taking out the phone and casually playing with it, Shan Yisheng narrowed his eyes and dialed the phone number on the first seat.

The phone was picked up quickly, Shan Yisheng raised the corners of his lips and smiled in satisfaction, recently when he called her, he would always answer it quickly.

"Yiyi." His voice was gentle, full of doting, even if he didn't see him, Yao Yiyi could guess the charming smile on his face.


"I miss you." Shan Yisheng put down the pen in his hand, stood up and walked to the window, lowered his head slightly, overlooking the whole city, with tall buildings everywhere, with her voice in his ears, at this moment, he actually felt like this satisfy.

The movements of Yao Yiyi's hands paused, and his heart beat instantly accelerated.

She really felt that he was doing it on purpose. She had no intention of working because of him, but now she made such a phone call, which made her even more uneasy.

"I..." Not knowing what to say, Yao Yiyi stammered a bit. Although he said something that would allow her to be with him, he didn't give any clear answer, so it wasn't considered as being together.

(End of this chapter)

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